Note: this list is generated by looking for the string for this theme hook, so it may include some references that are not actually using this theme hook.
- admin_bar_links_menu in core/
modules/ admin_bar/ - Build the administration bar as renderable menu links.
- admin_bar_merge_tree in core/
modules/ admin_bar/ - Walk through the entire menu tree and merge in expanded dynamic menu links.
- admin_bar_translate in core/
modules/ admin_bar/ - Translate an expanded router item into a menu link suitable for rendering.
- ajax_example_render_link_ra in modules/
examples/ ajax_example/ - AJAX-enabled link in a renderable array.
- ajax_pre_render_element in core/
includes/ - Adds Ajax information about an element to communicate with JavaScript.
- ajax_test_dialog_contents in core/
modules/ simpletest/ tests/ ajax_test.module - Menu callback: Returns the contents for dialogs opened by ajax_test_dialog().
- Archive_Tar::_extractInString in core/
modules/ system/ - This method extract from the archive one file identified by $p_filename. The return value is a string with the file content, or null on error.
- Archive_Tar::_readHeader in core/
modules/ system/ - backdrop_add_html_head_link in core/
includes/ - Adds a LINK tag with a distinct 'rel' attribute to the page's HEAD.
- backdrop_add_html_head_link in core/
includes/ - Adds a LINK tag with a distinct 'rel' attribute to the page's HEAD.
- backdrop_common_theme in core/
includes/ - Provides theme registration for themes across .inc files.
- backdrop_pre_render_styles in core/
includes/ - Pre-render callback: Adds the elements needed for CSS tags to be rendered.
- block_admin_configure in core/
modules/ block/ - Form constructor for the block configuration form.
- book_block_view in core/
modules/ book/ book.module - Implements hook_block_view().
- book_children in core/
modules/ book/ book.module - Formats the menu links for the child pages of the current page.
- book_prev in core/
modules/ book/ book.module - Fetches the menu link for the previous page of the book.
- book_theme in core/
modules/ book/ book.module - Implements hook_theme().
- ckeditor5_ckeditor5_plugins in core/
modules/ ckeditor5/ ckeditor5.module - Implements hook_ckeditor5_plugins().
- ckeditor5_get_config in core/
modules/ ckeditor5/ ckeditor5.module - Editor JS settings callback; Add CKEditor config to the page for a format.
- ckeditor5_upgrade_form in core/
modules/ ckeditor5/ - Form callback for upgrading a text format from CKEditor 4 to CKEditor 5.
- ckeditor_ckeditor_plugins in core/
modules/ ckeditor/ ckeditor.module - Implements hook_ckeditor_plugins().
- ckeditor_get_settings in core/
modules/ ckeditor/ ckeditor.module - Editor JS settings callback; Add CKEditor settings to the page for a format.
- in core/
themes/ bartik/ color/ - in core/
themes/ basis/ color/ - comment_admin_overview in core/
modules/ comment/ - Form constructor for the comment overview administration form.
- comment_form in core/
modules/ comment/ comment.module - Form constructor for the basic commenting form.
- CommonBackdropRenderTestCase::testBackdropRenderFormElements in core/
modules/ simpletest/ tests/ common.test - Test rendering form elements without passing through form_builder().
- config_diff_page in core/
modules/ config/ - Shows diff of specified configuration file.
- config_sync_form in core/
modules/ config/ - Form callback; Build the form for syncing all staged configuration.
- confirm_form in core/
modules/ system/ system.module - Generates a form array for a confirmation form.
- contact_category_edit_form in core/
modules/ contact/ - Form constructor for the category edit form.
- dashboard-panel.tpl.php in core/
modules/ dashboard/ templates/ dashboard-panel.tpl.php - Output for a Dashboard panel.
- DashboardContentTypesBlock::getContent in core/
modules/ dashboard/ includes/ - Return the content of a block.
- DashboardMenuBlock::getContent in core/
modules/ dashboard/ includes/ - Return the content of a block.
- DashboardOverviewContentBlock::getContent in core/
modules/ dashboard/ includes/ - Return the content of a block.
- DashboardOverviewUserBlock::getContent in core/
modules/ dashboard/ includes/ - Return the content of a block.
- DashboardTaxonomyBlock::getContent in core/
modules/ dashboard/ includes/ - Return the content of a block.
- DashboardUpdateBlock::getContent in core/
modules/ dashboard/ includes/ - Return the content of a block.
- date_theme in core/
modules/ date/ date.module - Implements hook_theme().
- DBLogTestCase::generateLogEntries in core/
modules/ dblog/ tests/ dblog.test - Generates a number of random database log events.
- DBLogTestCase::testDBLogAddAndClear in core/
modules/ dblog/ tests/ dblog.test - Tests the addition and clearing of log events through the admin interface.
- DBLogTestCase::testDBLogCorrupted in core/
modules/ dblog/ tests/ dblog.test - Tests corrupted log entries can still display available data.
- DBLogTestCase::testDBLogException in core/
modules/ dblog/ tests/ dblog.test - Verifies that exceptions are caught in dblog_watchdog().
- DBLogTestCase::testLogMessageSanitized in core/
modules/ dblog/ tests/ dblog.test - Make sure HTML tags are filtered out in the log detail page.
- dblog_overview in core/
modules/ dblog/ - Page callback: Displays a listing of database log messages.
- dblog_schema in core/
modules/ dblog/ dblog.install - Implements hook_schema().
- dblog_watchdog in core/
modules/ dblog/ dblog.module - Implements hook_watchdog().
- entityreference_field_formatter_info in core/
modules/ entityreference/ entityreference.module - Implements hook_field_formatter_info().
- entityreference_field_formatter_settings_form in core/
modules/ entityreference/ entityreference.module - Implements hook_field_formatter_settings_form().
- entityreference_field_formatter_settings_summary in core/
modules/ entityreference/ entityreference.module - Implements hook_field_formatter_settings_summary().
- entityreference_field_formatter_view in core/
modules/ entityreference/ entityreference.module - Implements hook_field_formatter_view().
- field_ui_field_overview_form in core/
modules/ field_ui/ - Form constructor for the 'Manage fields' form of a bundle.
- file_add_form in core/
modules/ file/ - Form callback for adding a file via an upload form.
- file_managed_file_browser_form in core/
modules/ file/ file.module - Form to submit a file selected in the file browser.
- file_manage_form in core/
modules/ file/ - Page callback: Form constructor for the file manage form.
- FilterEditorLinkValidateTestCase::testEditorLinkValidate in core/
modules/ filter/ tests/ filter_dialog.test - Check function _filter_format_editor_link_url_validate().
- filter_admin_format_filter_settings_form in core/
modules/ filter/ - Returns the configuration form for an individual configurable filter.
- filter_menu in core/
modules/ filter/ filter.module - Implements hook_menu().
- hook_editor_EDITOR_settings in core/
modules/ filter/ filter.api.php - Settings callback for hook_editor_info().
- hook_editor_EDITOR_settings in core/
modules/ filter/ filter.api.php - Settings callback for hook_editor_info().
- hook_editor_info in core/
modules/ filter/ filter.api.php - Define text editors, such as WYSIWYGs or toolbars to assist with text input.
- hook_search_execute in core/
modules/ search/ search.api.php - Execute a search for a set of key words.
- hook_watchdog in core/
modules/ system/ system.api.php - Log an event message.
- image_effect_form in core/
modules/ image/ - Form builder; Form for adding and editing image effects.
- installer_browser_add_remove_queue_link in core/
modules/ installer/ - Builds the add/remove project to install queue link.
- installer_browser_installation_enable_form in core/
modules/ installer/ - Form builder for the select versions form.
- installer_browser_installation_select_versions_form in core/
modules/ installer/ - Form builder for the select versions form.
- installer_browser_install_button_form in core/
modules/ installer/ - Shows an install button for the Install Queue block.
- installer_browser_manual_install_link in core/
modules/ installer/ - Shows the link to open the manual install dialog.
- installer_manager_update_form in core/
modules/ installer/ - Form constructor for the update form of the Installer module.
- language_negotiation_configure_form_table in core/
modules/ locale/ - Helper function to build a language provider table.
- layout_flexible_template_delete_form in core/
modules/ layout/ - Menu callback; Delete a flexible template.
- layout_reorder_form in core/
modules/ layout/ - Reorder the order of layouts at the same path.
- LinkAttributeCrudTest::testFormatters in core/
modules/ link/ tests/ link.attribute.test - Test the link_plain formatter and it's output.
- LinkBaseTestClass::setUp in core/
modules/ link/ tests/ link.test - Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests.
- LinkValidateUnitTest::setUp in core/
modules/ link/ tests/ link.validate.test - Sets up unit test environment.
- link_element_info in core/
modules/ link/ link.module - Implements hook_element_info().
- link_field_info in core/
modules/ link/ link.module - Implements hook_field_info().
- link_field_widget_info in core/
modules/ link/ link.module - Implements hook_field_widget_info().
- locale_form_language_admin_overview_form_alter in core/
modules/ locale/ locale.module - Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for language_admin_overview_form().
- MenuBreadcrumbTestCase::testBreadCrumbs in core/
modules/ simpletest/ tests/ menu.test - Tests breadcrumbs on node and administrative paths.
- MenuTreeDataTestCase::testMenuTreeData in core/
modules/ simpletest/ tests/ menu.test - Validate the generation of a proper menu tree hierarchy.
- menu_form_node_form_alter in core/
modules/ menu/ menu.module - Implements hook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter().
- menu_navigation_links in core/
includes/ - Returns an array of links for a navigation menu.
- menu_set_active_trail in core/
includes/ - Sets the active trail (path to the menu tree root) of the current page.
- menu_tree_collect_node_links in core/
includes/ - Collects node links from a given menu tree recursively.
- menu_tree_output in core/
includes/ - Returns an output structure for rendering a menu tree.
- menu_update_parent_options_ajax in core/
modules/ menu/ menu.module - Ajax callback to replace the menu item parent options.
- node_feed in core/
modules/ node/ node.module - Page callback: Generates and prints an RSS feed.
- node_form in core/
modules/ node/ - Form constructor for the node add/edit form.
- node_preview_banner_form in core/
modules/ node/ - Get the preview form selection box.
- node_search_execute in core/
modules/ node/ node.module - Implements hook_search_execute().
- node_type_form in core/
modules/ node/ - Form constructor for the node type editing form.
- node_views_data in core/
modules/ node/ views/ - Implements hook_views_data().
- path_admin_form in core/
modules/ path/ - Form builder; Main URL alias pattern administration form.
- redirect_edit_form in core/
modules/ redirect/ - Form builder to add or edit an URL redirect.
- restore_backup_form in core/
restore.php - Form constructor for the list of available database module updates.
- search_extra_type_search_execute in core/
modules/ search/ tests/ search_extra_type/ search_extra_type.module - Implements hook_search_execute().
- search_reindex_confirm in core/
modules/ search/ - Menu callback: confirm rebuilding of the index.
- simpletest_result_form in core/
modules/ simpletest/ - Test results form for $test_id.
- syslog_watchdog in core/
modules/ syslog/ syslog.module - Implements hook_watchdog().
- system_element_info in core/
modules/ system/ system.module - Implements hook_element_info().
- system_menu in core/
modules/ system/ system.module - Implements hook_menu().
- system_menu_block_form in core/
modules/ system/ - Returns the configuration form for a menu tree.
- system_menu_block_form in core/
modules/ system/ - Returns the configuration form for a menu tree.
- system_menu_tree_prune_tree in core/
modules/ system/ - Prune a tree so that it begins at the specified level.
- system_menu_tree_trim_active_path in core/
modules/ system/ - Trim everything but the active trail in the tree.
- system_modules in core/
modules/ system/ - Menu callback; provides module enable/disable interface.
- system_requirements in core/
modules/ system/ system.install - Implements hook_requirements().
- system_update_1042 in core/
modules/ system/ system.install - Notify administrators if a non-core version of Link module is present.
- system_utf8mb4_convert_form in core/
modules/ system/ - Form to convert existing database tables to utf8mb4 if supported.
- taxonomy_field_formatter_info in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ taxonomy.module - Implements hook_field_formatter_info().
- taxonomy_field_formatter_view in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ taxonomy.module - Implements hook_field_formatter_view().
- taxonomy_form_term in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ - Form function for the term edit form.
- taxonomy_form_vocabulary in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ - Form builder for the vocabulary editing form.
- taxonomy_overview_terms in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ - Form builder for the taxonomy terms overview.
- taxonomy_term_feed in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ - Generate the content feed for a taxonomy term.
- template_preprocess_date_views_pager in core/
modules/ date/ - Preprocess function for Date pager template.
- template_preprocess_search_results in core/
modules/ search/ - Process variables for search-results.tpl.php.
- template_preprocess_views_ui_display_tab_setting in core/
modules/ views_ui/ - template_preprocess_views_view_row_rss in core/
modules/ views/ templates/ - Default theme function for all RSS rows.
- template_preprocess_views_view_rss in core/
modules/ views/ templates/ - Preprocess an RSS feed
- theme-settings.php in core/
themes/ basis/ theme-settings.php - Theme settings file for Basis.
- theme_date_nav_title in core/
modules/ date/ - Theme the calendar title.
- theme_entityreference_label in core/
modules/ entityreference/ entityreference.module - Theme label.
- theme_installer_browser_project_description in core/
modules/ installer/ - Builds the truncated description on the project list.
- theme_link_formatter_link_short in core/
modules/ link/ - Formats a link using "Link" as the link text.
- theme_update_report in core/
modules/ update/ - Returns HTML for the project status report.
- update_calculate_project_update_status in core/
modules/ update/ - Calculates the current update status of a specific project.
- user_admin_permissions in core/
modules/ user/ - Menu callback: administer permissions.
- user_admin_role in core/
modules/ user/ - Form to add or configure a single role.
- user_profile_form in core/
modules/ user/ - Form builder; edit a user account.
- user_register_form in core/
modules/ user/ user.module - Form builder; the user registration form.
- user_search_execute in core/
modules/ user/ user.module - Implements hook_search_execute().
- user_tokens in core/
modules/ user/ - Implements hook_tokens().
- user_token_info in core/
modules/ user/ - Implements hook_token_info().
- user_views_data in core/
modules/ user/ views/ - Implements hook_views_data().
- ViewsUiBaseViewsWizard::build_form in core/
modules/ views_ui/ wizards/ views_ui_base_views_wizard.php - For AJAX callbacks to build other elements in the "show" form.
- ViewsUiBaseViewsWizard::page_display_options in core/
modules/ views_ui/ wizards/ views_ui_base_views_wizard.php - views_plugin_query_default::add_relationship in core/
modules/ views/ plugins/ - A relationship is an alternative endpoint to a series of table joins. Relationships must be aliases of the primary table and they must join either to the primary table or to a pre-existing relationship.
- views_plugin_query_default::init in core/
modules/ views/ plugins/ - Constructor; Create the basic query object and fill with default values.
- views_ui_add_form in core/
modules/ views_ui/ - Form builder for the "Add view" page.
- views_ui_get_display_tab_details in core/
modules/ views_ui/ - Helper function to get the display details section of the configure UI.
- views_ui_theme in core/
modules/ views_ui/ views_ui.module - Implements hook_theme().
- watchdog in core/
includes/ - Logs a system message.
- WatchdogTestCase::assertLogMessage in core/
modules/ simpletest/ tests/ bootstrap.test - Verify a log entry was entered. Called in the same way of theme expected original watchdog() execution.
- WatchdogTestCase::assertNoLogMessage in core/
modules/ simpletest/ tests/ bootstrap.test - Verify no log entry was entered. Called in the same way of the expected original watchdog() execution.
- watchdog_skip_semaphore in core/
modules/ simpletest/ tests/ actions_loop_test.module - Replacement of the watchdog() function that eliminates the use of semaphores so that we can test the abortion of an action loop.
- _book_admin_table_tree in core/
modules/ book/ - Helps build the main table in the book administration page form.
- _book_flatten_menu in core/
modules/ book/ book.module - Recursively converts a tree of menu links to a flat array.
- _book_toc_recurse in core/
modules/ book/ book.module - Recursively processes and formats menu items for book_toc().
- _color_rewrite_stylesheet in core/
modules/ color/ color.module - Rewrites the stylesheet to match the colors in the palette.
- _menu_overview_tree_form in core/
modules/ menu/ - Recursive helper function for menu_overview_form().
- _menu_parents_recurse in core/
modules/ menu/ menu.module - Recursive helper function for menu_parent_options().
- _menu_tree_check_access in core/
includes/ - Sorts the menu tree and recursively checks access for each item.
- _menu_tree_data in core/
includes/ - Builds the data representing a menu tree.