1 ckeditor5.module | ckeditor5_get_config($format) |
Editor JS settings callback; Add CKEditor config to the page for a format.
Note that this function uses the term "config" to match that of CKEditor's own terminology. It is not related to Backdrop's configuration system.
See https://ckeditor.com/docs/ckeditor5/latest/installation/getting-started/...
object $format: The filter format object for which CKEditor is adding its config.
- core/
modules/ ckeditor5/ ckeditor5.module, line 939 - Provides integration with the CKEditor WYSIWYG editor.
function ckeditor5_get_config($format) {
// Static cache the configuration per format. This function is called once per
// filtered text field on the page.
$ckeditor5_configs = &backdrop_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
$format_id = $format->name;
if (isset($ckeditor5_configs[$format_id])) {
return $ckeditor5_configs[$format_id];
global $language;
// Loop through all available plugins and check to see if it has been
// explicitly enabled. At the same time, associate each plugin with its
// buttons (if any) so we can check if the plugin should be enabled implicitly
// based on the toolbar.
$plugin_info = ckeditor5_plugins();
$all_buttons = array();
$plugins = array();
$pseudo_plugins = array();
foreach ($plugin_info as $plugin_name => $plugin) {
// Check if this plugin should be enabled.
if (isset($plugin['enabled_callback'])) {
if ($plugin['enabled_callback'] === TRUE || $plugin['enabled_callback']($format, $plugin_name)) {
$plugins[] = $plugin_name;
if (!empty($plugin['pseudo_plugin'])) {
$pseudo_plugins[] = $plugin_name;
// Enable other plugins this plugin depends on.
if (isset($plugin['plugin_dependencies'])) {
// Add the plugin and its dependencies to the list of plugins.
$plugins = array_merge($plugin['plugin_dependencies'], $plugins);
// Associate each button with its providing plugin.
if (isset($plugin['buttons'])) {
foreach ($plugin['buttons'] as $button_name => &$button) {
$button['plugin'] = $plugin;
$button['plugin']['name'] = $plugin_name;
$all_buttons = array_merge($all_buttons, $plugin['buttons']);
// Record needed plugins based on use in the toolbar.
$toolbar = array();
foreach ($format->editor_settings['toolbar'] as $button_name) {
// Sanity check that the button exists in our installation.
if (isset($all_buttons[$button_name])) {
// Add in the button parent's overall plugin and its dependencies.
if (isset($all_buttons[$button_name]['plugin']['name'])) {
$plugin_name = $all_buttons[$button_name]['plugin']['name'];
$plugins[] = $plugin_name;
if (isset($plugin_info[$plugin_name]['plugin_dependencies'])) {
$plugins = array_merge($plugin_info[$plugin_name]['plugin_dependencies'], $plugins);
// Add in plugin dependencies for this specific button.
if (isset($all_buttons[$button_name]['plugin_dependencies'])) {
$plugins = array_merge($all_buttons[$button_name]['plugin_dependencies'], $plugins);
$toolbar[] = $button_name;
// Remove duplicates from the plugin list (as happens with dependencies).
$plugins = array_unique($plugins);
// Initialize reasonable defaults that provide expected basic behavior.
$config = array(
'language' => $language->langcode,
'toolbar' => array(
'items' => $toolbar,
'shouldNotGroupWhenFull' => TRUE,
// Plugin list is not a "real" CKEditor configuration value. It is converted
// from an array of strings to variables references in the ckeditor5-dll.js
// file. Exclude the pseudo-plugins that are configuration-only.
'pluginList' => array_values(array_diff($plugins, $pseudo_plugins)),
// Add default settings from plugins.
foreach ($plugins as $plugin_name) {
if (isset($plugin_info[$plugin_name]['config'])) {
$config = backdrop_array_merge_deep($config, $plugin_info[$plugin_name]['config']);
// Add "allow" and "disallow" for CKEditor GeneralHtmlSupportConfig to apply
// settings from the Filter module. Prevents data loss for content not handled
// by editor plugins.
$config['htmlSupport'] = array();
list($config['htmlSupport']['allow'], $config['htmlSupport']['disallow']) = _ckeditor5_get_generic_html_settings($format);
// Create a token for access to dialogs.
if (in_array('backdropLink.BackdropLink', $plugins)) {
$link_token = filter_editor_dialog_token($format, 'link');
$config['backdropLink']['dialogUrl'] = url('editor/dialog/link/' . $format->format, array('query' => array(
'token' => $link_token,
'calling_path' => $_GET['q'],
$config['backdropLink']['buttonLabel'] = t('Advanced');
if (in_array('backdropImage.BackdropImage', $plugins)) {
$image_token = filter_editor_dialog_token($format, 'image');
$config['backdropImage']['dialogUrl'] = url('editor/dialog/image/' . $format->format, array('query' => array(
'token' => $image_token,
'calling_path' => $_GET['q'],
$config['backdropImage']['uploadUrl'] = url('ckeditor5/upload/image/' . $format->format, array('query' => array(
'token' => $image_token,
'calling_path' => $_GET['q'],
// Add the style list if configured.
if (in_array('style.Style', $plugins)) {
if (!empty($format->editor_settings['style_list'])) {
$style_list = $format->editor_settings['style_list'];
$config['style']['definitions'] = $style_list;
// Add heading list if configured.
if (in_array('heading.Heading', $plugins)) {
$html_restrictions = filter_format_allowed_html($format);
$heading_list = $format->editor_settings['heading_list'];
$possible_headings = array(
'h1' => array(
'model' => 'heading1',
'view' => 'h1',
'title' => t('Heading 1'),
'h2' => array(
'model' => 'heading2',
'view' => 'h2',
'title' => t('Heading 2'),
'h3' => array(
'model' => 'heading3',
'view' => 'h3',
'title' => t('Heading 3'),
'h4' => array(
'model' => 'heading4',
'view' => 'h4',
'title' => t('Heading 4'),
'h5' => array(
'model' => 'heading5',
'view' => 'h5',
'title' => t('Heading 5'),
'h6' => array(
'model' => 'heading6',
'view' => 'h6',
'title' => t('Heading 6'),
foreach ($possible_headings as $tag => $heading_config) {
// Remove if not enabled in the editor settings.
if (!in_array($tag, $heading_list)) {
// Or remove if the HTML filter does not allow it.
if (is_array($html_restrictions) && !isset($html_restrictions['allowed'][$tag])) {
$config['heading']['options'] = array_values($possible_headings);
// Add the always required normal paragraph formatting.
array_unshift($config['heading']['options'], array(
'model' => 'paragraph',
'title' => t('Paragraph'),
backdrop_alter('ckeditor5_config', $config, $format);
// Save the configuration into the static variable.
$ckeditor5_configs[$format_id] = $config;
return $ckeditor5_configs[$format_id];