1 config.inc | config($config_file, $type = 'active') |
Retrieves a configuration object.
This is the main entry point to the configuration API. Calling
will return a configuration object in which the book module can store its administrative settings.
string $config_file: The name of the configuration object to retrieve. The name corresponds to an JSON configuration file. For
, the config object returned will contain the contents of book.admin.json.
string $type: (optional) The type of config directory to return. Backdrop core provides 'active' and 'staging'. Defaults to 'active'.
Return value
Config: A Config object containing the specified configuration settings.
- core/
includes/ config.inc, line 26 - This is the API for configuration storage.
function config($config_file, $type = 'active') {
// Use the advanced backdrop_static() pattern, since this is called very often.
static $backdrop_static_fast;
if (!isset($backdrop_static_fast)) {
$backdrop_static_fast['loaded_configs'] = &backdrop_static(__FUNCTION__);
$loaded_configs = &$backdrop_static_fast['loaded_configs'];
if (!isset($loaded_configs[$type][$config_file])) {
$storage = config_get_config_storage($type);
$config = new Config($config_file, $storage);
$cache = $config->get('_config_static');
if ($cache) {
$loaded_configs[$type][$config_file] = $config;
else {
$config = $loaded_configs[$type][$config_file];
return $config;