1 theme.inc theme_link($variables)

Returns HTML for a link.

This is a wrapper around l() to allow for more flexible link theming.

Where performance is more important than theme flexibility, Backdrop code that outputs a link should call the l() function directly, as #theme 'link' implementations have a measurable performance impact.


array $variables: An associative array containing the keys:

  • text: The text of the link.
  • path: The internal path or external URL being linked to. It is used as the $path parameter of the url() function.
  • options: (optional) An array that defaults to empty, but can contain:
    • attributes: Can contain optional attributes:

      • class: must be declared in an array. Example: 'class' => array('class_name1','class_name2').
      • title: must be a string. Example: 'title' => 'Example title'
      • Others are more flexible as long as they work with backdrop_attributes($variables['options']['attributes]).
    • html: Boolean flag that tells whether text contains html or plain text. If not set to TRUE the text value will be sanitized.

The elements $variables['options']['attributes'] and $variables['options']['html'] are used in this function similarly to the way that $options['attributes'] and $options['html'] are used in l(). The link itself is built by the url() function, which takes $variables['path'] and $variables['options'] as arguments.

See also



Related topics


core/includes/theme.inc, line 1862
The theme system, which controls the output of Backdrop.


function theme_link($variables) {
  $rendered_text = is_array($variables['text']) ? backdrop_render($variables['text']) : $variables['text'];
  return l($rendered_text, $variables['path'], $variables['options']);