- <?php
- class BootstrapIPAddressTestCase extends BackdropWebTestCase {
- protected $profile = 'testing';
- * @var string
- */
- protected $oldserver;
- * @var string
- */
- protected $remote_ip;
- * @var string
- */
- protected $proxy_ip;
- * @var string
- */
- protected $proxy2_ip;
- * @var string
- */
- protected $forwarded_ip;
- * @var string
- */
- protected $cluster_ip;
- * @var string
- */
- protected $untrusted_ip;
- function setUp() {
- $this->oldserver = $_SERVER;
- $this->remote_ip = '';
- $this->proxy_ip = '';
- $this->proxy2_ip = '';
- $this->forwarded_ip = '';
- $this->cluster_ip = '';
- $this->untrusted_ip = '';
- backdrop_static_reset('ip_address');
- $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = $this->remote_ip;
- parent::setUp();
- }
- function tearDown() {
- $_SERVER = $this->oldserver;
- backdrop_static_reset('ip_address');
- parent::tearDown();
- }
- * test IP Address and hostname
- */
- function testIPAddressHost() {
- $this->assertTrue(
- ip_address() == $this->remote_ip,
- 'Got remote IP address.'
- );
- $GLOBALS['settings']['reverse_proxy'] = 1;
- $this->assertTrue(
- ip_address() == $this->remote_ip,
- 'Proxy forwarding without trusted proxies got remote IP address.'
- );
- $GLOBALS['settings']['reverse_proxy_addresses'] = array($this->proxy_ip, $this->proxy2_ip);
- backdrop_static_reset('ip_address');
- $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = $this->untrusted_ip;
- $this->assertTrue(
- ip_address() == $this->untrusted_ip,
- 'Proxy forwarding with untrusted proxy got remote IP address.'
- );
- $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = $this->proxy_ip;
- $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] = $this->forwarded_ip;
- backdrop_static_reset('ip_address');
- $this->assertTrue(
- ip_address() == $this->forwarded_ip,
- 'Proxy forwarding with trusted proxy got forwarded IP address.'
- );
- $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = $this->proxy_ip;
- $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] = $this->proxy_ip;
- backdrop_static_reset('ip_address');
- $this->assertTrue(
- ip_address() == $this->proxy_ip,
- 'Visiting from trusted proxy got proxy IP address.'
- );
- $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = $this->proxy_ip;
- $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] = implode(', ', array($this->untrusted_ip, $this->forwarded_ip, $this->proxy2_ip));
- backdrop_static_reset('ip_address');
- $this->assertTrue(
- ip_address() == $this->forwarded_ip,
- 'Proxy forwarding with trusted 2-tier proxy got forwarded IP address.'
- );
- $GLOBALS['settings']['reverse_proxy_header'] = 'HTTP_X_CLUSTER_CLIENT_IP';
- $_SERVER['HTTP_X_CLUSTER_CLIENT_IP'] = $this->cluster_ip;
- backdrop_static_reset('ip_address');
- $this->assertTrue(
- ip_address() == $this->cluster_ip,
- 'Cluster environment got cluster client IP.'
- );
- $this->assertFalse(backdrop_valid_http_host('security/.backdropcms.org:80'), 'HTTP_HOST with / is invalid');
- $this->assertFalse(backdrop_valid_http_host('security\\.backdropcms.org:80'), 'HTTP_HOST with \\ is invalid');
- $this->assertFalse(backdrop_valid_http_host('security<.backdropcms.org:80'), 'HTTP_HOST with < is invalid');
- $this->assertFalse(backdrop_valid_http_host('security..backdropcms.org:80'), 'HTTP_HOST with .. is invalid');
- $this->assertFalse(backdrop_valid_http_host(str_repeat('x', 1001)), 'HTTP_HOST with more than 1000 characters is invalid.');
- $this->assertFalse(backdrop_valid_http_host(str_repeat('.', 101)), 'HTTP_HOST with more than 100 subdomains is invalid.');
- $this->assertFalse(backdrop_valid_http_host(str_repeat(':', 101)), 'HTTP_HOST with more than 100 port separators is invalid.');
- $this->assertTrue(backdrop_valid_http_host('[::1]:80'), 'HTTP_HOST containing IPv6 loopback is valid');
- }
- }
- class BootstrapPageCacheTestCase extends BackdropWebTestCase {
- protected $profile = 'testing';
- function setUp() {
- parent::setUp('system_test');
- }
- * Test support for requests containing If-Modified-Since and If-None-Match headers.
- */
- function testConditionalRequests() {
- config_set('system.core', 'cache', 1);
- config_set('system.core', 'page_cache_background_fetch', 0);
- config_set('system.core', 'page_cache_maximum_age', 300);
- $test_path = 'system-test/hello-world';
- $this->backdropGet($test_path);
- sleep(5);
- $this->backdropHead($test_path);
- $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('X-Backdrop-Cache'), 'HIT', 'Page was cached.');
- $etag = $this->backdropGetHeader('ETag');
- $last_modified = $this->backdropGetHeader('Last-Modified');
- $this->backdropGet($test_path, array(), array('If-None-Match: ' . $etag));
- $this->assertResponse(304, 'Conditional request with Etag only returned 304 Not Modified.');
- $this->backdropGet($test_path, array(), array('If-Modified-Since: ' . $last_modified, 'If-None-Match: ' . $etag));
- $this->assertResponse(304, 'Conditional request with Etag and unnecessary If-Modified-Since returned 304 Not Modified.');
- $this->backdropGet($test_path, array(), array('If-Modified-Since: ' . $last_modified));
- $this->assertResponse(304, 'Conditional request without If-None-Match returned 304 Not Modified.');
- $this->backdropGet($test_path, array(), array('If-Modified-Since: ' . gmdate(DATE_RFC1123, strtotime($last_modified) - 1)));
- $this->assertResponse(200, 'Conditional request with new a If-Modified-Since date older than Last-Modified returned 200 OK.');
- $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('X-Backdrop-Cache'), 'HIT', 'Page was cached.');
- $user = $this->backdropCreateUser();
- $this->backdropLogin($user);
- $this->backdropGet($test_path, array(), array('If-Modified-Since: ' . $last_modified, 'If-None-Match: ' . $etag));
- $this->assertResponse(200, 'Conditional request returned 200 OK for authenticated user.');
- $this->assertFalse($this->backdropGetHeader('X-Backdrop-Cache'), 'Absence of Page was not cached.');
- }
- * Test cache headers.
- */
- function testPageCache() {
- config_set('system.core', 'cache', 1);
- config_set('system.core', 'page_cache_background_fetch', 0);
- config_set('system.core', 'page_cache_maximum_age', 300);
- $headers = array('Connection: "keep-alive"');
- $this->backdropGet('system-test/set-header', array('query' => array('name' => 'Foo', 'value' => 'bar')), $headers);
- $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('X-Backdrop-Cache'), 'MISS', 'Page was not cached.');
- $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('Vary'), 'Cookie,Accept-Encoding', 'Vary header was sent.');
- $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('Cache-Control'), 'public, max-age=300', 'Cache-Control header was sent.');
- $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('Expires'), 'Fri, 16 Jan 2015 07:50:00 GMT', 'Expires header was sent.');
- $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('Foo'), 'bar', 'Custom header was sent.');
- $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('Connection'), 'close', 'Connection header set to closed when hitting an uncached page.');
- sleep(5);
- $this->backdropGet('system-test/set-header', array('query' => array('name' => 'Foo', 'value' => 'bar')), $headers);
- $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('X-Backdrop-Cache'), 'HIT', 'Page was cached.');
- $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('Vary'), 'Cookie,Accept-Encoding', 'Vary: Cookie header was sent.');
- $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('Cache-Control'), 'public, max-age=300', 'Cache-Control header was sent.');
- $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('Expires'), 'Fri, 16 Jan 2015 07:50:00 GMT', 'Expires header was sent.');
- $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('Foo'), 'bar', 'Custom header was sent.');
- $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('Connection'), 'Keep-Alive', 'Connection header set to keep alive when getting a cached page.');
- $this->backdropGet('system-test/set-header', array('query' => array('name' => 'Expires', 'value' => 'Fri, 19 Nov 2008 05:00:00 GMT')), $headers);
- $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('Expires'), 'Fri, 19 Nov 2008 05:00:00 GMT', 'Default header was replaced.');
- $this->backdropGet('system-test/set-header', array('query' => array('name' => 'Vary', 'value' => 'User-Agent')), $headers);
- $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('Vary'), 'User-Agent,Accept-Encoding', 'Default header was replaced.');
- $this->backdropHead('system-test/hello-world', array('query' => array('cache' => 'test')));
- $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('X-Backdrop-Cache'), 'MISS', 'Cache miss on first request via HTTP HEAD request.');
- sleep(5);
- $this->backdropGet('system-test/hello-world', array('query' => array('cache' => 'test')));
- $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('X-Backdrop-Cache'), 'HIT', 'Cache hit on second request via HTTP GET request.');
- $this->assertText('Hello world!', 'Page contents shown from cached page that was set via an HTTP HEAD request.');
- $start = microtime(TRUE);
- $this->backdropGet('system-test/sleep/shutdown/5', array(), $headers);
- $total = microtime(TRUE) - $start;
- $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('X-Backdrop-Cache'), 'MISS', 'Initial page request was miss.');
- $this->assertTrue($total < 5, 'Initial page requests returned before shutdown functions are executed.');
- sleep(5);
- $start = microtime(TRUE);
- $this->backdropGet('system-test/sleep/shutdown/5', array(), $headers);
- $total = microtime(TRUE) - $start;
- $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('X-Backdrop-Cache'), 'HIT', 'Cached page request.');
- $this->assertTrue($total < 5, 'Cached page requests returned without executing shutdown functions.');
- config_set('system.core', 'page_cache_maximum_age', 5);
- config_set('system.core', 'page_cache_background_fetch', 0);
- $this->backdropGet('system-test/sleep/0', array(), $headers);
- $this->assertIdentical($this->backdropGetHeader('Cache-Control'), 'public, max-age=5');
- $start_element = $this->xpath('//div[@id="start"]');
- $start_time1 = (string) $start_element[0];
- sleep(5);
- $this->backdropGet('system-test/sleep/6', array('query' => array('cache' => $this->randomName())));
- $this->backdropGet('system-test/sleep/0', array(), $headers);
- $start_element = $this->xpath('//div[@id="start"]');
- $start_time2 = (string) $start_element[0];
- $this->assertNotIdentical($start_time1, $start_time2, 'Fresh page generated after waiting cache lifetime.');
- $this->assertIdentical($this->backdropGetHeader('X-Backdrop-Cache'), 'MISS');
- cache('page')->flush();
- config_set('system.core', 'page_cache_background_fetch', 1);
- $this->backdropGet('system-test/sleep/0', array(), $headers);
- $start_element = $this->xpath('//div[@id="start"]');
- $start_time1 = (string) $start_element[0];
- sleep(6);
- $this->backdropGet('system-test/sleep/0', array(), $headers);
- $start_element = $this->xpath('//div[@id="start"]');
- $start_time2 = (string) $start_element[0];
- $this->assertIdentical($start_time1, $start_time2, 'Stale page served after waiting cache lifetime.');
- $this->assertIdentical($this->backdropGetHeader('X-Backdrop-Cache'), 'HIT');
- $this->assertIdentical($this->backdropGetHeader('Connection'), 'close', 'Connection closed after serving stale page to allow background processes to run.');
- sleep(1);
- $this->backdropGet('system-test/sleep/0', array(), $headers);
- $start_element = $this->xpath('//div[@id="start"]');
- $start_time3 = (string) $start_element[0];
- $this->assertNotIdentical($start_time2, $start_time3, 'A fresh page is shown on the next page load (generated by the previous request).');
- $this->assertIdentical($this->backdropGetHeader('X-Backdrop-Cache'), 'HIT');
- $this->assertIdentical($this->backdropGetHeader('Connection'), 'Keep-Alive', 'Connection header not set keep-alive when serving cached page.');
- $user = $this->backdropCreateUser();
- $this->backdropLogin($user);
- $this->backdropGet('system-test/set-header', array('query' => array('name' => 'Foo', 'value' => 'bar')), $headers);
- $this->assertFalse($this->backdropGetHeader('X-Backdrop-Cache'), 'Caching was bypassed.');
- $this->assertTrue(strpos($this->backdropGetHeader('Vary'), 'Cookie') === FALSE, 'Vary: Cookie header was not sent.');
- $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('Cache-Control'), 'no-cache, must-revalidate', 'Cache-Control header was sent.');
- $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('Expires'), 'Fri, 16 Jan 2015 07:50:00 GMT', 'Expires header was sent.');
- $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('Foo'), 'bar', 'Custom header was sent.');
- $this->backdropLogout();
- $this->backdropGet('system-test/access');
- $this->assertResponse(200, 'Access granted by default on first page load.');
- state_set('system_test_access', FALSE);
- sleep(6);
- $this->backdropGet('system-test/access');
- $this->assertResponse(200, 'Background fetch copy served after blocking access.');
- $this->assertText(t('Access granted'), 'Access granted page title shown.');
- sleep(2);
- $this->backdropGet('system-test/access');
- $this->assertResponse(403, 'Access denied on basic callback on fresh copy.');
- $this->assertText(t('Access denied'), 'Access denied page title shown.');
- state_set('system_test_access', TRUE);
- sleep(6);
- $this->backdropGet('system-test/access');
- $this->assertResponse(403, 'Background fetch copy served after granting access.');
- $this->assertText(t('Access denied'), 'Access denied page title shown.');
- sleep(2);
- $this->backdropGet('system-test/access');
- $this->assertResponse(200, 'Access granted on basic callback on fresh copy.');
- $this->assertText(t('Access granted'), 'Access granted page title shown.');
- }
- * Test page compression.
- *
- * The test should pass even if zlib.output_compression is enabled in php.ini,
- * .htaccess or similar, or if compression is done outside PHP, e.g. by the
- * mod_deflate Apache module.
- */
- function testPageCompression() {
- config_set('system.core', 'cache', 1);
- config_set('system.core', 'page_cache_background_fetch', 0);
- config_set('system.core', 'page_cache_maximum_age', 300);
- $test_path = 'system-test/hello-world';
- $this->backdropGet($test_path, array(), array('Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate'));
- $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('X-Backdrop-Cache'), 'MISS', 'Page was not cached.');
- $this->backdropSetContent(gzinflate(substr($this->backdropGetContent(), 10, -8)));
- $this->assertRaw('</html>', 'Page was gzip compressed.');
- sleep(5);
- $this->backdropGet($test_path, array(), array('Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate'));
- $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('X-Backdrop-Cache'), 'HIT', 'Page was cached.');
- $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('Content-Encoding'), 'gzip', 'A Content-Encoding header was sent.');
- $this->backdropSetContent(gzinflate(substr($this->backdropGetContent(), 10, -8)));
- $this->assertRaw('</html>', 'Page was gzip compressed.');
- $this->backdropGet($test_path);
- $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('X-Backdrop-Cache'), 'HIT', 'Page was cached.');
- $this->assertFalse($this->backdropGetHeader('Content-Encoding'), 'A Content-Encoding header was not sent.');
- $this->assertTitle(t('Hello world! | @site-name', array('@site-name' => config_get_translated('system.core', 'site_name'))), 'Site title matches.');
- $this->assertRaw('</html>', 'Page was not compressed.');
- config_set('system.core', 'page_compression', FALSE);
- $this->backdropGet($test_path, array(), array('Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate'));
- $this->backdropSetContent(gzinflate(substr($this->backdropGetContent(), 10, -8)));
- $this->assertRaw('</html>', 'Page was delivered after compression mode is changed (compression support enabled).');
- $this->backdropGet($test_path);
- $this->assertRaw('</html>', 'Page was delivered after compression mode is changed (compression support disabled).');
- }
- }
- class BootstrapVariableTestCase extends BackdropWebTestCase {
- protected $profile = 'minimal';
- function setUp() {
- parent::setUp('system_test');
- }
- * testVariable
- */
- function testVariable() {
- $variable = $this->randomName();
- variable_set('simpletest_bootstrap_variable_test', $variable);
- $this->assertIdentical($variable, variable_get('simpletest_bootstrap_variable_test'), 'Setting and retrieving values');
- $this->backdropGet('system-test/variable-get');
- $this->assertText($variable, 'Variable persists across multiple requests');
- $default_value = $this->randomName();
- variable_del('simpletest_bootstrap_variable_test');
- $variable = variable_get('simpletest_bootstrap_variable_test', $default_value);
- $this->assertIdentical($variable, $default_value, 'Deleting variables');
- }
- * Makes sure that the default variable parameter is passed through okay.
- */
- function testVariableDefaults() {
- $this->assertIdentical(NULL, state_get('simpletest_bootstrap_variable_test'), 'Variables are correctly defaulting to NULL.');
- $this->assertIdentical(5, state_get('simpletest_bootstrap_variable_test', 5), 'The default variable parameter is passed through correctly.');
- }
- }
- * Test hook_boot() and hook_exit().
- */
- class HookBootExitTestCase extends BackdropWebTestCase {
- protected $profile = 'testing';
- function setUp() {
- parent::setUp('system_test', 'dblog');
- }
- * Test calling of hook_boot() and hook_exit().
- */
- function testHookBootExit() {
- config_set('system.core', 'cache', 0);
- $this->backdropGet('');
- sleep(3);
- $calls = 1;
- $this->assertEqual(db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {watchdog} WHERE type = :type AND message = :message', array(':type' => 'system_test', ':message' => 'hook_boot'))->fetchField(), $calls, t('hook_boot called with disabled cache.'));
- $this->assertEqual(db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {watchdog} WHERE type = :type AND message = :message', array(':type' => 'system_test', ':message' => 'hook_exit'))->fetchField(), $calls, t('hook_exit called with disabled cache.'));
- config_set('system.core', 'cache', 1);
- config_set('system.core', 'page_cache_background_fetch', 0);
- config_set('system.core', 'page_cache_maximum_age', 300);
- $this->backdropGet('');
- sleep(3);
- $calls++;
- $this->assertEqual(db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {watchdog} WHERE type = :type AND message = :message', array(':type' => 'system_test', ':message' => 'hook_boot'))->fetchField(), $calls, t('hook_boot called with normal cache.'));
- $this->assertEqual(db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {watchdog} WHERE type = :type AND message = :message', array(':type' => 'system_test', ':message' => 'hook_exit'))->fetchField(), $calls, t('hook_exit called with normal cache.'));
- $this->assertTrue(db_delete('cache_page')->execute(), t('Page cache cleared.'));
- $this->backdropGet('');
- sleep(3);
- $calls++;
- $this->assertEqual(db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {watchdog} WHERE type = :type AND message = :message', array(':type' => 'system_test', ':message' => 'hook_boot'))->fetchField(), $calls, t('hook_boot called with aggressive cache and no cached page.'));
- $this->assertEqual(db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {watchdog} WHERE type = :type AND message = :message', array(':type' => 'system_test', ':message' => 'hook_exit'))->fetchField(), $calls, t('hook_exit called with aggressive cache and no cached page.'));
- }
- }
- * Test backdrop_get_filename()'s availability.
- */
- class BootstrapGetFilenameTestCase extends BackdropUnitTestCase {
- * Test that backdrop_get_filename() works correctly when the file is not found in the database.
- */
- function testBackdropGetFilename() {
- backdrop_static_reset('backdrop_get_filename');
- $this->assertIdentical(backdrop_get_filename('module', 'block'), 'core/modules/block/block.module', t('Retrieve module location.'));
- $this->assertIdentical(backdrop_get_filename('theme', 'stark'), 'core/themes/stark/stark.info', t('Retrieve theme location.'));
- $this->assertIdentical(backdrop_get_filename('theme_engine', 'phptemplate'), 'core/themes/engines/phptemplate/phptemplate.engine', t('Retrieve theme engine location.'));
- $this->assertIdentical(backdrop_get_filename('layout', 'boxton'), 'core/layouts/boxton/boxton.info', t('Retrieve layout location.'));
- $this->assertIdentical(backdrop_get_filename('profile', 'standard'), 'core/profiles/standard/standard.profile', t('Retrieve install profile location.'));
- $this->assertIdentical(backdrop_get_filename('script', 'test'), 'core/scripts/test.script', t('Retrieve test script location.'));
- }
- }
- class BootstrapTimerTestCase extends BackdropUnitTestCase {
- * Test timer_read() to ensure it properly accumulates time when the timer
- * started and stopped multiple times.
- * @return
- */
- function testTimer() {
- timer_start('test');
- sleep(1);
- $this->assertTrue(timer_read('test') >= 1000, 'Timer measured 1 second of sleeping while running.');
- sleep(1);
- timer_stop('test');
- $this->assertTrue(timer_read('test') >= 2000, 'Timer measured 2 seconds of sleeping after being stopped.');
- timer_start('test');
- sleep(1);
- $this->assertTrue(timer_read('test') >= 3000, 'Timer measured 3 seconds of sleeping after being restarted.');
- sleep(1);
- $timer = timer_stop('test');
- $this->assertTrue(timer_read('test') >= 4000, 'Timer measured 4 seconds of sleeping after being stopped for a second time.');
- $this->assertEqual($timer['count'], 2, 'Timer counted 2 instances of being started.');
- }
- }
- * Test that resetting static variables works.
- */
- class BootstrapResettableStaticTestCase extends BackdropUnitTestCase {
- * Test that a variable reference returned by backdrop_static() gets reset when
- * backdrop_static_reset() is called.
- */
- function testBackdropStatic() {
- $name = __CLASS__ . '_' . __METHOD__;
- $var = &backdrop_static($name, 'foo');
- $this->assertEqual($var, 'foo', 'Variable returned by backdrop_static() was set to its default.');
- $var = 'bar';
- backdrop_static_reset($name);
- $this->assertEqual($var, 'foo', 'Variable was reset after first invocation of name-specific reset.');
- $var = 'bar';
- backdrop_static_reset($name);
- $this->assertEqual($var, 'foo', 'Variable was reset after second invocation of name-specific reset.');
- $var = 'bar';
- backdrop_static_reset();
- $this->assertEqual($var, 'foo', 'Variable was reset after first invocation of global reset.');
- $var = 'bar';
- backdrop_static_reset();
- $this->assertEqual($var, 'foo', 'Variable was reset after second invocation of global reset.');
- }
- }
- * Test miscellaneous functions in bootstrap.inc.
- */
- class BootstrapMiscTestCase extends BackdropUnitTestCase {
- * Test miscellaneous functions in bootstrap.inc.
- */
- function testMisc() {
- $link_options_1 = array('fragment' => 'x', 'attributes' => array('title' => 'X', 'class' => array('a', 'b')), 'language' => 'en');
- $link_options_2 = array('fragment' => 'y', 'attributes' => array('title' => 'Y', 'class' => array('c', 'd')), 'html' => TRUE);
- $expected = array('fragment' => 'y', 'attributes' => array('title' => 'Y', 'class' => array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')), 'language' => 'en', 'html' => TRUE);
- $this->assertIdentical(backdrop_array_merge_deep($link_options_1, $link_options_2), $expected, 'backdrop_array_merge_deep() returned a properly merged array.');
- }
- }
- * Tests for overriding server variables via the API.
- */
- class BootstrapOverrideServerVariablesTestCase extends BackdropUnitTestCase {
- * Test providing a direct URL to to backdrop_override_server_variables().
- */
- function testBackdropOverrideServerVariablesProvidedURL() {
- $tests = array(
- 'http://example.com' => array(
- 'HTTP_HOST' => 'example.com',
- ),
- 'http://example.com/index.php' => array(
- 'HTTP_HOST' => 'example.com',
- 'SCRIPT_NAME' => '/index.php',
- ),
- 'http://example.com/subdirectory/index.php' => array(
- 'HTTP_HOST' => 'example.com',
- 'SCRIPT_NAME' => '/subdirectory/index.php',
- ),
- );
- foreach ($tests as $url => $expected_server_values) {
- $original_server = $_SERVER;
- backdrop_override_server_variables(array('url' => $url));
- foreach ($expected_server_values as $key => $value) {
- $this->assertIdentical($_SERVER[$key], $value);
- }
- $_SERVER = $original_server;
- }
- }
- * Test that settings.php variables can be overridden by the server.
- */
- function testBackdropSettingsOverride() {
- $raw_settings = array();
- if (isset($_SERVER['BACKDROP_SETTINGS'])) {
- $raw_settings = json_decode($_SERVER['BACKDROP_SETTINGS'], TRUE);
- }
- if (isset($raw_settings['test_setting'])) {
- $this->assertEqual(settings_get('test_setting'), 'foo', 'Custom setting set through the server environment variables in BACKDROP_SETTINGS.');
- $test_database_array = array(
- 'default' => array(
- 'driver' => 'mysql',
- 'database' => 'test_database',
- 'username' => 'test_username',
- 'password' => 'test_password',
- 'host' => 'test_host',
- )
- );
- $this->assertEqual($GLOBALS['databases']['test_database'], $test_database_array, 'Custom database set through the server environment variables in BACKDROP_SETTINGS.');
- }
- }
- * Tests that the backdrop_check_memory_limit() function works as expected.
- */
- function testCheckMemoryLimit() {
- $this->assertTrue(backdrop_check_memory_limit('30MB'), '30MB of memory tested available.');
- $this->assertTrue(backdrop_check_memory_limit('9999999999YB', -1), 'backdrop_check_memory_limit() returns TRUE when a limit of -1 (none) is supplied');
- $this->assertFalse(backdrop_check_memory_limit('30MB', '16MB'), 'backdrop_check_memory_limit() returns FALSE with a 16MB upper limit on a 30MB requirement.');
- $this->assertTrue(backdrop_check_memory_limit('30MB', '30MB'), 'backdrop_check_memory_limit() returns TRUE when requesting 30MB on a 30MB requirement.');
- }
- }
- * Tests for $_GET['destination'] and $_REQUEST['destination'] validation.
- */
- class BootstrapDestinationTestCase extends BackdropWebTestCase {
- protected $profile = 'testing';
- function setUp() {
- parent::setUp('system_test');
- }
- * Tests that $_GET/$_REQUEST['destination'] only contain internal URLs.
- *
- * @see _backdrop_bootstrap_configuration()
- * @see system_test_get_destination()
- * @see system_test_request_destination()
- */
- public function testDestination() {
- $test_cases = array(
- array(
- 'input' => 'node',
- 'output' => 'node',
- 'message' => "Standard internal example node path is present in the 'destination' parameter.",
- ),
- array(
- 'input' => '/example.com',
- 'output' => '/example.com',
- 'message' => 'Internal path with one leading slash is allowed.',
- ),
- array(
- 'input' => '//example.com/test',
- 'output' => '',
- 'message' => 'External URL without scheme is not allowed.',
- ),
- array(
- 'input' => 'example:test',
- 'output' => 'example:test',
- 'message' => 'Internal URL using a colon is allowed.',
- ),
- array(
- 'input' => 'http://example.com',
- 'output' => '',
- 'message' => 'External URL is not allowed.',
- ),
- array(
- 'input' => 'javascript:alert(0)',
- 'output' => 'javascript:alert(0)',
- 'message' => 'Javascript URL is allowed because it is treated as an internal URL.',
- ),
- );
- foreach ($test_cases as $test_case) {
- $this->backdropGet('system-test/get-destination', array('query' => array('destination' => $test_case['input'])));
- $this->assertIdentical($test_case['output'], $this->backdropGetContent(), $test_case['message']);
- $curl_parameters = array(
- CURLOPT_URL => $this->getAbsoluteUrl('system-test/request-destination'),
- CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => 'destination=' . urlencode($test_case['input']),
- );
- $post_output = $this->curlExec($curl_parameters);
- $this->assertIdentical($test_case['output'], $post_output, $test_case['message']);
- }
- config('system.core')
- ->set('site_404', 'system-test/get-destination')
- ->save();
- $this->backdropGet('http://example.com', array('external' => FALSE));
- $this->assertIdentical('', $this->backdropGetContent(), 'External URL is not allowed on 404 pages.');
- }
- }
- * Helper class for watchdog test cases.
- */
- class WatchdogTestCase extends BackdropWebTestCase {
- * Verify a log entry was entered. Called in the same way of theme
- * expected original watchdog() execution.
- *
- * @param $type
- * The category to which this message belongs.
- * @param $message
- * The message to store in the log. Keep $message translatable
- * by not concatenating dynamic values into it! Variables in the
- * message should be added by using placeholder strings alongside
- * the variables argument to declare the value of the placeholders.
- * See t() for documentation on how $message and $variables interact.
- * @param $variables
- * Array of variables to replace in the message on display or
- * NULL if message is already translated or not possible to
- * translate.
- * @param $severity
- * The severity of the message, as per RFC 3164.
- * @param $link
- * A link to associate with the message.
- */
- function assertLogMessage($type, $message, $variables = array(), $severity = WATCHDOG_NOTICE, $link = '') {
- $count = db_select('watchdog', 'w')
- ->condition('type', $type)
- ->condition('message', $message)
- ->condition('variables', serialize($variables))
- ->condition('severity', $severity)
- ->condition('link', $link)
- ->countQuery()
- ->execute()
- ->fetchField();
- $this->assertTrue($count > 0, format_string('watchdog table contains @count rows for @message', array('@count' => $count, '@message' => $message)));
- }
- * Verify no log entry was entered. Called in the same way of the
- * expected original watchdog() execution.
- *
- * @param $type
- * The category to which this message belongs.
- * @param $message
- * The message to store in the log. Keep $message translatable
- * by not concatenating dynamic values into it! Variables in the
- * message should be added by using placeholder strings alongside
- * the variables argument to declare the value of the placeholders.
- * See t() for documentation on how $message and $variables interact.
- * @param $variables
- * Array of variables to replace in the message on display or
- * NULL if message is already translated or not possible to
- * translate.
- * @param $severity
- * The severity of the message, as per RFC 3164.
- * @param $link
- * A link to associate with the message.
- */
- function assertNoLogMessage($type, $message, $variables = array(), $severity = WATCHDOG_NOTICE, $link = '') {
- $count = db_select('watchdog', 'w')
- ->condition('type', $type)
- ->condition('message', $message)
- ->condition('variables', serialize($variables))
- ->condition('severity', $severity)
- ->condition('link', $link)
- ->countQuery()
- ->execute()
- ->fetchField();
- $this->assertTrue($count == 0, format_string('watchdog table contains @count rows for @message', array('@count' => $count, '@message' => $message)));
- }
- }
- class BootstrapWatchdogTestCase extends WatchdogTestCase {
- function testWatchdogLogging() {
- watchdog('testing', 'test @severity message', array('@severity' => 'notice'), WATCHDOG_NOTICE, 'http://example.org');
- $this->assertLogMessage('testing', 'test @severity message', array('@severity' => 'notice'), WATCHDOG_NOTICE, 'http://example.org');
- watchdog('testing', 'test @severity message', array('@severity' => 'deprecated'), WATCHDOG_DEPRECATED);
- $this->assertNoLogMessage('testing', 'test @severity message', array('@severity' => 'deprecated'), WATCHDOG_DEPRECATED);
- $enabled_severity_levels = config('system.core')->get('watchdog_enabled_severity_levels');
- $enabled_severity_levels[] = WATCHDOG_DEPRECATED;
- config('system.core')->set('watchdog_enabled_severity_levels', $enabled_severity_levels);
- watchdog('testing', 'test @severity message', array('@severity' => 'deprecated'), WATCHDOG_DEPRECATED);
- $this->assertLogMessage('testing', 'test @severity message', array('@severity' => 'deprecated'), WATCHDOG_DEPRECATED);
- }
- }