Admin page callbacks for the Layout module.

This provides the UI to list, create, edit and delete layouts.




Namesort descending Description
layout_add_page Menu callback; Display the form for adding a new layout.
layout_ajax_condition_cancel_dialog AJAX handler that cancels the condition edit dialog.
layout_ajax_form_open_dialog AJAX handler that opens a form in a dialog.
layout_ajax_form_save_dialog AJAX handler that saves a form in a dialog and updates the underlying form.
layout_ajax_form_save_title_dialog AJAX handler that updates the title.
layout_ajax_form_update AJAX handler that updates a portion of the form.
layout_block_add_page Menu callback; Display a list of blocks to be added to a layout.
layout_block_configure_ajax_style AJAX callback to update the style settings within the block configure form.
layout_block_configure_ajax_update AJAX callback to update the underlying layout form after updating a block.
layout_block_configure_form Form callback; Add or edit a block within a layout.
layout_block_configure_form_condition_add Submit handler for layout_block_configure_form() to add a condition.
layout_block_configure_form_condition_edit Submit handler for layout_block_configure_form() to edit a condition.
layout_block_configure_form_condition_remove Submit handler for layout_block_configure_form() to remove a condition.
layout_block_configure_form_submit Form submit handler for layout_block_configure_form().
layout_block_configure_form_validate Form validate handler for layout_block_configure_form().
layout_block_configure_redirect Menu callback; Redirect to the layout configuration form.
layout_block_disable_page Menu callback; Set a block as disabled.
layout_block_list Menu callback; Lists all blocks and their modules.
layout_block_remove_page Menu callback; Remove a block from a layout.
layout_break_lock_page Menu callback; Break a lock on a layout or menu item.
layout_clone_form Form callback; Copy an existing layout into a new layout.
layout_clone_form_submit Submit handler for layout_clone_form().
layout_condition_add_form Form callback; Displays form for adding new conditions to a layout or block.
layout_condition_add_form_cancel Submit handler for the cancel button on layout_condition_add_form().
layout_condition_add_form_submit Submit handler for layout_condition_add_form().
layout_condition_add_form_validate Validation handler for layout_condition_add_form().
layout_condition_add_load_condition_nojs Submit handler to select a condition. Hidden when JavaScript is enabled.
layout_condition_ajax_style AJAX callback to update the condition settings.
layout_condition_edit_title Title callback; Provide the page title for configuring a layout condition.
layout_condition_return_form Helper function to return a partial condition settings form.
layout_configure_region_page Menu callback; Show the region styles form.
layout_configure_region_page_submit Submit handler for layout_configure_region_page().
layout_content_form Form callback; Main form for editing a layout's content.
layout_content_form_submit Handle form submission of the display content editor.
layout_content_form_validate Validate the layout settings form.
layout_contexts_form_element Partial form to generate a select list for selecting context.
layout_delete_form Form callback. Delete or revert a layout.
layout_delete_form_submit Submit handler for layout_delete_form(). Delete, revert, or disable a layout.
layout_get_block_usage Lists information about blocks in use in layouts.
layout_get_legacy_region_mapping Returns an array of mappings from old region names to new.
layout_get_menu_types Lists information about menu types.
layout_list_page Output a list of layouts that are managed.
layout_locked_message Prepare a message and link based on if a layout item is updated or locked.
layout_menu_item_form Form callback; Configure a layout menu item.
layout_menu_item_form_condition_add Submit handler for layout_settings_form() that lets the user add a condition.
layout_menu_item_form_condition_edit Submit handler for layout_settings_form() that edits an condition.
layout_menu_item_form_condition_remove Submit handler for layout_settings_form() that removes a condition.
layout_menu_item_form_path_ajax AJAX handler for layout_settings_form() the returns updated contexts.
layout_menu_item_form_reset Submit handler for layout_menu_item_form() that resets in-progress changes.
layout_menu_item_form_submit Form callback; Configure a layout menu item.
layout_removal_removes_page Determines whether the deletion or disabling of this layout would remove the page at its path. *
layout_reorder_form Reorder the order of layouts at the same path.
layout_reorder_form_submit Submit handler for layout_reorder_form().
layout_settings_form Render the settings form for layout.
layout_settings_form_condition_add Submit handler for layout_settings_form() that lets the user add a condition.
layout_settings_form_condition_edit Submit handler for layout_settings_form() that edits an condition.
layout_settings_form_condition_remove Submit handler for layout_settings_form() that removes a condition.
layout_settings_form_path_ajax AJAX handler for layout_settings_form().
layout_settings_form_path_rebuild Submit handler for layout_settings_form().
layout_settings_form_reset Submit handler for layout_settings_form() that resets in-progress changes.
layout_settings_form_save_submit Submit handler for layout_settings_form() that saves in-progress changes.
layout_settings_form_update_layout Submit handler for layout_settings_form() that saves in-progress values.
layout_settings_form_validate Validates layout_settings_form(), ensuring a valid path.
layout_settings_page Administrative form for layout settings.
layout_settings_page_submit Submit handler for layout advanced settings page.
layout_settings_page_validate Validation for layout settings page.
layout_template_toggle_enabled Menu callback; Enable or disable a layout template.
layout_title_settings_form Form callback; Configure layout title type.
layout_title_settings_form_submit Submit handler for layout_title_settings_form() to change title settings.
layout_toggle_enabled Menu callback; Enable or disable a layout configuration.
layout_warn_if_site_info_path Issues warnings if for a layout whose removal removes a page, its path matches one of the paths on the site information page.
_layout_get_group_operations Given a path, return a list of operations for a group of layouts.
_layout_get_operations Given a layout, return a list of operations that can be performed on it.
_layout_menu_router_path_exists Helper function to determine whether a layout path is an existing menu router path.
_layout_settings_get_group_operations Given a path, return a list of operations for a group of layouts.
_layout_site_info_page_message Returns a "you should also change" message and link to the appropriate part of the site information page.