Administrative page for restoring backup database and configuration files.

Point your browser to "" and follow the instructions.

If you are not logged in using either the site maintenance account or an account with the "Restore site backups" permission, you will need to modify the access check statement inside your settings.php file. After finishing the upgrade, be sure to open settings.php again, and change it back to its original state!




Namesort descending Description
restore_access_allowed Determines if the current user is allowed to access restore.php.
restore_access_denied_page Renders a 403 access denied page for restore.php.
restore_backup_form Form constructor for the list of available database module updates.
restore_disabled_page Renders a help page if access is allowed but backups are not enabled.
restore_goto Light-weight version of backdrop_goto() that guarantees no database usage.
restore_info_page Provides an overview of the backup restoration process.
restore_progress_page Show a progress message while processing a restore.
restore_results_page Displays results of the restore script with any accompanying errors.
restore_select_page Provides a form to select a backup to restore.
restore_task_list Adds the restore task list to the current page.


Namesort descending Description
BACKDROP_ROOT Defines the root directory of the Backdrop installation.
MAINTENANCE_MODE Global flag indicating that restore.php is being run.