Note: this list is generated by looking for the string for this theme hook, so it may include some references that are not actually using this theme hook.
- BackdropWebTestCase::backdropGetTestFiles in core/
modules/ simpletest/ backdrop_web_test_case.php - Get a list files that can be used in tests.
- BackdropWebTestCase::handleForm in core/
modules/ simpletest/ backdrop_web_test_case.php - Handle form input related to backdropPost(). Ensure that the specified fields exist and attempt to create POST data in the correct manner for the particular field type.
- backdrop_common_theme in core/
includes/ - Provides theme registration for themes across .inc files.
- BlockHero::form in core/
modules/ layout/ includes/ - Builds the block's configuration form.
- BlockHero::formSubmit in core/
modules/ layout/ includes/ - Submit handler to save the form settings.
- BlockHero::formValidate in core/
modules/ layout/ includes/ - Validates the form settings.
- BlockHero::getContent in core/
modules/ layout/ includes/ - Returns the rendered content of this block.
- BlockHero::__construct in core/
modules/ layout/ includes/ - Create a new Block object.
- BlockTestCase::testCustomBlock in core/
modules/ block/ tests/ block.test - Test creating custom block, editing, and then deleting it.
- ckeditor5_ckeditor5_plugins in core/
modules/ ckeditor5/ ckeditor5.module - Implements hook_ckeditor5_plugins().
- ckeditor5_ckeditor5_plugins in core/
modules/ ckeditor5/ ckeditor5.module - Implements hook_ckeditor5_plugins().
- ckeditor5_get_config in core/
modules/ ckeditor5/ ckeditor5.module - Editor JS settings callback; Add CKEditor config to the page for a format.
- ckeditor5_menu in core/
modules/ ckeditor5/ ckeditor5.module - Implements hook_menu().
- ckeditor5_settings_form in core/
modules/ ckeditor5/ - Editor settings callback; Provide options for CKEditor 5 module.
- CKEditorTestCase::testLibrary in core/
modules/ ckeditor/ tests/ ckeditor.test - Test the addition of the library to the page when configured.
- ckeditor_ckeditor_plugins in core/
modules/ ckeditor/ ckeditor.module - Implements hook_ckeditor_plugins().
- ckeditor_ckeditor_plugins in core/
modules/ ckeditor/ ckeditor.module - Implements hook_ckeditor_plugins().
- ckeditor_get_settings in core/
modules/ ckeditor/ ckeditor.module - Editor JS settings callback; Add CKEditor settings to the page for a format.
- ckeditor_menu in core/
modules/ ckeditor/ ckeditor.module - Implements hook_menu().
- ckeditor_settings_form in core/
modules/ ckeditor/ - Editor settings callback; Provide options for CKEditor 4 module.
- CommentPreviewTest::testCommentPreview in core/
modules/ comment/ tests/ comment.test - Tests comment preview.
- CustomLogoTestCase::testCustomLogo in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ system.test - Test the use of a custom logo.
- FileAccessTestCase::testFileAccess in core/
modules/ file/ tests/ file.test - Runs basic tests for file_access function.
- FileAdminTestCase::testFileAdminPages in core/
modules/ file/ tests/ file.test - Tests file overview with different user permissions.
- FileAttributeOverrideTestCase::testFileFileAttributeOverrides in core/
modules/ file/ tests/ file.test - Test to see if file attributes can be overridden.
- FileEditTestCase::testFileEdit in core/
modules/ file/ tests/ file.test - Check file edit functionality.
- FileFieldValidateTestCase::testFileExtension in core/
modules/ file/ tests/ file.test - Tests file extension checking.
- FileFieldWidgetTestCase::testWidgetValidation in core/
modules/ file/ tests/ file.test - Tests validation with the Upload button.
- FileFileTypeClassificationTestCase::testFileTypeClassification in core/
modules/ file/ tests/ file.test - Test that existing files are properly classified by file type.
- FileReplaceTestCase::testReplaceFile in core/
modules/ file/ tests/ file.test - @todo Test image dimensions for an image field are reset when a file is replaced. @todo Test image styles are cleared when an image is updated.
- FileSaveUploadTest::setUp in core/
modules/ simpletest/ tests/ file.test - Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests.
- FileSaveUploadTest::testNormal in core/
modules/ simpletest/ tests/ file.test - Test the file_save_upload() function.
- FileTypeTestCase::testTypesCrudUi in core/
modules/ file/ tests/ file.test - Test file types CRUD UI.
- FileUnitTestCase::testImageDimensions in core/
modules/ file/ tests/ file.test - Tests storing image height and width as file metadata.
- FileUploadWizardTestCase::testFileUploadWizardFields in core/
modules/ file/ tests/ file.test - Test the file upload wizard field step.
- FileUploadWizardTestCase::testFileUploadWizardFields in core/
modules/ file/ tests/ file.test - Test the file upload wizard field step.
- FileUploadWizardTestCase::testFileUploadWizardStepSkipping in core/
modules/ file/ tests/ file.test - Test skipping each of the file upload wizard steps.
- FileUsageTestCase::testFileUsagePage in core/
modules/ file/ tests/ file.test - Create a file and verify its usage information.
- file_field_attach_load in core/
modules/ file/ file.module - Implements hook_field_attach_load().
- file_field_formatter_info in core/
modules/ file/ - Implements hook_field_formatter_info().
- file_file_formatter_file_image_view in core/
modules/ file/ file.module - Implements hook_file_formatter_FORMATTER_view().
- file_file_formatter_info in core/
modules/ file/ file.module - Implements hook_file_formatter_info().
- file_file_formatter_info in core/
modules/ file/ file.module - Implements hook_file_formatter_info().
- file_file_update in core/
modules/ file/ - Implements hook_file_update().
- file_icon_path in core/
modules/ file/ file.module - Creates a path to the icon for a file entity.
- file_metadata_fetch_image_dimensions in core/
modules/ file/ - Fetch the dimensions of an image and store them in the file metadata array.
- file_update_1005 in core/
modules/ file/ file.install - Add the default file types and convert custom or modified file types from Drupal 7 file_entity.
- file_update_1005 in core/
modules/ file/ file.install - Add the default file types and convert custom or modified file types from Drupal 7 file_entity.
- file_update_1006 in core/
modules/ file/ file.install - Add the default file display settings and convert saved file display settings from Drupal 7 file_entity.
- FilterEditorAccessTestCase::testDialogAccess in core/
modules/ filter/ tests/ filter.test - Checks access to editor dialogs for adding images and links.
- FilterResetTestCase::testFilterReset in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ system.test - Test that the search and reset functionality on the modules page works.
- filter_format_editor_image_form in core/
modules/ filter/ - Form callback: Display a form for inserting/editing an image.
- filter_menu in core/
modules/ filter/ filter.module - Implements hook_menu().
- FormExampleTestCase::testTutorials in modules/
examples/ form_example/ tests/ form_example.test - Test each tutorial.
- FormStateValuesCleanAdvancedTestCase::testFormStateValuesCleanAdvanced in core/
modules/ simpletest/ tests/ form.test - Tests form_state_values_clean().
- form_example_tutorial_10 in modules/
examples/ form_example/ - This is Example 10: a form with a file upload field.
- form_test_form_state_values_clean_advanced_form in core/
modules/ simpletest/ tests/ form_test.module - Form constructor for the form_state_values_clean() test.
- form_test_form_state_values_clean_advanced_form in core/
modules/ simpletest/ tests/ form_test.module - Form constructor for the form_state_values_clean() test.
- hook_editor_EDITOR_settings in core/
modules/ filter/ filter.api.php - Settings callback for hook_editor_info().
- hook_editor_EDITOR_settings in core/
modules/ filter/ filter.api.php - Settings callback for hook_editor_info().
- hook_editor_info in core/
modules/ filter/ filter.api.php - Define text editors, such as WYSIWYGs or toolbars to assist with text input.
- hook_field_schema_alter in core/
modules/ field/ field.api.php - Allow modules to alter the schema for a field.
- hook_file_default_types_alter in core/
modules/ file/ file.api.php - Alter default file types.
- hook_file_formatter_FORMATTER_view in core/
modules/ file/ file.api.php - Define formatter output.
- hook_file_formatter_info in core/
modules/ file/ file.api.php - Define file formatters.
- hook_file_formatter_info in core/
modules/ file/ file.api.php - Define file formatters.
- hook_library_info in core/
modules/ system/ system.api.php - Registers JavaScript/CSS libraries associated with a module.
- ImageAdminStylesUnitTest::createSampleImage in core/
modules/ image/ tests/ image.test - Given an image style, generate an image.
- ImageAdminStylesUnitTest::testStyleReplacement in core/
modules/ image/ tests/ image.test - Test deleting a style and choosing a replacement style.
- ImageDimensionsUnitTest::setUp in core/
modules/ image/ tests/ image.test - Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests.
- ImageDimensionsUnitTest::testImageDimensions in core/
modules/ image/ tests/ image.test - Test styled image dimensions cumulatively.
- ImageEffectsUnitTest::setUp in core/
modules/ image/ tests/ image.test - Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests.
- ImageExampleTestCase::testImageExamplePage in modules/
examples/ image_example/ tests/ image_example.test - Tests for image block provided by module.
- ImageFieldDefaultImagesTestCase::testDefaultImages in core/
modules/ image/ tests/ image.test - Tests CRUD for fields and fields instances with default images.
- ImageFieldDisplayTestCase::testImageFieldDefaultImage in core/
modules/ image/ tests/ image.test - Test use of a default image with an image field.
- ImageFieldDisplayTestCase::testImageFieldSettings in core/
modules/ image/ tests/ image.test - Tests for image field settings.
- ImageFieldDisplayTestCase::_testImageFieldFormatters in core/
modules/ image/ tests/ image.test - Test image formatters on node display.
- ImageFieldTestCase::createImageField in core/
modules/ image/ tests/ image.test - Create a new image field.
- ImageFieldTestCase::setUp in core/
modules/ image/ tests/ image.test - Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests.
- ImageFieldValidateTestCase::testDimensions in core/
modules/ image/ tests/ image.test - Test min/max resolution settings.
- ImageFieldValidateTestCase::testHeightDimensions in core/
modules/ image/ tests/ image.test - Test single height resolution setting.
- ImageFieldValidateTestCase::testOrientation in core/
modules/ image/ tests/ image.test - Test image rotation resulting from EXIF data. Requires a special test image, file rotate90cw.jpg.
- ImageFieldValidateTestCase::testRequiredAlt in core/
modules/ image/ tests/ image.test - Test required alt setting.
- ImageFieldValidateTestCase::testTypeSupport in core/
modules/ image/ tests/ image.test - Test for supported image types.
- ImageFieldValidateTestCase::testWidthDimensions in core/
modules/ image/ tests/ image.test - Test single width resolution setting.
- ImageFileMoveTest::testNormal in core/
modules/ simpletest/ tests/ image.test - Tests moving a randomly generated image.
- ImageStyleFloodProtection::setUp in core/
modules/ image/ tests/ image.test - Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests.
- ImageStyleFloodProtection::testFloodProtection in core/
modules/ image/ tests/ image.test - Check the number of images that can be generated simultaneously.
- ImageStyleFlushTest::createSampleImage in core/
modules/ image/ tests/ image.test - Given an image style and a wrapper, generate an image.
- ImageStylesPathAndUrlUnitTest::testImageContentTypeHeaders in core/
modules/ image/ tests/ image.test - Test that we do not pass an array to backdrop_add_http_header.
- ImageStylesPathAndUrlUnitTest::_testImageStyleUrlAndPath in core/
modules/ image/ tests/ image.test - Test image_style_url().
- ImageStyleTokenTests::getTestImage in core/
modules/ image/ tests/ token.test - Generates a test image.
- ImageThemeFunctionWebTestCase::setUp in core/
modules/ image/ tests/ image.test - Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests.
- ImageThemeFunctionWebTestCase::testImageFormatterTheme in core/
modules/ image/ tests/ image.test - Tests usage of the image field formatters.
- ImageToolkitTestCase::setUp in core/
modules/ simpletest/ tests/ image.test - Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests.
- image_add_svg_attributes in core/
includes/ - Add attributes to an SVG string.
- image_crop_effect in core/
modules/ image/ - Image effect callback; Crop an image resource.
- image_desaturate_effect in core/
modules/ image/ - Image effect callback; Desaturate (grayscale) an image resource.
- image_effect_apply in core/
modules/ image/ image.module - Given an image object and effect, perform the effect on the file.
- image_effect_form in core/
modules/ image/ - Form builder; Form for adding and editing image effects.
- image_example_colorize_effect in modules/
examples/ image_example/ image_example.module - Image effect callback; Colorize an image resource.
- image_example_style_form in modules/
examples/ image_example/ - Form for uploading and displaying an image using selected style.
- image_example_style_form in modules/
examples/ image_example/ - Form for uploading and displaying an image using selected style.
- image_example_theme in modules/
examples/ image_example/ image_example.module - Implements hook_theme().
- image_field_delete_field in core/
modules/ image/ image.module - Implements hook_field_delete_field().
- image_field_delete_instance in core/
modules/ image/ image.module - Implements hook_field_delete_instance().
- image_field_formatter_info in core/
modules/ image/ - Implements hook_field_formatter_info().
- image_field_formatter_info in core/
modules/ image/ - Implements hook_field_formatter_info().
- image_field_info in core/
modules/ image/ - Implements hook_field_info().
- image_field_info in core/
modules/ image/ - Implements hook_field_info().
- image_field_update_field in core/
modules/ image/ image.module - Implements hook_field_update_field().
- image_field_update_instance in core/
modules/ image/ image.module - Implements hook_field_update_instance().
- image_field_widget_info in core/
modules/ image/ - Implements hook_field_widget_info().
- image_field_widget_info in core/
modules/ image/ - Implements hook_field_widget_info().
- image_field_widget_process in core/
modules/ image/ - An element #process callback for the image_image field type.
- image_file_download in core/
modules/ image/ image.module - Implements hook_file_download().
- image_gd_desaturate in core/
modules/ system/ - Convert an image resource to grayscale.
- image_gd_rotate in core/
modules/ system/ - Rotate an image the given number of degrees.
- image_gd_save in core/
modules/ system/ - GD helper to write an image resource to a destination file.
- image_get_supported_extensions in core/
includes/ - Gets supported image extensions.
- image_image_style_save in core/
modules/ image/ image.module - Implements hook_image_style_save().
- image_resize_effect in core/
modules/ image/ - Image effect callback; Resize an image resource.
- image_rotate_effect in core/
modules/ image/ - Image effect callback; Rotate an image resource.
- image_scale_and_crop_effect in core/
modules/ image/ - Image effect callback; Scale and crop an image resource.
- image_scale_effect in core/
modules/ image/ - Image effect callback; Scale an image resource.
- image_style_create_derivative in core/
modules/ image/ image.module - Creates a new image derivative based on an image style.
- image_style_deliver in core/
modules/ image/ image.module - Menu callback; Given a style and image path, generate a derivative.
- image_style_form in core/
modules/ image/ - Form builder; Configure an image style name and effects order.
- image_style_list in core/
modules/ image/ - Menu callback; Listing of all current image styles.
- image_style_transform_dimensions in core/
modules/ image/ image.module - Determines the dimensions of the styled image.
- image_tokens in core/
modules/ image/ - Implements hook_tokens().
- image_token_info_alter in core/
modules/ image/ - Implements hook_token_info_alter().
- image_toolkit_invoke in core/
includes/ - Invokes the given method using the currently selected toolkit.
- image_update_1000 in core/
modules/ image/ image.install - Provide default image styles for the Image module.
- image_update_dependencies in core/
modules/ image/ image.install - Implements hook_update_dependencies().
- image_views_api in core/
modules/ image/ image.module - Implements hook_views_api().
- InstallerTestUploadCase::testUploadModule in core/
modules/ installer/ tests/ installer.test - Tests upload and extraction of a module.
- installer_browser_installation_theme_form in core/
modules/ installer/ - Form builder for theme install.
- installer_test_projects in core/
modules/ installer/ tests/ installer_test/ installer_test.module - Returns some static projects.
- LayoutBlockTextTest::testBlockText in core/
modules/ layout/ tests/ layout.test - Tests the BlockText class functionality.
- layout_layout_presave in core/
modules/ layout/ layout.module - Implements hook_layout_presave().
- seven_tablesort_indicator in core/
themes/ seven/ template.php - Overrides theme_tablesort_indicator().
- SimpleTestFolderTestCase::setUp in core/
modules/ simpletest/ tests/ simpletest.test - Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests.
- simpletest_result_status_image in core/
modules/ simpletest/ - Get the appropriate image for the status.
- standard_install in core/
profiles/ standard/ standard.install - Implements hook_install().
- standard_install in core/
profiles/ standard/ standard.install - Implements hook_install().
- system_jump_menu in core/
modules/ system/ system.module - Generate a jump menu form.
- system_menu in core/
modules/ system/ system.module - Implements hook_menu().
- template_preprocess_ckeditor5_settings_toolbar in core/
modules/ ckeditor5/ - Preprocess variables for theme_ckeditor5_settings_toolbar().
- template_preprocess_ckeditor_settings_toolbar in core/
modules/ ckeditor/ - Preprocess variables for theme_ckeditor_settings_toolbar().
- template_preprocess_installer_browser_project in core/
modules/ installer/ - Add some variables for the project theme.
- template_preprocess_installer_browser_project_dialog in core/
modules/ installer/ - Add some variables for the project details dialog.
- template_preprocess_user_picture in core/
modules/ user/ - Process variables for user-picture.tpl.php.
- template_preprocess_user_simplified_page in core/
modules/ user/ - Preprocess variables for user-simplified-page.tpl.php.
- theme_feed_icon in core/
includes/ - Returns HTML for a feed icon.
- theme_image_button in core/
includes/ - Returns HTML for an image button form element.
- theme_image_example_image in modules/
examples/ image_example/ - Theme function displays an image rendered using the specified style.
- theme_image_formatter in core/
modules/ image/ - Returns HTML for an image field formatter.
- theme_image_style in core/
modules/ image/ - Returns HTML for an image using a specific image style.
- theme_image_style_preview in core/
modules/ image/ - Returns HTML for a preview of an image style.
- theme_layout_info in core/
modules/ layout/ - Outputs information about a layout. Used in the layout listing page.
- theme_layout_template_info in core/
modules/ layout/ - Outputs information about a layout template . Used in the layout template listing page.
- theme_layout_template_option in core/
modules/ layout/ - Outputs an individual option label for selecting a layout.
- theme_simpletest_test_table in core/
modules/ simpletest/ - Returns HTML for a test list generated by simpletest_test_form() into a table.
- theme_system_themes_page in core/
modules/ system/ - Returns HTML for the Appearance page.
- theme_tablesort_indicator in core/
includes/ - Returns HTML for a sort icon.
- TokenNodeTestCase::testNodeTokens in core/
modules/ simpletest/ tests/ token.test - TokenUserTestCase::testUserTokens in core/
modules/ simpletest/ tests/ token.test - UserPasswordResetTest::setUp in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ user_password_reset.test - Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests.
- UserPictureTestCase::setUp in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ user.test - UserPictureTestCase::testDeletePicture in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ user.test - Tests deletion of user pictures.
- UserPictureTestCase::testExternalPicture in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ user.test - Test HTTP schema working with user pictures.
- UserPictureTestCase::testPictureIsValid in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ user.test - Do the test: Picture is valid (proper size and dimension)
- UserPictureTestCase::testWithGDinvalidDimension in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ user.test - Do the test: GD Toolkit is installed Picture has invalid dimension
- UserPictureTestCase::testWithGDinvalidSize in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ user.test - Do the test: GD Toolkit is installed Picture has invalid size
- UserPictureTestCase::testWithoutGDinvalidDimension in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ user.test - Do the test: GD Toolkit is not installed Picture has invalid size
- UserPictureTestCase::testWithoutGDinvalidSize in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ user.test - Do the test: GD Toolkit is not installed Picture has invalid size
- user_admin_settings in core/
modules/ user/ - Form builder; Configure user settings for this site.
- views_handler_field_file_icon::getIconName in core/
modules/ file/ views/ - Map file extensions to Phosphor icons.
- views_handler_field_user_picture::options_form in core/
modules/ user/ views/ - Default options form that provides the label widget that all fields should have.
- views_handler_field_user_picture::render in core/
modules/ user/ views/ - Render the field.
- _file_update_image_field_dimensions in core/
modules/ file/ - Update the image dimensions stored in any image fields for a file.
- _image_token_get_image_fields in core/
modules/ image/ - Helper function to find all image fields.
- _node_type_example_installed_fields in modules/
examples/ node_type_example/ node_type_example.module - Defines the fields for our content type.