1 image.test | public ImageFieldValidateTestCase::testTypeSupport() |
Test for supported image types.
- core/
modules/ image/ tests/ image.test, line 1208 - Tests for image.module.
- ImageFieldValidateTestCase
- Test class to check for various validations.
public function testTypeSupport() {
$field_name = strtolower($this->randomName());
$instance_settings = array(
'file_extensions' => 'jpg webp',
$this->createImageField($field_name, 'post', array(), $instance_settings);
$path = backdrop_get_path('module', 'image') . '/tests/images';
$filename = 'test-image.webp';
$files = file_scan_directory($path, '/' . $filename . '/');
$webp_image = reset($files);
$nid = $this->uploadNodeImage($webp_image, $field_name, 'post');
$refused_message = t('The specified file %file could not be uploaded. Only files with the following extensions are allowed: %extensions.', array(
'%file' => $filename,
'%extensions' => 'jpg',
// Both, PHP and GD must support WebP. PHP ships with support since 7.1.+,
// particularly for getimagesize() so that's the minimum.
// @see https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.gd-info.php
// @see https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.getimagesize.php
$gd_info = gd_info();
$webp_supported = isset($gd_info['WebP Support']) && $gd_info['WebP Support'] == TRUE;
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.1.0', '<') || !$webp_supported) {
$this->assertText(strip_tags($refused_message), 'WebP image type has been refused');
// Also check the field description.
$this->assertText('Allowed file types: jpg.', 'Field allows only jpg extension');
else {
// Successful upload and node creation.
$this->assertNoText(strip_tags($refused_message), 'WebP image type has not been refused');
$node = node_load($nid);
$uploaded_filename = $node->{$field_name}[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['filename'];
$this->assertEqual($uploaded_filename, $filename, 'New node contains the file');
// Thumbnail image has been created.
$image_uri = $node->{$field_name}[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['uri'];
$this->backdropGet(image_style_url('thumbnail', $image_uri));
$this->assertResponse(200, 'Received a 200 response for derivative image.');
$this->assertNoText('Error generating image.');