- <?php
- * @file
- * The Layout module creates pages and wraps existing pages in layouts.
- *
- * Backdrop's primary tool for positioning content is through layouts and
- * blocks. A "layout" is the template that defines regions in which pieces of
- * content may be placed. Each piece of content in this case is called a
- * "block". Blocks may be placed multiple times in a single layout, and each
- * block maintains separate settings. Each layout created saves to a
- * configuration file, including all the settings for the blocks contained
- * within it.
- *
- * Layout module provides two distinct ways of rendering pages. It is capable of
- * creating a stand-alone page that is created at any custom path specified by
- * the user, and it can also "wrap" the content of any path provided by a
- * module. In the case where a custom path is created, Layout module registers
- * the path in the menu system through hook_menu(). For wrapping module-provided
- * pages, Layout module declares itself as the system-wide "route handler", as
- * checked in menu_execute_active_handler(). Layout module then becomes
- * responsible for calling the module-provided content as a block, and positions
- * other blocks around the existing content.
- */
- * Layouts constant for user-defined layouts.
- */
- * Layout constant for layouts that override module-defined presets.
- */
- * Layout constant for module-defined layouts.
- */
- * Layout constant indicating the title of the layout is the default.
- */
- define('LAYOUT_TITLE_DEFAULT', 'default');
- * Layout constant indicating the title of the layout is not shown.
- */
- define('LAYOUT_TITLE_NONE', 'none');
- * Layout constant indicating the title of the layout is manually specified.
- */
- define('LAYOUT_TITLE_CUSTOM', 'custom');
- * Layout constant indicating the title of the layout comes from a block.
- */
- define('LAYOUT_TITLE_BLOCK', 'block');
- * Denotes that the block is disabled.
- */
- define('BLOCK_DISABLED', 0);
- * Denotes that the block is enabled.
- */
- define('BLOCK_ENABLED', 1);
- * Implements hook_menu().
- */
- function layout_menu() {
- $items = array();
- $base = array(
- 'access arguments' => array('administer layouts'),
- 'theme callback' => 'ajax_base_page_theme',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Layouts',
- 'description' => 'Create new landing pages or modify the layout of existing pages on your site.',
- 'page callback' => 'layout_list_page',
- 'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,
- 'file' => 'layout.admin.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/list'] = array(
- 'title' => 'List layouts',
- 'weight' => -10,
- 'file' => 'layout.admin.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/list'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/settings'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Layout templates',
- 'description' => 'Manage layout templates.',
- 'page callback' => 'backdrop_get_form',
- 'page arguments' => array('layout_settings_page'),
- 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
- 'weight' => 20,
- 'file' => 'layout.admin.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/settings'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/settings/flexible-template/add'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Add flexible layout template',
- 'page callback' => 'layout_flexible_template_settings_add_form',
- 'access arguments' => array('administer flexible templates'),
- 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_ACTION,
- 'weight' => -10,
- 'file' => 'layout.flexible.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/settings/flexible-template/add'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/settings/flexible-template/%layout_flexible_tempstore/edit'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Configure flexible layout template',
- 'page callback' => 'backdrop_get_form',
- 'page arguments' => array('layout_flexible_template_settings_edit_form', 5),
- 'access arguments' => array('administer flexible templates'),
- 'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,
- 'weight' => -10,
- 'file' => 'layout.flexible.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/settings/flexible-template/%layout_flexible_tempstore/edit'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/settings/flexible-template/%layout_flexible_tempstore/configure'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Configure flexible layout template',
- 'page callback' => 'backdrop_get_form',
- 'page arguments' => array('layout_flexible_template_configure_form', 5),
- 'access arguments' => array('administer flexible templates'),
- 'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,
- 'weight' => -10,
- 'file' => 'layout.flexible.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/settings/flexible-template/%layout_flexible_tempstore/configure'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/settings/flexible-template/%layout_flexible_tempstore/delete'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Delete flexible layout template',
- 'page callback' => 'backdrop_get_form',
- 'page arguments' => array('layout_flexible_template_delete_form', 5),
- 'access arguments' => array('administer flexible templates'),
- 'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,
- 'weight' => -10,
- 'file' => 'layout.flexible.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/settings/flexible-template/%layout_flexible_tempstore/delete'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/settings/flexible-template/%layout_flexible_tempstore/row/%/delete'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Delete row',
- 'page callback' => 'layout_flexible_template_delete_row',
- 'page arguments' => array(5, 7),
- 'access arguments' => array('administer flexible templates'),
- 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
- 'weight' => -10,
- 'file' => 'layout.flexible.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/settings/flexible-template/%layout_flexible_tempstore/row/%/delete'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/settings/flexible-template/%layout_flexible_tempstore/row/%/select-widths'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Choose region widths',
- 'page callback' => 'backdrop_get_form',
- 'page arguments' => array('layout_flexible_template_region_style_select', 5, 7),
- 'access arguments' => array('administer flexible templates'),
- 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
- 'weight' => -10,
- 'file' => 'layout.flexible.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/settings/flexible-template/%layout_flexible_tempstore/row/%/select-widths'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/settings/flexible-template/%layout_flexible_tempstore/row/%/configure'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Add row',
- 'page callback' => 'backdrop_get_form',
- 'page arguments' => array('layout_flexible_template_edit_row_form', 5, 7),
- 'access arguments' => array('administer flexible templates'),
- 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
- 'weight' => -10,
- 'file' => 'layout.flexible.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/settings/flexible-template/%layout_flexible_tempstore/row/%/configure'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/settings/flexible-template/%layout_flexible_tempstore/row/%/configure/%'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Add row',
- 'page callback' => 'backdrop_get_form',
- 'page arguments' => array('layout_flexible_template_edit_row_form', 5, 7, 9),
- 'access arguments' => array('administer flexible templates'),
- 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
- 'weight' => -10,
- 'file' => 'layout.flexible.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/settings/flexible-template/%layout_flexible_tempstore/row/%/configure/%'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/settings/toggle/%/enable'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Enable layout template',
- 'page callback' => 'layout_template_toggle_enabled',
- 'page arguments' => array(5, TRUE),
- 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
- 'file' => 'layout.admin.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/settings/toggle/%/enable'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/settings/toggle/%/disable'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Disable layout template',
- 'page callback' => 'layout_template_toggle_enabled',
- 'page arguments' => array(5, FALSE),
- 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
- 'file' => 'layout.admin.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/settings/toggle/%/disable'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/reorder'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Reorder',
- 'page callback' => 'backdrop_get_form',
- 'page arguments' => array('layout_reorder_form'),
- 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
- 'file' => 'layout.admin.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/reorder'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/add'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Add layout',
- 'page callback' => 'layout_add_page',
- 'page arguments' => array(),
- 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_ACTION,
- 'weight' => -10,
- 'file' => 'layout.admin.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/add'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Manage blocks',
- 'title callback' => 'layout_page_title',
- 'title arguments' => array(4),
- 'page callback' => 'backdrop_get_form',
- 'page arguments' => array('layout_content_form', 4),
- 'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,
- 'file' => 'layout.admin.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/edit'] = array(
- 'page callback' => 'system_redirect_deprecated_page',
- 'page arguments' => array('admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/blocks'),
- 'access arguments' => array('administer layouts'),
- 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/blocks'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Manage blocks',
- 'weight' => 0,
- 'file' => 'layout.admin.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/blocks'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/settings'] = array(
- 'page callback' => 'system_redirect_deprecated_page',
- 'page arguments' => array('admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/configure'),
- 'access arguments' => array('administer layouts'),
- 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/configure'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Configure layout',
- 'page callback' => 'backdrop_get_form',
- 'page arguments' => array('layout_settings_form', 4),
- 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
- 'weight' => 10,
- 'file' => 'layout.admin.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/configure'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/add-block/%/%'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Add block',
- 'page callback' => 'layout_block_add_page',
- 'page arguments' => array(4, 6, 7),
- 'file' => 'layout.admin.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/add-block/%/%'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/configure-region/%/%'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Configure region',
- 'page callback' => 'backdrop_get_form',
- 'page arguments' => array('layout_configure_region_page', 4, 6, 7),
- 'file' => 'layout.admin.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/configure-region/%/%'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/edit-title/editor/title'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Configure page title',
- 'page callback' => 'backdrop_get_form',
- 'page arguments' => array('layout_title_settings_form', 4),
- 'file' => 'layout.admin.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/edit-title/editor/title'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/configure-block/%/%layout_tempstore_block'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Configure block',
- 'load arguments' => array(4),
- 'page callback' => 'backdrop_get_form',
- 'page arguments' => array('layout_block_configure_form', 4, 7, 6),
- 'file' => 'layout.admin.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/configure-block/%/%layout_tempstore_block'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout/configure-redirect/%'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Configure block',
- 'load arguments' => array(4),
- 'page callback' => 'layout_block_configure_redirect',
- 'page arguments' => array(4, 6),
- 'context' => MENU_CONTEXT_INLINE,
- 'file' => 'layout.admin.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout/configure-redirect/%'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/remove-block/%/%layout_tempstore_block'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Remove block',
- 'load arguments' => array(4),
- 'page callback' => 'layout_block_remove_page',
- 'page arguments' => array(4, 7, 6),
- 'file' => 'layout.admin.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/remove-block/%/%layout_tempstore_block'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/toggle-block-status/%/%layout_tempstore_block'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Disable block',
- 'load arguments' => array(4),
- 'page callback' => 'layout_block_disable_page',
- 'page arguments' => array(4, 7, 6),
- 'file' => 'layout.admin.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/toggle-block-status/%/%layout_tempstore_block'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/clone'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Clone layout',
- 'page callback' => 'backdrop_get_form',
- 'page arguments' => array('layout_clone_form', 4),
- 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
- 'file' => 'layout.admin.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/clone'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/enable'] = array(
- 'page callback' => 'layout_toggle_enabled',
- 'page arguments' => array(4, TRUE),
- 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
- 'file' => 'layout.admin.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/enable'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/disable'] = array(
- 'page callback' => 'layout_toggle_enabled',
- 'page arguments' => array(4, FALSE),
- 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
- 'file' => 'layout.admin.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/disable'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/delete'] = array(
- 'page callback' => 'backdrop_get_form',
- 'page arguments' => array('layout_delete_form', 4),
- 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
- 'file' => 'layout.admin.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/delete'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/break-lock'] = array(
- 'page callback' => 'layout_break_lock_page',
- 'page arguments' => array(4, 'layout'),
- 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
- 'file' => 'layout.admin.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/break-lock'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/context/add'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Add context',
- 'page callback' => 'backdrop_get_form',
- 'page arguments' => array('layout_context_add_form', 4),
- 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
- 'file' => 'layout.context.admin.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/context/add'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/relationship/add'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Add relationship',
- 'page callback' => 'backdrop_get_form',
- 'page arguments' => array('layout_context_relationship_add_form', 4),
- 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
- 'file' => 'layout.context.admin.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/relationship/add'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/context/edit/layout/%'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Configure context',
- 'load arguments' => array(4),
- 'page callback' => 'backdrop_get_form',
- 'page arguments' => array('layout_context_add_form', 4, 8),
- 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
- 'file' => 'layout.context.admin.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/context/edit/layout/%'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/relationship/edit/layout/%'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Configure relationship',
- 'page callback' => 'backdrop_get_form',
- 'page arguments' => array('layout_context_relationship_add_form', 4, 8),
- 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
- 'file' => 'layout.context.admin.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/relationship/edit/layout/%'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/condition/add'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Add visibility condition',
- 'page callback' => 'backdrop_get_form',
- 'page arguments' => array('layout_condition_add_form', 4),
- 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
- 'file' => 'layout.admin.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/condition/add'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/condition/edit/layout/%'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Configure condition',
- 'load arguments' => array(4),
- 'page callback' => 'backdrop_get_form',
- 'page arguments' => array('layout_condition_add_form', 4, NULL, NULL, 8),
- 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
- 'file' => 'layout.admin.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/condition/edit/layout/%'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/condition/add/%layout_tempstore_block'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Add visibility condition',
- 'load arguments' => array(4),
- 'page callback' => 'backdrop_get_form',
- 'page arguments' => array('layout_condition_add_form', 4, 7),
- 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
- 'file' => 'layout.admin.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/condition/add/%layout_tempstore_block'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/condition/edit/%layout_tempstore_block/%'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Configure condition',
- 'load arguments' => array(4),
- 'page callback' => 'backdrop_get_form',
- 'page arguments' => array('layout_condition_add_form', 4, 7, NULL, 8),
- 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
- 'file' => 'layout.admin.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/manage/%layout_tempstore/condition/edit/%layout_tempstore_block/%'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/menu/%layout_tempstore_menu_item'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Menu settings',
- 'page callback' => 'backdrop_get_form',
- 'page arguments' => array('layout_menu_item_form', 4),
- 'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,
- 'file' => 'layout.admin.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/menu/%layout_tempstore_menu_item'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/menu/%layout_tempstore_menu_item/settings'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Menu settings',
- 'weight' => -1,
- 'file' => 'layout.admin.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/menu/%layout_tempstore_menu_item/settings'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/menu/%layout_tempstore_menu_item/break-lock'] = array(
- 'page callback' => 'layout_break_lock_page',
- 'page arguments' => array(4, 'menu_item'),
- 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
- 'file' => 'layout.admin.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/menu/%layout_tempstore_menu_item/break-lock'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/menu/%layout_tempstore_menu_item/condition/add'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Add visibility condition',
- 'page callback' => 'backdrop_get_form',
- 'page arguments' => array('layout_condition_add_form', NULL, NULL, 4),
- 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
- 'file' => 'layout.admin.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/menu/%layout_tempstore_menu_item/condition/add'] += $base;
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/menu/%layout_tempstore_menu_item/condition/edit/%'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Configure condition',
- 'page callback' => 'backdrop_get_form',
- 'page arguments' => array('layout_condition_add_form', NULL, NULL, 4, 7),
- 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
- 'file' => 'layout.admin.inc',
- );
- $items['admin/structure/layouts/menu/%layout_tempstore_menu_item/condition/edit/%'] += $base;
- foreach (layout_menu_item_load_all() as $menu_item) {
- if (!empty($menu_item->disabled)) {
- continue;
- }
- $path = array();
- $page_arguments = array($menu_item->name);
- $access_arguments = array($menu_item->name);
- $load_arguments = array($menu_item->name, '%map', '%index');
- foreach (explode('/', $menu_item->path) as $position => $bit) {
- $placeholder = $bit;
- if (strpos($bit, '%') === 0) {
- $placeholder = '%layout_path';
- }
- $path[] = $placeholder;
- $page_arguments[] = $position;
- $access_arguments[] = $position;
- }
- $menu_path = implode('/', $path);
- $items[$menu_path] = layout_page_menu_item($menu_item->menu, $access_arguments, $page_arguments, $load_arguments);
- if (isset($menu_item->menu['type']) && $menu_item->menu['type'] == 'default tab') {
- array_pop($path);
- $parent_path = implode('/', $path);
- $items[$parent_path] = layout_page_menu_item($menu_item->menu['parent'], $access_arguments, $page_arguments, $load_arguments);
- }
- }
- $items['admin/reports/blocks'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Blocks',
- 'description' => 'Overview of all blocks and their modules.',
- 'page callback' => 'layout_block_list',
- 'access callback' => 'user_access',
- 'access arguments' => array('administer layouts'),
- 'file' => 'layout.admin.inc',
- );
- $all_info = _layout_get_all_info('layout_context');
- $entity_names = array();
- foreach ($all_info as $entity_type_name => $context_info) {
- if (!empty($context_info['menu paths'])) {
- $entity_names[] = $entity_type_name;
- }
- }
- foreach (entity_get_info() as $entity_type => $entity_info) {
- if (in_array($entity_type, $entity_names)) {
- foreach ($entity_info['bundles'] as $bundle_name => $bundle_info) {
- if (isset($bundle_info['admin'])) {
- $path = $bundle_info['admin']['path'];
- if (isset($bundle_info['admin']['bundle argument'])) {
- $bundle_arg = $bundle_info['admin']['bundle argument'];
- }
- else {
- $bundle_arg = $bundle_name;
- }
- $access = array(
- 'access callback' => 'user_access',
- 'access arguments' => array('administer layouts'),
- );
- $items["$path/layouts"] = array(
- 'title' => 'Manage layouts',
- 'page callback' => 'backdrop_get_form',
- 'page arguments' => array('layout_entity_admin_form', $entity_type, $bundle_arg),
- 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
- 'weight' => 2,
- 'file' => 'layout.entity.admin.inc',
- ) + $access;
- $items["$path/layouts/add"] = array(
- 'title' => 'Add layout',
- 'title callback' => 'layout_entity_menu_title',
- 'title arguments' => array($entity_type, $bundle_arg),
- 'page callback' => 'backdrop_get_form',
- 'page arguments' => array('layout_entity_admin_add_form', $entity_type, $bundle_arg),
- 'file' => 'layout.entity.admin.inc',
- 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_ACTION,
- ) + $access;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return $items;
- }
- * Menu loader callback; Convert %layout_path placeholders to loaded objects.
- */
- function layout_path_load($arg_value, $menu_item_name, $path_parts, $arg_position) {
- $menu_item = layout_menu_item_load($menu_item_name);
- $contexts = $menu_item->getContexts();
- $context_info = layout_get_context_info($contexts[$arg_position]->plugin);
- if (isset($context_info['load callback']) && function_exists($context_info['load callback'])) {
- return call_user_func_array($context_info['load callback'], array($arg_value));
- }
- return $arg_value;
- }
- * Create a menu item for Layout-provided pages.
- *
- * @param array $menu
- * The configuration for this menu item as configured by the user.
- * @param $access_arguments
- * The arguments for the menu system.
- * @param $page_arguments
- * The page callback arguments for the menu system.
- * @param $load_arguments
- * The magic loader arguments for the menu system.
- *
- * @return array
- * The menu item array.
- */
- function layout_page_menu_item(array $menu, array $access_arguments, array $page_arguments, array $load_arguments) {
- $item = array(
- 'access callback' => 'layout_page_access',
- 'access arguments' => $access_arguments,
- 'page callback' => 'layout_page_callback',
- 'page arguments' => $page_arguments,
- 'load arguments' => $load_arguments,
- 'file' => 'layout.pages.inc',
- );
- if (isset($menu['title'])) {
- $item['title'] = $menu['title'];
- }
- if (isset($menu['weight'])) {
- $item['weight'] = $menu['weight'];
- }
- if (empty($menu['type'])) {
- $menu['type'] = 'none';
- }
- switch ($menu['type']) {
- case 'normal':
- $item['type'] = MENU_NORMAL_ITEM;
- $item['menu_name'] = $menu['name'];
- break;
- case 'tab':
- $item['type'] = MENU_LOCAL_TASK;
- break;
- case 'action':
- $item['type'] = MENU_LOCAL_ACTION;
- break;
- case 'default tab':
- $item['type'] = MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK;
- break;
- case 'none':
- default:
- $item['type'] = MENU_CALLBACK;
- break;
- }
- return $item;
- }
- * Menu title callback; Return the title for editing a layout.
- */
- function layout_page_title(Layout $layout) {
- return $layout->title;
- }
- * Menu access callback; Check access for any Layout-provided page.
- */
- function layout_page_access() {
- module_load_include('inc', 'layout', 'layout.pages');
- $args = func_get_args();
- return call_user_func_array('_layout_page_access', $args);
- }
- * Title callback: Returns a label for the action link to create bundle layouts.
- *
- * @param string $entity_type
- * The entity type such as "node", "user", "taxonomy_term", etc.
- * @param string|stdClass $bundle_arg
- * The bundle as a string or object. The object may be a TaxonomyVocabulary
- * or stdClass (in the case of a node type).
- *
- * @return string
- * The translated label used for the local actions.
- *
- * @see layout_menu()
- */
- function layout_entity_menu_title($entity_type, $bundle_arg) {
- module_load_include('inc', 'layout', 'layout.entity.admin');
- $entity_info = entity_get_info($entity_type);
- $single_bundle = (count($entity_info['bundles']) == 1) && isset($entity_info['bundles'][$entity_type]);
- if (!$single_bundle) {
- $bundle_label = _layout_entity_bundle_label($entity_type, $bundle_arg);
- return t('Add @bundle_label layout', array('@bundle_label' => $bundle_label));
- }
- else {
- return t('Add @entity layout', array('@entity' => $entity_info['label']));
- }
- }
- * Suppress the layout.
- *
- * This function should be called from within another module's page callback
- * when the layout should not be displayed, that is, content only. This can be
- * useful for modules that implement popup pages or other special pages where
- * the default layout would be distracting.
- *
- * @param bool $suppress
- * If set to TRUE, the layout will be suppressed.
- *
- * @return bool
- * TRUE if the layout can be suppressed, FALSE otherwise.
- *
- * @since 1.21.0 Function added.
- */
- function layout_suppress($suppress = NULL) {
- $suppression_static = &backdrop_static(__FUNCTION__, FALSE);
- if (isset($suppress)) {
- $suppression_static = $suppress;
- }
- return $suppression_static;
- }
- * Route handler callback; Execute the current route item or wrap in a layout.
- *
- * @param $router_item
- * The menu router item for the page currently being loaded.
- *
- * @return
- * The fully built HTML content for this page, which will be wrapped in
- * page.tpl.php.
- *
- * @ingroup callbacks
- */
- function layout_route_handler($router_item) {
- if (!backdrop_is_html() || !empty($router_item['delivery_callback']) || $router_item['page_callback'] === 'layout_page_callback' || layout_suppress()) {
- return menu_default_route_handler($router_item);
- }
- $selected_layout = layout_get_layout_by_path(NULL, $router_item);
- if ($selected_layout->name === 'admin_default' && !user_access('view the administration theme')) {
- $selected_layout = layout_load('default');
- }
- if (in_array(backdrop_get_http_header('Status'), array(
- '404 Not Found',
- '403 Forbidden',
- )) && user_access('view the administration theme')) {
- if (isset($_GET['destination']) && path_is_admin($_GET['destination'])) {
- $selected_layout = layout_load('admin_default');
- }
- }
- if ($selected_layout) {
- $renderer = layout_create_renderer($selected_layout->renderer_name, $selected_layout);
- if ($selected_layout->isDefault()) {
- $renderer->ensurePageContentBlock();
- }
- return $renderer->render();
- }
- return menu_default_route_handler($router_item);
- }
- * Implements hook_theme()
- */
- function layout_theme() {
- $base = array(
- 'file' => 'layout.theme.inc',
- );
- $items = array(
- 'layout' => array(
- 'variables' => array(
- 'content' => NULL,
- 'settings' => NULL,
- 'layout' => NULL,
- 'layout_info' => NULL,
- 'renderer' => NULL,
- 'attributes' => array(),
- 'admin' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'template' => 'templates/layout',
- ) + $base,
- 'layout_reorder_layouts' => array(
- 'render element' => 'element',
- ) + $base,
- 'layout_content_form' => array(
- 'template' => 'templates/layout-content-form',
- 'render element' => 'form',
- ) + $base,
- 'layout_hero_background_image' => array(
- 'render element' => 'element',
- ) + $base,
- 'layout_info' => array(
- 'variables' => array('layout' => NULL),
- ) + $base,
- 'layout_condition_info' => array(
- 'variables' => array(
- 'layout' => NULL,
- 'show_empty' => TRUE,
- ),
- ) + $base,
- 'layout_template_option' => array(
- 'variables' => array('template_info' => NULL),
- ) + $base,
- 'layout_template_info' => array(
- 'variables' => array('template_info' => NULL),
- ) + $base,
- 'layout_flexible_template_style_option' => array(
- 'variables' => array('row_style' => NULL),
- ) + $base,
- 'layout_menu_item_arguments_table' => array(
- 'render element' => 'element',
- ) + $base,
- 'layout_settings_context_table' => array(
- 'render element' => 'element',
- ) + $base,
- 'layout_action_links' => array(
- 'render element' => 'element',
- ) + $base,
- 'layout_conditions' => array(
- 'render element' => 'element',
- ) + $base,
- 'layout_region_inner' => array(
- 'variables' => array(
- 'blocks' => array(),
- 'tag' => '',
- 'classes' => array(),
- 'attributes' => array(),
- ),
- ) + $base,
- );
- $layout_templates = layout_get_layout_template_info();
- foreach ($layout_templates as $template) {
- if (!empty($template['template'])) {
- $theme_key = str_replace('-', '_', $template['template']);
- $items[$theme_key] = array(
- 'variables' => array(
- 'content' => NULL,
- 'settings' => NULL,
- 'layout' => NULL,
- 'layout_info' => NULL,
- 'renderer' => NULL,
- 'attributes' => array(),
- 'admin' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'template' => $template['template'],
- 'path' => $template['path'],
- 'base hook' => 'layout',
- );
- if (isset($template['file'])) {
- $items[$theme_key]['file'] = $template['file'];
- }
- }
- }
- $styles = _layout_get_all_info('layout_style');
- foreach ($styles as $style) {
- if (!empty($style['block theme'])) {
- $items[$style['block theme']] = array(
- 'variables' => array(
- 'content' => NULL,
- 'layout' => NULL,
- 'block' => NULL,
- 'style' => NULL,
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'attributes' => array(),
- ),
- );
- if (isset($style['file'])) {
- $items[$style['block theme']]['file'] = $style['file'];
- }
- if (isset($style['path'])) {
- $items[$style['block theme']]['path'] = $style['path'];
- }
- if (isset($style['template'])) {
- $items[$style['block theme']]['template'] = $style['template'];
- }
- }
- if (!empty($style['hook theme'])) {
- if (is_array($style['hook theme'])) {
- $items += $style['hook theme'];
- }
- elseif (function_exists($style['hook theme'])) {
- $style['hook theme']($items, $style);
- }
- }
- }
- return $items;
- }
- * Implements hook_permission().
- */
- function layout_permission() {
- return array(
- 'administer layouts' => array(
- 'title' => t('Administer Layouts'),
- 'description' => t('Create and modify layouts and blocks.'),
- 'restrict access' => TRUE,
- 'warning' => t('Change the access/visibility of menu items, layouts and blocks.'),
- ),
- 'administer flexible templates' => array(
- 'title' => t('Administer Flexible Templates'),
- 'description' => t('Create, configure and delete flexible layout templates.'),
- 'restrict access' => TRUE,
- 'warning' => t('Manage all aspects of flexible layout templates, including deleting them.'),
- ),
- );
- }
- * Implements hook_config_info().
- */
- function layout_config_info() {
- $prefixes['layout.settings'] = array(
- 'label' => t('Layout settings'),
- 'group' => t('Configuration'),
- );
- $prefixes['layout.layout'] = array(
- 'name_key' => 'name',
- 'label_key' => 'title',
- 'group' => t('Layouts'),
- );
- $prefixes['layout.menu_item'] = array(
- 'name_key' => 'name',
- 'label_key' => 'path',
- 'group' => t('Layout menu items'),
- );
- $prefixes['layout.flexible'] = array(
- 'name_key' => 'name',
- 'label_key' => 'title',
- 'group' => t('Flexible layout templates'),
- );
- return $prefixes;
- }
- * Implements hook_library_info().
- */
- function layout_library_info() {
- $path = backdrop_get_path('module', 'layout');
- $libraries['bootstrap4-gs'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Bootstrap4 Grid System',
- 'website' => 'http://v4-alpha.getbootstrap.com/layout/grid/',
- 'version' => BACKDROP_VERSION,
- 'css' => array(
- $path . '/css/grid-flexbox.css' => array(),
- ),
- 'js' => array(
- $path . '/js/grid-fallback.js' => array(),
- ),
- );
- return $libraries;
- }
- * Implements hook_layout_api().
- */
- function layout_layout_api() {
- return array(
- 'file' => 'includes/layout.layout.inc',
- );
- }
- * Implements hook_block_info().
- */
- function layout_block_info() {
- $blocks = array();
- $blocks['custom_block'] = array(
- 'info' => t('Custom block'),
- 'description' => t('A basic block for adding custom text.'),
- 'class' => 'BlockText',
- );
- $blocks['hero'] = array(
- 'info' => t('Hero block'),
- 'description' => t('A hero block often consists of text over a background image, though either are optional.'),
- 'class' => 'BlockHero',
- );
- return $blocks;
- }
- * Implements hook_autoload_info().
- */
- function layout_autoload_info() {
- return array(
- 'Block' => 'includes/block.class.inc',
- 'BlockBroken' => 'includes/block.class.inc',
- 'BlockHero' => 'includes/block.hero.inc',
- 'BlockLegacy' => 'includes/block_legacy.class.inc',
- 'BlockText' => 'includes/block.text.inc',
- 'Layout' => 'includes/layout.class.inc',
- 'LayoutFlexibleTemplate' => 'includes/layout_flexible.class.inc',
- 'LayoutHandler' => 'includes/layout_handler.class.inc',
- 'LayoutHandlerBroken' => 'includes/layout_handler.class.inc',
- 'LayoutMenuItem' => 'includes/layout_menu_item.class.inc',
- 'LayoutException' => 'includes/layout.exceptions.inc',
- 'LayoutMissingException' => 'includes/layout.exceptions.inc',
- 'LayoutSaveException' => 'includes/layout.exceptions.inc',
- 'EntityLayoutContext' => 'plugins/context/entity_layout_context_handler.inc',
- 'LayoutContextBroken' => 'plugins/context/layout_context.inc',
- 'LayoutOverridesPathContext' => 'plugins/context/layout_context.inc',
- 'LayoutStringContext' => 'plugins/context/layout_context.inc',
- 'LayoutContext' => 'plugins/context/layout_context.inc',
- 'EntityBundleLayoutAccess' => 'plugins/access/entity_bundle_layout_access.inc',
- 'EntityIDLayoutAccess' => 'plugins/access/entity_id_layout_access.inc',
- 'FrontLayoutAccess' => 'plugins/access/front_layout_access.inc',
- 'HttpResponseCodeLayoutAccess' => 'plugins/access/http_response_code_layout_access.inc',
- 'LanguageLayoutAccess' => 'plugins/access/language_layout_access.inc',
- 'LayoutAccess' => 'plugins/access/layout_access.inc',
- 'LayoutAccessBroken' => 'plugins/access/layout_access.inc',
- 'LayoutAccessNegatable' => 'plugins/access/layout_access.inc',
- 'PathLayoutAccess' => 'plugins/access/path_layout_access.inc',
- 'UserCompareLayoutAccess' => 'plugins/access/user_compare_layout_access.inc',
- 'UserPermissionLayoutAccess' => 'plugins/access/user_permission_layout_access.inc',
- 'UserRoleLayoutAccess' => 'plugins/access/user_role_layout_access.inc',
- 'LayoutRendererEditor' => 'plugins/renderers/layout_renderer_editor.inc',
- 'LayoutRendererFlexible' => 'plugins/renderers/layout_renderer_flexible.inc',
- 'LayoutRendererStandard' => 'plugins/renderers/layout_renderer_standard.inc',
- 'LayoutStyle' => 'plugins/styles/layout_style_default.inc',
- 'LayoutStyleDynamic' => 'plugins/styles/layout_style_dynamic.inc',
- 'LayoutRelationship' => 'plugins/relationships/layout_relationship.inc',
- 'LayoutRelationshipAuthorFromNode' => 'plugins/relationships/author_from_node.inc',
- 'LayoutRelationshipBroken' => 'plugins/relationships/layout_relationship.inc',
- );
- }
- * Implements hook_contextual_links_view_alter()
- */
- function layout_contextual_links_view_alter(&$element, $items) {
- $links = &$element['#links'];
- if (isset($links['layout-configure-redirect-'])) {
- if ($position = strpos($links['layout-configure-redirect-']['href'], '/configure-redirect')) {
- $last_slash = strrpos($links['layout-configure-redirect-']['href'], '/');
- $uuid = substr($links['layout-configure-redirect-']['href'], $last_slash + 1);
- $links['layout-configure-redirect-']['fragment'] = 'configure-block:' . $uuid;
- }
- }
- }
- * Load an individual layout.
- *
- * @param string $layout_name
- * The layout machine name to load.
- * @param bool $skip_menu_items
- * Flag to skip the attempted loading of menu items for the loaded layouts.
- * This should be set to TRUE if loading layouts that definitely do not have
- * menu items associated with them, for example the default layouts or a
- * layout that overrides an existing menu path.
- *
- * @return Layout|boolean
- */
- function layout_load($layout_name, $skip_menu_items = NULL) {
- if (is_null($skip_menu_items)) {
- $skip_menu_items = in_array($layout_name, array('default', 'admin_default'));
- }
- $layouts = layout_load_multiple(array($layout_name), $skip_menu_items);
- return $layouts[$layout_name];
- }
- * Load multiple layouts based on a particular criteria.
- *
- * @param array $layout_names
- * The names of the layouts to be loaded.
- * @param bool $skip_menu_items
- * Flag to skip the attempted loading of menu items for the loaded layouts.
- * This should be set to TRUE if loading layouts that definitely do not have
- * menu items associated with them, for example the default layouts or a
- * layout that overrides an existing menu path.
- *
- * @return Layout[]
- * An array of Layout object instances.
- */
- function layout_load_multiple($layout_names, $skip_menu_items = FALSE) {
- $loaded_layouts = &backdrop_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
- $layouts_to_load = array();
- foreach ($layout_names as $layout_name) {
- if (!isset($loaded_layouts[$layout_name])) {
- $layouts_to_load[] = $layout_name;
- }
- }
- if ($layouts_to_load) {
- $menu_items = layout_menu_item_load_multiple($layout_names);
- $configs = layout_get_all_configs('layout');
- foreach ($layouts_to_load as $layout_name) {
- if (isset($configs[$layout_name])) {
- $layout_data = $configs[$layout_name];
- $loaded_layouts[$layout_name] = new Layout($layout_data);
- if (isset($layout_data['path']) && !$skip_menu_items) {
- if (isset($menu_items[$layout_data['path']])) {
- $loaded_layouts[$layout_name]->menu_item = $menu_items[$layout_data['path']];
- }
- elseif ($menu_item = layout_menu_item_load_multiple_by_path($layout_data['path'])) {
- $loaded_layouts[$layout_name]->menu_item = $menu_item;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- $layouts = array();
- foreach ($layout_names as $layout_name) {
- if (isset($loaded_layouts[$layout_name])) {
- $layouts[$layout_name] = $loaded_layouts[$layout_name];
- }
- else {
- $layouts[$layout_name] = FALSE;
- }
- }
- return $layouts;
- }
- * Load all layouts for a given router item and allow other modules to alter
- * them and/or set their contexts.
- *
- * @param array $router_item
- * The fully built menu router item, e.g., what is returned by menu_get_item().
- * @param bool $skip_menu_items
- * Flag to skip the attempted loading of menu items for the loaded layouts.
- *
- * @return Layout[]
- * An array of load Layout object instances.
- */
- function layout_load_multiple_by_router_item($router_item, $skip_menu_items = NULL) {
- $href = $router_item['href'];
- $layouts_by_item = &backdrop_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
- if (isset($layouts_by_item[$href])) {
- return $layouts_by_item[$href];
- }
- $layouts = layout_load_multiple_by_path($router_item['path'], $skip_menu_items);
- backdrop_alter('layout_load_by_router_item', $layouts, $router_item);
- $layouts_by_item[$href] = $layouts;
- return $layouts;
- }
- * Load all layouts at a given path.
- *
- * This function does not invoke hook_layout_load_by_router_item_alter(). In
- * general, developers should use layout_load_multiple_by_router_item() rather
- * than layout_load_multiple_by_path() to allow client modules to alter the
- * layouts and only call this function in situations where client alteration is
- * not desired and/or the router item is not available. Examples where this
- * might be needed:
- * - Inside a hook_menu() implementation (see dashboard_menu()).
- * - Inside a hook_layout_load_by_router_item_alter() implementation (see
- * node_layout_load_by_router_item_alter()).
- *
- * @param string $path
- * The menu routing path, with all placeholders represented by "%" symbols.
- * @param bool $skip_menu_items
- * Flag to skip the attempted loading of menu items for the loaded layouts.
- *
- * @return Layout[]
- * An array of load Layout object instances.
- *
- * @see dashboard_menu()
- * @see node_layout_load_by_router_item_alter()
- */
- function layout_load_multiple_by_path($path, $skip_menu_items = NULL) {
- if ($cache = cache('layout_path')->get($path)) {
- $layouts = $cache->data;
- $static_cache = &backdrop_static('layout_load_multiple', array());
- $static_cache = array_merge($layouts, $static_cache);
- }
- else {
- $layout_names = layout_get_path_layout_names($path);
- if (empty($layout_names)) {
- if (is_null($skip_menu_items)) {
- $skip_menu_items = TRUE;
- }
- if (path_is_admin($path)) {
- $layout_names[] = 'admin_default';
- }
- else {
- $layout_names[] = 'default';
- }
- }
- $layouts = layout_load_multiple($layout_names, $skip_menu_items);
- cache('layout_path')->set($path, $layouts);
- }
- return $layouts;
- }
- * Return an array of all layouts as fully loaded Layout objects.
- *
- * Note that this operation can be very expensive and its use is discouraged.
- * Use layout_load_multiple() to load specific layouts.
- *
- * @return Layout[]
- * An array of Layout object instances.
- */
- function layout_load_all() {
- $configs = layout_get_all_configs('layout');
- $layout_names = array_keys($configs);
- return layout_load_multiple($layout_names);
- }
- * Load an individual Layout menu item.
- *
- * @return LayoutMenuItem|boolean
- */
- function layout_menu_item_load($menu_item_name) {
- $menu_items = layout_menu_item_load_multiple(array($menu_item_name));
- if ($path = key($menu_items)) {
- return $menu_items[$path];
- }
- else {
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- * Load menu items by name.
- *
- * @param array $menu_item_names
- * An array of menu item names, if left empty, all Layout menu items will
- * be returned.
- *
- * @return array
- * An array of loaded LayoutMenuItem instances, keyed by the layout menu item
- * path.
- */
- function layout_menu_item_load_multiple($menu_item_names = NULL) {
- $loaded_menu_items = &backdrop_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
- $menu_items_to_load = array();
- foreach ($menu_item_names as $menu_item_name) {
- if (!isset($loaded_menu_items[$menu_item_name])) {
- $menu_items_to_load[] = $menu_item_name;
- }
- }
- if ($menu_items_to_load) {
- $configs = layout_get_all_configs('menu_item');
- foreach ($menu_items_to_load as $menu_item_name) {
- if (isset($configs[$menu_item_name])) {
- $loaded_menu_items[$menu_item_name] = new LayoutMenuItem($configs[$menu_item_name]);
- }
- }
- }
- $menu_items = array();
- foreach ($menu_item_names as $menu_item_name) {
- if (isset($loaded_menu_items[$menu_item_name])) {
- $path = $loaded_menu_items[$menu_item_name]->path;
- $menu_items[$path] = $loaded_menu_items[$menu_item_name];
- }
- }
- return $menu_items;
- }
- * Load an individual Layout menu item based on its path.
- */
- function layout_menu_item_load_multiple_by_path($path) {
- $configs = layout_get_all_configs('menu_item');
- foreach ($configs as $menu_item_name => $config) {
- if ($config['path'] === $path) {
- return layout_menu_item_load($menu_item_name);
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- * Return an array of all menu items as fully loaded LayoutMenuItem objects.
- *
- * Note this operation may be expensive. It should only be called in areas where
- * the results will be cached, e.g. on menu rebuild.
- */
- function layout_menu_item_load_all() {
- $configs = layout_get_all_configs('menu_item');
- $menu_item_names = array_keys($configs);
- return layout_menu_item_load_multiple($menu_item_names);
- }
- * Read all configuration files from disk of a particular layout type.
- *
- * This method provides basic caching around Layout's config files.
- *
- * @param $type
- * Either "layout" or "menu_item".
- *
- * @return array
- * An array of all configs for the specified type.
- */
- function layout_get_all_configs($type) {
- if ($cache = cache()->get('layout:' . $type . ':config')) {
- $configs = $cache->data;
- }
- else {
- $configs = array();
- $config_names = config_get_names_with_prefix('layout.' . $type . '.');
- foreach ($config_names as $config_file) {
- $config = config($config_file);
- $data = $config->get();
- $data += array(
- 'weight' => 0,
- );
- $configs[$data['name']] = $data;
- }
- backdrop_sort($configs, array(
- 'path' => SORT_STRING,
- 'weight' => SORT_NUMERIC,
- ));
- if ($type === 'layout') {
- $default = $configs['default'];
- $admin_default = $configs['admin_default'];
- unset($configs['default']);
- unset($configs['admin_default']);
- $configs['default'] = $default;
- $configs['admin_default'] = $admin_default;
- }
- cache()->set('layout:' . $type . ':config', $configs);
- }
- return $configs;
- }
- * Get a list of layouts that share a particular path.
- */
- function layout_get_path_layout_names($path) {
- $path_map = &backdrop_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
- if (empty($path_map)) {
- $configs = layout_get_all_configs('layout');
- foreach ($configs as $layout_name => $config) {
- if (isset($config['path'])) {
- $path_map[$config['path']][] = $layout_name;
- }
- }
- }
- return isset($path_map[$path]) ? $path_map[$path] : array();
- }
- * Check if a path is provided by Layout module, as in a custom layout path.
- *
- * @return
- * Boolean TRUE if Layout module provides a path, FALSE if another module
- * specified the path, or NULL if a path does not exist in the system.
- */
- function layout_provides_path($path) {
- if (empty($path)) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- $result = db_query('SELECT * FROM {menu_router} WHERE path = :path', array(':path' => $path));
- $return = NULL;
- foreach ($result as $router) {
- if ($router->page_callback == 'layout_page_callback') {
- $return = TRUE;
- }
- else {
- $return = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- }
- return $return;
- }
- * Get the layout which is active based on a path or router item.
- *
- * This may also be used to get the current layout on a page if no parameters
- * are passed. In which case the current path will be used.
- *
- * @param string $path
- * The menu routing path, with all placeholders represented by "%" symbols.
- * @param array $router_item
- * The menu router item for the page currently being loaded.
- * The $path parameter will be ignored if $router_item is specified.
- * @param bool $is_layout_page
- * Flag that says whether this is being called from the page callback for a
- * layout-provided page.
- *
- * @return Layout
- * The Layout object for the specified path.
- *
- * @since 1.4.0
- */
- function layout_get_layout_by_path($path = NULL, $router_item = NULL, $is_layout_page = FALSE) {
- if (!isset($router_item)) {
- $router_item = menu_get_item($path);
- }
- $href = $router_item['href'];
- $layouts_by_path = &backdrop_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
- if (isset($layouts_by_path[$href])) {
- return $layouts_by_path[$href];
- }
- $layouts = layout_load_multiple_by_router_item($router_item, !$is_layout_page);
- $selected_layout = NULL;
- foreach ($layouts as $layout) {
- $menu_contexts = $layout->getContexts(LayoutContext::USAGE_TYPE_MENU);
- foreach ($menu_contexts as $menu_context) {
- $menu_context->setDataFromRouter($router_item);
- }
- backdrop_static_reset('Layout::getContexts');
- if (!$layout->disabled && $layout->checkAccess()) {
- $selected_layout = $layout;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!$is_layout_page) {
- if (!$selected_layout) {
- if (path_is_admin($router_item['path']) && user_access('view the administration theme')) {
- $selected_layout = layout_load('admin_default');
- }
- else {
- $selected_layout = layout_load('default');
- }
- }
- }
- $layouts_by_path[$href] = $selected_layout;
- return $selected_layout;
- }
- * Implements hook_flush_caches().
- */
- function layout_flush_caches() {
- return array('layout_path');
- }
- * Reset all caches provided by Layout module.
- */
- function layout_reset_caches() {
- cache()->delete('layout:layout:config');
- cache()->delete('layout:menu_item:config');
- cache()->delete('layout_info');
- cache('layout_path')->flush();
- backdrop_static_reset('layout_load_multiple');
- backdrop_static_reset('layout_menu_item_load_multiple');
- backdrop_static_reset('layout_get_path_layout_names');
- backdrop_static_reset('layout_get_layout_template_info');
- backdrop_static_reset('layout_get_block_info');
- backdrop_static_reset('layout_get_layout_tempstore');
- backdrop_static_reset('_layout_include_files');
- backdrop_static_reset('_layout_get_all_info');
- }
- * Load all include files for modules that implement hook_layout_api().
- */
- function _layout_include_files() {
- $included = &backdrop_static(__FUNCTION__, FALSE);
- if (!$included) {
- foreach (module_implements('layout_api') as $module) {
- $function = $module . '_layout_api';
- $api_info = $function();
- if (isset($api_info['file'])) {
- include_once(BACKDROP_ROOT . '/' . backdrop_get_path('module', $module) . '/' . $api_info['file']);
- }
- }
- $included = TRUE;
- }
- }
- * Load layout-related information from modules.
- */
- function _layout_get_all_info($data_type, $init = array()) {
- $all_info = &backdrop_static(__FUNCTION__);
- if (!isset($all_info[$data_type])) {
- _layout_include_files();
- $all_info[$data_type] = $init;
- foreach (module_implements($data_type . '_info') as $module) {
- $function = $module . '_' . $data_type . '_info';
- if ($data_type == 'layout') {
- $link = l(t('Change record: @hook_old has been renamed to @hook_new.', array(
- '@hook_old' => 'hook_layout_info()',
- '@hook_new' => 'hook_layout_template_info()',
- )), 'https://docs.backdropcms.org/change-records/hook_layout_info-renamed-to-hook_layout_template_info');
- $placeholders = array(
- '%module' => $module,
- '%hook' => 'hook_layout_info()',
- '%function' => $function . '()',
- );
- watchdog('layout', 'Module %module implements deprecated %hook in %function.', $placeholders, WATCHDOG_DEPRECATED, $link);
- }
- $data = $function();
- $module_path = backdrop_get_path('module', $module);
- foreach ($data as $key => $info) {
- $info['module'] = $module;
- $info['name'] = $key;
- if (isset($info['path'])) {
- $info['path'] = $module_path . '/' . $info['path'];
- }
- else {
- $info['path'] = $module_path;
- }
- $all_info[$data_type][$key] = $info;
- }
- }
- }
- return $all_info[$data_type];
- }
- * Load the information of either a single layout template or all available
- * layout templates.
- *
- * @param string $template_name
- * Optionally specify a name of a single layout template, e.g. "boxton" or
- * "simmons". If no layout template name is specified, information for all
- * layout templates will be returned.
- *
- * @param boolean $rebuild
- * Whether the list of layout template info needs to be rebuilt (see
- * https://github.com/backdrop/backdrop-issues/issues/984). The rebuild is
- * required only on specific cases, so this defaults to FALSE. That way, the
- * rest of the times the layout cache is used (when available) for performance
- * reasons.
- *
- * @return array|boolean
- * The layout template information, as returned by either a stand-alone
- * template .info file, or through a module's hook_layout_template_info().
- *
- * @see hook_layout_template_info()
- * @see hook_layout_info()
- */
- function layout_get_layout_template_info($template_name = NULL, $rebuild = FALSE) {
- $info = &backdrop_static(__FUNCTION__);
- if (!isset($info) && !$rebuild) {
- $cache = cache('cache')->get('layout_info');
- if ($cache && $cache->data) {
- $info = $cache->data;
- }
- }
- if (!isset($info) || $rebuild) {
- $files = backdrop_system_listing('/^' . BACKDROP_PHP_FUNCTION_PATTERN . '\.info$/', 'layouts', 'name', 0);
- $init = array();
- foreach ($files as $name => $file) {
- $init[$name] = backdrop_parse_info_file($file->uri);
- if (isset($init[$name]['type']) && $init[$name]['type'] != 'layout') {
- unset($init[$name]);
- continue;
- }
- $init[$name]['path'] = dirname($file->uri);
- $init[$name]['title'] = $init[$name]['name'];
- $init[$name]['name'] = $name;
- }
- $info = _layout_get_all_info('layout_template', $init);
- $info = _layout_get_all_info('layout', $info);
- foreach ($info as $name => $layout_template_info) {
- $info[$name] += array(
- 'hidden' => FALSE,
- 'preview' => 'preview.png',
- 'default region' => 'content',
- 'stylesheets' => array(
- 'all' => array(str_replace('_', '-', $name) . '.css'),
- ),
- );
- if (!isset($info[$name]['template'])) {
- $template_path = BACKDROP_ROOT . '/' . $layout_template_info['path'] . '/layout--' . str_replace('_', '-', $name) . '.tpl.php';
- if (is_file($template_path)) {
- $info[$name]['template'] = 'layout--' . str_replace('_', '-', $name);
- }
- }
- }
- backdrop_sort($info, array('title' => SORT_STRING));
- cache('cache')->set('layout_info', $info);
- }
- if ($template_name) {
- if (isset($info[$template_name])) {
- return $info[$template_name];
- }
- else {
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- else {
- return $info;
- }
- }
- * Load the layout template information for a single layout template name.
- *
- * Duplicates the function layout_get_layout_template_info() to maintain
- * compatibility. Should not be used in new code.
- *
- * @param string $layout_name
- * The name of the layout template, e.g. "one_column" or
- * "three_three_four_column". If no layout template is specified, all layout
- * info will be returned.
- *
- * @return array|boolean
- * The layout template information, as returned by either a stand-alone
- * template .info file, or through a module's hook_layout_template_info().
- *
- * @deprecated since 1.4.0
- * @see layout_get_layout_template_info()
- */
- function layout_get_layout_info($layout_name = NULL) {
- return layout_get_layout_template_info($layout_name);
- }
- * Load all layout context information from modules.
- *
- * @param string $plugin_name
- * The name of the plugin.
- *
- * @return array
- */
- function layout_get_context_info($plugin_name) {
- $info = _layout_get_all_info('layout_context');
- return isset($info[$plugin_name]) ? $info[$plugin_name] : FALSE;
- }
- * Fetch all relevant relationships.
- *
- * Relevant relationships are any relationship that can be created based upon
- * the list of existing contexts. For example, the 'node author' relationship
- * is relevant if there is a 'node' context, but makes no sense if there is
- * not one.
- *
- * @param $contexts
- * An array of contexts used to figure out which relationships are relevant.
- *
- * @return
- * An array of relationship keys that are relevant for the given set of
- * contexts.
- */
- function layout_relationships_get_relevant_info($contexts) {
- $relevant = array();
- $relationships = _layout_get_all_info('layout_relationship');
- foreach ($contexts as $context) {
- foreach ($relationships as $rid => $relationship) {
- $handler = layout_create_handler('layout_relationship', $rid);
- if ($children = $handler->getChildren($rid)) {
- foreach ($children as $child_rid => $child) {
- if ($child['context'] == $context->plugin) {
- $relevant[$child_rid] = $child;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- if ($relationship['context'] == $context->plugin) {
- $relevant[$rid . ':relationship'] = $relationship;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return $relevant;
- }
- * Load all layout relationship information from modules.
- *
- * @return array
- */
- function layout_get_relationship_info($plugin_name) {
- $info = _layout_get_all_info('layout_relationship');
- return isset($info[$plugin_name]) ? $info[$plugin_name] : FALSE;
- }
- * Load all layout access information from modules.
- *
- * @return array
- */
- function layout_get_access_info($plugin_name) {
- $info = _layout_get_all_info('layout_access');
- return isset($info[$plugin_name]) ? $info[$plugin_name] : FALSE;
- }
- * Load all layout renderer information from modules.
- *
- * @return array
- */
- function layout_get_renderer_info($plugin_name) {
- $info = _layout_get_all_info('layout_renderer');
- return isset($info[$plugin_name]) ? $info[$plugin_name] : FALSE;
- }
- * Load all layout style information from modules.
- */
- function layout_get_style_info($plugin_name) {
- $info = _layout_get_all_info('layout_style');
- return isset($info[$plugin_name]) ? $info[$plugin_name] : FALSE;
- }
- * Get information about all blocks or just a single one.
- *
- * @param $block_module
- * The name of a module providing the desired block.
- * @param $block_delta
- * The key of the block within that module.
- *
- * @return array|FALSE
- * The information from hook_block_info() for the requests block(s).
- */
- function layout_get_block_info($block_module = NULL, $block_delta = NULL) {
- $block_info = &backdrop_static(__FUNCTION__, array(
- 'all' => NULL,
- 'modules' => array(),
- ));
- if (isset($block_module)) {
- $modules = array($block_module);
- }
- elseif (!isset($block_info['all'])) {
- $modules = module_implements('block_info');
- $block_info['all'] = TRUE;
- }
- else {
- $modules = array();
- }
- $new_block_info = array();
- foreach ($modules as $module) {
- if (!isset($block_info['modules'][$module])) {
- $new_block_info[$module] = module_invoke($module, 'block_info');
- }
- }
- if (!empty($new_block_info)) {
- backdrop_alter('block_info', $new_block_info);
- $block_info['modules'] = array_merge($block_info['modules'], $new_block_info);
- }
- if (isset($block_module) && isset($block_delta)) {
- if (isset($block_info['modules'][$block_module][$block_delta])) {
- return $block_info['modules'][$block_module][$block_delta];
- }
- else {
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- elseif (isset($block_module)) {
- if (isset($block_info['modules'][$block_module])) {
- return $block_info['modules'][$block_module];
- }
- else {
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- return $block_info['modules'];
- }
- * Helper function to get a handler class name based on the plugin name.
- */
- function layout_get_handler_name($plugin_type, $plugin_name) {
- $broken_class = NULL;
- if ($plugin_type === 'block') {
- $parts = explode(':', $plugin_name);
- list($module, $delta) = $parts;
- $info = layout_get_block_info($module, $delta);
- if ($info) {
- if (isset($info['class'])) {
- $class_name = $info['class'];
- }
- else {
- $class_name = 'BlockLegacy';
- }
- if ($delta == 'field_block' && isset($parts[2])) {
- $field_name = $parts[2];
- $available_fields = field_get_block_list();
- if (empty($available_fields[$field_name])) {
- $class_name = 'BlockBroken';
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- $class_name = 'BlockBroken';
- }
- }
- else {
- $info = _layout_get_all_info($plugin_type);
- switch ($plugin_type) {
- case 'layout_access':
- $broken_class = 'LayoutAccessBroken';
- break;
- case 'layout_context':
- $broken_class = 'LayoutContextBroken';
- break;
- case 'layout_relationship':
- $broken_class = 'LayoutRelationshipBroken';
- break;
- case 'layout_style':
- $broken_class = 'LayoutStyle';
- break;
- }
- if (isset($info[$plugin_name]['class']) && class_exists($info[$plugin_name]['class'])) {
- $class_name = $info[$plugin_name]['class'];
- }
- else {
- $class_name = $broken_class;
- }
- }
- return $class_name;
- }
- * Helper function to instantiate handlers when loading from config.
- *
- * @param string $plugin_type
- * The type of plugin being loaded, i.e. 'context', 'access', etc.
- * @param string $plugin_name
- * The name of the plugin, as keyed by that plugin type's info hooks.
- * @param array $config
- * The configuration options for the handler being created.
- *
- * @return
- * A handler object instance of the specified plugin type.
- */
- function layout_create_handler($plugin_type, $plugin_name, array $config = array()) {
- $handler_name = layout_get_handler_name($plugin_type, $plugin_name);
- return new $handler_name($plugin_name, $config);
- }
- * Helper function to create a Layout Context.
- *
- * @return LayoutContext
- */
- function layout_create_relationship($relationship_plugin_name, $config = array()) {
- return layout_create_handler('layout_relationship', $relationship_plugin_name, $config);
- }
- * Helper function to create a Layout Context.
- *
- * @return LayoutContext
- */
- function layout_create_context($context_plugin_name, $config = array()) {
- return layout_create_handler('layout_context', $context_plugin_name, $config);
- }
- * Helper function to create a Layout Access.
- *
- * @return LayoutAccess
- */
- function layout_create_access($access_plugin_name, $config = array()) {
- return layout_create_handler('layout_access', $access_plugin_name, $config);
- }
- * Helper function to create a Layout Renderer.
- *
- * @return LayoutRendererStandard|LayoutRendererEditor
- */
- function layout_create_renderer($renderer_plugin_name, Layout $layout) {
- $renderer_info = layout_get_renderer_info($renderer_plugin_name);
- return new $renderer_info['class']($layout, $renderer_info);
- }
- * Get a layout or menu item currently being edited from the tempstore.
- *
- * If a layout is not yet being edited, the layout will be loaded from
- * configuration.
- *
- * @param string $name
- * The machine name of the Layout item to load.
- * @param string $type
- * The type of item to load. Must be either "layout" or "menu_item".
- */
- function layout_get_layout_tempstore($name, $type = 'layout') {
- $caches = &backdrop_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
- if (!isset($caches[$type][$name])) {
- $item = tempstore_get('layout.' . $type, $name);
- if (!$item) {
- if ($type == 'layout') {
- $item = layout_load($name);
- }
- elseif ($type == 'menu_item') {
- $item = layout_menu_item_load($name);
- }
- }
- $caches[$type][$name] = $item;
- }
- return $caches[$type][$name];
- }
- * Store changes to a layout or menu item in the temporary store.
- *
- * @param Layout|LayoutMenuItem $item
- * The Layout item to save into tempstore.
- * @param string $type
- * The type of item to save. Must be either "layout" or "menu_item".
- */
- function layout_set_layout_tempstore($item, $type = 'layout') {
- if (empty($item->name)) {
- return;
- }
- $item->locked = array(
- 'uid' => $GLOBALS['user']->uid,
- 'updated' => REQUEST_TIME,
- );
- tempstore_set('layout.' . $type, $item->name, $item, 604800);
- }
- * Remove an item from the object cache.
- */
- function layout_clear_layout_tempstore($name, $type = 'layout') {
- tempstore_clear('layout.' . $type, $name);
- }
- * Menu loader callback to load a Layout cache object.
- */
- function layout_tempstore_load($layout_name) {
- return layout_get_layout_tempstore($layout_name, 'layout');
- }
- * Menu loader callback to load a Layout cache object.
- */
- function layout_tempstore_menu_item_load($layout_name) {
- return layout_get_layout_tempstore($layout_name, 'menu_item');
- }
- * Menu loader to load an individual block from a layout.
- */
- function layout_tempstore_block_load($layout_block_uuid, $layout_name) {
- $layout = layout_tempstore_load($layout_name);
- $block = FALSE;
- if (isset($layout->in_progress['block']) && $layout->in_progress['block']->uuid === $layout_block_uuid) {
- $block = $layout->in_progress['block'];
- }
- elseif (isset($layout->content[$layout_block_uuid])) {
- $block = $layout->content[$layout_block_uuid];
- }
- return $block;
- }
- * Given a path with placeholders (%), determine the required contexts.
- *
- * @param string $path
- * The path for which required contexts should be retrieved.
- *
- * @return array
- * An array of required contexts that match the given path.
- */
- function layout_context_required_by_path($path) {
- $required_context_info = array();
- $all_info = _layout_get_all_info('layout_context');
- foreach ($all_info as $context_info) {
- foreach ($context_info['menu paths'] as $context_path) {
- $cleaned_path = preg_replace('/%[a-z0-9_]+/', '%', $context_path);
- if (strpos($path, '%') === FALSE && $path === $cleaned_path) {
- $required_context_info[$context_info['name']] = array(
- 'plugin' => $context_info['name'],
- );
- }
- elseif (strpos($path, $cleaned_path) === 0) {
- $parts = explode('/', $context_path);
- foreach ($parts as $part_index => $part) {
- if (!empty($context_info['path placeholder']) && $part === $context_info['path placeholder']) {
- $required_context_info[$part_index] = array(
- 'plugin' => $context_info['name'],
- 'position' => $part_index,
- );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- $parts = explode('/', $path);
- foreach ($parts as $part_index => $part) {
- if ($part === '%' && !isset($required_context_info[$part_index])) {
- $required_context_info[$part_index] = array(
- 'plugin' => 'string',
- 'position' => $part_index,
- );
- }
- }
- ksort($required_context_info);
- $required_contexts[$path] = array();
- foreach ($required_context_info as $context_position => $context_info) {
- $context = layout_create_context($context_info['plugin']);
- $context->required = TRUE;
- $context->usageType = LayoutContext::USAGE_TYPE_MENU;
- $context->locked = $context_info['plugin'] !== 'string';
- $context->position = $context_position;
- $context->plugin = $context_info['plugin'];
- $required_contexts[$path][$context_position] = $context;
- }
- return $required_contexts[$path];
- }
- * Returns the current user account context, which is always available.
- *
- * @return EntityLayoutContext
- * The layout context for the current user account.
- *
- * @since 1.17.5 Function added.
- */
- function layout_current_user_context() {
- $current_user_context = layout_create_context('user', array(
- 'name' => 'current_user',
- 'label' => t('Logged-in user account'),
- 'locked' => TRUE,
- 'usageType' => LayoutContext::USAGE_TYPE_SYSTEM,
- ));
- $current_user_context->setData($GLOBALS['user']);
- return $current_user_context;
- }
- * Determine if a block has the necessary contexts.
- *
- * @param Layout $layout
- * The layout on which the specified block will be displayed.
- * @param string $block_module
- * The module that provides the block to be checked.
- * @param string $block_delta
- * The identifier for the block within hook_block_info().
- *
- * @return bool
- * TRUE if the block has required contexts. FALSE otherwise.
- */
- function layout_block_has_required_contexts(Layout $layout, $block_module, $block_delta) {
- $block_info = module_invoke($block_module, 'block_info');
- $required_contexts = array();
- if (isset($block_info[$block_delta]['required contexts'])) {
- $required_contexts = $block_info[$block_delta]['required contexts'];
- }
- $available_contexts = $layout->getContexts();
- foreach ($required_contexts as $key => $required_context_plugin_name) {
- foreach ($available_contexts as $context) {
- if ($context->isA($required_context_plugin_name)) {
- unset($required_contexts[$key]);
- }
- }
- }
- return empty($required_contexts);
- }
- * Helper function for setting contexts on a layout handler.
- *
- * @param array $contexts
- * An array of contexts that will be set by reference if all required contexts
- * are found.
- * @param LayoutContext[] $all_contexts
- * The full array of contexts on an entire layout, from which the required
- * contexts will be selected.
- * @param array $required_contexts
- * The array of context keys and types that need to be selected from
- * the $all_contexts array and populated into the $contexts array.
- * @param array $context_settings
- * If a plugin has multiple contexts, a user may select which context should
- * be used. This array will be keyed by the plugin's required context keys,
- * with the values being the overall layout's context keys.
- *
- * @return bool
- * TRUE if all contexts were set on the Layout. If a requested context is not
- * available, FALSE will be returned and no contexts will be set at all.
- */
- function layout_set_handler_contexts(array &$contexts, array $all_contexts, array $required_contexts, array $context_settings) {
- foreach ($required_contexts as $required_context_key => $context_type) {
- if (isset($context_settings[$required_context_key])) {
- $layout_context_key = $context_settings[$required_context_key];
- if (isset($all_contexts[$layout_context_key]) && ($all_contexts[$layout_context_key]->isA($context_type))) {
- $contexts[$required_context_key] = $all_contexts[$layout_context_key];
- continue;
- }
- }
- foreach ($all_contexts as $layout_context) {
- if ($layout_context->isA($context_type)) {
- $contexts[$required_context_key] = $layout_context;
- continue 2;
- }
- }
- $contexts = array();
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- * Implements hook_modules_uninstalled().
- *
- * Deletes all blocks provided by a module when that module is uninstalled.
- */
- function layout_modules_uninstalled($modules) {
- $layouts = layout_load_all();
- foreach ($modules as $module) {
- foreach ($layouts as $layout) {
- $blocks_to_remove = array();
- foreach ($layout->content as $uuid => $block) {
- if ($block->module == $module) {
- $blocks_to_remove[] = $uuid;
- }
- }
- if ($blocks_to_remove) {
- foreach ($blocks_to_remove as $uuid_to_remove) {
- $layout->removeBlock($uuid_to_remove);
- }
- $layout->save();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- * Gets the title description for the current layout.
- *
- * @param Layout $layout
- * Full layout object.
- *
- * @return $description
- * Description of title source.
- */
- function layout_get_title_description(Layout $layout) {
- $source = $layout->settings['title_display'];
- switch ($source) {
- $description = t('Default page title');
- break;
- $description = t('Custom page title: %title', array('%title' => $layout->settings['title']));
- break;
- $all_blocks = layout_get_block_info();
- if (!empty($layout->settings['title_block'])) {
- $uuid = $layout->settings['title_block'];
- $title_block = $layout->content[$uuid];
- $description = t('Title copied from the %block block', array('%block' => $all_blocks[$title_block->module][$title_block->delta]['info']));
- }
- break;
- $description = t('No title');
- break;
- }
- return $description;
- }
- * Store changes to a flexible layout template in the temporary store.
- *
- * @param LayoutFlexibleTemplate $flexible_template
- * The loaded flexible template object.
- */
- function layout_flexible_tempstore_set(LayoutFlexibleTemplate $flexible_template) {
- tempstore_set('layout.flexible', $flexible_template->name, $flexible_template, 604800);
- }
- * Get a flexible template currently being edited from the tempstore.
- *
- * If a template is not yet being edited, the template will be loaded from
- * configuration.
- *
- * @param string $flexible_template_name
- * The machine name of the flexible template to load.
- *
- * @return LayoutFlexibleTemplate
- * The flexible template object.
- */
- function layout_flexible_tempstore_load($flexible_template_name = NULL) {
- if (!$flexible_template_name) {
- return new LayoutFlexibleTemplate();
- }
- $caches = &backdrop_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
- if (!isset($caches[$flexible_template_name])) {
- if (!$item = tempstore_get('layout.flexible', $flexible_template_name)) {
- $item = layout_flexible_template_load($flexible_template_name);
- }
- $caches[$flexible_template_name] = $item;
- }
- return $caches[$flexible_template_name];
- }
- * Load an individual flexible template.
- *
- * @param string $flexible_template_name
- * The machine name of the template to load.
- *
- * @return LayoutFlexibleTemplate|false
- */
- function layout_flexible_template_load($flexible_template_name = NULL) {
- $all_templates = layout_flexible_template_load_all();
- if (isset($all_templates[$flexible_template_name])) {
- return $all_templates[$flexible_template_name];
- }
- else {
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- * Load all flexible templates.
- *
- * @return LayoutFlexibleTemplate[]
- */
- function layout_flexible_template_load_all() {
- $templates = &backdrop_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
- if (empty($templates)) {
- $cache = cache()->get('layout:flexible:config');
- if ($cache && $cache->data) {
- $configs = $cache->data;
- }
- else {
- $configs = array();
- $config_names = config_get_names_with_prefix('layout.flexible.');
- foreach ($config_names as $config_file) {
- $config = config($config_file);
- $data = $config->get();
- $configs[$data['name']] = $data;
- }
- cache()->set('layout:flexible:config', $configs);
- }
- foreach ($configs as $template_name => $config) {
- $templates[$template_name] = new LayoutFlexibleTemplate($config);
- }
- }
- return $templates;
- }
- * Implements hook_layout_template_info().
- */
- function layout_layout_template_info() {
- $layouts = array();
- $styles = layout_flexible_row_styles();
- $flexible_templates = layout_flexible_template_load_all();
- foreach ($flexible_templates as $flexible_template) {
- $layouts[$flexible_template->name] = array(
- 'title' => $flexible_template->title,
- 'regions' => array(),
- 'default region' => '',
- 'template' => 'layout--flexible',
- 'flexible' => TRUE,
- 'type' => 'layout',
- 'path' => 'templates',
- 'preview' => 'flexible_template.png',
- 'libraries' => array('bootstrap4-gs'),
- );
- foreach ($flexible_template->rows as $row_name => $region) {
- $region_style = $styles[$region['contains']];
- for ($i = 0; $i < $region_style['region_count']; $i++) {
- if (!empty($region['region_names']['region_' . $i]['label'])) {
- $region_name = $region['region_names']['region_' . $i]['label'];
- }
- else {
- $region_name = $row_name . ' ' . $i;
- }
- $layouts[$flexible_template->name]['regions'][$row_name . '--' . $i] = $region_name;
- }
- }
- }
- return $layouts;
- }
- * Implements hook_layout_presave().
- */
- function layout_layout_presave($layout) {
- if (!empty($layout->removed_blocks)) {
- foreach ($layout->removed_blocks as $uuid => $block) {
- if (is_a($block, 'BlockHero')) {
- if (!empty($block->settings['image'])) {
- $image = file_load($block->settings['image']);
- if ($image) {
- file_usage_delete($image, 'layout', 'block', $image->fid);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- * Reset all caches provided by Layout module.
- */
- function layout_flexible_reset_caches() {
- cache()->delete('layout:flexible:config');
- backdrop_static_reset('layout_flexible_template_load_all');
- backdrop_static_reset('layout_flexible_tempstore_load');
- }
- * Provides the default row styles.
- */
- function layout_flexible_row_styles() {
- $styles = array(
- 'region_12' => array(
- 'split' => '100:0',
- 'bootstrap' => '12:0',
- 'region_count' => 1,
- 'name' => t('One full-width region'),
- ),
- 'region_10_2' => array(
- 'split' => '83:17',
- 'bootstrap' => '10:2',
- 'region_count' => 2,
- 'name' => t('Two regions') . (' 83% : 17%'),
- ),
- 'region_9_3' => array(
- 'split' => '75:25',
- 'bootstrap' => '9:3',
- 'region_count' => 2,
- 'name' => t('Two regions') . (' 75% : 25%'),
- ),
- 'region_8_4' => array(
- 'split' => '67:33',
- 'bootstrap' => '8:4',
- 'region_count' => 2,
- 'name' => t('Two regions') . (' 67% : 33%'),
- ),
- 'region_6_6' => array(
- 'split' => '50:50',
- 'bootstrap' => '6:6',
- 'region_count' => 2,
- 'name' => t('Two regions') . (' 50% : 50%'),
- ),
- 'region_4_8' => array(
- 'split' => '33:67',
- 'bootstrap' => '4:8',
- 'region_count' => 2,
- 'name' => t('Two regions') . (' 33% : 67%'),
- ),
- 'region_3_9' => array(
- 'split' => '25:75',
- 'bootstrap' => '3:9',
- 'region_count' => 2,
- 'name' => t('Two regions') . (' 25% : 75%'),
- ),
- 'region_2_10' => array(
- 'split' => '17:83',
- 'bootstrap' => '2:10',
- 'region_count' => 2,
- 'name' => t('Two regions') . (' 17% : 83%'),
- ),
- 'region_4_4_4' => array(
- 'split' => '33:33:33',
- 'bootstrap' => '4:4:4',
- 'region_count' => 3,
- 'name' => t('Three regions') . (' 33% : 33% : 33%'),
- ),
- 'region_2_8_2' => array(
- 'split' => '17:67:17',
- 'bootstrap' => '2:8:2',
- 'region_count' => 3,
- 'name' => t('Three regions') . (' 17% : 67% : 17%'),
- ),
- 'region_2_2_8' => array(
- 'split' => '17:17:67',
- 'bootstrap' => '2:2:8',
- 'region_count' => 3,
- 'name' => t('Three regions') . (' 17% : 17% : 67%'),
- ),
- 'region_8_2_2' => array(
- 'split' => '67:17:17',
- 'bootstrap' => '8:2:2',
- 'region_count' => 3,
- 'name' => t('Three regions') . (' 67% : 17% : 17%'),
- ),
- 'region_3_6_3' => array(
- 'split' => '25:50:25',
- 'bootstrap' => '3:6:3',
- 'region_count' => 3,
- 'name' => t('Three regions') . (' 25% : 50% : 25%'),
- ),
- 'region_3_3_6' => array(
- 'split' => '25:25:50',
- 'bootstrap' => '3:3:6',
- 'region_count' => 3,
- 'name' => t('Three regions') . (' 25% : 25% : 50%'),
- ),
- 'region_6_3_3' => array(
- 'split' => '50:25:25',
- 'bootstrap' => '6:3:3',
- 'region_count' => 3,
- 'name' => t('Three regions') . (' 50% : 25% : 25%'),
- ),
- 'region_4_2_6' => array(
- 'split' => '33:17:50',
- 'bootstrap' => '4:2:6',
- 'region_count' => 3,
- 'name' => t('Three regions') . (' 33% : 17% : 50%'),
- ),
- 'region_4_6_2' => array(
- 'split' => '33:50:17',
- 'bootstrap' => '4:6:2',
- 'region_count' => 3,
- 'name' => t('Three regions') . (' 33% : 50% : 17%'),
- ),
- 'region_2_6_4' => array(
- 'split' => '17:50:33',
- 'bootstrap' => '2:6:4',
- 'region_count' => 3,
- 'name' => t('Three regions') . (' 17% : 50% : 33%'),
- ),
- 'region_2_4_6' => array(
- 'split' => '17:33:50',
- 'bootstrap' => '2:4:6',
- 'region_count' => 3,
- 'name' => t('Three regions') . (' 17% : 33% : 50%'),
- ),
- 'region_6_2_4' => array(
- 'split' => '50:17:33',
- 'bootstrap' => '6:2:4',
- 'region_count' => 3,
- 'name' => t('Three regions') . (' 50% : 17% : 33%'),
- ),
- 'region_6_4_2' => array(
- 'split' => '50:33:17',
- 'bootstrap' => '6:4:2',
- 'region_count' => 3,
- 'name' => t('Three regions') . (' 50% : 33% : 17%'),
- ),
- 'region_3_3_3_3' => array(
- 'split' => '25:25:25:25',
- 'bootstrap' => '3:3:3:3',
- 'region_count' => 4,
- 'name' => t('Four regions') . (' 25% : 25% : 25% : 25%'),
- ),
- 'region_3_3_4_2' => array(
- 'split' => '25:25:33:17',
- 'bootstrap' => '3:3:4:2',
- 'region_count' => 4,
- 'name' => t('Four regions') . (' 25% : 25% : 33% : 17%'),
- ),
- 'region_3_3_2_4' => array(
- 'split' => '25:25:17:33',
- 'bootstrap' => '3:3:2:4',
- 'region_count' => 4,
- 'name' => t('Four regions') . (' 25% : 25% : 17% : 33%'),
- ),
- 'region_4_3_3_2' => array(
- 'split' => '33:25:25:17',
- 'bootstrap' => '4:3:3:2',
- 'region_count' => 4,
- 'name' => t('Four regions') . (' 33% : 25% : 25% : 17%'),
- ),
- 'region_2_3_3_4' => array(
- 'split' => '17:25:25:33',
- 'bootstrap' => '2:3:3:4',
- 'region_count' => 4,
- 'name' => t('Four regions') . (' 17% : 25% : 25% : 33%'),
- ),
- 'region_2_4_3_3' => array(
- 'split' => '17:33:25:25',
- 'bootstrap' => '2:4:3:3',
- 'region_count' => 4,
- 'name' => t('Four regions') . (' 17% : 33% : 25% : 25%'),
- ),
- 'region_4_2_3_3' => array(
- 'split' => '33:17:25:25',
- 'bootstrap' => '4:2:3:3',
- 'region_count' => 4,
- 'name' => t('Four regions') . (' 33% : 17% : 25% : 25%'),
- ),
- 'region_2_4_4_2' => array(
- 'split' => '17:33:33:17',
- 'bootstrap' => '2:4:4:2',
- 'region_count' => 4,
- 'name' => t('Four regions') . (' 17% : 33% : 33% : 17%'),
- ),
- 'region_2_4_2_4' => array(
- 'split' => '17:33:17:33',
- 'bootstrap' => '2:4:2:4',
- 'region_count' => 4,
- 'name' => t('Four regions') . (' 17% : 33% : 17% : 33%'),
- ),
- 'region_4_2_2_4' => array(
- 'split' => '33:17:17:33',
- 'bootstrap' => '4:2:2:4',
- 'region_count' => 4,
- 'name' => t('Four regions') . (' 33% : 17% : 17% : 33%'),
- ),
- 'region_4_2_4_2' => array(
- 'split' => '33:17:33:17',
- 'bootstrap' => '4:2:4:2',
- 'region_count' => 4,
- 'name' => t('Four regions') . (' 33% : 17% : 33% : 17%'),
- ),
- );
- return $styles;
- }
- * Utility function to clean CSS for Layout UI.
- *
- * @param string $classes
- * CSS classes, as entered into the Layout user interface.
- *
- * @return string
- * String of sanitized classes separated by spaces.
- */
- function _layout_clean_custom_css($classes = array()) {
- if (!empty($classes)) {
- $new_classes = explode(' ', $classes);
- foreach ($new_classes as $class) {
- $clean_classes[] = backdrop_clean_css_identifier($class, array());
- }
- $clean_classes = array_filter($clean_classes);
- return implode(' ', $clean_classes);
- }
- return '';
- }
- * Implements hook_field_delete_instance().
- */
- function layout_field_delete_instance($instance) {
- cache('layout_path')->flush();
- }