1 layout.api.php | hook_layout_load_by_router_item_alter(&$layouts, $router_item) |
Perform alterations to the list of layouts that match the path of a router item.
Modules can implement this hook to allow a given layout to be used for multiple or different paths than its defined path.
This hook is called on every page load; your implementation should quickly and efficiently determine if it is applicable and return if not.
If a layout's path includes positioned contexts (e.g., 'node/%') and you apply the layout to a different path, you may need to set the context data beyond the default setting done by the layout module. The default setting happens after invocations of this hook, taking care of any contexts that were not yet set.
If you substitute a layout whose placeholder(s) are in a different position from the path in the router item and you will rely on the system to set the context, you should set the position of the context(s) in the layout to the position in the router. Example: the path in the router item is my_module/node/% and you wish to use the layout with path node/%. Then you would find the context at position 2 in the router item and set its Context::position variable to 2, so that the layout with path node/% looks at position 2 to set the context for that placeholder.
@since 1.20.0
Layout[] $layouts: The list of layouts that should be considered for the path $router_item['path']. Note that the final selection of layout will be based on contexts and visibility conditions.
array $router_item: The router item for the path. In addition to obtaining the system path at $router_item['path'], you can use other elements of $router_item. For example, $router_item['original_map'] contains an exploded version of the normal path.
See also
Related topics
- core/
modules/ layout/ layout.api.php, line 379 - Describe hooks provided by the Layout module.
function hook_layout_load_by_router_item_alter(&$layouts, $router_item) {
// Example taken from node_layout_load_by_router_item_alter(). When creating
// node preview pages, the path will be of the form node/preview/<type>/<id>,
// where <type> is the node type and <id> is the tempstore ID of the node
// begin previewed. But we want to display it using a layout whose system path
// is node/%. So we choose those layouts and set the context from the
// tempstore node.
// Check path structure before checking node type because
// node_type_get_types() is expensive; don't call it if we don't need to.
$map = $router_item['map'];
if (count($map) != 4 || $map[0] != 'node' || $map[1] != 'preview') {
$path_is_preview = FALSE;
foreach (node_type_get_types() as $type_obj) {
if ($type_obj->type == $map[2]) {
$path_is_preview = TRUE;
if (!$path_is_preview) {
// So now we know that this is a path that we want to handle. We want to use
// layouts whose path is node/%, and we'll use the node from the tempstore to
// set the context of those layouts. So start by getting the tempstore node,
// whose ID is in position 3 of the path.
$tempstore_id = $map[3];
$temp_node = node_get_node_tempstore($tempstore_id);
if ($temp_node) {
// Get all the layouts that we want to use whose paths are those normally
// used to display a node.
$node_layouts = layout_load_multiple_by_path('node/%', TRUE);
if ($node_layouts) {
$layouts = $node_layouts;
foreach ($layouts as $layout) {
foreach ($layout->getContexts() as $context) {
if (isset($context->position)) {
// If we were relying on the system to set the context, we should
// change $context->position to be the place the data is found in
// the router item, as here. This isn't actually necessary here,
// because we're going to go ahead and set the data ourselves, since
// we need to use the tempstore node as the context data.
$context->position = 3;