1 node.module node_layout_load_by_router_item_alter(&$layouts, $router_item)

Implements hook_layout_load_by_router_item_alter().

When creating node preview pages, the path will be of the form node/preview/<type>/<id>, where <type> is the node type and <id> is the tempstore ID of the node being previewed. But we want to display it using a layout whose system path is node/%. So we choose those layouts and set the context from the tempstore node.

When viewing old node revisions, the path will be of the form node/<nid>/revisions/<vid>/view, where <nid> is the node ID and <vid> is the revision ID. As with previews, we want to display it using a layout whose system path is node/%.


core/modules/node/node.module, line 1692
The core module that allows content to be submitted to the site.


function node_layout_load_by_router_item_alter(&$layouts, $router_item) {
  $map = $router_item['map'];

  // Check for node previews.
  if (count($map) == 4 && $map[0] == 'node' && $map[1] == 'preview') {
    // Add any node/% path as a fallback and set the context to the appropriate
    // node from the tempstore.
    $path_is_preview = FALSE;
    foreach (node_type_get_types() as $type_obj) {
      if ($type_obj->type == $map[2]) {
        $path_is_preview = TRUE;
    if (!$path_is_preview) {
    $tempstore_id = $map[3];
    $temp_node = node_get_node_tempstore($tempstore_id);
    if ($temp_node) {
      $node_layouts = layout_load_multiple_by_path('node/%', TRUE);
      if ($node_layouts) {
        $layouts += $node_layouts;
        foreach ($layouts as $layout) {
          foreach ($layout->getContexts() as $context) {
            if (isset($context->position)) {

  // Check for node revisions.
  if (count($map) == 5 && $map[0] == 'node' && $map[2] == 'revisions' && $map[4] == 'view') {
    // Add any node/% path as a fallback and set the context to the appropriate
    // node revision.
    $rev_node = $map[1];
    if ($rev_node) {
      $node_layouts = layout_load_multiple_by_path('node/%', TRUE);
      if ($node_layouts) {
        $layouts += $node_layouts;
        foreach ($layouts as $layout) {
          foreach ($layout->getContexts() as $context) {
            if (isset($context->position)) {
  // If either default was passed in originally, move it to the end of the list.
  if (isset($layouts['admin_default'])) {
    $admin_default = $layouts['admin_default'];
    $layouts['admin_default'] = $admin_default;
  if (isset($layouts['default'])) {
    $default = $layouts['default'];
    $layouts['default'] = $default;