- <?php
- * @file
- * User page callbacks for the Filter module.
- */
- * Page callback: Displays a page with long filter tips.
- *
- * @return string
- * An HTML-formatted string.
- *
- * @see filter_menu()
- * @see theme_filter_tips()
- */
- function filter_tips_long($format = NULL) {
- if (!empty($format)) {
- $output = theme('filter_tips', array(
- 'tips' => _filter_tips($format->format, TRUE),
- 'long' => TRUE
- ));
- }
- else {
- $output = theme('filter_tips', array(
- 'tips' => _filter_tips(-1, TRUE),
- 'long' => TRUE
- ));
- }
- return $output;
- }
- * Form callback: Display a form for inserting/editing an image.
- */
- function filter_format_editor_image_form($form, &$form_state, $format) {
- $form_state['format'] = $format;
- if (isset($form_state['input']['dialogOptions']['target'])) {
- $form_state['storage']['dialog_selector'] = $form_state['input']['dialogOptions']['target'];
- }
- $element_supports_uploads = !isset($form_state['input']['dialogOptions']['uploads']) || (bool) $form_state['input']['dialogOptions']['uploads'];
- $values = array();
- if (isset($form_state['input']['editor_object'])) {
- $values = $form_state['input']['editor_object'];
- }
- if (!empty($values['src']) || !empty($form_state['storage']['editing_image'])) {
- $form_state['storage']['editing_image'] = TRUE;
- backdrop_set_title(t('Edit image details'));
- $submit_button_label = t('Update');
- }
- else {
- backdrop_set_title(t('Insert image'));
- $submit_button_label = t('Insert');
- }
- $upload_settings = isset($format->editor_settings['image_upload']) ? $format->editor_settings['image_upload'] : array();
- $upload_settings += array(
- 'status' => 0,
- 'dimensions' => array('max_width' => '', 'max_height' => ''),
- 'max_size' => NULL,
- 'scheme' => 'public',
- 'alt_required' => FALSE,
- 'directory' => 'inline-images',
- );
- if (!empty($upload_settings['max_dimensions']['width']) || !empty($upload_settings['max_dimensions']['height'])) {
- $max_dimensions = $upload_settings['max_dimensions']['width'] . 'x' . $upload_settings['max_dimensions']['height'];
- }
- else {
- $max_dimensions = 0;
- }
- $max_filesize = !empty($upload_settings['max_size']) ? min(parse_size($upload_settings['max_size']), file_upload_max_size()) : file_upload_max_size();
- $orientation = !empty($upload_settings['orientate']) ? $upload_settings['orientate'] : 0;
- $existing_file = !empty($values['data-file-id']) ? file_load($values['data-file-id']) : NULL;
- $fid = $existing_file ? $existing_file->fid : NULL;
- $form['image']['fid'] = array(
- '#title' => t('Upload an image'),
- '#type' => 'managed_file',
- '#upload_location' => $upload_settings['scheme'] . '://' . $upload_settings['directory'],
- '#default_value' => $fid ? $fid : NULL,
- '#upload_validators' => array(
- 'file_validate_extensions' => array(implode(' ', image_get_supported_extensions())),
- 'file_validate_image_orientation' => array($orientation),
- 'file_validate_size' => array($max_filesize),
- 'file_validate_image_resolution' => array($max_dimensions),
- ),
- '#wrapper_attributes' => array(
- 'data-editor-image-toggle' => t('Upload an image'),
- ),
- '#parents' => array('fid'),
- '#weight' => -10,
- '#access' => $element_supports_uploads && $upload_settings['status'] && user_access('upload editor images'),
- );
- $form['image']['src'] = array(
- '#title' => t('Select from library'),
- '#type' => 'textfield',
- '#element_validate' => array('_filter_format_editor_link_url_validate'),
- '#placeholder' => '/example/image.jpg',
- '#default_value' => isset($values['src']) ? $values['src'] : NULL,
- '#parents' => array('attributes', 'src'),
- '#wrapper_attributes' => array(
- 'data-editor-image-toggle' => t('Select from library'),
- ),
- '#weight' => -8,
- '#maxlength' => 2048,
- );
- if ($fid || empty($form['image']['src']['#default_value'])) {
- $form['image']['src']['#default_value'] = '';
- }
- $form['alt'] = array(
- '#title' => t('Alternative text'),
- '#type' => 'textfield',
- '#default_value' => isset($values['alt']) ? $values['alt'] : NULL,
- '#description' => t('The alt attribute may be used by screen readers, search engines, and when the image cannot be loaded.'),
- '#parents' => array('attributes', 'alt'),
- '#required' => $upload_settings['alt_required'],
- );
- $form['size'] = array(
- '#title' => t('Image size'),
- '#wrapper_attributes' => array('class' => array('editor-image-size')),
- '#theme_wrappers' => array('form_element'),
- );
- $form['size']['width'] = array(
- '#title' => t('Width'),
- '#title_display' => 'attribute',
- '#type' => 'number',
- '#default_value' => !empty($values['width']) ? $values['width'] : '',
- '#max' => 99999,
- '#attributes' => array('placeholder' => t('width')),
- '#parents' => array('attributes', 'width'),
- '#field_suffix' => ' × ',
- );
- $form['size']['height'] = array(
- '#title' => t('Height'),
- '#title_display' => 'attribute',
- '#type' => 'number',
- '#default_value' => !empty($values['height']) ? $values['height'] : '',
- '#max' => 99999,
- '#attributes' => array('placeholder' => t('height')),
- '#parents' => array('attributes', 'height'),
- '#field_suffix' => ' ' . t('pixels')
- );
- $form['align'] = array(
- '#title' => t('Align'),
- '#type' => 'radios',
- '#default_value' => isset($values['data-align']) ? $values['data-align'] : 'none',
- '#options' => array(
- 'none' => t('None'),
- 'left' => t('Left'),
- 'center' => t('Center'),
- 'right' => t('Right'),
- ),
- '#wrapper_attributes' => array('class' => array('editor-image-align')),
- '#parents' => array('attributes', 'data-align'),
- '#access' => !empty($format->filters['filter_image_align']->status),
- );
- $form['caption'] = array(
- '#title' => t('Add a caption'),
- '#type' => 'checkbox',
- '#default_value' => (isset($values['data-has-caption']) && strcmp($values['data-has-caption'], 'false') !== 0) ? (bool) $values['data-has-caption'] : FALSE,
- '#parents' => array('attributes', 'data-has-caption'),
- '#access' => !empty($format->filters['filter_image_caption']->status),
- );
- $form['library_open'] = array(
- '#type' => 'submit',
- '#value' => t('Select from library'),
- '#name' => 'library_open',
- '#attributes' => array(
- 'class' => array('js-hide'),
- ),
- '#ajax' => array(
- 'callback' => '_filter_image_library_ajax',
- 'event' => 'click',
- ),
- '#limit_validation_errors' => array(),
- '#validate' => array(),
- '#submit' => array(),
- );
- $form['actions']['#type'] = 'actions';
- $form['actions']['submit'] = array(
- '#type' => 'submit',
- '#value' => $submit_button_label,
- '#ajax' => array(
- 'callback' => 'filter_format_editor_dialog_save',
- 'event' => 'click',
- ),
- );
- return $form;
- }
- * Render the image library.
- */
- function _filter_image_library_ajax() {
- $view_name = 'image_library';
- $view = views_embed_view($view_name);
- if (empty($view)) {
- $view = t('The view "@view_name" is not available.', array('@view_name' => $view_name));
- if (user_access('administer views')) {
- $view .= ' ' . t('Check the <a href="!url">Views administration page</a> to enable or create the "@view_name" view as needed.', array('!url' => url('admin/structure/views'), '@view_name' => $view_name));
- }
- }
- $rendered_library = '<div class="library-view" data-editor-library-view="true">' . $view . '</div>';
- $error_messages = theme('status_messages');
- $commands = array();
- $commands[] = ajax_command_prepend('.editor-image-library', $error_messages . $rendered_library);
- return array(
- '#type' => 'ajax',
- '#commands' => $commands,
- );
- }
- * Submit handler for filter_format_editor_image_form().
- */
- function filter_format_editor_image_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
- if (!empty($form_state['values']['fid'])) {
- $fid = $form_state['values']['fid'];
- $file = file_load($fid);
- $absolute_path = parse_url($GLOBALS['base_url'], PHP_URL_PATH) . '/';
- $url = file_create_url($file->uri);
- $url = str_replace($GLOBALS['base_url'] . '/', $absolute_path, $url);
- $form_state['values']['attributes']['src'] = $url;
- $form_state['values']['attributes']['data-file-id'] = $fid;
- unset($form_state['values']['fid']);
- }
- }
- * Form callback: Display a form for inserting/editing a link or uploading a file.
- */
- function filter_format_editor_link_form($form, &$form_state, $format) {
- $form_state['format'] = $format;
- if (isset($form_state['input']['dialogOptions']['target'])) {
- $form_state['storage']['dialog_selector'] = $form_state['input']['dialogOptions']['target'];
- }
- $element_supports_uploads = !isset($form_state['input']['dialogOptions']['uploads']) || (bool) $form_state['input']['dialogOptions']['uploads'];
- $values = array();
- if (isset($form_state['input']['editor_object'])) {
- $values = $form_state['input']['editor_object'];
- }
- if (!empty($values['href'])) {
- backdrop_set_title(t('Edit link'));
- }
- else {
- backdrop_set_title(t('Insert link'));
- }
- $form['href'] = array(
- '#title' => t('Link destination'),
- '#type' => 'textfield',
- '#element_validate' => array('_filter_format_editor_link_url_validate'),
- '#placeholder' => ' ',
- '#default_value' => isset($values['href']) ? $values['href'] : NULL,
- '#parents' => array('attributes', 'href'),
- '#wrapper_attributes' => array(
- 'data-editor-image-toggle' => t('Link to existing content'),
- ),
- '#weight' => -10,
- '#maxlength' => 2048,
- '#autocomplete_path' => 'path-autocomplete',
- '#description' => t('Start typing to see a list of suggestions, enter the relative path to another page, or enter an external URL.<br>Examples: <em>About Us</em>, <em>/about</em>, or <em>http://backdropcms.org</em>'),
- );
- $upload_settings = isset($format->editor_settings['file_upload']) ? $format->editor_settings['file_upload'] : array();
- $upload_settings += array(
- 'max_size' => '',
- 'file_extensions' => 'txt',
- 'directory' => 'inline-files',
- 'data-file-id' => NULL,
- 'status' => 0,
- 'scheme' => 'public',
- );
- $max_filesize = !empty($upload_settings['max_size']) ? min(parse_size($upload_settings['max_size']), file_upload_max_size()) : file_upload_max_size();
- $file_extensions = $upload_settings['file_extensions'];
- $upload_validators = array(
- 'file_validate_extensions' => array($file_extensions),
- 'file_validate_size' => array($max_filesize),
- );
- $file_directory = $upload_settings['directory'];
- $existing_file = !empty($values['data-file-id']) ? file_load($values['data-file-id']) : NULL;
- $fid = $existing_file ? $existing_file->fid : NULL;
- $form['file']['fid'] = array(
- '#title' => t('Upload a file and link to it'),
- '#type' => 'managed_file',
- '#upload_location' => $upload_settings['scheme'] . '://' . $file_directory,
- '#default_value' => $fid ? $fid : NULL,
- '#upload_validators' => $upload_validators,
- '#wrapper_attributes' => array(
- 'data-editor-image-toggle' => t('Upload a file and link to it'),
- ),
- '#parents' => array('fid'),
- '#weight' => -2,
- '#access' => $element_supports_uploads && $upload_settings['status'] && user_access('upload editor files'),
- '#description' => theme('file_upload_help', array('upload_validators' => $upload_validators)),
- );
- if ($fid || empty($form['file']['src']['#default_value'])) {
- $form['file']['fid']['#weight'] = -10;
- $form['file']['src']['#default_value'] = '';
- }
- else {
- $form['file']['src']['#weight'] = -10;
- }
- $form['text'] = array(
- '#title' => t('Link text'),
- '#type' => 'textfield',
- '#default_value' => isset($values['text']) ? $values['text'] : '',
- '#parents' => array('attributes', 'text'),
- );
- $form['more'] = array(
- '#title' => t('More link options'),
- '#type' => 'fieldset',
- '#collapsible' => TRUE,
- '#collapsed' => TRUE,
- );
- $form['more']['target'] = array(
- '#title' => t('Open the link destination in a new window'),
- '#type' => 'checkbox',
- '#return_value' => '_blank',
- '#default_value' => isset($values['target']) ? $values['target'] : FALSE,
- '#parents' => array('attributes', 'target'),
- );
- $form['more']['class'] = array(
- '#title' => t('CSS classes'),
- '#description' => t('Separate multiple CSS classes with spaces.'),
- '#type' => 'textfield',
- '#default_value' => isset($values['class']) ? $values['class'] : '',
- '#parents' => array('attributes', 'class'),
- );
- $fragment_info_link = l(t('fragment'), 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fragment_identifier', array('attributes' => array('target' => '_blank')));
- $form['more']['id'] = array(
- '#title' => t('Unique Identifier'),
- '#description' => t('Setting an ID allows linking to this part of the page using a URL !fragment.', array('!fragment' => $fragment_info_link)),
- '#type' => 'textfield',
- '#default_value' => isset($values['id']) ? $values['id'] : '',
- '#parents' => array('attributes', 'id'),
- );
- $form['more']['title'] = array(
- '#title' => t('Link title'),
- '#description' => t('The title attribute of the link. Usually shown as a small tooltip on hover.'),
- '#type' => 'textfield',
- '#default_value' => isset($values['title']) ? $values['title'] : '',
- '#parents' => array('attributes', 'title'),
- );
- $form['more']['rel'] = array(
- '#title' => t('Relationship (rel)'),
- '#description' => t('Specifies the relationship between the current page and the linked page.'),
- '#type' => 'textfield',
- '#default_value' => isset($values['rel']) ? $values['rel'] : '',
- '#parents' => array('attributes', 'rel'),
- );
- $form['actions']['#type'] = 'actions';
- $form['actions']['submit'] = array(
- '#type' => 'submit',
- '#value' => t('Save'),
- '#ajax' => array(
- 'callback' => 'filter_format_editor_dialog_save',
- 'event' => 'click',
- ),
- );
- return $form;
- }
- * Validate handler for filter_format_editor_link_form().
- */
- function filter_format_editor_link_form_validate($form, &$form_state) {
- if (isset($form_state['values']['attributes']['class'])) {
- $classes = explode(' ', $form_state['values']['attributes']['class']);
- $clean_classes = array();
- foreach ($classes as $class_name) {
- $clean_classes[] = backdrop_clean_css_identifier($class_name, array());
- }
- $form_state['values']['attributes']['class'] = implode(' ', $clean_classes);
- }
- }
- * Submit handler for filter_format_editor_link_form().
- */
- function filter_format_editor_link_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
- $fid = 0;
- $uri = '';
- if (isset($form_state['values']['attributes']['href']) && (strlen($form_state['values']['attributes']['href']) > 1)){
- $uri = $form_state['values']['attributes']['href'];
- $fid = _filter_get_file_id($uri);
- }
- elseif (isset($form_state['values']['fid'])) {
- $fid = $form_state['values']['fid'];
- }
- if ($fid > 0) {
- $file = file_load($fid);
- $uri = file_create_url($file->uri);
- $absolute_path = parse_url($GLOBALS['base_url'], PHP_URL_PATH) . '/';
- $url = str_replace($GLOBALS['base_url'] . '/', $absolute_path, $uri);
- $form_state['values']['attributes']['data-file-id'] = $fid;
- $form_state['values']['attributes']['href'] = $url;
- unset($form_state['values']['fid']);
- if (strlen($form_state['values']['attributes']['text']) === 0) {
- $form_state['values']['attributes']['text'] = basename($url);
- }
- }
- else {
- $form_state['values']['attributes']['href'] = $uri;
- unset($form_state['values']['fid']);
- $form_state['values']['attributes']['data-file-id'] = NULL;
- }
- $more = array('class', 'target', 'id', 'title', 'rel', 'data-file-id');
- foreach ($more as $attribute) {
- if (isset($form_state['values']['attributes'][$attribute])) {
- $value = trim($form_state['values']['attributes'][$attribute]);
- if (strlen($value) === 0 || ($attribute === 'target' && empty($value))) {
- unset($form_state['values']['attributes'][$attribute]);
- }
- else {
- $form_state['values']['attributes'][$attribute] = $value;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- * Form AJAX callback. Sends the save editor AJAX command and closes the dialog.
- *
- * @see filter_format_editor_link_form()
- * @see filter_format_editor_image_form()
- */
- function filter_format_editor_dialog_save($form, &$form_state) {
- $dialog_selector = '#backdrop-dialog';
- if (isset($form_state['storage']['dialog_selector'])) {
- $dialog_selector = $form_state['storage']['dialog_selector'];
- }
- $commands = array();
- $errors = form_get_errors();
- if (!empty($errors)) {
- $error_messages = theme('status_messages');
- $rendered_form = backdrop_render($form);
- $commands[] = ajax_command_remove('.editor-dialog .messages');
- $commands[] = ajax_command_replace('.editor-dialog form.filter-format-editor-image-form', $rendered_form);
- $commands[] = ajax_command_prepend('.editor-dialog .ui-dialog-content', $error_messages);
- if (empty($form_state['input']['fid']['fid'])) {
- $commands[] = ajax_command_invoke('.editor-dialog form.filter-format-editor-image-form a.last', 'click');
- }
- else {
- $commands[] = ajax_command_invoke('.editor-dialog form.filter-format-editor-image-form a.first', 'click');
- }
- }
- else {
- $commands[] = array(
- 'command' => 'editorDialogSave',
- 'values' => $form_state['values'],
- );
- $commands[] = ajax_command_close_dialog($dialog_selector);
- }
- return array(
- '#type' => 'ajax',
- '#commands' => $commands,
- );
- }
- * Element validation function.
- *
- * Clean up a URL and see if it will pass validation. Instead of stripping
- * dangerous protocols we flag them as invalid to make the user aware.
- *
- * @see filter_format_editor_link_form()
- * @see filter_format_editor_image_form()
- */
- function _filter_format_editor_link_url_validate(&$element, &$form_state) {
- $value = trim($element['#value']);
- if ($value === '') {
- form_set_value($element, $value, $form_state);
- return;
- }
- $value = _filter_cleanup_url($value);
- form_set_value($element, $value, $form_state);
- $stripped_url = backdrop_strip_dangerous_protocols($value);
- $dangerous_protocols = $stripped_url !== $value ? TRUE : FALSE;
- if ($dangerous_protocols || (!valid_url($value, TRUE) && !valid_url($value, FALSE))) {
- form_error($element, t('The URL %url is not valid.', array('%url' => $value)));
- }
- }
- * Clean up the URL for validation.
- *
- * Attempts to create a URL that will pass validation: add a protocol if it
- * looks like a domain but the protocol is missing; or create a valid, encoded
- * internal alias.
- *
- * @param string $url
- * A URL before it is cleaned-up.
- *
- * @return string
- * A cleaned-up URL that is either a properly formatted external URL or an
- * internal path.
- *
- * @see _filter_format_editor_link_url_validate()
- */
- function _filter_cleanup_url($url) {
- $url = _filter_create_valid_external_url($url);
- if (_filter_url_has_protocol($url)) {
- return $url;
- }
- if (substr($url, 0, 1) == '#') {
- return $url;
- }
- if (substr($url, 0, 1) == '/') {
- return $url;
- }
- $url_parts = backdrop_parse_url($url);
- return url($url_parts['path'], $url_parts);
- }
- * Forms a valid external URL if possible.
- *
- * Automatically adds an http:// to addresses that appear to be external URLs
- * but have no specified protocol.
- *
- * @param string $url
- * The URL entered by the user.
- *
- * @return string
- * The URL with the protocol prepended if needed.
- *
- * @see link_cleanup_url()
- */
- function _filter_create_valid_external_url($url) {
- if (_filter_url_has_protocol($url)) {
- return $url;
- }
- $domain_match = preg_match('/^(([a-z0-9]([a-z0-9\-_]*\.){1,63})([a-z]{2,63}))/i', $url);
- if (!empty($domain_match)) {
- $url = '//' . $url;
- }
- return $url;
- }
- * Checks if a URL has a protocol.
- *
- * Checks for a protocol as a sign that the URL is external. We want to include
- * all external URLs even if they have dangerous protocols.
- *
- * @param string $url
- * The URL entered by the user.
- *
- * @return bool
- * TRUE if URL has protocol.
- */
- function _filter_url_has_protocol($url) {
- if (parse_url($url, PHP_URL_SCHEME)) {
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- * Find a managed file ID from a url.
- */
- function _filter_get_file_id($href) {
- $result = 0;
- global $base_path;
- $public_path = config_get('system.core', 'file_public_path');
- $pattern = '#^' . $base_path . '(\?q=)?(' . $public_path . '|system/files/' . ')#';
- if (preg_match($pattern, $href) === FALSE) {
- return $result;
- }
- $pos = strrpos($href, "/");
- $filename = substr($href, $pos + 1);
- if (!empty($filename)) {
- $results = db_select('file_managed')
- ->fields('file_managed', array('fid', 'uri'))
- ->condition('uri', '%/' . $filename, 'LIKE')
- ->orderBy('fid', 'DESC')
- ->execute();
- foreach ($results as $found) {
- $result = $found->fid;
- }
- }
- return $result;
- }