1 ckeditor.theme.inc template_preprocess_ckeditor_settings_toolbar(&$variables)

Preprocess variables for theme_ckeditor_settings_toolbar().


core/modules/ckeditor/ckeditor.theme.inc, line 10
Theme functions for CKEditor 4 module.


function template_preprocess_ckeditor_settings_toolbar(&$variables) {
  // Simplify the language direction information for toolbar buttons.
  global $language;
  $variables['language_direction'] = isset($language->direction) && $language->direction === LANGUAGE_RTL ? 'rtl' : 'ltr';

  // Create lists of active and disabled buttons.
  $format = $variables['format'];
  $plugins = $variables['plugins'];
  $buttons = array();
  $multiple_buttons = array();
  foreach ($plugins as $plugin_info) {
    if (isset($plugin_info['buttons'])) {
      foreach ($plugin_info['buttons'] as $button_name => $button) {
        $button['name'] = $button_name;
        if (!empty($button['multiple'])) {
          $multiple_buttons[$button_name] = $button;
        $buttons[$button_name] = $button;
  $button_groups = array();
  $active_buttons = array();
  $settings = $format->editor_settings;
  foreach ($settings['toolbar'] as $row_number => $row) {
    $button_groups[$row_number] = array();
    foreach ($row as $group) {
      foreach ($group['items'] as $button_name) {
        if (isset($buttons[$button_name])) {
          // Save a reference to the button's configured toolbar group.
          $buttons[$button_name]['group'] = $group['name'];
          $active_buttons[$row_number][] = $buttons[$button_name];
          if (empty($buttons[$button_name]['multiple'])) {
          // Create a list of all the toolbar button groups.
          if (!in_array($group['name'], $button_groups[$row_number])) {
            array_push($button_groups[$row_number], $group['name']);
  $disabled_buttons = array_diff_key($buttons, $multiple_buttons);

  $rtl = $variables['language_direction'] === 'rtl' ? '_rtl' : '';

  $build_button_item = function($button, $rtl) {
    // Value of the button item.
    if (isset($button['image_alternative' . $rtl])) {
      $value = filter_xss_admin($button['image_alternative' . $rtl]);
    elseif (isset($button['image_alternative'])) {
      $value = filter_xss_admin($button['image_alternative']);
    elseif (isset($button['image']) || isset($button['image' . $rtl])) {
      if (isset($button['image' . $rtl])) {
        $src = file_create_url($button['image' . $rtl]);
      else {
        $src = file_create_url($button['image']);
      $value = '<img src="' . $src . '" title="' . check_plain($button['label']) . '" />';
      $value = '<a href="#" role="button" title="' . $button['label'] . '" aria-label="' . $button['label'] . '"><span class="cke_button_icon">' . $value . '</span></a>';
    else {
      $value = '?';

    // Build the button attributes.
    $attributes = array(
      'data-button-name' => $button['name'],
      'class' => array('ckeditor-button'),
    if (!empty($button['attributes'])) {
      $attributes = backdrop_array_merge_deep($attributes, $button['attributes']);
    if (!empty($button['required_html'])) {
      $attributes['data-required-html'] = backdrop_json_encode($button['required_html']);
    if (!empty($button['optional_html'])) {
      $attributes['data-optional-html'] = backdrop_json_encode($button['optional_html']);

    // Build the button item.
    $button_item = array(
      'contents' => $value,
      'attributes' => $attributes,
    // If this button has group information, add it to the attributes.
    if (!empty($button['group'])) {
      $button_item['group'] = $button['group'];

    // Set additional flag on the button if it can occur multiple times.
    if (!empty($button['multiple'])) {
      $button_item['multiple'] = TRUE;

    return $button_item;

  // Assemble list of disabled buttons (which are always a single row).
  $variables['active_buttons'] = array();
  foreach ($active_buttons as $row_number => $button_row) {
    foreach ($button_groups[$row_number] as $group_name) {
      $group_name = (string) $group_name;
      $variables['active_buttons'][$row_number][$group_name] = array(
        'group_name_class' => backdrop_clean_css_identifier($group_name),
        'buttons' => array(),
      $buttons = array_filter($button_row, function($button) use ($group_name) {
        return (string) $button['group'] === $group_name;
      foreach ($buttons as $button) {
        $variables['active_buttons'][$row_number][$group_name]['buttons'][] = $build_button_item($button, $rtl);
  // Assemble list of disabled buttons (which are always a single row).
  $variables['disabled_buttons'] = array();
  foreach ($disabled_buttons as $button) {
    $variables['disabled_buttons'][] = $build_button_item($button, $rtl);
  // Assemble list of multiple buttons that may be added multiple times.
  $variables['multiple_buttons'] = array();
  foreach ($multiple_buttons as $button) {
    $variables['multiple_buttons'][] = $build_button_item($button, $rtl);