165 calls to backdrop_static_reset()
- admin_bar_flush_caches in core/modules/admin_bar/admin_bar.module
- Implements hook_flush_caches().
- BackdropUnitTestCase::setUp in core/modules/simpletest/backdrop_web_test_case.php
- Sets up unit test environment.
- BackdropWebTestCase::refreshVariables in core/modules/simpletest/backdrop_web_test_case.php
- Refresh the in-memory set of variables and state values. Useful after a
page request is made that changes a variable in a different thread.
- BackdropWebTestCase::resetAll in core/modules/simpletest/backdrop_web_test_case.php
- Reset all data structures after having enabled new modules.
- BackdropWebTestCase::setUp in core/modules/simpletest/backdrop_web_test_case.php
- Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests.
- BackdropWebTestCase::tearDown in core/modules/simpletest/backdrop_web_test_case.php
- Delete created files and temporary files directory, delete the tables
created by setUp(), and reset the database prefix.
- BackdropWebTestCaseCache::setUp in core/modules/simpletest/backdrop_web_test_case_cache.php
- Sets up a Backdrop site to be used as a cached installation profile.
- backdrop_clear_path_cache in core/includes/path.inc
- Clear the path cache.
- backdrop_process_form in core/includes/form.inc
- Processes a form submission.
- backdrop_rewrite_settings in core/includes/install.inc
- Replaces values in settings.php with values in the submitted array.
- backdrop_theme_initialize in core/includes/theme.inc
- Initializes the theme system by loading the theme.
- backdrop_theme_rebuild in core/includes/theme.inc
- Forces the system to rebuild the theme registry.
- BackupSettingsTestCase::testBackupSettingsForm in core/modules/simpletest/tests/backup.test
- Tests the backup settings form.
- BlockTranslationTestCase::testTranslateCustomBlock in core/modules/block/tests/block.translation.test
- Test creating custom block, translate it, and then deleting it.
- block_custom_block_save in core/modules/block/block.module
- Saves a user-created block in a config file.
- book_node_predelete in core/modules/book/book.module
- Implements hook_node_predelete().
- BootstrapGetFilenameTestCase::testBackdropGetFilename in core/modules/simpletest/tests/bootstrap.test
- Test that backdrop_get_filename() works correctly when the file is not found in the database.
- BootstrapIPAddressTestCase::setUp in core/modules/simpletest/tests/bootstrap.test
- Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests.
- BootstrapIPAddressTestCase::tearDown in core/modules/simpletest/tests/bootstrap.test
- Delete created files and temporary files directory, delete the tables
created by setUp(), and reset the database prefix.
- BootstrapIPAddressTestCase::testIPAddressHost in core/modules/simpletest/tests/bootstrap.test
- test IP Address and hostname
- BootstrapResettableStaticTestCase::testBackdropStatic in core/modules/simpletest/tests/bootstrap.test
- Test that a variable reference returned by backdrop_static() gets reset when
backdrop_static_reset() is called.
- CKEditor5UpgradeTestCase::testUpgrade in core/modules/ckeditor5/tests/ckeditor5_upgrade.test
- Test upgrading a CKEditor 4 text format to CKEditor 5.
- ColorTestCase::testColor in core/modules/color/tests/color.test
- Tests the Color module functionality.
- comment_uninstall in core/modules/comment/comment.install
- Implements hook_uninstall().
- CommonBackdropRenderTestCase::testBackdropRenderChildrenAttached in core/modules/simpletest/tests/common.test
- Test #attached functionality in children elements.
- CommonCascadingStylesheetsTestCase::setUp in core/modules/simpletest/tests/common.test
- Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests.
- CommonCascadingStylesheetsTestCase::testRenderOverride in core/modules/simpletest/tests/common.test
- Test CSS override.
- CommonCascadingStylesheetsTestCase::testReset in core/modules/simpletest/tests/common.test
- Makes sure that resetting the CSS empties the cache.
- CommonFormatDateTestCase::setUp in core/modules/simpletest/tests/common.test
- Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests.
- CommonFormatDateTestCase::testAdminDefinedFormatDate in core/modules/simpletest/tests/common.test
- Test admin-defined formats in format_date().
- CommonHTMLIdentifierTestCase::testBackdropHTMLId in core/modules/simpletest/tests/common.test
- Tests that backdrop_html_id() cleans the ID properly.
- CommonJavaScriptTestCase::setUp in core/modules/simpletest/tests/common.test
- Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests.
- CommonJavaScriptTestCase::testAggregation in core/modules/simpletest/tests/common.test
- Test JavaScript grouping and aggregation.
- CommonJavaScriptTestCase::testAggregationOrder in core/modules/simpletest/tests/common.test
- Tests JavaScript aggregation when files are added to a different scope.
- CommonJavaScriptTestCase::testLibraryUnknown in core/modules/simpletest/tests/common.test
- Tests non-existing libraries.
- CommonJavaScriptTestCase::testReset in core/modules/simpletest/tests/common.test
- Test to see if resetting the JavaScript empties the cache.
- CommonURLWebTestCase::testUrl in core/modules/simpletest/tests/common.test
- Test url() with/without query, with/without fragment, absolute on/off and
assert all that works when clean URLs are on and off.
- DateViewsTestCase::clearViewsCaches in core/modules/date/tests/date_views.test
- Clear all views caches and static caches which are required for the patch.
- drupal_static_reset in core/includes/drupal.inc
- Resets one or all centrally stored static variable(s).
- EarlyBootstrapTestCase::testHookBoot in core/modules/simpletest/tests/boot.test
- Test hook_boot() on both regular and "early exit" pages.
- entity_info_cache_clear in core/modules/entity/entity.module
- Resets the cached information about entity types.
- FieldTranslationsTestCase::testFieldDisplayLanguage in core/modules/field/tests/field.test
- Tests display language logic for translatable fields.
- FieldUIViewModeTestHelper::refreshVariables in core/modules/field_ui/tests/field_ui.test
- Overrides BackdropWebTestCase::refreshVariables().
- FieldViewsTestHelper::clearViewsCaches in core/modules/field/tests/field_views.test
- Clear all views caches and static caches which are required for the patch.
- field_info_cache_clear in core/modules/field/field.info.inc
- Clears the field info cache without clearing the field data cache.
- field_read_instances in core/modules/field/field.crud.inc
- Reads in field instances that match an array of conditions.
- field_sql_storage_field_storage_query in core/modules/field/modules/field_sql_storage/field_sql_storage.module
- Implements hook_field_storage_query().
- field_test_entity_info_translatable in core/modules/field/tests/field_test/field_test.entity.inc
- Helper function to enable entity translations.
- FileAccessTestCase::assertFileAccess in core/modules/file/tests/file.test
- Asserts file_access correctly grants or denies access.
- FileDownloadTest::checkUrl in core/modules/simpletest/tests/file.test
- Download a file from the URL generated by file_create_url().
- file_info_cache_clear in core/modules/file/file.module
- Clears caches that are related to file entity.
- file_test_file_scan_callback_reset in core/modules/simpletest/tests/file.test
- Reset static variables used by file_test_file_scan_callback().
- file_type_cache_reset in core/modules/file/file.module
- Clears the file type cache.
- FilterAdminTestCase::testFilterAdmin in core/modules/filter/tests/filter.test
- Tests filter administration functionality.
- filter_formats_reset in core/modules/filter/filter.module
- Resets the text format caches.
- filter_modules_disabled in core/modules/filter/filter.module
- Implements hook_modules_disabled().
- filter_modules_enabled in core/modules/filter/filter.module
- Implements hook_modules_enabled().
- form_clear_error in core/includes/form.inc
- Clears all errors against all form elements made by form_set_error().
- form_options_flatten in core/includes/form.inc
- Allows PHP array processing of multiple select options with the same value.
- hook_field_update_field in core/modules/field/field.api.php
- Act on a field being updated.
- ImageAdminStylesUnitTest::testDefaultStyle in core/modules/image/tests/image.test
- Test to override, edit, then revert a style.
- ImageAdminStylesUnitTest::testNumericStyleName in core/modules/image/tests/image.test
- Test creating an image style with a numeric name and ensuring it can be
applied to an image.
- ImageAdminStylesUnitTest::testStyle in core/modules/image/tests/image.test
- General test to add a style, add/remove/edit effects to it, then delete it.
- ImageEffectsUnitTest::testImageEffectsCaching in core/modules/image/tests/image.test
- Test image effect caching.
- ImageStyleFlushTest::testFlush in core/modules/image/tests/image.test
- General test to flush a style.
- ImageStylesPathAndUrlUnitTest::_testImageStyleUrlAndPath in core/modules/image/tests/image.test
- Test image_style_url().
- image_style_flush in core/modules/image/image.module
- Flush cached media for a style.
- install_configure_form_submit in core/includes/install.core.inc
- Form submission handler for install_configure_form().
- install_settings_form in core/includes/install.core.inc
- Form constructor for a form to configure and rewrite settings.php.
- install_verify_settings in core/includes/install.core.inc
- Verifies the existing settings in settings.php.
- LanguageListTest::testLanguageList in core/modules/language/tests/language.test
- Functional tests for adding, configuring, and deleting languages.
- language_admin_overview_form in core/modules/language/language.admin.inc
- User interface for the language overview screen.
- language_delete in core/modules/language/language.module
- Delete a language.
- language_negotiation_purge in core/includes/language.inc
- Removes any unused language negotiation providers from the configuration.
- language_save in core/modules/language/language.module
- API function to add or update a language.
- language_uninstall in core/modules/language/language.install
- Implements hook_uninstall().
- Layout::clearContexts in core/modules/layout/includes/layout.class.inc
- Clear a stored context.
- LayoutBlockUsageTestCase::checkBlockNoUsage in core/modules/layout/tests/layout.test
- Checks block not in usage.
- LayoutBlockUsageTestCase::checkBlockUsage in core/modules/layout/tests/layout.test
- Checks block usage.
- LayoutInterfaceTest::testBlockBasics in core/modules/layout/tests/layout.test
- Add and remove blocks from a custom layout path.
- LayoutPathTest::testLayoutPath in core/modules/layout/tests/layout.test
- Tests that null paths (in default layouts) don't cause problems.
- layout_flexible_reset_caches in core/modules/layout/layout.module
- Reset all caches provided by Layout module.
- layout_get_layout_by_path in core/modules/layout/layout.module
- Get the layout which is active based on a path or router item.
- layout_reset_caches in core/modules/layout/layout.module
- Reset all caches provided by Layout module.
- list_field_delete_field in core/modules/field/modules/list/list.module
- Implements hook_field_delete_field().
- list_field_update_field in core/modules/field/modules/list/list.module
- Implements hook_field_update_field().
- LocaleCommentLanguageFunctionalTest::testCommentLanguage in core/modules/locale/tests/locale.test
- Test that comment language is properly set.
- LocaleLanguageNegotiationInfoFunctionalTest::languageNegotiationUpdate in core/modules/locale/tests/locale.test
- Update language types/negotiation information.
- LocalePluralFormatTest::testGetPluralFormat in core/modules/locale/tests/locale.test
- Tests locale_get_plural() functionality.
- LocaleTranslationFunctionalTest::testJavaScriptTranslation in core/modules/locale/tests/locale.test
- LocaleUILanguageNegotiationTest::testUILanguageNegotiation in core/modules/locale/tests/locale.test
- Tests for language switching by URL path.
- LocaleUninstallFunctionalTest::testUninstallProcess in core/modules/locale/tests/locale.test
- Check if the values of the Locale variables are correct after uninstall.
- LocaleUrlRewritingTest::setUp in core/modules/locale/tests/locale.test
- Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests.
- LocaleUrlRewritingTest::testDomainNameNegotiationPort in core/modules/locale/tests/locale.test
- Check URL rewriting when using a domain name and a non-standard port.
- locale_reset in core/modules/locale/locale.module
- Reset static variables used by locale().
- locale_translate_export_screen in core/modules/locale/locale.bulk.inc
- User interface for the translation export screen.
- locale_translate_import_form in core/modules/locale/locale.bulk.inc
- User interface for the translation import screen.
- locale_translate_import_form_submit in core/modules/locale/locale.bulk.inc
- Process the locale import form submission.
- locale_translation_filters in core/modules/locale/locale.pages.inc
- List locale translation filters that can be applied.
- MenuTestCase::addCustomMenu in core/modules/menu/tests/menu.test
- Add custom menu.
- menu_reset_static_cache in core/includes/menu.inc
- Resets the menu system static cache.
- menu_set_active_item in core/includes/menu.inc
- Sets the active path, which determines which page is loaded.
- menu_test_init in core/modules/simpletest/tests/menu_test.module
- Implements hook_init().
- ModuleUnitTest::testDependencyResolution in core/modules/simpletest/tests/module.test
- Test dependency resolution.
- module_disable in core/includes/module.inc
- Disables a given set of modules.
- module_enable in core/includes/module.inc
- Enables or installs a given list of modules.
- module_implements_reset in core/includes/module.inc
- Regenerate the stored list of hook implementations.
- module_list in core/includes/module.inc
- Returns a list of currently active modules.
- module_load_all in core/includes/module.inc
- Loads all the modules that have been enabled in the system table.
- NodeQueryAlter::testNodeQueryAlterOverride in core/modules/node/tests/node.test
- Tests 'node_access' query alter override.
- NodeTypeTestCase::testNodeTypePermissions in core/modules/node/tests/node.test
- Tests that node types permissions are correctly set from the Node Type UI.
- node_type_cache_reset in core/modules/node/node.module
- Clears the node type cache.
- PathLanguageTestCase::testAliasTranslation in core/modules/path/tests/path.test
- Test alias functionality through the admin interfaces.
- PathMonolingualTestCase::setUp in core/modules/path/tests/path.test
- Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests.
- PathPatternFunctionalTestCase::testNodeTypeCreate in core/modules/path/tests/path_pattern.test
- Create a new content type with new path pattern.
- PathPatternTestHelper::assertEntityPattern in core/modules/path/tests/path_pattern.test
- PathPatternUnitTestCase::testCleanString in core/modules/path/tests/path_pattern.test
- Test path_clean_string().
- PathTestCase::testAdminAlias in core/modules/path/tests/path.test
- Tests alias functionality through the admin interfaces.
- RedirectTestHelper::assertRedirect in core/modules/redirect/tests/redirect.test
- search_menu in core/modules/search/search.module
- Implements hook_menu().
- SimpleTestBrowserTestCase::testGetAbsoluteUrl in core/modules/simpletest/tests/simpletest.test
- Test BackdropWebTestCase::getAbsoluteUrl().
- StreamWrapperTest::setUp in core/modules/simpletest/tests/file.test
- Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests.
- system_date_format_delete in core/modules/system/system.module
- Deletes a date format from the database.
- system_date_format_save in core/modules/system/system.module
- Saves a date format to the database.
- system_install in core/modules/system/system.install
- Implements hook_install().
- system_list_reset in core/includes/module.inc
- Resets all system_list() caches.
- system_menu_block_build in core/modules/system/system.menu.inc
- Build a menu tree based on the provided configuration.
- system_update_files_database in core/modules/system/system.module
- Updates the records in the system table based on the files array.
- TaxonomyLanguageFunctionalTest::setUp in core/modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test
- Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests.
- TaxonomyLanguageFunctionalTest::testNodeTermLanguageCreation in core/modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test
- Test term creation with a free-tagging vocabulary from the node form.
- TaxonomyTermController::resetCache in core/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.entity.inc
- Implements EntityControllerInterface::resetCache().
- TaxonomyTermTestCase::testNodeTermCreationAndDeletion in core/modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test
- Test term creation with a free-tagging vocabulary from the node form.
- TaxonomyTermTestCase::testTermReorder in core/modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test
- Save, edit and delete a term using the user interface.
- TaxonomyVocabulary::delete in core/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy_vocabulary.class.inc
- Deletes a taxonomy vocabulary.
- TaxonomyVocabulary::save in core/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy_vocabulary.class.inc
- Saves a taxonomy vocabulary to configuration.
- TaxonomyVocabularyFunctionalTest::testTaxonomyAdminDeletingVocabulary in core/modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test
- Deleting a vocabulary.
- TaxonomyVocabularyFunctionalTest::testVocabularyPermissions in core/modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test
- Tests that vocabulary permissions are correctly set from the Taxonomy UI.
- ThemeTableUnitTest::testThemeTableNoStickyHeaders in core/modules/simpletest/tests/theme.test
- If $sticky is FALSE, no tableheader.js should be included.
- ThemeTableUnitTest::testThemeTableStickyHeaders in core/modules/simpletest/tests/theme.test
- Tableheader.js provides 'sticky' table headers, and is included by default.
- token_cache_clear in core/includes/token.inc
- Clear token caches and static variables.
- TranslationTestCase::addLanguage in core/modules/translation/tests/translation.test
- Installs the specified language, or enables it if it is already installed.
- TranslationTestCase::resetCaches in core/modules/translation/tests/translation.test
- Resets static caches to make the test code match the client-side behavior.
- UpdateCoreTestCase::testFetchTasks in core/modules/update/tests/update.test
- Tests that exactly one fetch task per project is created and not more.
- UpgradePathTestCase::performUpgrade in core/modules/simpletest/tests/upgrade/upgrade.test
- Perform the upgrade.
- UpgradePathTestCase::setUp in core/modules/simpletest/tests/upgrade/upgrade.test
- Overrides BackdropWebTestCase::setUp() for upgrade testing.
- UserLoginAppearanceTestCase::setUp in core/modules/user/tests/user.test
- UserPermissionsTestCase::testAdministratorRole in core/modules/user/tests/user.test
- Test assigning of permissions for the administrator role.
- UserPermissionsTestCase::testEditorRole in core/modules/user/tests/user.test
- Test assigning of permissions for the editor role.
- UserPermissionsTestCase::testUserPermissionChanges in core/modules/user/tests/user.test
- Change user permissions and check user_access().
- UserRoleAdminTestCase::testRoleAdministration in core/modules/user/tests/user.test
- Test adding, renaming and deleting roles.
- UserRoleAdminTestCase::testRoleWeightChange in core/modules/user/tests/user.test
- Test user role weight change operation.
- user_admin_settings_submit in core/modules/user/user.admin.inc
- Form submission handler for user_admin_settings().
- user_role_delete in core/modules/user/user.module
- Delete a user role from database.
- user_role_save in core/modules/user/user.module
- Save a user role to the database.
- ViewsCacheTest::testHeaderStorage in core/modules/views/tests/views_cache.test
- Tests css/js storage and restoring mechanism.
- ViewsHandlerManyToOneTest::clearViewsDataCache in core/modules/views/tests/handlers/views_handler_manytoone.test
- Clears views data cache.
- ViewsModuleTest::resetStaticViewsDataCache in core/modules/views/tests/views_module.test
- Resets the views data cache.
- ViewsSqlTest::getBasicPageView in core/modules/views/tests/views_query.test
- Build and return a Page view of the views_test table.
- views_invalidate_cache in core/modules/views/views.module
- Invalidate the views cache, forcing a rebuild on the next grab of table data.
- _backdrop_bootstrap_full in core/includes/common.inc
- _backdrop_bootstrap_page_cache in core/includes/bootstrap.inc
- Attempts to serve a page from the cache.
- _book_update_outline in core/modules/book/book.module
- Handles additions and updates to the book outline.
- _field_info_collate_fields_reset in core/modules/field/field.info.inc
- Clear collated information on existing fields and instances.
- _field_info_collate_types_reset in core/modules/field/field.info.inc
- Clear collated information on field and widget types and related structures.
- _form_validate in core/includes/form.inc
- Performs validation on form elements.