1 module.inc module_list($refresh = FALSE, $bootstrap_refresh = FALSE, $sort = FALSE, $fixed_list = NULL)

Returns a list of currently active modules.

Usually, this returns a list of all enabled modules. When called early on in the bootstrap, it will return a list of vital modules only (those needed to generate cached pages).

All parameters to this function are optional and should generally not be changed from their defaults.


$refresh: (optional) Whether to force the module list to be regenerated (such as after the administrator has changed the system settings). Defaults to FALSE.

$bootstrap_refresh: (optional) When $refresh is TRUE, setting $bootstrap_refresh to TRUE forces the module list to be regenerated using the reduced set of modules loaded in "bootstrap mode" for cached pages. Otherwise, setting $refresh to TRUE generates the complete list of enabled modules.

$sort: (optional) By default, modules are ordered by weight and module name. Set this option to TRUE to return a module list ordered only by module name.

$fixed_list: (optional) If an array of module names is provided, this will override the module list with the given set of modules. This will persist until the next call with $refresh set to TRUE or with a new $fixed_list passed in. This parameter is primarily intended for internal use (e.g., in install.php and update.php).

Return value

An associative array whose keys and values are the names of the modules in: the list.


core/includes/module.inc, line 69
API for loading and interacting with Backdrop modules.


function module_list($refresh = FALSE, $bootstrap_refresh = FALSE, $sort = FALSE, $fixed_list = NULL) {
  static $list = array(), $sorted_list;

  if (empty($list) || $refresh || $fixed_list) {
    $list = array();
    $sorted_list = NULL;
    if ($fixed_list) {
      foreach ($fixed_list as $name => $module) {
        backdrop_get_filename('module', $name, $module['filename']);
        $list[$name] = $name;
    else {
      if ($refresh) {
        // For the $refresh case, make sure that system_list() returns fresh
        // data.
      if ($bootstrap_refresh) {
        $list = system_list('bootstrap');
      else {
        // Not using backdrop_map_assoc() here as that requires common.inc.
        $list = array_keys(system_list('module_enabled'));
        $list = (!empty($list) ? array_combine($list, $list) : array());
        // Remove modules that have been moved into core. This prevents loading
        // these .module files, which may otherwise cause duplicate function
        // fatal errors.
        $list = array_diff($list, backdrop_merged_modules());
  if ($sort) {
    if (!isset($sorted_list)) {
      $sorted_list = $list;
    return $sorted_list;
  return $list;