1 node.test NodeTypeTestCase::testNodeTypePermissions()

Tests that node types permissions are correctly set from the Node Type UI.


core/modules/node/tests/node.test, line 2135
Tests for node.module.


Tests related to node types.


function testNodeTypePermissions() {
  // Create admin user.
  $admin_user = $this->backdropCreateUser(array(
    'bypass node access',
    'administer content types',
    'administer permissions',
    'administer users',
    'assign roles',
    'access user profiles',

  // Create new role
  $role_name = $this->backdropCreateRole(array('access content'));
  $web_user = $this->backdropCreateUser();

  // Assign the role to a user.
  $this->backdropPost('user/' . $web_user->uid . '/edit', array("roles[$role_name]" => $role_name), t('Save'));

  // Check that the new role appears on the Node Type edit page.
  $this->assertText($role_name, "$role_name is found on node type form.");

  // Check that the new role does not have a permission which wasn't granted.
  $this->assertFieldByName($role_name . '[edit any page content]', 'edit any page content', "Role $role_name does not have edit any page content permission.");

  // On the Node Type page: change permissions for the "page" node type.
  $edit = array(
    $role_name . '[edit own page content]' => TRUE,
  $this->backdropPost('admin/structure/types/manage/page', $edit, t('Save content type'));

  // Check that the permission changes are saved on the permissions page.
  $this->assertFieldByName($role_name . '[edit own page content]', 'edit own page content', "Role $role_name has edit own page content permission.");

  // Check that the new role does not have a permission which wasn't granted.
  $this->assertFieldByName($role_name . '[edit any page content]', 'edit any page content', "Role $role_name does not have edit any page content permission.");

  // On the Permissions page: change permissions for the "page" node type.
  $edit = array(
    $role_name . '[edit any page content]' => TRUE,
  $this->backdropPost('admin/config/people/permissions', $edit, t('Save permissions'));

  // Check that this permission is now selected on the Node Type page.
  $this->assertFieldByName($role_name . '[edit any page content]', 'edit any page content', "Role $role_name has edit any page content permission.");

  // Test that the permissions actually exist

  $account = user_load($web_user->uid, TRUE);
  $this->assertTrue(user_access('edit own page content', $account), "Web user has edit own page content permission.");
  $this->assertTrue(user_access('edit any page content', $account), "Web user has edit any page content permission.");