TaxonomyEFQTestCase::setUp |
function |
core/modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test |
Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests. |
DebugReportTestCase::setUp |
function |
core/modules/system/tests/system.test |
Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests. |
LayoutSelectionTest::setUp |
function |
core/modules/layout/tests/layout.test |
Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests. |
FieldViewsFieldTest::setUp |
function |
core/modules/field/tests/field_views.test |
Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests. |
SystemBlockTestCase::setUp |
function |
core/modules/system/tests/system.test |
Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests. |
NodeTypeExampleTest::setUp |
function |
modules/examples/node_type_example/tests/node_type_example.test |
Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests. |
FilePrivateTestCase::setUp |
function |
core/modules/file/tests/file.test |
Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests. |
DatabaseTestCase::$profile |
property |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test |
The profile to install as a basis for testing. |
layout_title_settings_form |
function |
core/modules/layout/ |
Form callback; Configure layout title type. |
FormExampleTestCase::setUp |
function |
modules/examples/form_example/tests/form_example.test |
Enable modules. |
drupal_settings_initialize |
function |
core/includes/ |
Sets the base URL, cookie domain, and session name from configuration. |
PagePreviewTestCase::setUp |
function |
core/modules/node/tests/node.test |
Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests. |
BackdropDatabaseCache::set |
function |
core/includes/ |
Implements BackdropCacheInterface::set(). |
ImageExampleTestCase::setUp |
function |
modules/examples/image_example/tests/image_example.test |
Enable modules and create user with specific permissions. |
FieldUIAlterTestCase::setUp |
function |
core/modules/field_ui/tests/field_ui.test |
Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests. |
menu_settings_form_validate |
function |
core/modules/menu/ |
Validate form values for the global settings form. |
field_info_storage_settings |
function |
core/modules/field/ |
Returns a field storage type's default settings. |
EmailExampleTestCase::setUp |
function |
modules/examples/email_example/tests/email_example.test |
Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests. |
translation_remove_from_set |
function |
core/modules/translation/translation.module |
Removes a node from its translation set and updates accordingly. |
MenuLanguageTestCase::setUp |
function |
core/modules/menu/tests/menu_language.test |
Set up test environment. |
ImageEffectsUnitTest::setUp |
function |
core/modules/image/tests/image.test |
Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests. |
FormCheckboxTestCase::setUp |
function |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/form.test |
Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests. |
LinkValidateUnitTest::setUp |
function |
core/modules/link/tests/link.validate.test |
Sets up unit test environment. |
SearchMatchTestCase::_setup |
function |
core/modules/search/tests/search.test |
Set up a small index of items to test against. |
BlockExampleTestCase::setUp |
function |
modules/examples/block_example/tests/block_example.test |
Enable modules and create user with specific permissions. |
LinkBaseTestClass::$profile |
property |
core/modules/link/tests/link.test |
The profile to install as a basis for testing. |
taxonomy_terms_static_reset |
function |
core/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module |
Clear all static cache variables for terms. |
TokenCommentTestCase::setUp |
function |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/token.test |
Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests. |
PathLanguageTestCase::setUp |
function |
core/modules/path/tests/path.test |
Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests. |
BatchExampleTestCase::setUp |
function |
modules/examples/batch_example/tests/batch_example.test |
Enable modules and create user with specific permissions. |
BackupUpdateTestCase::setUp |
function |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/backup.test |
Overrides BackdropWebTestCase::setUp() for upgrade testing. |
PagerExampleTestCase::setUp |
function |
modules/examples/pager_example/tests/pager_example.test |
Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests. |
HookBootExitTestCase::setUp |
function |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/bootstrap.test |
Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests. |
system_performance_settings |
function |
core/modules/system/ |
Form builder; Configure site performance settings. |
system_file_system_settings |
function |
core/modules/system/ |
Form builder; Configure the site file handling. |
SessionHttpsTestCase::setUp |
function |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/session.test |
Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests. |
TokenExampleTestCase::setUp |
function |
modules/examples/token_example/tests/token_example.test |
Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests. |
path_patterns_settings_form |
function |
core/modules/path/ |
Form builder; Configure the URL alias pattern settings. |
CKEditor5RtlTestCase::setUp |
function |
core/modules/ckeditor5/tests/ckeditor5_rtl.test |
Set up environment. |
layout_menu_item_form_reset |
function |
core/modules/layout/ |
Submit handler for layout_menu_item_form() that resets in-progress changes. |
ThemeRegistry::offsetExists |
function |
core/includes/ |
ImageToolkitTestCase::setUp |
function |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/image.test |
Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests. |
system_menu_block_set_title |
function |
core/modules/system/ |
Sets the menu item to use for the tree's title. |
SearchNodeAccessTest::setUp |
function |
core/modules/search/tests/search.test |
Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests. |
backdrop_set_length_headers |
function |
core/includes/ |
Set headers for content-length and content-range. |
BackdropUnitTestCase::setUp |
function |
core/modules/simpletest/backdrop_web_test_case.php |
Sets up unit test environment. |
layout_settings_page_submit |
function |
core/modules/layout/ |
Submit handler for layout advanced settings page. |
hook_editor_EDITOR_settings |
function |
core/modules/filter/filter.api.php |
Settings callback for hook_editor_info(). |
DatabaseTasks::checkUtf8mb4 |
function |
core/includes/ |
Check the engine version. |
FileURLRewritingTest::setUp |
function |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/file.test |
Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests. |