- BlockExampleTestCase::testBlockExampleBasic in modules/
examples/ block_example/ tests/ block_example.test - Functional test for our block example.
- BlockTestCase::testBlockHooks in core/
modules/ block/ tests/ block.test - Tests the various block hooks get called when needed.
- BlockTestCase::testCustomBlock in core/
modules/ block/ tests/ block.test - Test creating custom block, editing, and then deleting it.
- CKEditor5TestCase::testLibrary in core/
modules/ ckeditor5/ tests/ ckeditor5.test - Test the addition of the library to the page when configured.
- CKEditor5UpgradeTestCase::testUpgrade in core/
modules/ ckeditor5/ tests/ ckeditor5_upgrade.test - Test upgrading a CKEditor 4 text format to CKEditor 5.
- CKEditorTestCase::testLibrary in core/
modules/ ckeditor/ tests/ ckeditor.test - Test the addition of the library to the page when configured.
- CommentApprovalTest::testApprovalNodeInterface in core/
modules/ comment/ tests/ comment.test - Tests comment approval functionality through the node interface.
- CommentBlockFunctionalTest::testRecentCommentBlock in core/
modules/ comment/ tests/ comment.test - Tests the recent comments block.
- CommentInterfaceTest::testCommentNewCommentsIndicator in core/
modules/ comment/ tests/ comment.test - Tests new comment marker.
- CommonURLWebTestCase::testInternalPathMimicsExternal in core/
modules/ simpletest/ tests/ common.test - Tests the url() function on internal paths which mimic external URLs.
- ContextualLinksExampleTestCase::testContextualLinksExample in modules/
examples/ contextual_links_example/ tests/ contextual_links_example.test - Test the various contextual links that this module defines and displays.
- DashboardTest::testDashboardLayout in core/
modules/ dashboard/ tests/ dashboard.test - Test the dashboard layout.
- DateTimeFunctionalTest::testDateFormatConfiguration in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ system.test - Test date format configuration.
- FieldBlockTestCase::testFieldBlock in core/
modules/ field/ tests/ field.test - Check special conditions around the main content block.
- FieldExampleTest::testExampleFieldBasic in modules/
examples/ field_example/ tests/ field_example.test - Test basic functionality of the example field.
- FileAdminTestCase::testFileAdminPages in core/
modules/ file/ tests/ file.test - Tests file overview with different user permissions.
- FileEditTestCase::testFileEdit in core/
modules/ file/ tests/ file.test - Check file edit functionality.
- FileExampleTest::testFileExampleBasic in modules/
examples/ file_example/ tests/ file_example.test - Test the basic File Example UI.
- FileTypeTestCase::clickFileTypeOperationLink in core/
modules/ file/ tests/ file.test - Click a link to perform an operation on a view.
- FilterAdminTestCase::clickTextFormatOperationLink in core/
modules/ filter/ tests/ filter.test - Click a link to perform an operation on a text format.
- FilterAdminTestCase::testFormatAdmin in core/
modules/ filter/ tests/ filter.test - Tests the format administration functionality.
- FilterFormatAccessTestCase::testFormatWidgetPermissions in core/
modules/ filter/ tests/ filter.test - Tests editing a page using a disallowed text format.
- FilterResetTestCase::testFilterReset in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ system.test - Test that the search and reset functionality on the modules page works.
- LanguageListTest::testLanguageList in core/
modules/ language/ tests/ language.test - Functional tests for adding, configuring, and deleting languages.
- LayoutBlockTest::testCustomTextBlocks in core/
modules/ layout/ tests/ layout.test - Test Custom Text blocks.
- LayoutBlockTest::testHeroBlocks in core/
modules/ layout/ tests/ layout.test - Test Hero blocks.
- LayoutBlockTest::testPageComponentBlocks in core/
modules/ layout/ tests/ layout.test - Test Page component blocks.
- LayoutBlockTextTest::testBlockText in core/
modules/ layout/ tests/ layout.test - Tests the BlockText class functionality.
- LayoutBlockUsageTestCase::testBlockUsage in core/
modules/ layout/ tests/ layout.test - Tests layout_get_block_usage().
- LayoutDeletionTest::testLayoutDeletion in core/
modules/ layout/ tests/ layout.test - Tests that layouts that have special roles issue warning messages upon attempted deletion.
- LayoutEntityLayoutsTest::testEntityLayouts in core/
modules/ layout/ tests/ layout_entity.test - Test Custom Text blocks.
- LayoutFlexibleTemplateTest::testLayoutFlexibleTemplates in core/
modules/ layout/ tests/ layout.test - Test that layout templates may be enabled and disabled.
- LayoutHookTestCase::testLayoutHooks in core/
modules/ layout/ tests/ layout.test - Tests hook invocations for operations on layouts.
- LayoutInterfaceTest::testBlockBasics in core/
modules/ layout/ tests/ layout.test - Add and remove blocks from a custom layout path.
- LayoutInterfaceTest::testBlockEntityIDConditions in core/
modules/ layout/ tests/ layout.test - Test block entity ID conditions.
- LayoutInterfaceTest::testBlockHttpResponseCodeConditions in core/
modules/ layout/ tests/ layout.test - Tests 403 and 404 visibility conditions.
- LayoutInterfaceTest::testBlockPathTypeConditions in core/
modules/ layout/ tests/ layout.test - Test block path and type conditions.
- LayoutInterfaceTest::testBlockUninstall in core/
modules/ layout/ tests/ layout.test - Tests layout_modules_uninstalled().
- LayoutInterfaceTest::testBlockUserCompareConditions in core/
modules/ layout/ tests/ layout.test - Tests user account comparison condition.
- LayoutInterfaceTest::testContexts in core/
modules/ layout/ tests/ layout.test - Test the support for contexts within conditions and blocks.
- LayoutInterfaceTest::testCurrentUser in core/
modules/ layout/ tests/ layout.test - Tests current user custom field block
- LayoutInterfaceTest::testLayoutMenuItems in core/
modules/ layout/ tests/ layout.test - Tests conditions and menu item navigation.
- LayoutInterfaceTest::testMainContentBlock in core/
modules/ layout/ tests/ layout.test - Check special conditions around the main content block.
- LayoutInterfaceTest::testOverriddenPaths in core/
modules/ layout/ tests/ layout.test - Test the overriding of paths.
- LayoutInterfaceTest::testRelationships in core/
modules/ layout/ tests/ layout.test - Test the support for contexts within conditions and blocks.
- LayoutInterfaceTest::testViewPageLink in core/
modules/ layout/ tests/ layout.test - Test the path view page link.
- LayoutRendererTest::testRendererSelection in core/
modules/ layout/ tests/ layout.test - Test that the correct renderer is used
- LocaleTranslationFunctionalTest::testStringSearch in core/
modules/ locale/ tests/ locale.test - Tests translation search form.
- LocaleTranslationFunctionalTest::testStringTranslation in core/
modules/ locale/ tests/ locale.test - Adds a language and tests string translation by users with the appropriate permissions.
- LocaleUILanguageNegotiationTest::testUILanguageNegotiation in core/
modules/ locale/ tests/ locale.test - Tests for language switching by URL path.
- MenuBlockTestCase::doMenuBlockTests in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ system.test - Test Menu Block functionality.
- MenuExampleTestCase::testMenuExample in modules/
examples/ menu_example/ tests/ menu_example.test - Test the various menus.
- MenuTestCase::verifyMenuLink in core/
modules/ menu/ tests/ menu.test - Verify a menu link using the menu module UI.
- NodeAccessRebuildTestCase::testNodeAccessRebuild in core/
modules/ node/ tests/ node.test - Tests rebuilding the node access permissions table.
- NodeBlockFunctionalTest::testNodeBlock in core/
modules/ node/ tests/ node.test - Tests the Existing content block.
- NodeHooksExampleTestCase::testNodeExampleRevision in modules/
examples/ node_hooks_example/ tests/ node_hooks_example.test - Tests revisions of ratings.
- NodeTitleTestCase::testNodeTitle in core/
modules/ node/ tests/ node.test - Creates one node and tests if the node title has the correct value.
- NodeTranslateBlockFunctionalTest::testNodeTranslateBlock in core/
modules/ node/ tests/ node.test - Tests the Existing content block.
- NodeTypeTestCase::testNodeTypeEditing in core/
modules/ node/ tests/ node.test - Tests editing a node type using the UI.
- PageEditTestCase::testPageEdit in core/
modules/ node/ tests/ node.test - Checks node edit functionality.
- PagePreviewTestCase::testPagePreview in core/
modules/ node/ tests/ node.test - Checks the node preview functionality.
- PathLanguageTestCase::testAliasTranslation in core/
modules/ path/ tests/ path.test - Test alias functionality through the admin interfaces.
- PathMonolingualTestCase::testPageLinks in core/
modules/ path/ tests/ path.test - Verifies that links do not have language prefixes in them.
- PathTestCase::testAdminAlias in core/
modules/ path/ tests/ path.test - Tests alias functionality through the admin interfaces.
- RedirectFunctionalTest::test404Interface in core/
modules/ redirect/ tests/ redirect.test - Tests the links added to 404 pages for creating redirects.
- SimpleTestBrowserTestCase::testGetAbsoluteUrl in core/
modules/ simpletest/ tests/ simpletest.test - Test BackdropWebTestCase::getAbsoluteUrl().
- SystemThemeFunctionalTest::testSwitchDefaultTheme in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ system.test - Test switching the default theme.
- TaxonomyLanguageFunctionalTest::testNodeTermLanguageCreation in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ tests/ taxonomy.test - Test term creation with a free-tagging vocabulary from the node form.
- TaxonomyLanguageFunctionalTest::testVocabularyLanguageInterface in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ tests/ taxonomy.test - Create, configure and delete a vocabulary via the user interface.
- TaxonomyTermTestCase::testTermInterface in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ tests/ taxonomy.test - Save, edit and delete a term using the user interface.
- TaxonomyVocabularyFunctionalTest::testVocabularyInterface in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ tests/ taxonomy.test - Create, configure and delete a vocabulary via the user interface.
- TextTranslationTestCase::testTextField in core/
modules/ field/ modules/ text/ tests/ text.test - Test that a plaintext textfield widget is correctly populated.
- TextTranslationTestCase::testTextFieldFormatted in core/
modules/ field/ modules/ text/ tests/ text.test - Check that user that does not have access the field format cannot see the source value when creating a translation.
- UpdateCoreTestCase::testModulePageUpToDate in core/
modules/ update/ tests/ update.test - Checks the messages at admin/modules when the site is up to date.
- UpdateScriptFunctionalTest::testNoUpdateFunctionality in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ system.test - Tests update.php when there are no updates to apply.
- UpdateScriptFunctionalTest::testRequirements in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ system.test - Tests that requirements warnings and errors are correctly displayed.
- UpdateScriptFunctionalTest::testSuccessfulUpdateFunctionality in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ system.test - Tests update.php after performing a successful update.
- UserRoleAdminTestCase::testRoleAdministration in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ user.test - Test adding, renaming and deleting roles.
- ViewsAnalyzeTest::testAnalyzeBasic in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ views_analyze.test - Tests that analyze works in general.
- ViewsLayoutsTest::testViewsLayouts in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ views_layout.test - Tests that a contextual filter input can be passed in from a layout.
- ViewsUIWizardDefaultViewsTestCase::clickViewsOperationLink in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ views_ui.test - Click a link to perform an operation on a view.
- ViewsUIWizardDisplaysTestCase::testReorderDisplays in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ views_ui.test - Test reordering of displays.