1 layout.test | LayoutFlexibleTemplateTest::testLayoutFlexibleTemplates() |
Test that layout templates may be enabled and disabled.
- core/
modules/ layout/ tests/ layout.test, line 3293 - Tests for the Layout module.
- LayoutFlexibleTemplateTest
- Tests the interface for flexible layouts.
function testLayoutFlexibleTemplates() {
$this->clickLink(t('Add flexible layout template'));
// Test creating a new flexible layout.
$template_name1 = $this->randomName();
$template_machine_name1 = strtolower($template_name1);
$template_description1 = $this->randomName();
$edit = array(
'name' => $template_name1,
'machine_name' => $template_machine_name1,
'description' => $template_description1,
$this->backdropPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save and configure'));
$this->assertText(t('Layout template "@title" saved.', array('@title' => $template_name1)));
// Check that the new template is found in the cached list of templates.
$all_templates = layout_get_layout_template_info();
$this->assertTrue(isset($all_templates[$template_machine_name1]), 'The flexible template is found in the cache of templates.');
// Check that its in the list of templates.
$title = $this->xpath("//td//div[text()=:name]", array(':name' => $template_name1));
$this->assertTrue($title, 'The flexible template is found in the UI list of templates.');
// Add another, edit it, then delete it.
$this->clickLink(t('Add flexible layout template'));
$template_name2 = $this->randomName();
$template_machine_name2 = strtolower($template_name2);
$template_description2 = $this->randomName();
$edit = array(
'name' => $template_name2,
'machine_name' => $template_machine_name2,
'description' => $template_description2,
$this->backdropPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save and configure'));
$this->assertText(t('Layout template "@title" saved.', array('@title' => $template_name2)));
$flexible_layout_edit_link = 'admin/structure/layouts/settings/flexible-template/' . $template_machine_name2 . '/edit';
$edit = array(
'name' => 'To be deleted',
'description' => $template_description2,
$this->backdropPost($flexible_layout_edit_link, $edit, t('Save and configure'));
$title = $this->xpath("//td//div[text()=:name]", array(':name' => 'To be deleted'));
$this->assertTrue($title, 'The flexible template is found in the UI list of templates with the new name.');
$flexible_layout_delete_link = 'admin/structure/layouts/settings/flexible-template/' . $template_machine_name2 . '/delete';
$edit = array();
$this->backdropPost($flexible_layout_delete_link, $edit, t('Delete template'));
$title = $this->xpath("//td//div[text()=:name]", array(':name' => 'To be deleted'));
$this->assertFalse($title, 'The flexible template is not found in the UI list of templates with the new name.');
$this->clickLink(t('Add layout'));
// Create a new layout at a new path using the new template.
$layout_title = $this->randomName();
$layout_name = strtolower($layout_title);
$layout_url = 'layout-test-path';
$edit = array(
'title' => $layout_title,
'name' => $layout_name,
'layout_template' => $template_machine_name1,
'path' => $layout_url,
$this->backdropPost(NULL, $edit, t('Create layout'));
// We should be taken to the layout content page next.
$this->assertText(t('Layout created. Blocks may now be added to this layout.'));
// Add a block to the first row.
$this->clickLink(t('Add block'), 0);
$this->assertText(t('A testing block for layouts.'));
$this->clickLink(t('Layout foo block'));
$edit = array(
'block_settings[count]' => 30,
$this->backdropPost(NULL, $edit, t('Add block'));
// Add a block to the second row.
$this->clickLink(t('Add block'), 1);
$this->assertText(t('A testing block for layouts.'));
$this->clickLink(t('Layout foo block'));
$edit = array(
'block_settings[count]' => 15,
$this->backdropPost(NULL, $edit, t('Add block'));
// Add a block to the third row.
$this->clickLink(t('Add block'), 2);
$this->assertText(t('A testing block for layouts.'));
$this->clickLink(t('Layout foo block'));
$edit = array(
'block_settings[count]' => 5,
$this->backdropPost(NULL, $edit, t('Add block'));
// Save the layout.
$this->backdropPost(NULL, array(), t('Save layout'));
// Check that the layout is in the listing of layouts.
// Go to the the layout path and confirm the blocks exist, have the right
// setting, and are in the right place.
$layout_template = layout_flexible_template_load($template_machine_name1);
$layout_region_names = array_keys($layout_template->rows);
$region_block_settings = array(
$layout_region_names[0] => 30,
$layout_region_names[1] => 15,
$layout_region_names[2] => 5,
foreach ($region_block_settings as $region_name => $setting) {
$string = format_string('The setting of count is @setting.', array('@setting' => $setting));
$elements = $this->xpath('//*[contains(@class,:region)]//*[contains(text(),:string)]', array(
':region' => 'l-' . $region_name,
':string' => $string,
$this->assertEqual(count($elements), 1, "The sample block was found in the $region_name region.");
// Configure the first template.
$flexible_layout_configure_link = 'admin/structure/layouts/settings/flexible-template/' . $template_machine_name1 . '/configure';
// Check for the default three rows.
$rows = $this->xpath("//*[@id=:id]//*[contains(@id, :row_id)]", array(':id' => 'layout-flexible-content', ':row_id' => 'flexible-row'));
$this->assertEqual(count($rows), 3, 'Three rows are found in the template');
// Edit the header row and check that the changes are reflected on the
// template editor page and the layout path.
$this->clickLink(t('Configure'), 0);
$edit = array(
'region_names[region_0][label]' => 'New header',
'region_names[region_0][name]' => 'new-header-new',
'region_names[region_0][classes]' => 'blue-blue',
'region_names[region_0][region_class_enable]' => TRUE,
'row_classes' => 'new-class another-class',
'element' => 'main',
'container' => 'no_container',
$this->backdropPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save configuration'));
$header_row = $this->xpath("//main[contains(@id, :row_id)]//h2[text()=:row_title]", array(':row_id' => 'flexible-row--' . $layout_region_names[0], ':row_title' => 'New header'));
$this->assertEqual(count($header_row), 1, 'The header row has been renamed in the template editor.');
$this->backdropPost(NULL, array(), t('Save layout template'));
// Go to the block add page and check that the header region was renamed.
$this->backdropGet('admin/structure/layouts/manage/' . $layout_name);
$header_row = $this->xpath("//main[contains(@class, :row_class)]//h2[text()=:row_title]", array(':row_class' => 'l-' . $layout_region_names[0], ':row_title' => 'New header'));
$this->assertEqual(count($header_row), 1, 'The header row has been renamed in the block add page.');
// Check that header region class has changed.
$rows = $this->xpath("//div[contains(@class, :region_class)]", array(':region_class' => 'l-region--new-header-new blue-blue'));
$this->assertEqual(count($rows), 1, 'The header region class has been renamed in the block add page.');
// Disable the additional CSS classes.
$this->clickLink(t('Configure'), 0);
$edit = array(
'region_names[region_0][region_class_enable]' => FALSE,
$this->backdropPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save configuration'));
$this->backdropPost(NULL, array(), t('Save layout template'));
// Go to the block add page and check that the header region class does not
// have additional classes.
$this->backdropGet('admin/structure/layouts/manage/' . $layout_name);
$rows = $this->xpath("//div[contains(@class, :region_class)]", array(':region_class' => 'l-region--1 blue-blue'));
$this->assertNotEqual(count($rows), 1, 'The header region class has no additional classes.');
// Go to the layout path and check that the header region was renamed and
// the block is still in the header region.
$string = format_string('The setting of count is @setting.', array('@setting' => 30));
$elements = $this->xpath('//main[contains(@class,:region)]/div[contains(@class, :container_class)]//*[contains(text(),:string)]', array(
':region' => 'l-' . $layout_region_names[0],
':container_class' => 'no-container',
':string' => $string,
$this->assertEqual(count($elements), 1, "The header element has been changed to 'main'");
// Go to the template editor and add a new row.
$flexible_layout_configure_link = 'admin/structure/layouts/settings/flexible-template/' . $template_machine_name1 . '/configure';
$this->backdropPost(NULL, array(), t('Add row'));
$edit = array(
'region_count' => 3,
$this->backdropPost(NULL, $edit, t('Choose region widths'));
$edit = array(
'region_style' => 'region_4_4_4',
$this->backdropPost(NULL, $edit, t('Continue'));
// Rename just the first region.
$edit = array(
'region_names[region_0][label]' => 'First region',
// Machine names have to be set manually.
'region_names[region_0][name]' => 'first-region',
'region_names[region_1][name]' => 'region-2',
'region_names[region_2][name]' => 'region-3',
$this->backdropPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save configuration'));
$this->backdropPost(NULL, array(), t('Save layout template'));
$row_count = $this->xpath("//*[@id=:id]//*[contains(@id, :row_id)]", array(':id' => 'layout-flexible-content', ':row_id' => 'flexible-row'));
$this->assertEqual(count($row_count), 4, 'Four rows are found in the template');
// Get the id of the last (new) row.
$last_row_attr = $this->xpath('//div[contains(@class, :class)]/*[4]/@data-row-id', array(
':class' => 'layout-flexible-content',
$data_row_id = (string) $last_row_attr[0][0];
$last_row_id = 'flexible-row--' . $last_row_attr[0][0];
// The last row has 3 regions.
$row_count = $this->xpath('//div[contains(@id, :id)]//div[contains(@class, :class)]/div', array(
':id' => $last_row_id,
':class' => 'l-flexible-row row',
$this->assertEqual(count($row_count), 3, 'The last row has 3 regions.');
// Check that the first region has the expected title.
$fourth_row_first_region_title = $this->xpath('//div[contains(@id, :id)]//div[contains(@class, :class)]/div[1]//h2[text()=:region_title]', array(
':id' => $last_row_id,
':class' => 'l-flexible-row row',
':region_title' => 'First region',
$this->assertTrue($fourth_row_first_region_title, 'The region has the correct title.');
// Go to the block add page and check that the new row shows correctly.
$this->backdropGet('admin/structure/layouts/manage/' . $layout_name);
// The last row has 3 regions.
$row_count = $this->xpath('//div[contains(@data-row-id, :id)]//div[contains(@class, :class)]/div', array(
':id' => $data_row_id,
':class' => 'l-flexible-row row',
$this->assertEqual(count($row_count), 3, 'The last row has 3 regions.');
// Check that the first region has the expected title.
$fourth_row_first_region_title = $this->xpath('//div[contains(@data-row-id, :id)]//div[contains(@class, :class)]/div[1]//h2[text()=:region_title]', array(
':id' => $data_row_id,
':class' => 'l-flexible-row row',
':region_title' => 'First region',
$this->assertTrue($fourth_row_first_region_title, 'The region has the correct title.');
// Add a block to the new row first region.
$this->clickLink(t('Add block'), 3);
$this->assertText(t('A testing block for layouts.'));
$this->clickLink(t('Layout foo block'));
$edit = array(
'block_settings[count]' => 19,
$this->backdropPost(NULL, $edit, t('Add block'));
// Add a block to the new row first region.
$this->clickLink(t('Add block'), 4);
$this->assertText(t('A testing block for layouts.'));
$this->clickLink(t('Layout foo block'));
$edit = array(
'block_settings[count]' => 18,
$this->backdropPost(NULL, $edit, t('Add block'));
// Add a block to the new row first region.
$this->clickLink(t('Add block'), 5);
$this->assertText(t('A testing block for layouts.'));
$this->clickLink(t('Layout foo block'));
$edit = array(
'block_settings[count]' => 17,
$this->backdropPost(NULL, $edit, t('Add block'));
// Save the layout.
$this->backdropPost(NULL, array(), t('Save layout'));
// Go to the the layout path and confirm the blocks exist, have the right
// setting, and are in the right place.
$region_block_settings = array('19', '18', '17');
foreach ($region_block_settings as $index => $setting) {
$string = format_string('The setting of count is @setting.', array('@setting' => $setting));
$elements = $this->xpath('//*[contains(@data-row-id,:id)]//div[contains(@class,:row)]/div[:index]//div[normalize-space(text())=:string]', array(
':id' => $data_row_id,
':row' => 'l-flexible-row row',
':index' => $index + 1,
':string' => $string,
$this->assertEqual(count($elements), 1, "The sample block was found in the correct region.");
// Configure the template and move the footer row to the bottom.
$edit = array(
'row_positions' => "{$layout_region_names[0]},{$layout_region_names[1]},$data_row_id,{$layout_region_names[2]}",
$this->backdropPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save layout template'));
$last_row_attr = $this->xpath('//div[contains(@class, :class)]/*[4]/@data-row-id', array(
':class' => 'layout-flexible-content',
$last_row_attr = (string) $last_row_attr[0][0];
$this->assertEqual($last_row_attr, $layout_region_names[2], 'The last row is footer.');
// Go to the block add page and check.
$this->backdropGet('admin/structure/layouts/manage/' . $layout_name);
$last_row_attr = $this->xpath('//div[contains(@class, :class)]/*[4]/@data-row-id', array(
':class' => 'layout-flexible-content',
$last_row_attr = (string) $last_row_attr[0][0];
$this->assertEqual($last_row_attr, $layout_region_names[2], 'The last row is footer.');
// Go to the the layout path and check.
$last_row_attr = $this->xpath('//div[contains(@class, :class)]/*[4]/@data-row-id', array(
':class' => 'layout-flexible-content',
$last_row_attr = (string) $last_row_attr[0][0];
$this->assertEqual($last_row_attr, $layout_region_names[2], 'The last row is footer.');
// Configure the template and delete the footer row.
$this->clickLink(t('Delete row'), 3);
$this->backdropPost(NULL, array(), t('Save layout template'));
// Check for the default three rows.
$rows = $this->xpath("//*[@id=:id]//*[contains(@id, :row_id)]", array(':id' => 'layout-flexible-content', ':row_id' => 'flexible-row'));
$this->assertEqual(count($rows), 3, 'Three rows are found in the template');
$last_row_attr = $this->xpath('//div[contains(@class, :class)]/*[last()]/@data-row-id', array(
':class' => 'layout-flexible-content',
$last_row_attr = (string) $last_row_attr[0][0];
$this->assertEqual($last_row_attr, $data_row_id, 'The last row is the new row.');
// Go to the block add page and check.
$this->backdropGet('admin/structure/layouts/manage/' . $layout_name);
$last_row_attr = $this->xpath('//div[contains(@class, :class)]/*[last()]/@data-row-id', array(
':class' => 'layout-flexible-content',
$last_row_attr = (string) $last_row_attr[0][0];
$this->assertEqual($last_row_attr, $data_row_id, 'The last row is the new row.');
// Go to the the layout path and check.
$last_row_attr = $this->xpath('//div[contains(@class, :class)]/*[last()]/@data-row-id', array(
':class' => 'layout-flexible-content',
$last_row_attr = (string) $last_row_attr[0][0];
$this->assertEqual($last_row_attr, $data_row_id, 'The last row is the new row.');
// Test that a user without permissions cannot create flexible templates
// But can still use them.
$this->no_flex_user = $this->backdropCreateUser(array(
'access administration pages',
'administer site configuration',
'administer layouts',
$this->assertNoLink(t('Add flexible layout template'));
$this->assertNoLink(t('Configure regions'));
// Attempt to go to the template editor of the flexible template, and
// confirm no access.
$flexible_layout_configure_link = 'admin/structure/layouts/settings/flexible-template/' . $template_machine_name1 . '/configure';
$this->assertResponse(403, 'Access not allowed to flexible layout configuration pages without permission.');
// Go to the layout created with this template and confirm still has access.
$this->backdropGet('admin/structure/layouts/manage/' . $layout_name);
$this->backdropPost(NULL, array(), t('Save layout'));