1 layout.test | LayoutBlockTest::testCustomTextBlocks() |
Test Custom Text blocks.
- core/
modules/ layout/ tests/ layout.test, line 2064 - Tests for the Layout module.
- LayoutBlockTest
- Tests the blocks title, content, and display settings.
function testCustomTextBlocks() {
$block_title_1 = 'Title of block one';
$block_content_1 = 'Content of block one';
$block_content_2 = 'Content of block two';
$block_title_3 = 'Title of block three';
// Add a Custom Text block to the sidebar.
$this->clickLink(t('Add block'), 3);
$this->clickLink(t('Custom block'));
$edit = array(
'title' => $block_title_1,
'content[value]' => $block_content_1,
$this->backdropPost(NULL, $edit, t('Add block'));
$first_block = $this->xpath('(//*[@id="layout-content-form"]//*[contains(@class,:region)]//*[@data-block-id])[last()]', array(
':region' => 'l-sidebar',
$first_block_uuid = (string) $first_block[0]['data-block-id'];
// Add a Custom Text block without subject.
$this->clickLink(t('Add block'), 3);
$this->clickLink(t('Custom block'));
$edit = array(
'content[value]' => $block_content_2,
$this->backdropPost(NULL, $edit, t('Add block'));
// Add a Custom Text block without content.
$this->clickLink(t('Add block'), 3);
$this->clickLink(t('Custom block'));
$edit = array(
'title' => $block_title_3,
$this->backdropPost(NULL, $edit, t('Add block'));
// Save the layout.
$this->backdropPost(NULL, array(), t('Save layout'));
// Go to the home page and check that the text shows.
$elements = $this->xpath('//*[contains(@class,:region)]//*[contains(@class,:block)]', array(
':region' => 'l-sidebar',
':block' => 'block-layout-custom-block',
$this->assertEqual(count($elements), 2, 'Two custom text blocks were found in the sidebar.');
// Both title and content are visible for block one.
// Block two content is visible.
// Block two has no title.
$title_2 = $this->xpath('(//div[contains(@class, "block-layout-text-block")])[2]//h2');
// Block three doesn't appear.
$block_3 = $this->xpath('(//div[contains(@class, "block-layout-text-block")])[3]');
// Convert the first block from being a text block into a custom block.
$edit = array(
'reusable' => TRUE,
$this->backdropPost('admin/structure/layouts/manage/default/configure-block/editor/' . $first_block_uuid, $edit, t('Update block'));
$this->assertText(t('Admin label is required when making a block reusable.'));
$edit['admin_label'] = 'My custom block label';
$this->backdropPost(NULL, $edit, t('Update block'));
$this->assertText(t('An internal name is required when making a block reusable.'));
$edit['delta'] = 'my_custom_block';
$this->backdropPost(NULL, $edit, t('Update block'));
// Now back on the layout main page. Check the new admin label is shown.
$this->assertText('My custom block label');
$this->backdropPost(NULL, array(), t('Save layout'));
// Check that the new block.module provided configuration form is now used.
$this->backdropGet('admin/structure/layouts/manage/default/configure-block/editor/' . $first_block_uuid);
// The reusable checkbox should exist but be disabled.
// Go to the home page and check that the converted block shows up.
$custom_block = $this->xpath('//*[contains(@class,:region)]//*[contains(@class,:block)]', array(
':region' => 'l-sidebar',
':block' => 'block-block-my-custom-block',
$this->assertEqual(count($custom_block), 1, 'Converted custom block found.');
if (count($custom_block)) {
$custom_block_title = $custom_block[0]->xpath('.//*[contains(@class, "block-title")]');
$custom_block_content = $custom_block[0]->xpath('.//*[contains(@class, "block-content")]/p');
$this->assertEqual((string) $custom_block_title[0], $block_title_1, 'Converted custom block title found.');
$this->assertEqual((string) $custom_block_content[0], $block_content_1, 'Converted custom block content.');