1 layout_entity.test public LayoutEntityLayoutsTest::testEntityLayouts()

Test Custom Text blocks.


core/modules/layout/tests/layout_entity.test, line 69
Tests the user interface for adding layout configuration to entity types.


Tests adding and modifying entity layouts.


public function testEntityLayouts() {
  // This rebuild is needed to ensure taxonomy entity info is available.

  // Check that no layouts listed for Pages.
  $this->assertText('No layout overrides have been created for Page pages yet.');

  $this->clickLink(t('Add @bundle_label layout', array('@bundle_label' => 'Page')));
  $this->assertFieldByName('title', 'Page layout');

  // Test only two field blocks show on Pages.
  $checkboxes = $this->xpath('//*[contains(@class,:class)]//*[contains(@class,:checkbox_class)]', array(
    ':class' => 'form-item-field-blocks',
    ':checkbox_class' => 'form-type-checkbox',
  $this->assertEqual(count($checkboxes), 2, 'Two options are found in the field block list.');

  // Now check Posts.
  $this->assertText('No layout overrides have been created for Post pages yet.');
  $this->clickLink(t('Add @bundle_label layout', array('@bundle_label' => 'Post')));
  $this->assertFieldByName('title', 'Post layout');
  // Three field blocks because we added one on setup.
  $checkboxes = $this->xpath('//*[contains(@class,:class)]//*[contains(@class,:checkbox_class)]', array(
    ':class' => 'form-item-field-blocks',
    ':checkbox_class' => 'form-type-checkbox',
  $this->assertEqual(count($checkboxes), 3, 'Three options are found in the field block list.');

  // Submit and test that expected blocks show up in the layout.
  $edit = array(
    'name' => 'post_layout',
    'content_area' => 'field_blocks',
    'field_blocks[body]' => TRUE,
    'field_blocks[' . $this->field_email_name . ']' => TRUE,
    'field_blocks[main]' => FALSE,
  $this->backdropPost(NULL, $edit, t('Create layout'));
  $this->assertText('Displays values of the body field');
  $this->assertText('Displays values of the ' . $this->field_email_name . ' field');
  $this->assertNoRaw(t('The default content for this page. <strong>This block may be required for this page to work properly.</strong>'));
  $this->backdropPost(NULL, array(), t('Save layout'));

  $this->assertNoText('No layout overrides have been created for Post pages yet.');
  $post_layouts = $this->xpath('//tr[contains(@class,:class)]', array(
    ':class' => 'layout-row',
  $this->assertEqual(count($post_layouts), 1, 'One layout found in table.');
  $this->assertText('(Machine name: post_layout)');

  // Check that we still don't have a layout for Pages, then add one.
  $this->assertText('No layout overrides have been created for Page pages yet.');
  $this->clickLink(t('Add @bundle_label layout', array('@bundle_label' => 'Page')));
  $edit = array(
    'name' => 'page_layout',
    'content_area' => 'main_content',
    'field_blocks[body]' => TRUE,
  $this->backdropPost(NULL, $edit, t('Create layout'));
  $this->assertNoText('Displays values of the body field');
  $this->assertRaw(t('The default content for this page. <strong>This block may be required for this page to work properly.</strong>'));

  // Test Taxonomy vocabulary types.
  $this->assertText('No layout overrides have been created for Tags pages yet.');
  $this->clickLink(t('Add @bundle_label layout', array('@bundle_label' => 'Tags')));
  // The field blocks UI is disabled because taxonomy has no fields.
  $this->assertFieldByXPath("//*[@name='content_area' and @disabled='disabled']");
  $this->assertText(t('There are no fields attached to this entity.'));
  $edit = array(
    'name' => 'tags_layout',
  $this->backdropPost(NULL, $edit, t('Create layout'));
  $this->backdropPost(NULL, array(), t('Save layout'));
  $this->assertNoText('No layout overrides have been created for Tags pages yet.');

  // Check User types.
  $this->assertText('No layout overrides have been created for User account pages yet.');
  $this->clickLink(t('Add User account layout'));
  $this->assertFieldByXPath("//*[@name='content_area' and @disabled='disabled']");
  $this->assertText(t('There are no fields attached to this entity.'));
  $edit = array(
    'name' => 'user_layout',
  $this->backdropPost(NULL, $edit, t('Create layout'));
  $this->backdropPost(NULL, array(), t('Save layout'));
  $this->assertNoText('No layout overrides have been created for User account pages yet.');