1 layout.test LayoutBlockTest::testPageComponentBlocks()

Test Page component blocks.


core/modules/layout/tests/layout.test, line 2175
Tests for the Layout module.


Tests the blocks title, content, and display settings.


function testPageComponentBlocks() {
  // Create a node page.
  $page_node = $this->backdropCreateNode(array(
    'type' => 'page',
    'title' => "Test node title",

  // Remove the Page Title Combo block.
  $this->clickLink(t('Remove'), 3);
  $this->backdropPost(NULL, array(), t('Save layout'));

  // Check page title exists.

  $page_title = $this->xpath('(//div[contains(@class, "l-page-title")])//h1');
  $this->assertEqual(count($page_title), 1, 'The page title was found.');
  $this->assertEqual((string) $page_title[0], 'Test node title');


  // Add a Page title block to the header.
  $this->clickLink(t('Add block'), 0);
  $this->clickLink(t('Page title'));
  $this->backdropPost(NULL, array(), t('Add block'));
  $title_block = $this->xpath('(//*[@id="layout-content-form"]//*[contains(@class,:region)]//*[@data-block-id])[last()]', array(
    ':region' => 'header',
  $title_block_uuid = (string) $title_block[0]['data-block-id'];

  // Save the layout.
  $this->backdropPost(NULL, array(), t('Save layout'));

  // Go to the "your first post" page and check that the title div is absent.
  $page_title = $this->xpath('(//div[contains(@class, "l-page-title")])//h1');
  $this->assertEqual(count($page_title), 0, 'The page title was not found.');

  // Check the title block shows.
  $page_title = $this->xpath('(//div[contains(@class, "block-system-title")])//h1');
  $this->assertEqual((string) $page_title[0], 'Test node title');

  // Configure the block to use a custom title that overrides the normal title.
  $data = array(
    'title_display' => 'custom',
    'title' => 'A & "custom" title',
  $this->backdropPost('admin/structure/layouts/manage/default/edit-title/editor/title', $data, t('Save configuration'));
  $this->backdropPost('admin/structure/layouts/manage/default/blocks', array(), t('Save layout'));
  $title = $this->xpath('(//div[contains(@class, "block-system-title")])//h1');
  $this->assertEqual((string) $title[0], 'A & "custom" title');

  // Configure the block to copy a title title from another block.
  // Find the first block within the select list (usually breadcrumb).
  $block_value = $this->xpath('//select[@name="title_block"]/option[@selected]');
  $first_block_uuid = $block_value[0]['value'];
  $data = array(
    'title_display' => 'block',
  $this->backdropPost(NULL, $data, t('Save configuration'));

  // Set a custom title on the first block and confirm it is copied into
  // the title block.
  $data = array(
    'title_display' => 'custom',
    'title' => 'A title from a different block',
  $this->backdropPost('admin/structure/layouts/manage/default/configure-block/editor/' . $first_block_uuid, $data, t('Update block'));
  $this->backdropPost('admin/structure/layouts/manage/default/blocks', array(), t('Save layout'));
  $title = $this->xpath('(//div[contains(@class, "block-system-title")])//h1');
  $this->assertEqual((string) $title[0], 'A title from a different block');

  // Try with no page title at all (should use the default title within the
  // HEAD tag).
  $data = array(
    'title_display' => 'none',
  $this->backdropPost('admin/structure/layouts/manage/default/edit-title/editor/title', $data, t('Save configuration'));
  $this->backdropPost('admin/structure/layouts/manage/default/blocks', array(), t('Save layout'));
  $title = $this->xpath('(//div[contains(@class, "block-system-title")])');
  $this->assertEqual(count($title), 0, 'The entire title block is hidden when title is not displayed.');
  $head_title = $this->xpath('//head//title');
  $this->assertIdentical(strpos((string) $head_title[0], 'Test node title'), 0, 'Default title found in HEAD when title is hidden on page.');

  // Remove the title block.
  $remove_link = $this->xpath('//*[@data-block-id=:uuid]//a[contains(@class,"remove-block")]', array(
    ':uuid' => $title_block_uuid,
  $remove_url_parts = backdrop_parse_url($remove_link[0]['href']);
  $this->backdropGet($remove_url_parts['path'], $remove_url_parts);
  $this->backdropPost(NULL, array(), t('Save layout'));

  // Restore the default title settings.
  $data = array(
    'title_display' => 'default',
  $this->backdropPost(NULL, $data, t('Save configuration'));
  $this->backdropPost('admin/structure/layouts/manage/default', array(), t('Save layout'));

  // Check the normal page title exists again.
  $page_title = $this->xpath('(//div[contains(@class, "l-page-title")])//h1');
  $this->assertEqual(count($page_title), 1, 'The page title was found.');
  $this->assertEqual((string) $page_title[0], 'Test node title');

  // Edit the node to get a system message.
  $this->backdropPost("node/1/edit", array(), t('Save'));

  // Check the system message shows.
  $messages = $this->xpath('(//div[contains(@class, "l-messages")])//div[contains(@class, "messages")]');
  $this->assertEqual(count($messages), 1, 'The Page messages DIV was found.');

  // Check the tabs show.
  $tabs = $this->xpath('(//nav[contains(@class, "tabs")])//ul[contains(@class, "tabs")]');
  $this->assertEqual(count($tabs), 1, 'The tabs nav element was found.');

  // Go back to the default layout.

  // Add a Title combo block to the header.
  $this->clickLink(t('Add block'), 0);
  $this->clickLink(t('Page title combo'));
  $this->backdropPost(NULL, array(), t('Add block'));
  $title_combo_block = $this->xpath('(//*[@id="layout-content-form"]//*[contains(@class,:region)]//*[@data-block-id])[last()]', array(
    ':region' => 'header',
  $title_combo_block_uuid = (string) $title_combo_block[0]['data-block-id'];

  // Save the layout.
  $this->backdropPost(NULL, array(), t('Save layout'));

  // Go to the welcome page and check the hardcoded page elements are absent.
  $page_title = $this->xpath('(//div[contains(@class, "l-page-title")])//h1["Your first post!"]');
  $this->assertEqual(count($page_title), 0, 'The page title was not found.');
  $tabs = $this->xpath('(//nav[contains(@class, "tabs")])//div[contains(@class, "tabs")]');
  $this->assertEqual(count($tabs), 0, 'The tabs DIV was not found.');

  // Edit the node to get a system message.
  $this->backdropPost("node/1/edit", array(), t('Save'));
  $messages = $this->xpath('(//div[contains(@class, "l-wrapper")])//div[contains(@class, "l-messages")]');
  $this->assertEqual(count($messages), 0, 'The messages DIV was not found.');

  // Check that the Combo block elements show.
  $combo_page_title = $this->xpath('(//div[contains(@class, "block-system-title-combo")])//h1[contains(@class, "title")]');
  $this->assertEqual(count($combo_page_title), 1, 'The Title combo title DIV was found.');
  $combo_tabs = $this->xpath('(//div[contains(@class, "block-system-title-combo")])//nav[contains(@class, "tabs")]');
  $this->assertEqual(count($combo_tabs), 1, 'The Title combo tabs DIV was found.');
  $combo_messages = $this->xpath('(//div[contains(@class, "block-system-title-combo")])//div[contains(@class, "l-messages")]');
  $this->assertEqual(count($combo_messages), 1, 'The Title combo messages DIV was found.');

  // Remove the Title combo block.
  $remove_link = $this->xpath('//*[@data-block-id=:uuid]//a[contains(@class,"remove-block")]', array(
    ':uuid' => $title_combo_block_uuid,
  $remove_url_parts = backdrop_parse_url($remove_link[0]['href']);
  $this->backdropGet($remove_url_parts['path'], $remove_url_parts);
  $this->backdropPost(NULL, array(), t('Save layout'));

  // Add a Local actions block to the header.
  $this->clickLink(t('Add block'), 0);
  $this->clickLink(t('Page local actions'));
  $this->backdropPost(NULL, array(), t('Add block'));

  // Add a Page messages block to the header.
  $this->clickLink(t('Add block'), 0);
  $this->clickLink(t('Page messages'));
  $this->backdropPost(NULL, array(), t('Add block'));

  // Save the layout.
  $this->backdropPost(NULL, array(), t('Save layout'));

  // Check that the system message DIV no longer shows but the messages block
  // does.
  $messages = $this->xpath('(//div[contains(@class, "l-wrapper")])//div[contains(@class, "l-messages")]');
  $this->assertEqual(count($messages), 0, 'The messages DIV was not found.');
  $block_messages = $this->xpath('(//div[contains(@class, "block-system-messages")])//div[contains(@class, "l-messages")]');
  $this->assertEqual(count($block_messages), 1, 'The Page messages block was found.');

  // Go to the layouts list and check that the Local actions DIV no longer
  // shows but the block does.
  $actions = $this->xpath('(//div[contains(@class, "l-wrapper")])//div[contains(@class, "l-action-links")]');
  $this->assertEqual(count($actions), 0, 'The messages DIV was not found.');
  $block_actions = $this->xpath('(//div[contains(@class, "block-system-action-links")])//ul[contains(@class, "action-links")]');
  $this->assertEqual(count($block_actions), 1, 'The Page messages block was found.');