Update functions from Drupal 7.x to Backdrop CMS 1.x.


core/modules/system/system.install, line 1690
Install, update and uninstall functions for the system module.


Namesort descending Location Description
block_update_1000 core/modules/block/block.install Block cache is always enabled in Backdrop.
block_update_1001 core/modules/block/block.install Add a column for title to the block_custom table.
block_update_1002 core/modules/block/block.install Remove the legacy block tables.
block_update_1003 core/modules/block/block.install Increase {block_custom}.title length to 255 characters.
block_update_1004 core/modules/block/block.install Move individual blocks into config files.
book_update_1000 core/modules/book/book.install Move book settings from variables to config.
book_update_1001 core/modules/book/book.install Add options for navigation and links.
book_update_1002 core/modules/book/book.install Add option for reorder link.
comment_update_1000 core/modules/comment/comment.install Renames {comment}.language to {comment}.langcode.
comment_update_1001 core/modules/comment/comment.install Move comment content type settings into configuration files.
comment_update_1002 core/modules/comment/comment.install Move comment variables to configuration files.
comment_update_1003 core/modules/comment/comment.install Node type comment settings should be closed instead of hidden by default.
comment_update_1004 core/modules/comment/comment.install Add an Override column for automatic comment closing for individual nodes.
comment_update_1005 core/modules/comment/comment.install Move default comment view to comment module.
comment_update_1006 core/modules/comment/comment.install Creates the table to enable caching of Comment entities.
comment_update_1007 core/modules/comment/comment.install Give access to the new 'Administer comment settings' permission as needed.
comment_update_1008 core/modules/comment/comment.install Replace comment_subject_field setting with comment_title_options.
contact_update_1000 core/modules/contact/contact.install Convert contact module settings to use configuration files.
contact_update_1001 core/modules/contact/contact.install Convert available database contact categories to configuration files.
contact_update_1002 core/modules/contact/contact.install Set default value for new 'Phone' field setting.
contextual_update_1000 core/modules/contextual/contextual.install Increases weight of contextual module so it runs after most other modules.
filter_update_1000 core/modules/filter/filter.install Convert filter formats to configuration.
filter_update_1001 core/modules/filter/filter.install Add a separate permission for image upload access.
filter_update_1002 core/modules/filter/filter.install Import the image_library view.
filter_update_1003 core/modules/filter/filter.install Make the image_library view module-provided.
filter_update_1004 core/modules/filter/filter.install Add an exposed filename filter to the image_library view.
image_update_1000 core/modules/image/image.install Provide default image styles for the Image module.
image_update_1001 core/modules/image/image.install Convert available database image styles to configuration files.
image_update_1002 core/modules/image/image.install Drop image tables that were converted to configuration files.
image_update_1003 core/modules/image/image.install Add labels to all available styles.
image_update_1004 core/modules/image/image.install Update all image fields to use a static default image URI.
image_update_1005 core/modules/image/image.install Rename image config files.
image_update_1006 core/modules/image/image.install Add the configuration option for image_style_flood_limit.
image_update_1007 core/modules/image/image.install Update from Image size to more specific Image dimensions.
image_update_1008 core/modules/image/image.install Uninstall the imagecache_token contrib module, now part of core.
language_update_1000 core/modules/language/language.install Rename {language}.language to {language}.langcode.
language_update_1001 core/modules/language/language.install Convert language settings to config.
language_update_1002 core/modules/language/language.install Convert the language database table to config.
language_update_1003 core/modules/language/language.install Add the native name to all enabled languages.
link_update_1000 core/modules/link/link.install Move link settings from variables to config.
link_update_1001 core/modules/link/link.install Remove the Link config file. Link no longer has any config.
locale_update_1000 core/modules/locale/locale.install Drop textgroup support.
locale_update_1001 core/modules/locale/locale.install Language type 'language' renamed to 'language_interface'.
locale_update_1002 core/modules/locale/locale.install Removes duplicates in {locales_source}.
locale_update_1003 core/modules/locale/locale.install Move language negotiation settings from variables to config.
locale_update_1004 core/modules/locale/locale.install Update locale settings to config.
locale_update_1005 core/modules/locale/locale.install Convert source and translation from blob to text.
menu_update_1000 core/modules/menu/menu.install Moves menu settings from variables to config.
menu_update_1001 core/modules/menu/menu.install Move menu content type settings into configuration files.
menu_update_1002 core/modules/menu/menu.install Move individual menus into config files.
menu_update_1003 core/modules/menu/menu.install Delete primary and secondary menu settings.
menu_update_1004 core/modules/menu/menu.install Add new default config values.
menu_update_1005 core/modules/menu/menu.install Clean up duplicate user/login menu item entries.
menu_update_1006 core/modules/menu/menu.install Clean up duplicate system menu item entries.
node_update_1000 core/modules/node/node.install Set 'node' as home page path if it implicitly was before.
node_update_1001 core/modules/node/node.install Rename node type language variable names.
node_update_1002 core/modules/node/node.install Rename node.language field to node.langcode.
node_update_1003 core/modules/node/node.install Move theme settings to global site configuration.
node_update_1004 core/modules/node/node.install Remove the block_node_type table, now stored in layout configuration files.
node_update_1005 core/modules/node/node.install Convert content types to configuration files.
node_update_1006 core/modules/node/node.install Delete the node_type table after conversions to configuration files.
node_update_1007 core/modules/node/node.install Convert variables to configuration.
node_update_1008 core/modules/node/node.install Create the view replacement for admin/content/node.
node_update_1009 core/modules/node/node.install Update the language setting for all node types.
node_update_1010 core/modules/node/node.install Set all nodes to be language agnostic on mono-lingual sites.
node_update_1011 core/modules/node/node.install Delete the node_type table if it still exists.
node_update_1012 core/modules/node/node.install Rebuild node access to account for view unpublished.
node_update_1013 core/modules/node/node.install Update the empty text, name, and menu link, for the admin content view.
node_update_1014 core/modules/node/node.install Change {history}.nid to an unsigned int in order to match {node}.nid.
node_update_1015 core/modules/node/node.install Add column for scheduling the publishing of content in the future.
node_update_1016 core/modules/node/node.install Ensure content type statuses are the correct published/unpublished value.
node_update_1017 core/modules/node/node.install Update each content type with new hidden_path configuration defaulted to disabled.
node_update_1018 core/modules/node/node.install Update content admin view to show scheduled publication info.
node_update_1019 core/modules/node/node.install Update each content type with new node_preview configuration defaulted to enabled.
node_update_1020 core/modules/node/node.install Move default promoted view to node module.
node_update_1021 core/modules/node/node.install Creates the table to enable caching of Nodes entities.
node_update_1022 core/modules/node/node.install Update the admin content view with new/updated indicators and filter.
search_update_1000 core/modules/search/search.install Update search module to use the configuration system.
search_update_1001 core/modules/search/search.install Add the default value for the "search_logging" configuration value.
search_update_1002 core/modules/search/search.install Set all search blocks with 'default' title to 'custom' title with 'Search'.
search_update_1003 core/modules/search/search.install Set a default for the new search_pager_type setting if not already set.
search_update_1004 core/modules/search/search.install Update outdated search menu item, if necessary.
simpletest_update_1000 core/modules/simpletest/simpletest.install Update the simpletest_test_id table to hold a list of active prefixes.
simpletest_update_1001 core/modules/simpletest/simpletest.install Move simpletest settings from variables to config.
system_update_1000 core/modules/system/system.install Enable entity module.
system_update_1001 core/modules/system/system.install Move from the Garland theme.
system_update_1002 core/modules/system/system.install Set Bartik as default theme if it implicitly was the default before.
system_update_1003 core/modules/system/system.install Convert performance module settings to use configuration files.
system_update_1004 core/modules/system/system.install Create the "state" table for the state storage system.
system_update_1005 core/modules/system/system.install Convert basic system variables to the state system.
system_update_1006 core/modules/system/system.install Delete unneeded actions for manually saving comments and nodes.
system_update_1007 core/modules/system/system.install Create the tempstore table and remove the cache_form table.
system_update_1008 core/modules/system/system.install Convert the 'filesize' column in {file_managed} to a bigint.
system_update_1009 core/modules/system/system.install Enable Admin Menu module.
system_update_1010 core/modules/system/system.install Remove the registry and registry_file tables.
system_update_1011 core/modules/system/system.install Specify the files directory manually if needed.
system_update_1012 core/modules/system/system.install Convert cron settings to use configuration files.
system_update_1013 core/modules/system/system.install Moves site system settings from variable to config.
system_update_1014 core/modules/system/system.install Move the system maintenance settings from variable to config.
system_update_1015 core/modules/system/system.install Convert RSS publishing settings to use configuration files.
system_update_1016 core/modules/system/system.install Moves action_max_stack from variable to config.
system_update_1017 core/modules/system/system.install Moves system logging settings from variables to config.
system_update_1018 core/modules/system/system.install Moves authorize system settings from variable to config.
system_update_1019 core/modules/system/system.install Converts active_menus_default variable to config.
system_update_1020 core/modules/system/system.install Convert date settings to config.
system_update_1021 core/modules/system/system.install Removes the js_cache_files variable.
system_update_1022 core/modules/system/system.install Converts theme logo and shortcut settings to site-wide config.
system_update_1023 core/modules/system/system.install Enable admin_bar, replacing the renamed admin_menu.
system_update_1024 core/modules/system/system.install Consolidate common config files into "system.core".
system_update_1025 core/modules/system/system.install Convert block positioning and configuration to the default layout.
system_update_1026 core/modules/system/system.install Convert file system, clean URL, profile, and theme variables to config.
system_update_1027 core/modules/system/system.install Remove the per-user cache column from the session table.
system_update_1028 core/modules/system/system.install Convert filter fallback and user cancellation method variables to config.
system_update_1029 core/modules/system/system.install Convert config sync size to config.
system_update_1030 core/modules/system/system.install Convert mail system variable to config.
system_update_1031 core/modules/system/system.install Drop the actions table, no longer used by Backdrop.
system_update_1032 core/modules/system/system.install Enable config module.
system_update_1033 core/modules/system/system.install Set the minimum page cache lifetime to 5 minutes by default.
system_update_1034 core/modules/system/system.install Set the theme_debug flag to FALSE.
system_update_1035 core/modules/system/system.install Set the weight of Layout module to run last.
system_update_1036 core/modules/system/system.install Remove the private key from configuration.
system_update_1037 core/modules/system/system.install Set the default value for canonical_secure option. Check if old menu item exists and remove it.
system_update_1038 core/modules/system/system.install Upgrade or prepare for token module in core.
system_update_1039 core/modules/system/system.install Add the "auto" column to the url_alias table.
system_update_1040 core/modules/system/system.install Notify administrators if a non-core version of CKEditor module is present.
system_update_1041 core/modules/system/system.install Notify administrators if a non-core version of Email module is present.
system_update_1042 core/modules/system/system.install Notify administrators if a non-core version of Link module is present.
system_update_1043 core/modules/system/system.install Remove old Date configuration files.
system_update_1044 core/modules/system/system.install Notify administrators if a non-core version of the Date module is present.
system_update_1045 core/modules/system/system.install Ensure that the installation flag is properly set.
system_update_1046 core/modules/system/system.install Upgrade or prepare for transliteration functions in core.
system_update_1047 core/modules/system/system.install Provide a default value for maintenance_page_maximum_age.
system_update_1048 core/modules/system/system.install Set background fetch defaults.
system_update_1049 core/modules/system/system.install Bartik theme settings update: Indicate whether legacy colors should be used.
system_update_1050 core/modules/system/system.install Fix legacy color setting in Bartik.
system_update_1051 core/modules/system/system.install Notify administrators if a non-core version of Redirect module is present.
system_update_1052 core/modules/system/system.install Disable project browser if it previously existed on the site.
system_update_1053 core/modules/system/system.install Remove unnecessary items from the "main-menu" menu.
system_update_1054 core/modules/system/system.install Changes the key in layout config files from 'layout' to 'layout_template'.
system_update_1055 core/modules/system/system.install Create the new layout settings configuration file.
system_update_1056 core/modules/system/system.install Move incorrectly stored "log_row_limit" setting.
system_update_1057 core/modules/system/system.install Add default for watchdog_enabled_severity_levels.
system_update_1058 core/modules/system/system.install Clarify state "menu_expanded" as "menus_containing_expanded_items".
system_update_1059 core/modules/system/system.install Set home page menu to render as a drop-down menu.
system_update_1060 core/modules/system/system.install Remove the homepage breadcrumb block.
system_update_1061 core/modules/system/system.install Update contrib entity display mode module to core version.
system_update_1062 core/modules/system/system.install Remove configuration settings that were never used.
system_update_1063 core/modules/system/system.install Set a default value for the X-Frame-Options header. This will not allow the site to be rendered in an iframe on another domain unless specified.
system_update_1064 core/modules/system/system.install Add langcode column to {menu_links} table.
system_update_1065 core/modules/system/system.install Update the maintenance mode message field to use tokens.
system_update_1066 core/modules/system/system.install Update the core profile locations.
system_update_1067 core/modules/system/system.install Add default value for form_cache_expiration.
system_update_1068 core/modules/system/system.install Add 'jquery-extend-3.4.0.js' to the 'jquery' library.
system_update_1069 core/modules/system/system.install Removes an unused state value.
system_update_1070 core/modules/system/system.install Set file_temporary_path on existing sites, if not already set.
system_update_1071 core/modules/system/system.install Grant the "administer flexible templates" permission to all user roles that already have the "administer layouts" permission.
system_update_1072 core/modules/system/system.install Add 'jquery-html-prefilter-3.5.0.js' to the 'jquery' library.
system_update_1073 core/modules/system/system.install Set config_sync_clear_staging on existing sites, if not already set.
system_update_1074 core/modules/system/system.install Make sure that all config translatables are set for system core.
system_update_1075 core/modules/system/system.install Set a default value for the "Permissions-Policy: interest-cohort" header.
system_update_1076 core/modules/system/system.install Add default values for dismissible message settings.
system_update_1077 core/modules/system/system.install Explicitly set the admin theme to an actual theme, instead of the special 'Default theme' option.
system_update_1078 core/modules/system/system.install Re-arrange flexible layout configuration so we can save region classes.
system_update_1079 core/modules/system/system.install Clear the cache to reset allowlist settings.
system_update_1080 core/modules/system/system.install Set homepage to 'user' if blank to match previous behavior.
system_update_1081 core/modules/system/system.install Enable Admin Menu's Page Links component.
system_update_1082 core/modules/system/system.install Previous check for Entity Reference module.
system_update_1083 core/modules/system/system.install Set the default value for "file_additional_public_schemes" setting.
system_update_1084 core/modules/system/system.install Notify if a non-core version of Entity Reference module is present.
system_update_1085 core/modules/system/system.install Remove superfluous test files if they are present.
system_update_1086 core/modules/system/system.install Preserve 4-byte UTF-8 database update value if set.
system_update_1087 core/modules/system/system.install Set the message length for the database log.
system_update_1088 core/modules/system/system.install Set the file schemes whose paths should not be normalized.
system_update_1089 core/modules/system/system.install Enable Admin Bar's Language Switcher component if this is a multilingual site.
system_update_1090 core/modules/system/system.install Set a default value for the new user_editor_role setting on existing sites.
system_update_1091 core/modules/system/system.install Set jQuery to the backwards-compatible, legacy version for existing sites.
system_update_1092 core/modules/system/system.install Removes the block_interest_cohort configuration added by system_update_1075().
system_update_1093 core/modules/system/system.install Set defaults for date_views if not already set.
system_update_1094 core/modules/system/system.install Enable static caching of the "system.date" configuration file.
system_update_1095 core/modules/system/system.install Set default values for flags for stripping sensitive headers on HTTP downgrade or host change.
system_update_1096 core/modules/system/system.install Fix icon display for customized system menu items.
system_update_1097 core/modules/system/system.install Set local_action_position in Admin Bar.
taxonomy_update_1000 core/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.install Remove the {taxonomy_vocabulary}.module field.
taxonomy_update_1001 core/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.install Convert taxonomy vocabularies to configuration.
taxonomy_update_1002 core/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.install Drop the old taxonomy vocabulary table.
taxonomy_update_1003 core/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.install Create the taxonomy.settings config file.
taxonomy_update_1004 core/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.install Convert taxonomy terms per page to config.
taxonomy_update_1005 core/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.install Drop the old taxonomy vocabulary table for existing Backdrop installations.
taxonomy_update_1006 core/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.install Add langcode column to {taxonomy_term_data} table.
taxonomy_update_1007 core/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.install Move default taxonomy term view to taxonomy module.
taxonomy_update_1008 core/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.install Creates the table to enable caching of Taxonomy Term entities.
taxonomy_update_1009 core/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.install Add new "create terms" permission to editor and admin roles.
taxonomy_update_1010 core/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.install Clean up extraneous language-related configuration setting.
text_update_1000 core/modules/field/modules/text/text.install Delete teaser_length variable.
translation_update_1000 core/modules/translation/translation.install Convert translation settings to config.
translation_update_1001 core/modules/translation/translation.install Fix Views which still have the Drupal 7 version of the language field and filter. Change from "language" to "langcode".
translation_update_1002 core/modules/translation/translation.install Add "Show content translation links" setting to each content type.
update_update_1000 core/modules/update/update.install Moves update settings from variables to config.
update_update_1001 core/modules/update/update.install Add config default value for "update_not_implemented_url".
update_update_1002 core/modules/update/update.install Enable static caching for update settings configuration file.
update_update_1003 core/modules/update/update.install Removes the testing-only values from the update.settings config.
update_update_1004 core/modules/update/update.install Fix wrong default value for update_threshold setting.
update_update_1005 core/modules/update/update.install Check for a faulty installer.settings.json and fix it or remove it if needed.
user_update_1000 core/modules/user/user.install The 'Member for' extra field has moved one level up in the array.
user_update_1001 core/modules/user/user.install Grant "administer account settings" to roles with "administer users."
user_update_1002 core/modules/user/user.install Remove the ability for users to select a theme.
user_update_1003 core/modules/user/user.install Moves account settings from variable to config.
user_update_1004 core/modules/user/user.install Moves login flood settings from variable to config.
user_update_1005 core/modules/user/user.install Moves user mail settings from variable to config.
user_update_1006 core/modules/user/user.install Moves user picture settings from variable to config.
user_update_1007 core/modules/user/user.install Convert user roles to configuration files.
user_update_1008 core/modules/user/user.install Update views that used the old role ID handlers to use role name instead.
user_update_1009 core/modules/user/user.install Create the default view for user administration.
user_update_1010 core/modules/user/user.install Set default option for login method to use accounts only.
user_update_1011 core/modules/user/user.install Update 'People' menus to 'User accounts'.
user_update_1012 core/modules/user/user.install Update 'Find user accounts' to 'Manage user accounts'
user_update_1013 core/modules/user/user.install Grant accounts with 'administer permissions' the new 'assign roles' permission.
user_update_1014 core/modules/user/user.install Fixes system email linebreaks.
user_update_1015 core/modules/user/user.install Change label 'Name' to 'Username' for clarity on user admin view.
user_update_1016 core/modules/user/user.install Creates the table to enable caching of User entities.
user_update_1017 core/modules/user/user.install Add admin mail text for pending approval.
user_update_1018 core/modules/user/user.install Set default values for core password constraints.
user_update_1019 core/modules/user/user.install Set the "user_admin_role" attribute to "0" (disabled) if it's missing.
user_update_1020 core/modules/user/user.install Make sure that all config translatables are set for user mails.
user_update_1021 core/modules/user/user.install Make sure that generation of automatic path alias is enabled for user 1.
user_update_1022 core/modules/user/user.install Moves the "log_user_flood_control" variable to config.
user_update_1023 core/modules/user/user.install Add default descriptions to user roles.
user_update_1024 core/modules/user/user.install Add a "changed" column to the "users" table.
user_update_1025 core/modules/user/user.install Add a "changed" column to the user_admin View.
user_update_1026 core/modules/user/user.install Correct the default config value for the "flood_uid_only" setting.
views_ui_update_1000 core/modules/views_ui/views_ui.install Update Views UI variables to use configuration files.
views_ui_update_1001 core/modules/views_ui/views_ui.install Add new default display(s) setting.
views_ui_update_1002 core/modules/views_ui/views_ui.install Rename the setting that allows showing the default display.
views_update_1000 core/modules/views/views.install Convert default views to configuration files.
views_update_1001 core/modules/views/views.install Convert available database views to configuration files.
views_update_1002 core/modules/views/views.install Drop Views tables that were converted to configuration files.
views_update_1003 core/modules/views/views.install Update Views variables to use configuration files.
views_update_1004 core/modules/views/views.install Replace the frontpage view with promoted.
views_update_1005 core/modules/views/views.install Set all grid style Views to use the deprecated table if not set already.
views_update_1006 core/modules/views/views.install Remove headers field from cache tables.
views_update_1007 core/modules/views/views.install Remove obsolete variable from config.
_image_update_1004 core/modules/image/image.install Helper function to update an image field or instance's default image.