1 user.install user_update_1023()

Add default descriptions to user roles.

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core/modules/user/user.install, line 1335
Install, update and uninstall functions for the user module.


function user_update_1023() {
  $config_names = config_get_names_with_prefix('user.role.');
  $admin_role_name = config_get('system.core', 'user_admin_role');

  // Use role_help module description text as a default, if available.
  $role_help = array();
  if (db_table_exists('role_help')) {
    $role_help = db_query('SELECT role, summary FROM {role_help}')->fetchAllKeyed();
    backdrop_set_message(t('Backdrop core now provides most of the functionality of Role Help module. See the <a href="!url">change record for more information</a>.', array('!url' => 'https://docs.backdropcms.org/change-records/user-roles-now-have-descriptions-role-help-module-in-core')), 'warning');

    // Convert numeric anonymous and authenticated role IDs to string versions.
    if (isset($role_help['1'])) {
      $role_help['anonymous'] = $role_help['1'];
    if (isset($role_help['2'])) {
      $role_help['authenticated'] = $role_help['2'];

  foreach ($config_names as $config_name) {
    $config = config($config_name);
    $role_name = $config->get('name');
    if ($config->get('description') === NULL && isset($role_help[$role_name])) {
      $description = $role_help[$role_name];
      $config->set('description', $description);