- <?php
- * @file
- * Install, update and uninstall functions for the user module.
- */
- * Implements hook_schema().
- */
- function user_schema() {
- $schema['users'] = array(
- 'description' => 'Stores user data.',
- 'fields' => array(
- 'uid' => array(
- 'type' => 'int',
- 'unsigned' => TRUE,
- 'not null' => TRUE,
- 'description' => 'Primary Key: Unique user ID.',
- 'default' => 0,
- ),
- 'name' => array(
- 'type' => 'varchar',
- 'length' => 60,
- 'not null' => TRUE,
- 'default' => '',
- 'description' => 'Unique user name.',
- ),
- 'pass' => array(
- 'type' => 'varchar',
- 'length' => 128,
- 'not null' => TRUE,
- 'default' => '',
- 'description' => "User's password (hashed).",
- ),
- 'mail' => array(
- 'type' => 'varchar',
- 'length' => 254,
- 'not null' => FALSE,
- 'default' => '',
- 'description' => "User's email address.",
- ),
- 'signature' => array(
- 'type' => 'varchar',
- 'length' => 255,
- 'not null' => TRUE,
- 'default' => '',
- 'description' => "User's signature.",
- ),
- 'signature_format' => array(
- 'type' => 'varchar',
- 'length' => 255,
- 'not null' => FALSE,
- 'description' => 'The {filter_format}.format of the signature.',
- ),
- 'created' => array(
- 'type' => 'int',
- 'not null' => TRUE,
- 'default' => 0,
- 'description' => 'Timestamp for when user was created.',
- ),
- 'changed' => array(
- 'type' => 'int',
- 'not null' => TRUE,
- 'default' => 0,
- 'description' => 'Timestamp for when user was changed.',
- ),
- 'access' => array(
- 'type' => 'int',
- 'not null' => TRUE,
- 'default' => 0,
- 'description' => 'Timestamp for previous time user accessed the site.',
- ),
- 'login' => array(
- 'type' => 'int',
- 'not null' => TRUE,
- 'default' => 0,
- 'description' => "Timestamp for user's last login.",
- ),
- 'status' => array(
- 'type' => 'int',
- 'not null' => TRUE,
- 'default' => 0,
- 'size' => 'tiny',
- 'description' => 'Whether the user is active(1) or blocked(0).',
- ),
- 'timezone' => array(
- 'type' => 'varchar',
- 'length' => 32,
- 'not null' => FALSE,
- 'description' => "User's time zone.",
- ),
- 'language' => array(
- 'type' => 'varchar',
- 'length' => 12,
- 'not null' => TRUE,
- 'default' => '',
- 'description' => "User's default language.",
- ),
- 'picture' => array(
- 'type' => 'int',
- 'not null' => TRUE,
- 'default' => 0,
- 'description' => "Foreign key: {file_managed}.fid of user's picture.",
- ),
- 'init' => array(
- 'type' => 'varchar',
- 'length' => 254,
- 'not null' => FALSE,
- 'default' => '',
- 'description' => 'Email address used for initial account creation.',
- ),
- 'data' => array(
- 'type' => 'blob',
- 'not null' => FALSE,
- 'size' => 'big',
- 'serialize' => TRUE,
- 'description' => 'A serialized array of name value pairs that are related to the user. Any form values posted during user edit are stored and are loaded into the $user object during user_load(). Use of this field is discouraged and it will likely disappear in a future version of Backdrop.',
- ),
- ),
- 'indexes' => array(
- 'access' => array('access'),
- 'created' => array('created'),
- 'changed' => array('changed'),
- 'mail' => array('mail'),
- 'picture' => array('picture'),
- ),
- 'unique keys' => array(
- 'name' => array('name'),
- ),
- 'primary key' => array('uid'),
- );
- $schema['users_roles'] = array(
- 'description' => 'Maps users to roles.',
- 'fields' => array(
- 'uid' => array(
- 'type' => 'int',
- 'unsigned' => TRUE,
- 'not null' => TRUE,
- 'default' => 0,
- 'description' => 'Primary Key: {users}.uid for user.',
- ),
- 'role' => array(
- 'type' => 'varchar',
- 'length' => 64,
- 'description' => 'Primary Key: The name of the role.',
- 'not null' => TRUE,
- 'default' => '',
- ),
- ),
- 'primary key' => array('uid', 'role'),
- 'indexes' => array(
- 'role' => array('role'),
- ),
- 'foreign keys' => array(
- 'user' => array(
- 'table' => 'users',
- 'columns' => array('uid' => 'uid'),
- ),
- ),
- );
- $cache_schema = backdrop_get_schema_unprocessed('system', 'cache');
- $schema['cache_entity_user'] = $cache_schema;
- $schema['cache_entity_user']['description'] = "Cache table used to store Users entity records.";
- return $schema;
- }
- * Implements hook_schema_alter().
- */
- function user_schema_alter(&$schema) {
- if (backdrop_get_installed_schema_version('user') < 1025) {
- unset($schema['users']['fields']['changed']);
- }
- }
- * Implements hook_install().
- */
- function user_install() {
- db_insert('users')
- ->fields(array(
- 'uid' => 0,
- 'name' => '',
- 'mail' => '',
- ))
- ->execute();
- db_insert('users')
- ->fields(array(
- 'uid' => 1,
- 'name' => 'placeholder-for-uid-1',
- 'mail' => 'placeholder-for-uid-1',
- 'created' => REQUEST_TIME,
- 'changed' => REQUEST_TIME,
- 'status' => 1,
- 'data' => NULL,
- ))
- ->execute();
- }
- * Implements hook_update_dependencies().
- */
- function user_update_dependencies() {
- $dependencies['user'][1007] = array(
- 'system' => 1025,
- );
- $dependencies['user'][1021] = array(
- 'system' => 1039,
- );
- return $dependencies;
- }
- * @addtogroup updates-7.x-to-1.x
- * @{
- */
- * The 'Member for' extra field has moved one level up in the array.
- */
- function user_update_1000() {
- $settings = field_bundle_settings('user', 'user');
- if (isset($settings['extra_fields']['display']['summary'])) {
- $settings['extra_fields']['display']['member_for'] = $settings['extra_fields']['display']['summary'];
- unset($settings['extra_fields']['display']['summary']);
- field_bundle_settings('user', 'user', $settings);
- }
- }
- * Grant "administer account settings" to roles with "administer users."
- */
- function user_update_1001() {
- $rids = db_query("SELECT rid FROM {role_permission} WHERE permission = :perm", array(':perm' => 'administer users'))->fetchCol();
- if (empty($rids)) {
- return;
- }
- $insert = db_insert('role_permission')->fields(array('rid', 'permission', 'module'));
- foreach ($rids as $rid) {
- $insert->values(array(
- 'rid' => $rid,
- 'permission' => 'administer account settings',
- 'module' => 'user'
- ));
- }
- $insert->execute();
- }
- * Remove the ability for users to select a theme.
- */
- function user_update_1002() {
- db_drop_field('users', 'theme');
- }
- * Moves account settings from variable to config.
- */
- function user_update_1003() {
- $config = config('system.core');
- $config->set('user_admin_role', update_variable_get('user_admin_role', ''));
- $config->set('anonymous', update_variable_get('anonymous', 'Anonymous'));
- $config->set('user_email_verification', update_variable_get('user_email_verification', 1));
- $config->set('user_mail_status_activated_notify', update_variable_get('user_mail_status_activated_notify', 1));
- $config->set('user_mail_status_blocked_notify', update_variable_get('user_mail_status_blocked_notify', 0));
- $config->set('user_mail_status_cancelled_notify', update_variable_get('user_mail_status_cancelled_notify', 0));
- $config->set('user_signatures', update_variable_get('user_signatures', 0));
- $config->set('user_password_reset_timeout', update_variable_get('user_password_reset_timeout', 86400));
- $map = array(
- '0' => 'admin_only',
- '1' => 'visitors',
- '2' => 'visitors_admin_approval',
- );
- $user_register = update_variable_get('user_register', 2);
- if (isset($map[$user_register])) {
- $config->set('user_register', $map[$user_register])->save();
- }
- $config->save();
- update_variable_del('anonymous');
- update_variable_del('user_admin_role');
- update_variable_del('user_register');
- update_variable_del('user_signatures');
- update_variable_del('user_mail_status_activated_notify');
- update_variable_del('user_mail_status_blocked_notify');
- update_variable_del('user_mail_status_cancelled_notify');
- update_variable_del('user_email_verification');
- update_variable_del('user_password_reset_timeout');
- }
- * Moves login flood settings from variable to config.
- */
- function user_update_1004() {
- $config = config('user.flood');
- $config->set('flood_uid_only', update_variable_get('user_failed_login_identifier_uid_only', FALSE));
- $config->set('flood_ip_limit', update_variable_get('user_failed_login_ip_limit', 50));
- $config->set('flood_ip_window', update_variable_get('user_failed_login_ip_window', 3600));
- $config->set('flood_user_limit', update_variable_get('user_failed_login_user_limit', 5));
- $config->set('flood_user_window', update_variable_get('user_failed_login_user_window', 21600));
- $config->save();
- update_variable_del('user_failed_login_identifier_uid_only');
- update_variable_del('user_failed_login_ip_limit');
- update_variable_del('user_failed_login_ip_window');
- update_variable_del('user_failed_login_user_limit');
- update_variable_del('user_failed_login_user_window');
- }
- * Moves user mail settings from variable to config.
- */
- function user_update_1005() {
- $config = config('user.mail');
- $config->set('register_admin_created_subject', update_variable_get('register_admin_created_subject', 'An administrator created an account for you at [site:name]'));
- $config->set('register_admin_created_body', update_variable_get('register_admin_created_body', '[user:name],\n\nA site administrator at [site:name] has created an account for you. You may now log in by clicking this link or copying and pasting it to your browser:\n\n[user:one-time-login-url]\n\nThis link can only be used once to log in and will lead you to a page where you can set your password.\n\nAfter setting your password, you will be able to log in at [site:login-url] in the future using:\n\nusername: [user:name]\npassword: Your password\n\n-- [site:name] team'));
- $config->set('register_pending_approval_subject', update_variable_get('register_pending_approval_subject', 'Account details for [user:name] at [site:name] (pending admin approval)'));
- $config->set('register_pending_approval_body', update_variable_get('register_pending_approval_body', '[user:name],\n\nThank you for registering at [site:name]. Your application for an account is currently pending approval. Once it has been approved, you will receive another email containing information about how to log in, set your password, and other details.\n\n\n-- [site:name] team'));
- $config->set('register_no_approval_required_subject', update_variable_get('register_no_approval_required_subject', 'Account details for [user:name] at [site:name]'));
- $config->set('register_no_approval_required_body', update_variable_get('register_no_approval_required_body', '[user:name],\n\nThank you for registering at [site:name]. You may now log in by clicking this link or copying and pasting it to your browser:\n\n[user:one-time-login-url]\n\nThis link can only be used once to log in and will lead you to a page where you can set your password.\n\nAfter setting your password, you will be able to log in at [site:login-url] in the future using:\n\nusername: [user:name]\npassword: Your password\n\n-- [site:name] team'));
- $config->set('password_reset_subject', update_variable_get('password_reset_subject', 'Password reset information for [user:name] at [site:name]'));
- $config->set('password_reset_body', update_variable_get('password_reset_body', '[user:name],\n\nA request to reset the password for your account has been made at [site:name].\n\nYou may now reset your password by clicking this link or copying and pasting it to your browser:\n\n[user:one-time-login-url]\n\nThis link can only be used once and will lead you to a page where you can set your password. It expires after one day and nothing will happen if it is not used.\n\n-- [site:name] team'));
- $config->set('status_activated_subject', update_variable_get('status_activated_subject', 'Account details for [user:name] at [site:name] (approved)'));
- $config->set('status_activated_body', update_variable_get('status_activated_body', '[user:name],\n\nYour account at [site:name] has been activated.\n\nYou may now log in by clicking this link or copying and pasting it into your browser:\n\n[user:one-time-login-url]\n\nThis link can only be used once to log in and will lead you to a page where you can set your password.\n\nAfter setting your password, you will be able to log in at [site:login-url] in the future using:\n\nusername: [user:name]\npassword: Your password\n\n-- [site:name] team'));
- $config->set('status_blocked_subject', update_variable_get('status_blocked_subject', 'Account details for [user:name] at [site:name] (blocked)'));
- $config->set('status_blocked_body', update_variable_get('status_blocked_body', '[user:name],\n\nYour account on [site:name] has been blocked.\n\n-- [site:name] team'));
- $config->set('cancel_confirm_subject', update_variable_get('cancel_confirm_subject', 'Account cancellation request for [user:name] at [site:name]'));
- $config->set('cancel_confirm_body', update_variable_get('cancel_confirm_body', '[user:name],\n\nA request to cancel your account has been made at [site:name].\n\nYou may now cancel your account on [site:url:brief] by clicking this link or copying and pasting it into your browser:\n\n[user:cancel-url]\n\nNOTE: The cancellation of your account is not reversible.\n\nThis link expires in one day and nothing will happen if it is not used.\n\n-- [site:name] team'));
- $config->set('status_canceled_subject', update_variable_get('status_canceled_subject', 'Account details for [user:name] at [site:name] (canceled)'));
- $config->set('status_canceled_body', update_variable_get('status_canceled_body', '[user:name],\n\nYour account on [site:name] has been canceled.\n\n-- [site:name] team'));
- $config->save();
- update_variable_del('register_admin_created_subject');
- update_variable_del('register_admin_created_body');
- update_variable_del('register_pending_approval_subject');
- update_variable_del('register_pending_approval_body');
- update_variable_del('register_no_approval_required_subject');
- update_variable_del('register_no_approval_required_body');
- update_variable_del('password_reset_subject');
- update_variable_del('password_reset_body');
- update_variable_del('status_activated_subject');
- update_variable_del('status_activated_body');
- update_variable_del('status_blocked_subject');
- update_variable_del('status_blocked_body');
- update_variable_del('cancel_confirm_subject');
- update_variable_del('cancel_confirm_body');
- update_variable_del('status_canceled_subject');
- update_variable_del('status_canceled_body');
- }
- * Moves user picture settings from variable to config.
- */
- function user_update_1006() {
- $config = config('system.core');
- $config->set('user_pictures', update_variable_get('user_pictures', 0));
- $config->set('user_picture_path', update_variable_get('user_picture_path', 'pictures'));
- $config->set('user_picture_default', update_variable_get('user_picture_default', ''));
- $config->set('user_picture_style', update_variable_get('user_picture_style', ''));
- $config->set('user_picture_dimensions', update_variable_get('user_picture_dimensions', '85x85'));
- $config->set('user_picture_file_size', update_variable_get('user_picture_file_size', 30));
- $config->set('user_picture_guidelines', update_variable_get('user_picture_guidelines', ''));
- $config->save();
- update_variable_del('user_pictures');
- update_variable_del('user_picture_path');
- update_variable_del('user_picture_default');
- update_variable_del('user_picture_style');
- update_variable_del('user_picture_dimensions');
- update_variable_del('user_picture_file_size');
- update_variable_del('user_picture_guidelines');
- }
- * Convert user roles to configuration files.
- */
- function user_update_1007() {
- if (db_field_exists('users_roles', 'rid')) {
- db_drop_primary_key('users_roles');
- db_drop_index('users_roles', 'rid');
- if (db_field_exists('users_roles', 'role')) {
- db_drop_field('users_roles', 'role');
- }
- $role_column = array(
- 'type' => 'varchar',
- 'length' => 64,
- 'description' => 'Primary Key: The name of the role.',
- 'not null' => TRUE,
- 'default' => '',
- );
- db_change_field('users_roles', 'rid', 'role', $role_column);
- db_add_primary_key('users_roles', array('uid', 'role'));
- db_add_index('users_roles', 'role', array('role'));
- }
- $admin_role_id = config_get('system.core', 'user_admin_role');
- $role_result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {role}");
- foreach ($role_result as $row) {
- $role_data = array(
- 'name' => $row->rid,
- 'label' => backdrop_ucfirst($row->name),
- 'weight' => $row->weight,
- );
- if ($row->rid == 1) {
- $role_data['name'] = 'anonymous';
- $role_data['label'] = 'Anonymous';
- }
- if ($row->rid == 2) {
- $role_data['name'] = 'authenticated';
- $role_data['label'] = 'Authenticated';
- }
- $role_data['permissions'] = array();
- $permission_result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {role_permission} WHERE rid = :rid", array(':rid' => $row->rid));
- foreach ($permission_result as $permission_row) {
- $role_data['permissions'][] = $permission_row->permission;
- }
- $config = config('user.role.' . $role_data['name']);
- $config->setData($role_data);
- $config->save();
- db_update('users_roles')
- ->fields(array(
- 'role' => $role_data['name'],
- ))
- ->condition('role', $row->rid)
- ->execute();
- if ($admin_role_id == $row->rid) {
- config_set('system.core', 'user_admin_role', $role_data['name']);
- }
- }
- db_drop_table('role');
- db_drop_table('role_permission');
- db_drop_field('users_roles', 'rid');
- }
- * Update views that used the old role ID handlers to use role name instead.
- */
- function user_update_1008() {
- $configs = config_get_names_with_prefix('views.view.');
- foreach ($configs as $config_name) {
- $config = config($config_name);
- $view_data = $config->get();
- $changed = FALSE;
- foreach ($view_data['display'] as $display_name => $display_data) {
- foreach (array('fields', 'filters') as $handler_type) {
- if (isset($display_data['display_options'][$handler_type])) {
- foreach ($display_data['display_options'][$handler_type] as $handler_key => $handler_data) {
- if ($handler_data['table'] === 'users_roles' && $handler_data['field'] === 'rid') {
- $view_data['display'][$display_name]['display_options'][$handler_type][$handler_key]['field'] = 'role';
- $changed = TRUE;
- }
- if ($handler_data['table'] === 'role_permission' && $handler_data['field'] === 'permission') {
- $view_data['display'][$display_name]['display_options'][$handler_type][$handler_key]['table'] = 'users_roles';
- $view_data['display'][$display_name]['display_options'][$handler_type][$handler_key]['field'] = 'permissions';
- $changed = TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ($changed) {
- $config->setData($view_data);
- $config->save();
- }
- }
- }
- * Create the default view for user administration.
- */
- function user_update_1009() {
- $view_config = array(
- 'name' => 'user_admin',
- 'description' => 'Manage user accounts, roles, and permissions.',
- 'module' => 'user',
- 'storage' => 4,
- 'tag' => 'default',
- 'disabled' => FALSE,
- 'base_table' => 'users',
- 'human_name' => 'Administer user accounts',
- 'core' => '1.0-dev',
- 'display' => array(
- 'default' => array(
- 'display_title' => 'Default',
- 'display_plugin' => 'default',
- 'display_options' => array(
- 'query' => array(
- 'type' => 'views_query',
- 'options' => array(),
- ),
- 'access' => array(
- 'type' => 'perm',
- 'perm' => 'administer users',
- ),
- 'cache' => array(
- 'type' => 'none',
- ),
- 'exposed_form' => array(
- 'type' => 'basic',
- 'options' => array(
- 'submit_button' => 'Filter',
- 'reset_button' => 0,
- 'reset_button_label' => 'Reset',
- 'exposed_sorts_label' => 'Sort by',
- 'expose_sort_order' => 1,
- 'sort_asc_label' => 'Asc',
- 'sort_desc_label' => 'Desc',
- 'autosubmit' => 0,
- 'autosubmit_hide' => 1,
- ),
- ),
- 'pager' => array(
- 'type' => 'full',
- 'options' => array(
- 'items_per_page' => '50',
- 'offset' => '0',
- 'id' => '0',
- 'total_pages' => '',
- 'quantity' => '9',
- 'tags' => array(
- 'first' => '« first',
- 'previous' => '‹ previous',
- 'next' => 'next ›',
- 'last' => 'last »',
- ),
- 'expose' => array(
- 'items_per_page' => 0,
- 'items_per_page_label' => 'Items per page',
- 'items_per_page_options' => '5, 10, 20, 40, 60',
- 'items_per_page_options_all' => 0,
- 'items_per_page_options_all_label' => '- All -',
- 'offset' => 0,
- 'offset_label' => 'Offset',
- ),
- ),
- ),
- 'style_plugin' => 'table',
- 'row_plugin' => 'fields',
- 'fields' => array(
- 'bulk_form' => array(
- 'id' => 'bulk_form',
- 'table' => 'users',
- 'field' => 'bulk_form',
- 'relationship' => 'none',
- 'group_type' => 'group',
- 'ui_name' => '',
- 'label' => 'Operations',
- 'exclude' => 0,
- 'element_type' => '',
- 'element_class' => '',
- 'element_label_type' => '',
- 'element_label_class' => '',
- 'element_label_colon' => 1,
- 'element_wrapper_type' => '',
- 'element_wrapper_class' => '',
- 'element_default_classes' => 0,
- 'empty' => '',
- 'hide_empty' => 0,
- 'empty_zero' => 0,
- 'hide_alter_empty' => 1,
- 'include_exclude' => 'exclude',
- 'selected_actions' => array(),
- ),
- 'name' => array(
- 'id' => 'name',
- 'table' => 'users',
- 'field' => 'name',
- 'relationship' => 'none',
- 'group_type' => 'group',
- 'ui_name' => '',
- 'label' => 'Username',
- 'exclude' => 0,
- 'element_type' => '',
- 'element_class' => '',
- 'element_label_type' => '',
- 'element_label_class' => '',
- 'element_label_colon' => 1,
- 'element_wrapper_type' => '',
- 'element_wrapper_class' => '',
- 'element_default_classes' => 0,
- 'empty' => '',
- 'hide_empty' => 0,
- 'empty_zero' => 0,
- 'hide_alter_empty' => 1,
- 'link_to_user' => 1,
- 'overwrite_anonymous' => 0,
- 'anonymous_text' => '',
- 'format_username' => 1,
- ),
- 'status' => array(
- 'id' => 'status',
- 'table' => 'users',
- 'field' => 'status',
- 'relationship' => 'none',
- 'group_type' => 'group',
- 'ui_name' => '',
- 'label' => 'Status',
- 'exclude' => 0,
- 'element_type' => '',
- 'element_class' => '',
- 'element_label_type' => '',
- 'element_label_class' => 'priority-low',
- 'element_label_colon' => 1,
- 'element_wrapper_type' => '',
- 'element_wrapper_class' => '',
- 'element_default_classes' => 0,
- 'empty' => '',
- 'hide_empty' => 0,
- 'empty_zero' => 0,
- 'hide_alter_empty' => 1,
- 'type' => 'active-blocked',
- 'type_custom_true' => '',
- 'type_custom_false' => '',
- 'not' => 0,
- ),
- 'role' => array(
- 'id' => 'role',
- 'table' => 'users_roles',
- 'field' => 'role',
- 'relationship' => 'none',
- 'group_type' => 'group',
- 'ui_name' => '',
- 'label' => 'Roles',
- 'exclude' => 0,
- 'element_type' => '',
- 'element_class' => '',
- 'element_label_type' => '',
- 'element_label_class' => 'priority-medium',
- 'element_label_colon' => 1,
- 'element_wrapper_type' => '',
- 'element_wrapper_class' => '',
- 'element_default_classes' => 0,
- 'empty' => '',
- 'hide_empty' => 0,
- 'empty_zero' => 0,
- 'hide_alter_empty' => 1,
- 'type' => 'ul',
- 'separator' => ', ',
- ),
- 'created' => array(
- 'id' => 'created',
- 'table' => 'users',
- 'field' => 'created',
- 'relationship' => 'none',
- 'group_type' => 'group',
- 'ui_name' => '',
- 'label' => 'Member for',
- 'exclude' => 0,
- 'element_type' => '',
- 'element_class' => '',
- 'element_label_type' => '',
- 'element_label_class' => 'priority-low',
- 'element_label_colon' => 1,
- 'element_wrapper_type' => '',
- 'element_wrapper_class' => '',
- 'element_default_classes' => 0,
- 'empty' => '',
- 'hide_empty' => 0,
- 'empty_zero' => 0,
- 'hide_alter_empty' => 1,
- 'date_format' => 'raw time ago',
- 'custom_date_format' => '',
- 'timezone' => '',
- ),
- 'access' => array(
- 'id' => 'access',
- 'table' => 'users',
- 'field' => 'access',
- 'relationship' => 'none',
- 'group_type' => 'group',
- 'ui_name' => '',
- 'label' => 'Last access',
- 'exclude' => 0,
- 'element_type' => '',
- 'element_class' => '',
- 'element_label_type' => '',
- 'element_label_class' => 'priority-low',
- 'element_label_colon' => 1,
- 'element_wrapper_type' => '',
- 'element_wrapper_class' => '',
- 'element_default_classes' => 0,
- 'empty' => '',
- 'hide_empty' => 0,
- 'empty_zero' => 0,
- 'hide_alter_empty' => 1,
- 'date_format' => 'raw time ago',
- 'custom_date_format' => '',
- 'timezone' => '',
- ),
- 'edit_node' => array(
- 'id' => 'edit_node',
- 'table' => 'users',
- 'field' => 'edit_node',
- 'relationship' => 'none',
- 'group_type' => 'group',
- 'ui_name' => '',
- 'label' => 'Edit',
- 'exclude' => 1,
- 'element_type' => '',
- 'element_class' => '',
- 'element_label_type' => '',
- 'element_label_class' => '',
- 'element_label_colon' => 0,
- 'element_wrapper_type' => '',
- 'element_wrapper_class' => '',
- 'element_default_classes' => 0,
- 'empty' => '',
- 'hide_empty' => 0,
- 'empty_zero' => 0,
- 'hide_alter_empty' => 1,
- 'text' => '',
- ),
- 'cancel_node' => array(
- 'id' => 'cancel_node',
- 'table' => 'users',
- 'field' => 'cancel_node',
- 'relationship' => 'none',
- 'group_type' => 'group',
- 'ui_name' => '',
- 'label' => 'Cancel',
- 'exclude' => 1,
- 'element_type' => '',
- 'element_class' => '',
- 'element_label_type' => '',
- 'element_label_class' => '',
- 'element_label_colon' => 0,
- 'element_wrapper_type' => '',
- 'element_wrapper_class' => '',
- 'element_default_classes' => 0,
- 'empty' => '',
- 'hide_empty' => 0,
- 'empty_zero' => 0,
- 'hide_alter_empty' => 1,
- 'text' => '',
- ),
- 'dropbutton' => array(
- 'id' => 'dropbutton',
- 'table' => 'views',
- 'field' => 'dropbutton',
- 'relationship' => 'none',
- 'group_type' => 'group',
- 'ui_name' => '',
- 'label' => 'Operations',
- 'exclude' => 0,
- 'element_type' => '',
- 'element_class' => '',
- 'element_label_type' => '',
- 'element_label_class' => '',
- 'element_label_colon' => 0,
- 'element_wrapper_type' => '',
- 'element_wrapper_class' => '',
- 'element_default_classes' => 0,
- 'empty' => '',
- 'hide_empty' => 0,
- 'empty_zero' => 0,
- 'hide_alter_empty' => 1,
- 'fields' => array(
- 'edit_node' => 'edit_node',
- 'cancel_node' => 'cancel_node',
- 'bulk_form' => 0,
- 'name' => 0,
- 'status' => 0,
- 'role' => 0,
- 'created' => 0,
- 'access' => 0,
- ),
- 'destination' => 1,
- ),
- ),
- 'filters' => array(
- 'uid_raw' => array(
- 'id' => 'uid_raw',
- 'table' => 'users',
- 'field' => 'uid_raw',
- 'relationship' => 'none',
- 'group_type' => 'group',
- 'ui_name' => '',
- 'operator' => '!=',
- 'value' => array(
- 'min' => '',
- 'max' => '',
- 'value' => '0',
- ),
- 'group' => 1,
- 'exposed' => FALSE,
- 'expose' => array(
- 'operator_id' => FALSE,
- 'label' => '',
- 'description' => '',
- 'use_operator' => FALSE,
- 'operator' => '',
- 'identifier' => '',
- 'required' => FALSE,
- 'remember' => FALSE,
- 'multiple' => FALSE,
- 'remember_roles' => array(
- 'authenticated' => 'authenticated',
- ),
- ),
- 'is_grouped' => FALSE,
- 'group_info' => array(
- 'label' => '',
- 'description' => '',
- 'identifier' => '',
- 'optional' => TRUE,
- 'widget' => 'select',
- 'multiple' => FALSE,
- 'remember' => 0,
- 'default_group' => 'All',
- 'default_group_multiple' => array(),
- 'group_items' => array(),
- ),
- ),
- 'status' => array(
- 'id' => 'status',
- 'table' => 'users',
- 'field' => 'status',
- 'relationship' => 'none',
- 'group_type' => 'group',
- 'ui_name' => '',
- 'operator' => '=',
- 'value' => 'All',
- 'group' => 1,
- 'exposed' => TRUE,
- 'expose' => array(
- 'operator_id' => '',
- 'label' => 'Status',
- 'description' => '',
- 'use_operator' => FALSE,
- 'operator' => 'status_op',
- 'identifier' => 'status',
- 'required' => 0,
- 'remember' => 0,
- 'multiple' => FALSE,
- 'remember_roles' => array(
- 'authenticated' => 'authenticated',
- 'anonymous' => 0,
- 'administrator' => 0,
- ),
- ),
- 'is_grouped' => FALSE,
- 'group_info' => array(
- 'label' => '',
- 'description' => '',
- 'identifier' => '',
- 'optional' => TRUE,
- 'widget' => 'select',
- 'multiple' => FALSE,
- 'remember' => 0,
- 'default_group' => 'All',
- 'default_group_multiple' => array(),
- 'group_items' => array(),
- ),
- ),
- 'role' => array(
- 'id' => 'role',
- 'table' => 'users_roles',
- 'field' => 'role',
- 'relationship' => 'none',
- 'group_type' => 'group',
- 'ui_name' => '',
- 'operator' => 'or',
- 'value' => array(),
- 'group' => 1,
- 'exposed' => TRUE,
- 'expose' => array(
- 'operator_id' => 'role_op',
- 'label' => 'Role',
- 'description' => '',
- 'use_operator' => 0,
- 'operator' => 'role_op',
- 'identifier' => 'role',
- 'required' => 0,
- 'remember' => 0,
- 'multiple' => 0,
- 'remember_roles' => array(
- 'authenticated' => 'authenticated',
- 'anonymous' => 0,
- 'administrator' => 0,
- ),
- 'reduce' => 0,
- ),
- 'is_grouped' => FALSE,
- 'group_info' => array(
- 'label' => '',
- 'description' => '',
- 'identifier' => '',
- 'optional' => TRUE,
- 'widget' => 'select',
- 'multiple' => FALSE,
- 'remember' => 0,
- 'default_group' => 'All',
- 'default_group_multiple' => array(),
- 'group_items' => array(),
- ),
- 'reduce_duplicates' => 0,
- ),
- 'name' => array(
- 'id' => 'name',
- 'table' => 'users',
- 'field' => 'name',
- 'relationship' => 'none',
- 'group_type' => 'group',
- 'ui_name' => '',
- 'operator' => 'contains',
- 'value' => '',
- 'group' => '1',
- 'exposed' => TRUE,
- 'expose' => array(
- 'operator_id' => 'name_op',
- 'label' => 'Name',
- 'description' => '',
- 'use_operator' => 0,
- 'operator' => 'name_op',
- 'identifier' => 'name',
- 'required' => 0,
- 'remember' => 0,
- 'multiple' => FALSE,
- 'remember_roles' => array(
- 'authenticated' => 'authenticated',
- 'anonymous' => 0,
- 'administrator' => 0,
- ),
- ),
- 'is_grouped' => FALSE,
- 'group_info' => array(
- 'label' => '',
- 'description' => '',
- 'identifier' => '',
- 'optional' => TRUE,
- 'widget' => 'select',
- 'multiple' => FALSE,
- 'remember' => 0,
- 'default_group' => 'All',
- 'default_group_multiple' => array(),
- 'group_items' => array(),
- ),
- ),
- ),
- 'sorts' => array(
- 'created' => array(
- 'id' => 'created',
- 'table' => 'users',
- 'field' => 'created',
- 'order' => 'DESC',
- ),
- ),
- 'style_options' => array(
- 'grouping' => array(),
- 'row_class' => '',
- 'default_row_class' => 0,
- 'row_class_special' => 1,
- 'override' => 1,
- 'sticky' => 0,
- 'caption' => '',
- 'summary' => '',
- 'columns' => array(
- 'bulk_form' => 'bulk_form',
- 'name' => 'name',
- 'status' => 'status',
- 'role' => 'role',
- 'created' => 'created',
- 'access' => 'access',
- 'edit_node' => 'edit_node',
- 'cancel_node' => 'cancel_node',
- 'dropbutton' => 'dropbutton',
- ),
- 'info' => array(
- 'bulk_form' => array(
- 'align' => '',
- 'separator' => '',
- 'empty_column' => 0,
- ),
- 'name' => array(
- 'sortable' => 1,
- 'default_sort_order' => 'asc',
- 'align' => '',
- 'separator' => '',
- 'empty_column' => 0,
- ),
- 'status' => array(
- 'sortable' => 1,
- 'default_sort_order' => 'asc',
- 'align' => '',
- 'separator' => '',
- 'empty_column' => 0,
- ),
- 'role' => array(
- 'align' => '',
- 'separator' => '',
- 'empty_column' => 0,
- ),
- 'created' => array(
- 'sortable' => 1,
- 'default_sort_order' => 'desc',
- 'align' => '',
- 'separator' => '',
- 'empty_column' => 0,
- ),
- 'access' => array(
- 'sortable' => 1,
- 'default_sort_order' => 'asc',
- 'align' => '',
- 'separator' => '',
- 'empty_column' => 0,
- ),
- 'edit_node' => array(
- 'align' => '',
- 'separator' => '',
- 'empty_column' => 0,
- ),
- 'cancel_node' => array(
- 'align' => '',
- 'separator' => '',
- 'empty_column' => 0,
- ),
- 'dropbutton' => array(
- 'align' => '',
- 'separator' => '',
- 'empty_column' => 0,
- ),
- ),
- 'default' => 'created',
- 'empty_table' => 1,
- ),
- 'header' => array(),
- 'title' => 'People',
- 'empty' => array(
- 'area_text_custom' => array(
- 'id' => 'area_text_custom',
- 'table' => 'views',
- 'field' => 'area_text_custom',
- 'relationship' => 'none',
- 'group_type' => 'group',
- 'ui_name' => '',
- 'label' => '',
- 'empty' => TRUE,
- 'content' => 'No accounts found.',
- 'tokenize' => 0,
- ),
- ),
- 'filter_groups' => array(
- 'operator' => 'AND',
- 'groups' => array(
- '1' => 'AND',
- ),
- ),
- ),
- ),
- 'page' => array(
- 'display_title' => 'Page',
- 'display_plugin' => 'page',
- 'display_options' => array(
- 'query' => array(
- 'type' => 'views_query',
- 'options' => array(),
- ),
- 'path' => 'admin/people/list',
- 'menu' => array(
- 'type' => 'default tab',
- 'title' => 'Manage user accounts',
- 'description' => '',
- 'name' => 'management',
- 'weight' => '0',
- 'context' => 0,
- 'context_only_inline' => 0,
- ),
- 'tab_options' => array(
- 'type' => 'normal',
- 'title' => 'People',
- 'description' => 'Manage user accounts, roles, and permissions.',
- 'name' => 'management',
- 'weight' => '-6',
- ),
- ),
- ),
- ),
- );
- $config = config('views.view.user_admin');
- if ($config->isNew()) {
- $config->setData($view_config);
- $config->save();
- }
- }
- * Set default option for login method to use accounts only.
- */
- function user_update_1010() {
- $config = config('system.core');
- $config->set('user_login_method', 'username_only');
- $config->set('user_email_match', 1);
- $config->save();
- }
- * Update 'People' menus to 'User accounts'.
- */
- function user_update_1011() {
- $config = config('views.view.user_admin');
- if ($config->get('display.default.display_options.title') == 'People') {
- $config->set('display.default.display_options.title', 'User accounts');
- }
- if ($config->get('display.page.display_options.tab_options.title') == 'People') {
- $config->set('display.page.display_options.tab_options.title', 'User accounts');
- }
- $config->save();
- }
- * Update 'Find user accounts' to 'Manage user accounts'
- */
- function user_update_1012() {
- $config = config('views.view.user_admin');
- if ($config->get('display.default.display_options.title') == 'User accounts') {
- $config->set('display.default.display_options.title', 'Manage user accounts');
- }
- if ($config->get('display.page.display_options.menu.title') == 'Find user accounts') {
- $config->set('display.page.display_options.menu.title', 'Manage user accounts');
- }
- $config->save();
- }
- * Grant accounts with 'administer permissions' the new 'assign roles' permission.
- */
- function user_update_1013() {
- $names = config_get_names_with_prefix('user.role.');
- foreach ($names as $config_name) {
- $config = config($config_name);
- $permissions = $config->get('permissions');
- if (in_array('administer permissions', $permissions)) {
- $permissions[] = 'assign roles';
- $config->set('permissions', $permissions);
- $config->save();
- }
- }
- }
- * Fixes system email line breaks.
- */
- function user_update_1014() {
- $emails = array(
- 'register_admin_created_body',
- 'register_pending_approval_body',
- 'register_no_approval_required_body',
- 'register_no_approval_required_body',
- 'password_reset_body',
- 'status_activated_body',
- 'status_blocked_body',
- 'cancel_confirm_body',
- 'status_canceled_body',
- );
- $config = config('user.mail');
- foreach ($emails as $name) {
- $mail = $config->get($name);
- if (strstr($mail, '\n')) {
- $fixed_mail = str_replace('\n', "\n", $mail);
- $config->set($name, $fixed_mail);
- }
- }
- $config->save();
- }
- * Change label 'Name' to 'Username' for clarity on user admin view.
- */
- function user_update_1015() {
- $config = config('views.view.user_admin');
- if ($config->get('display.default.display_options.filters.name.expose.label') == 'Name') {
- $config->set('display.default.display_options.filters.name.expose.label', 'Username');
- }
- if ($config->get('display.default.display_options.filters.name.expose.identifier') == 'name') {
- $config->set('display.default.display_options.filters.name.expose.identifier', 'username');
- }
- $config->save();
- }
- * Creates the table to enable caching of User entities.
- */
- function user_update_1016() {
- $table = backdrop_get_schema_unprocessed('system', 'cache');
- $table['description'] = "Cache table used to store User entity records.";
- if (db_table_exists('cache_entity_user')) {
- db_drop_table('cache_entity_user');
- }
- db_create_table('cache_entity_user', $table);
- }
- * Add admin mail text for pending approval.
- */
- function user_update_1017() {
- $config = config('user.mail');
- $translatables = $config->get('_config_translatables');
- $translatables[] = 'register_pending_approval_admin_body';
- $translatables[] = 'register_pending_approval_admin_subject';
- $config->set('_config_translatables', $translatables);
- $config->set('register_pending_approval_admin_body', "[user:name] has applied for an account.\n\n[user:edit-url]");
- $config->set('register_pending_approval_admin_subject', 'New account of [user:name] at [site:name] (pending approval)');
- $config->save();
- }
- * Set default values for core password constraints.
- */
- function user_update_1018() {
- $config = config('system.core');
- $config->set('user_password_reject_weak', FALSE);
- $config->set('user_password_strength_threshold', 50);
- $config->save();
- }
- * Set the "user_admin_role" attribute to "0" (disabled) if it's missing.
- */
- function user_update_1019() {
- $config = config('system.core');
- if ($config->get('user_admin_role') == NULL) {
- $config->set('user_admin_role', 0);
- $config->save();
- }
- }
- * Make sure that all config translatables are set for user mails.
- */
- function user_update_1020() {
- $mail_config = config('user.mail');
- $available = $mail_config->get('_config_translatables');
- if ($available === NULL || count($available) < 18 ) {
- $mail_translatables = array(
- 'cancel_confirm_body',
- 'cancel_confirm_subject',
- 'password_reset_body',
- 'password_reset_subject',
- 'register_admin_created_body',
- 'register_admin_created_subject',
- 'register_no_approval_required_body',
- 'register_no_approval_required_subject',
- 'register_pending_approval_body',
- 'register_pending_approval_subject',
- 'register_pending_approval_admin_body',
- 'register_pending_approval_admin_subject',
- 'status_activated_body',
- 'status_activated_subject',
- 'status_blocked_body',
- 'status_blocked_subject',
- 'status_canceled_body',
- 'status_canceled_subject',
- );
- if (is_array($available)) {
- $mail_translatables = array_merge($available, $mail_translatables);
- $mail_translatables = array_values(array_unique($mail_translatables));
- }
- $mail_config->set('_config_translatables', $mail_translatables);
- $mail_config->save();
- }
- }
- * Make sure that generation of automatic path alias is enabled for user 1.
- */
- function user_update_1021() {
- if (module_exists('path') && config_get('path.settings', 'user_pattern')) {
- $admin_user = user_load(1);
- if ($admin_user->path['auto'] == FALSE) {
- $admin_user->path['auto'] = TRUE;
- user_save($admin_user);
- }
- }
- }
- * Moves the "log_user_flood_control" variable to config.
- */
- function user_update_1022() {
- $config = config('user.flood');
- $config->set('flood_log_failed_attempts', update_variable_get('log_user_flood_control', TRUE));
- $config->save();
- update_variable_del('log_user_flood_control');
- }
- * Add default descriptions to user roles.
- */
- function user_update_1023() {
- $config_names = config_get_names_with_prefix('user.role.');
- $admin_role_name = config_get('system.core', 'user_admin_role');
- $role_help = array();
- if (db_table_exists('role_help')) {
- $role_help = db_query('SELECT role, summary FROM {role_help}')->fetchAllKeyed();
- backdrop_set_message(t('Backdrop core now provides most of the functionality of Role Help module. See the <a href="!url">change record for more information</a>.', array('!url' => 'https://docs.backdropcms.org/change-records/user-roles-now-have-descriptions-role-help-module-in-core')), 'warning');
- if (isset($role_help['1'])) {
- $role_help['anonymous'] = $role_help['1'];
- unset($role_help['1']);
- }
- if (isset($role_help['2'])) {
- $role_help['authenticated'] = $role_help['2'];
- unset($role_help['2']);
- }
- }
- foreach ($config_names as $config_name) {
- $config = config($config_name);
- $role_name = $config->get('name');
- if ($config->get('description') === NULL && isset($role_help[$role_name])) {
- $description = $role_help[$role_name];
- $config->set('description', $description);
- $config->save();
- }
- }
- }
- * Add a "changed" column to the "users" table.
- */
- function user_update_1024() {
- if (db_index_exists('users', 'changed')) {
- if (!db_index_exists('users', 'access')) {
- db_add_index('users', 'access', array('access'));
- }
- db_drop_index('users', 'changed');
- }
- $spec = array(
- 'type' => 'int',
- 'not null' => TRUE,
- 'default' => 0,
- 'description' => 'Timestamp for when user was changed.',
- );
- $keys = array(
- 'indexes' => array(
- 'changed' => array('changed'),
- ),
- );
- if (db_field_exists('users', 'changed')) {
- db_change_field('users', 'changed', 'changed', $spec, $keys);
- }
- else {
- db_add_field('users', 'changed', $spec, $keys);
- db_update('users')
- ->expression('changed', 'created')
- ->execute();
- }
- }
- * Add a "changed" column to the user_admin View.
- */
- function user_update_1025() {
- $config = config('views.view.user_admin');
- if ($config->get('storage') == 2) {
- return;
- }
- $data = array(
- '_config_name' => 'views.view.user_admin',
- 'name' => 'user_admin',
- 'description' => 'Manage user accounts, roles, and permissions.',
- 'module' => 'user',
- 'storage' => 4,
- 'tag' => 'default',
- 'disabled' => FALSE,
- 'base_table' => 'users',
- 'human_name' => 'Administer user accounts',
- 'core' => '1.0-dev',
- 'display' => array(
- 'default' => array(
- 'display_title' => 'Default',
- 'display_plugin' => 'default',
- 'display_options' => array(
- 'query' => array(
- 'type' => 'views_query',
- 'options' => array(
- ),
- ),
- 'access' => array(
- 'type' => 'perm',
- 'perm' => 'administer users',
- ),
- 'cache' => array(
- 'type' => 'none',
- ),
- 'exposed_form' => array(
- 'type' => 'basic',
- 'options' => array(
- 'submit_button' => 'Filter',
- 'reset_button' => 0,
- 'reset_button_label' => 'Reset',
- 'exposed_sorts_label' => 'Sort by',
- 'expose_sort_order' => 1,
- 'sort_asc_label' => 'Asc',
- 'sort_desc_label' => 'Desc',
- 'autosubmit' => 0,
- 'autosubmit_hide' => 1,
- ),
- ),
- 'pager' => array(
- 'type' => 'full',
- 'options' => array(
- 'items_per_page' => '50',
- 'offset' => '0',
- 'id' => '0',
- 'total_pages' => '',
- 'quantity' => '9',
- 'tags' => array(
- 'first' => '« first',
- 'previous' => '‹ previous',
- 'next' => 'next ›',
- 'last' => 'last »',
- ),
- 'expose' => array(
- 'items_per_page' => 0,
- 'items_per_page_label' => 'Items per page',
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- 'table' => 'views',
- 'field' => 'area_text_custom',
- 'relationship' => 'none',
- 'group_type' => 'group',
- 'ui_name' => '',
- 'label' => '',
- 'empty' => TRUE,
- 'content' => 'No accounts found.',
- 'tokenize' => 0,
- ),
- ),
- 'filter_groups' => array(
- 'operator' => 'AND',
- 'groups' => array(
- 1 => 'AND',
- ),
- ),
- ),
- ),
- 'page' => array(
- 'display_title' => 'Page',
- 'display_plugin' => 'page',
- 'display_options' => array(
- 'query' => array(
- 'type' => 'views_query',
- 'options' => array(
- ),
- ),
- 'path' => 'admin/people/list',
- 'menu' => array(
- 'type' => 'default tab',
- 'title' => 'Manage user accounts',
- 'description' => '',
- 'name' => 'management',
- 'weight' => '0',
- 'context' => 0,
- 'context_only_inline' => 0,
- ),
- 'tab_options' => array(
- 'type' => 'normal',
- 'title' => 'User accounts',
- 'description' => 'Manage user accounts, roles, and permissions.',
- 'name' => 'management',
- 'weight' => '-6',
- ),
- ),
- ),
- ),
- );
- $config->setData($data);
- $config->save();
- }
- * Correct the default config value for the "flood_uid_only" setting.
- */
- function user_update_1026() {
- $config = config('user.flood');
- if ($config->get('flood_uid_only') === 'false') {
- $config->set('flood_uid_only', '0');
- $config->save();
- }
- }
- * @} End of "addtogroup updates-7.x-to-1.x"
- */