class views_plugin_query_default extends views_plugin_query {
var $table_queue = array();
var $tables = array();
var $relationships = array();
var $where = array();
var $having = array();
var $group_operator = 'AND';
var $orderby = array();
var $groupby = array();
var $fields = array();
var $header = array();
var $distinct = FALSE;
var $has_aggregate = FALSE;
var $get_count_optimized = NULL;
var $pager = NULL;
var $field_aliases = array();
var $tags = array();
var $no_distinct;
public $pure_distinct = FALSE;
function init($base_table, $base_field, $options) {
parent::init($base_table, $base_field, $options);
$this->base_table = $base_table; $this->base_field = $base_field;
$this->relationships[$base_table] = array(
'link' => NULL,
'table' => $base_table,
'alias' => $base_table,
'base' => $base_table
$this->table_queue[$base_table] = array(
'alias' => $base_table,
'table' => $base_table,
'relationship' => $base_table,
'join' => NULL,
$this->tables[$base_table][$base_table] = array(
'count' => 1,
'alias' => $base_table,
$this->count_field = array(
'table' => $base_table,
'field' => $base_field,
'alias' => $base_field,
'count' => TRUE,
function set_distinct($value = TRUE, $pure_distinct = FALSE) {
if (!(isset($this->no_distinct) && $value)) {
$this->distinct = $value;
$this->pure_distinct = $pure_distinct;
function set_count_field($table, $field, $alias = NULL) {
if (empty($alias)) {
$alias = $table . '_' . $field;
$this->count_field = array(
'table' => $table,
'field' => $field,
'alias' => $alias,
'count' => TRUE,
function set_header($header) {
$this->header = $header;
function option_definition() {
$options = parent::option_definition();
$options['disable_sql_rewrite'] = array(
'default' => FALSE,
'translatable' => FALSE,
'bool' => TRUE,
$options['distinct'] = array(
'default' => FALSE,
'bool' => TRUE,
$options['pure_distinct'] = array(
'default' => FALSE,
'bool' => TRUE,
$options['replica'] = array(
'default' => FALSE,
'bool' => TRUE,
$options['query_comment'] = array(
'default' => '',
$options['query_tags'] = array(
'default' => array(),
return $options;
function options_form(&$form, &$form_state) {
parent::options_form($form, $form_state);
$form['disable_sql_rewrite'] = array(
'#title' => t('Disable SQL rewriting'),
'#description' => t('Disabling SQL rewriting will disable node_access checks as well as other modules that implement hook_query_alter().'),
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#default_value' => !empty($this->options['disable_sql_rewrite']),
'#suffix' => '<div class="messages warning sql-rewrite-warning js-hide">' . t('WARNING: Disabling SQL rewriting means that node access security is disabled. This may allow users to see data they should not be able to see if your view is misconfigured. Please use this option only if you understand and accept this security risk.') . '</div>',
$form['distinct'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('Distinct'),
'#description' => t('This will make the view display only distinct items. If there are multiple identical items, each will be displayed only once. You can use this to try and remove duplicates from a view, though it does not always work. Note that this can slow queries down, so use it with caution.'),
'#default_value' => !empty($this->options['distinct']),
$form['pure_distinct'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('Pure Distinct'),
'#description' => t('This will prevent views from adding the base column to the distinct field. If this is not selected and the base column is a primary key, then a non-pure distinct will not function properly because the primary key is always unique.'),
'#default_value' => !empty($this->options['pure_distinct']),
'#states' => array(
'visible' => array(
':input[name="query[options][distinct]"]' => array('checked' => TRUE),
$form['replica'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('Use replica server'),
'#description' => t('This will make the query attempt to connect to a replica server if available. If no replica server is defined or available, it will fall back to the default server.'),
'#default_value' => !empty($this->options['replica']),
$form['query_comment'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Query Comment'),
'#description' => t('If set, this comment will be embedded in the query and passed to the SQL server. This can be helpful for logging or debugging.'),
'#default_value' => $this->options['query_comment'],
$form['query_tags'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Query Tags'),
'#description' => t('If set, these tags will be appended to the query and can be used to identify the query in a module. This can be helpful for altering queries.'),
'#default_value' => implode(', ', $this->options['query_tags']),
'#element_validate' => array('views_element_validate_tags'),
function options_submit(&$form, &$form_state) {
$element = array('#parents' => array('query', 'options', 'query_tags'));
$value = backdrop_array_get_nested_value($form_state['values'], $element['#parents']);
if (is_string($value)) {
$value = explode(',', $value);
$value = array_filter(array_map('trim', $value));
form_set_value($element, $value, $form_state);
function add_relationship($alias, $join, $base, $link_point = NULL) {
if (empty($link_point)) {
$link_point = $this->base_table;
elseif (!array_key_exists($link_point, $this->relationships)) {
return FALSE;
$alias_base = $alias;
$count = 1;
while (!empty($this->relationships[$alias])) {
$alias = $alias_base . '_' . $count++;
if ($link_point && isset($this->relationships[$link_point])) {
$join = $this->adjust_join($join, $link_point);
$this->table_queue[$alias] = array(
'table' => $join->table,
'num' => 1,
'alias' => $alias,
'join' => $join,
'relationship' => $link_point,
$this->relationships[$alias] = array(
'link' => $link_point,
'table' => $join->table,
'base' => $base,
$this->tables[$this->base_table][$alias] = array(
'count' => 1,
'alias' => $alias,
return $alias;
function add_table($table, $relationship = NULL, $join = NULL, $alias = NULL) {
if (!$this->ensure_path($table, $relationship, $join)) {
return FALSE;
if ($join && $relationship) {
$join = $this->adjust_join($join, $relationship);
return $this->queue_table($table, $relationship, $join, $alias);
function queue_table($table, $relationship = NULL, $join = NULL, $alias = NULL) {
if (isset($this->table_queue[$alias])) {
return $alias;
if (empty($relationship)) {
$relationship = $this->base_table;
if (!array_key_exists($relationship, $this->relationships)) {
return FALSE;
if (!$alias && $join && $relationship && !empty($join->adjusted) && $table != $join->table) {
if ($relationship == $this->base_table) {
$alias = $table;
else {
$alias = $relationship . '_' . $table;
if (isset($this->table_queue[$alias])) {
return $alias;
$alias = $this->mark_table($table, $relationship, $alias);
if (!isset($alias)) {
$alias = $this->tables[$relationship][$table]['alias'] . $this->tables[$relationship][$table]['count'];
if ($table != $alias) {
$this->mark_table($alias, $this->base_table, $alias);
if (!isset($join)) {
$join = $this->get_join_data($table, $this->relationships[$relationship]['base']);
if (empty($join)) {
return FALSE;
$join = $this->adjust_join($join, $relationship);
$this->table_queue[$alias] = array(
'table' => $table,
'num' => $this->tables[$relationship][$table]['count'],
'alias' => $alias,
'join' => $join,
'relationship' => $relationship,
return $alias;
function mark_table($table, $relationship, $alias) {
if (empty($this->tables[$relationship][$table])) {
if (!isset($alias)) {
$alias = '';
if ($relationship != $this->base_table) {
$alias = $relationship . '__';
$alias .= $table;
$this->tables[$relationship][$table] = array(
'count' => 1,
'alias' => $alias,
else {
return $alias;
function ensure_table($table, $relationship = NULL, $join = NULL) {
if (empty($relationship)) {
$relationship = $this->base_table;
if ($relationship == $this->base_table && !empty($this->tables[$relationship][$table])) {
return $this->tables[$relationship][$table]['alias'];
if (!array_key_exists($relationship, $this->relationships)) {
return FALSE;
if ($table == $this->relationships[$relationship]['base']) {
return $relationship;
if (!isset($join)) {
$join = $this->get_join_data($table, $this->relationships[$relationship]['base']);
if (empty($join)) {
$join = $this->adjust_join($join, $relationship);
if ($this->ensure_path($table, $relationship, $join)) {
foreach ($this->table_queue as $queued_table) {
if ($queued_table['relationship'] == $relationship && $queued_table['join'] == $join) {
return $queued_table['alias'];
return $this->queue_table($table, $relationship, $join);
function ensure_path($table, $relationship = NULL, $join = NULL, $traced = array(), $add = array()) {
if (!isset($relationship)) {
$relationship = $this->base_table;
if (!array_key_exists($relationship, $this->relationships)) {
return FALSE;
if (!isset($join)) {
$join = $this->get_join_data($table, $this->relationships[$relationship]['base']);
if (empty($join)) {
return FALSE;
if (isset($this->tables[$relationship][$table]) ||
($join && $join->left_table == $relationship) ||
($join && $join->left_table == $this->relationships[$relationship]['table'])) {
foreach (array_reverse($add) as $table => $path_join) {
$this->queue_table($table, $relationship, $this->adjust_join($path_join, $relationship));
return TRUE;
if (isset($traced[$join->left_table])) {
return FALSE;
$left_join = $this->get_join_data($join->left_table, $this->relationships[$relationship]['base']);
if (!isset($this->tables[$relationship][$join->left_table])) {
$add[$join->left_table] = $left_join;
$traced[$join->left_table] = TRUE;
return $this->ensure_path($join->left_table, $relationship, $left_join, $traced, $add);
function adjust_join($join, $relationship) {
if (!empty($join->adjusted)) {
return $join;
if (empty($relationship) || empty($this->relationships[$relationship])) {
return $join;
if ($relationship != $this->base_table) {
$join = clone $join;
if ($join->left_table != $this->relationships[$relationship]['table'] &&
$join->left_table != $this->relationships[$relationship]['base'] &&
!isset($this->tables[$relationship][$join->left_table]['alias'])) {
$this->ensure_table($join->left_table, $relationship);
if ($join->left_table == $this->relationships[$relationship]['table']) {
$join->left_table = $relationship;
elseif (isset($this->tables[$relationship][$join->left_table]['alias'])) {
$join->left_table = $this->tables[$relationship][$join->left_table]['alias'];
elseif (isset($this->table_queue[$relationship]['alias'])) {
$join->left_table = $this->table_queue[$relationship]['alias'];
$join->adjusted = TRUE;
return $join;
function get_join_data($table, $base_table) {
if (!empty($this->table_queue[$table])) {
$table = $this->table_queue[$table]['table'];
return views_get_table_join($table, $base_table);
function get_table_info($table) {
if (!empty($this->table_queue[$table])) {
return $this->table_queue[$table];
if (!empty($this->tables[$this->base_table][$table])) {
$alias = $this->tables[$this->base_table][$table]['alias'];
if (!empty($this->table_queue[$alias])) {
return $this->table_queue[$alias];
function add_field($table, $field, $alias = '', $params = array()) {
if ($table == $this->base_table && $field == $this->base_field && empty($alias)) {
$alias = $this->base_field;
if ($table && empty($this->table_queue[$table])) {
if (!$alias && $table) {
$alias = $table . '_' . $field;
$alias = $alias ? $alias : $field;
$alias = strtolower(substr($alias, 0, 60));
$field_info = array(
'field' => $field,
'table' => $table,
'alias' => $alias,
) + $params;
$base = $alias;
$counter = 0;
while (!empty($this->fields[$alias]) && $this->fields[$alias] != $field_info) {
$field_info['alias'] = $alias = $base . '_' . ++$counter;
if (empty($this->fields[$alias])) {
$this->fields[$alias] = $field_info;
$this->field_aliases[$table][$field] = $alias;
return $alias;
function clear_fields() {
$this->fields = array();
function add_where($group, $field, $value = NULL, $operator = NULL) {
if (empty($group)) {
$group = 0;
if (!isset($this->where[$group])) {
$this->set_where_group('AND', $group);
$this->where[$group]['conditions'][] = array(
'field' => $field,
'value' => $value,
'operator' => $operator,
function add_where_expression($group, $snippet, $args = array()) {
if (empty($group)) {
$group = 0;
if (!isset($this->where[$group])) {
$this->set_where_group('AND', $group);
$this->where[$group]['conditions'][] = array(
'field' => $snippet,
'value' => $args,
'operator' => 'formula',
function add_having($group, $field, $value = NULL, $operator = NULL) {
if (empty($group)) {
$group = 0;
if (!isset($this->having[$group])) {
$this->set_where_group('AND', $group, 'having');
$this->having[$group]['conditions'][] = array(
'field' => $field,
'value' => $value,
'operator' => $operator,
function add_having_expression($group, $snippet, $args = array()) {
if (empty($group)) {
$group = 0;
if (!isset($this->having[$group])) {
$this->set_where_group('AND', $group, 'having');
$this->having[$group]['conditions'][] = array(
'field' => $snippet,
'value' => $args,
'operator' => 'formula',
function add_orderby($table, $field = NULL, $order = 'ASC', $alias = '', $params = array()) {
if ($table && $table != 'rand') {
if (!$alias && $table) {
$as = $table . '_' . $field;
else {
$as = $alias;
if ($field) {
$as = $this->add_field($table, $field, $as, $params);
$this->orderby[] = array(
'field' => $as,
'direction' => strtoupper($order)
function add_groupby($clause) {
if (!in_array($clause, $this->groupby)) {
$this->groupby[] = $clause;
function get_field_alias($table_alias, $field) {
return isset($this->field_aliases[$table_alias][$field]) ? $this->field_aliases[$table_alias][$field] : FALSE;
function add_tag($tag) {
$this->tags[] = $tag;
function placeholder($base = 'views') {
static $placeholders = array();
if (!isset($placeholders[$base])) {
$placeholders[$base] = 0;
return ':' . $base;
else {
return ':' . $base . ++$placeholders[$base];
function build_condition($where = 'where') {
$has_condition = FALSE;
$has_arguments = FALSE;
$has_filter = FALSE;
$main_group = db_and();
$filter_group = $this->group_operator == 'OR' ? db_or() : db_and();
foreach ($this->$where as $group => $info) {
if (!empty($info['conditions'])) {
$sub_group = $info['type'] == 'OR' ? db_or() : db_and();
foreach ($info['conditions'] as $key => $clause) {
if (is_object($clause['value']) && $clause['value'] instanceof SelectQuery) {
$clause['value'] = clone $clause['value'];
if ($clause['operator'] == 'formula') {
$has_condition = TRUE;
$sub_group->where($clause['field'], $clause['value']);
else {
$has_condition = TRUE;
$sub_group->condition($clause['field'], $clause['value'], $clause['operator']);
if ($group != 0) {
$has_filter = TRUE;
else {
$has_arguments = TRUE;
if ($has_filter) {
if (!$has_arguments && $has_condition) {
return $filter_group;
if ($has_arguments && $has_condition) {
return $main_group;
function compile_fields($fields_array, $query) {
$non_aggregates = array();
foreach ($fields_array as $field) {
$string = '';
if (!empty($field['table'])) {
$string .= $field['table'] . '.';
$string .= $field['field'];
$fieldname = (!empty($field['alias']) ? $field['alias'] : $string);
if (!empty($field['distinct'])) {
throw new Exception("Column-level distinct is not supported anymore.");
if (!empty($field['count'])) {
$field['function'] = 'count';
if (!empty($field['function'])) {
$info = $this->get_aggregation_info();
if (!empty($info[$field['function']]['method']) && function_exists($info[$field['function']]['method'])) {
$string = $info[$field['function']]['method']($field['function'], $string);
$placeholders = !empty($field['placeholders']) ? $field['placeholders'] : array();
$query->addExpression($string, $fieldname, $placeholders);
$this->has_aggregate = TRUE;
elseif (empty($field['table'])) {
$non_aggregates[] = $fieldname;
$placeholders = !empty($field['placeholders']) ? $field['placeholders'] : array();
$query->addExpression($string, $fieldname, $placeholders);
elseif ($this->distinct && !in_array($fieldname, $this->groupby)) {
$query->addField(!empty($field['table']) ? $field['table'] : $this->base_table, $field['field'], $fieldname);
elseif (empty($field['aggregate'])) {
$non_aggregates[] = $fieldname;
$query->addField(!empty($field['table']) ? $field['table'] : $this->base_table, $field['field'], $fieldname);
if (!empty($field['distinct']) && empty($field['function'])) {
$distinct[] = $string;
else {
$fields[] = $string;
if ($this->get_count_optimized) {
return array(
function query($get_count = FALSE) {
if (empty($this->no_distinct) && $this->distinct && !empty($this->fields)) {
if ($this->pure_distinct === FALSE) {
$base_field_alias = $this->add_field($this->base_table, $this->base_field);
$distinct = TRUE;
$fields_array = $this->fields;
if ($get_count && !$this->groupby) {
foreach ($fields_array as $field) {
if (!empty($field['distinct']) || !empty($field['function'])) {
$this->get_count_optimized = FALSE;
else {
$this->get_count_optimized = FALSE;
if (!isset($this->get_count_optimized)) {
$this->get_count_optimized = TRUE;
$options = array();
$target = 'default';
$key = 'default';
if (isset($this->view->base_database)) {
$key = $this->view->base_database;
if (!empty($this->options['replica'])) {
$target = 'replica';
$query = Database::getConnection($target, $key)
->select($this->base_table, $this->base_table, $options)
->addTag('views_' . $this->view->name);
foreach ($this->tags as $tag) {
if (!empty($distinct)) {
$joins = $where = $having = $orderby = $groupby = '';
$fields = $distinct = array();
foreach ($this->table_queue as $table) {
if (is_object($table['join'])) {
$table['join']->build_join($query, $table, $this);
$this->has_aggregate = FALSE;
$non_aggregates = array();
list($non_aggregates) = $this->compile_fields($fields_array, $query);
if (count($this->having)) {
$this->has_aggregate = TRUE;
elseif (!$this->has_aggregate) {
$this->has_aggregate = $this->view->display_handler->get_option('group_by');
if ($this->has_aggregate && (!empty($this->groupby) || !empty($non_aggregates))) {
$groupby = array_unique(array_merge($this->groupby, $non_aggregates));
foreach ($groupby as $field) {
if (!empty($this->having) && $condition = $this->build_condition('having')) {
if (!$this->get_count_optimized) {
if ($this->orderby) {
foreach ($this->orderby as $order) {
if ($order['field'] == 'rand_') {
else {
$query->orderBy($order['field'], $order['direction']);
if (!empty($this->where) && $condition = $this->build_condition('where')) {
if (!empty($this->options['query_comment'])) {
if (!empty($this->options['query_tags'])) {
foreach ($this->options['query_tags'] as $tag) {
$query->addMetaData('views_substitutions', module_invoke_all('views_query_substitutions', $this));
if (!$get_count) {
if (!empty($this->limit) || !empty($this->offset)) {
$limit = intval(!empty($this->limit) ? $this->limit : 999999);
$offset = intval(!empty($this->offset) ? $this->offset : 0);
$query->range($offset, $limit);
return $query;
function get_where_args() {
$args = array();
foreach ($this->where as $group => $where) {
$args = array_merge($args, $where['args']);
foreach ($this->having as $group => $having) {
$args = array_merge($args, $having['args']);
return $args;
function alter(&$view) {
foreach (module_implements('views_query_alter') as $module) {
$function = $module . '_views_query_alter';
$function($view, $this);
function build(&$view) {
if (!empty($this->options['distinct'])) {
$this->set_distinct(TRUE, !empty($this->options['pure_distinct']));
$this->view = $view;
$view->build_info['query'] = $this->query();
$view->build_info['count_query'] = $this->query(TRUE);
function execute(&$view) {
$external = FALSE; $query = $view->build_info['query'];
$count_query = $view->build_info['count_query'];
$query->addMetaData('view', $view);
$count_query->addMetaData('view', $view);
if (empty($this->options['disable_sql_rewrite'])) {
$base_table_data = views_fetch_data($this->base_table);
if (isset($base_table_data['table']['base']['access query tag'])) {
$access_tag = $base_table_data['table']['base']['access query tag'];
$items = array();
if ($query) {
$additional_arguments = module_invoke_all('views_query_substitutions', $view);
$count_query = $count_query->countQuery();
if (!empty($additional_arguments)) {
$start = microtime(TRUE);
try {
if ($this->pager->use_count_query() || !empty($view->get_total_rows)) {
$result = $query->execute();
$view->result = array();
foreach ($result as $item) {
$view->result[] = $item;
if ($this->pager->use_count_query() || !empty($view->get_total_rows)) {
$view->total_rows = $this->pager->get_total_items();
catch (Exception $e) {
$view->result = array();
if (!empty($view->live_preview)) {
backdrop_set_message($e->getMessage(), 'error');
else {
watchdog('views', 'Exception in @human_name[@view_name]: @message', array('@human_name' => $view->human_name, '@view_name' => $view->name, '@message' => $e->getMessage()));
else {
$start = microtime(TRUE);
$view->execute_time = microtime(TRUE) - $start;
function add_signature(&$view) {
$view->query->add_field(NULL, "'" . $view->name . ':' . $view->current_display . "'", 'view_name');
function get_aggregation_info() {
return array(
'group' => array(
'title' => t('Group results together'),
'is aggregate' => FALSE,
'count' => array(
'title' => t('Count'),
'method' => 'views_query_default_aggregation_method_simple',
'handler' => array(
'argument' => 'views_handler_argument_group_by_numeric',
'field' => 'views_handler_field_numeric',
'filter' => 'views_handler_filter_group_by_numeric',
'sort' => 'views_handler_sort_group_by_numeric',
'count_distinct' => array(
'title' => t('Count DISTINCT'),
'method' => 'views_query_default_aggregation_method_distinct',
'handler' => array(
'argument' => 'views_handler_argument_group_by_numeric',
'field' => 'views_handler_field_numeric',
'filter' => 'views_handler_filter_group_by_numeric',
'sort' => 'views_handler_sort_group_by_numeric',
'sum' => array(
'title' => t('Sum'),
'method' => 'views_query_default_aggregation_method_simple',
'handler' => array(
'argument' => 'views_handler_argument_group_by_numeric',
'filter' => 'views_handler_filter_group_by_numeric',
'sort' => 'views_handler_sort_group_by_numeric',
'avg' => array(
'title' => t('Average'),
'method' => 'views_query_default_aggregation_method_simple',
'handler' => array(
'argument' => 'views_handler_argument_group_by_numeric',
'filter' => 'views_handler_filter_group_by_numeric',
'sort' => 'views_handler_sort_group_by_numeric',
'min' => array(
'title' => t('Minimum'),
'method' => 'views_query_default_aggregation_method_simple',
'handler' => array(
'argument' => 'views_handler_argument_group_by_numeric',
'filter' => 'views_handler_filter_group_by_numeric',
'sort' => 'views_handler_sort_group_by_numeric',
'max' => array(
'title' => t('Maximum'),
'method' => 'views_query_default_aggregation_method_simple',
'handler' => array(
'argument' => 'views_handler_argument_group_by_numeric',
'filter' => 'views_handler_filter_group_by_numeric',
'sort' => 'views_handler_sort_group_by_numeric',
'stddev_pop' => array(
'title' => t('Standard deviation'),
'method' => 'views_query_default_aggregation_method_simple',
'handler' => array(
'argument' => 'views_handler_argument_group_by_numeric',
'filter' => 'views_handler_filter_group_by_numeric',
'sort' => 'views_handler_sort_group_by_numeric',
function get_result_entities($results, $relationship = NULL) {
$base_table = $this->base_table;
$base_table_alias = $base_table;
if (!empty($relationship)) {
foreach ($this->view->relationship as $current) {
if ($current->alias == $relationship) {
$base_table = $current->definition['base'];
$base_table_alias = $relationship;
$table_data = views_fetch_data($base_table);
if (!isset($table_data['table']['entity type'])) {
return FALSE;
$entity_type = $table_data['table']['entity type'];
$info = entity_get_info($entity_type);
$is_revision = !empty($table_data['table']['revision']);
$id_alias = $this->get_field_alias($base_table_alias, $info['entity keys'][$is_revision ? 'revision' : 'id']);
$ids = array();
foreach ($results as $key => $result) {
if (isset($result->$id_alias)) {
$ids[$key] = $result->$id_alias;
if (!$is_revision) {
$entities = entity_load($entity_type, $ids);
$result = array();
foreach ($ids as $key => $id) {
$result[$key] = isset($entities[$id]) ? $entities[$id] : FALSE;
else {
$result = array();
foreach ($ids as $key => $id) {
$entity_info = entity_get_info($entity_type);
if (!empty($entity_info['entity keys']['revision'])) {
$entity_revisions = entity_load_multiple($entity_type, FALSE, array($entity_info['entity keys']['revision'] => $id));
$result[$key] = reset($entity_revisions);
else {
$result[$key] = FALSE;
return array($entity_type, $result);