1 views.api.php hook_views_plugins()

Describes plugins defined by the module.

This hook should be placed in MODULENAME.views.inc and it will be auto-loaded. MODULENAME.views.inc must be in the directory specified by the 'path' key returned by MODULENAME_views_api(), or the same directory as the .module file, if 'path' is unspecified. All plugin files need to be loaded via hook_autoload_info().

Return value

An array on the form $plugins['PLUGIN TYPE']['PLUGIN NAME']. The plugin: must be one of row, display, display_extender, style, argument default, argument validator, access, query, cache, pager, exposed_form or localization. The plugin name should be prefixed with your module name. The value for each entry is an associative array that may contain the following entries:

  • Used by all plugin types:

    • title (required): The name of the plugin, as shown in Views. Wrap in t().
    • handler (required): The name of the file containing the class describing the handler, which must also be the name of the handler's class.
    • path: Path to the handler. Only required if the handler is not placed in the same folder as the .module file or in the subfolder 'views'.
    • parent: The name of the plugin this plugin extends. Since Drupal 7 this is no longer required, but may still be useful from a code readability perspective.
    • no ui: Set to TRUE to denote that the plugin doesn't appear to be selectable in the ui, though on the api side they still exists.
    • uses options: Set to TRUE to denote that the plugin has an additional options form.
    • help: A short help text, wrapped in t() used as description on the plugin settings form.
    • help topic: The name of an entry by advanced help for the plugin.
    • theme: The name of a theme suggestion to use for the display.
    • js: An array with paths to js files that should be included for the display. Note that the path should be relative Backdrop root, not module root.
    • type: Each plugin can specify a type parameter to group certain plugins together. For example all row plugins related to feeds are grouped together, because a rss style plugin only accepts feed row plugins.
  • Used by display plugins:

    • admin: The administrative name of the display, as displayed on the Views overview and also used as default name for new displays. Wrap in t().
    • no remove: Set to TRUE to make the display non-removable. (Basically only used for the default display.)
    • use ajax: Set to TRUE to allow AJAX loads in the display. If it's disabled there will be no ajax option in the ui.
    • use pager: Set to TRUE to allow paging in the display.
    • use more: Set to TRUE to allow the 'use more' setting in the display.
    • accept attachments: Set to TRUE to allow attachment displays to be attached to this display type.
    • contextual links locations: An array with places where contextual links should be added. Can for example be 'page' or 'block'. If you don't specify it there will be contextual links around the rendered view. If this is not set or regions have been specified, views will display an option to 'hide contextual links'. Use an empty array if you do not want this.
    • uses hook menu: Set to TRUE to have the display included by views_menu_alter(). views_menu_alter executes then execute_hook_menu on the display object.
    • uses hook block: Set to TRUE to have the display included by views_block_info().
    • theme: The name of a theme suggestion to use for the display.
    • js: An array with paths to js files that should be included for the display. Note that the path should be relative Backdrop root, not module root.
  • Used by style plugins:

    • uses row plugin: Set to TRUE to allow row plugins for this style.
    • uses row class: Set to TRUE to allow the CSS class settings for rows.
    • uses fields: Set to TRUE to have the style plugin accept field handlers.
    • uses grouping: Set to TRUE to allow the grouping settings for rows.
    • even empty: May have the value 'even empty' to tell Views that the style should be rendered even if there are no results.
    • theme file: Name of the file containing theme or preprocess functions.
    • theme path: Location of the theme file and template files needed, relatively to the Backdrop root.
  • Used by row plugins:

    • uses fields: Set to TRUE to have the row plugin accept field handlers.

Related topics


core/modules/views/views.api.php, line 592
Describe hooks provided by the Views module.


function hook_views_plugins() {
  $plugins = array();
  $plugins['argument validator'] = array(
    'taxonomy_term' => array(
      'title' => t('Taxonomy term'),
      'handler' => 'views_plugin_argument_validate_taxonomy_term',
      // Declaring path explicitly not necessary for most modules.
      'path' => backdrop_get_path('module', 'views') . '/modules/taxonomy',

  return array(
    'module' => 'views', // This just tells our themes are elsewhere.
    'argument validator' => array(
      'taxonomy_term' => array(
        'title' => t('Taxonomy term'),
        'handler' => 'views_plugin_argument_validate_taxonomy_term',
        'path' => backdrop_get_path('module', 'views') . '/modules/taxonomy', // not necessary for most modules
    'argument default' => array(
      'taxonomy_tid' => array(
        'title' => t('Taxonomy term ID from URL'),
        'handler' => 'views_plugin_argument_default_taxonomy_tid',
        'path' => backdrop_get_path('module', 'views') . '/modules/taxonomy',
        'parent' => 'fixed',