Object used to create a SELECT query.


Expanded class hierarchy of views_plugin_query_default

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core/modules/views/plugins/views_plugin_query_default.inc, line 12
Defines the default query object.


Contains filters are case sensitive
Name Modifiers Typesort descending Description
views_plugin_query_default::init function Constructor; Create the basic query object and fill with default values. Overrides views_plugin_query::init
views_plugin_query_default::set_distinct function Set the view to be distinct.
views_plugin_query_default::set_count_field function Set what field the query will count() on for paging.
views_plugin_query_default::set_header function Set the table header; used for click-sorting because it's needed info to modify the ORDER BY clause.
views_plugin_query_default::option_definition function Information about options for all kinds of purposes will be held here. @code 'option_name' => array( Overrides views_object::option_definition
views_plugin_query_default::options_form function Add settings for the ui. Overrides views_plugin_query::options_form
views_plugin_query_default::options_submit function Special submit handling. Overrides views_plugin_query::options_submit
views_plugin_query_default::add_relationship function A relationship is an alternative endpoint to a series of table joins. Relationships must be aliases of the primary table and they must join either to the primary table or to a pre-existing relationship.
views_plugin_query_default::add_table function Add a table to the query, ensuring the path exists.
views_plugin_query_default::queue_table function Add a table to the query without ensuring the path.
views_plugin_query_default::mark_table function
views_plugin_query_default::ensure_table function Ensure a table exists in the queue; if it already exists it won't do anything, but if it doesn't it will add the table queue. It will ensure a path leads back to the relationship table.
views_plugin_query_default::ensure_path function Make sure that the specified table can be properly linked to the primary table in the JOINs. This function uses recursion. If the tables needed to complete the path back to the primary table are not in the query they will be added, but additional…
views_plugin_query_default::adjust_join function Fix a join to adhere to the proper relationship; the left table can vary based upon what relationship items are joined in on.
views_plugin_query_default::get_join_data function Retrieve join data from the larger join data cache.
views_plugin_query_default::get_table_info function Get the information associated with a table.
views_plugin_query_default::add_field function Add a field to the query table, possibly with an alias. This will automatically call ensure_table to make sure the required table exists, *unless* $table is unset.
views_plugin_query_default::clear_fields function Remove all fields that may have been added; primarily used for summary mode where we're changing the query because we didn't get data we needed.
views_plugin_query_default::add_where function Add a simple WHERE clause to the query. The caller is responsible for ensuring that all fields are fully qualified (TABLE.FIELD) and that the table already exists in the query.
views_plugin_query_default::add_where_expression function Add a complex WHERE clause to the query.
views_plugin_query_default::add_having function Add a simple HAVING clause to the query.
views_plugin_query_default::add_having_expression function Add a complex HAVING clause to the query. The caller is responsible for ensuring that all fields are fully qualified (TABLE.FIELD) and that the table and an appropriate GROUP BY already exist in the query. Internally the dbtng method…
views_plugin_query_default::add_orderby function Add an ORDER BY clause to the query.
views_plugin_query_default::add_groupby function Add a simple GROUP BY clause to the query. The caller is responsible for ensuring that the fields are fully qualified and the table is properly added.
views_plugin_query_default::get_field_alias function Returns the alias for the given field added to $table.
views_plugin_query_default::add_tag function Adds a query tag to the sql object.
views_plugin_query_default::placeholder function Generates a unique placeholder used in the db query.
views_plugin_query_default::build_condition function Construct the "WHERE" or "HAVING" part of the query.
views_plugin_query_default::compile_fields function Build fields array.
views_plugin_query_default::query function Generate a query and a countQuery from all of the information supplied to the object. Overrides views_plugin_query::query
views_plugin_query_default::get_where_args function Get the arguments attached to the WHERE and HAVING clauses of this query.
views_plugin_query_default::alter function Let modules modify the query just prior to finalizing it. Overrides views_plugin_query::alter
views_plugin_query_default::build function Builds the necessary info to execute the query. Overrides views_plugin_query::build
views_plugin_query_default::execute function Executes the query and fills the associated view object with according values. Overrides views_plugin_query::execute
views_plugin_query_default::add_signature function Add a signature to the query, if such a thing is feasible. Overrides views_plugin_query::add_signature
views_plugin_query_default::get_aggregation_info function Get aggregation info for group by queries. Overrides views_plugin_query::get_aggregation_info
views_plugin_query_default::get_result_entities function Returns the according entity objects for the given query results. Overrides views_plugin_query::get_result_entities
views_plugin_query::options_validate function Validate the options form. Overrides views_plugin::options_validate
views_plugin_query::summary_title function Returns the summary of the settings in the display. Overrides views_plugin::summary_title
views_plugin_query::set_limit function Set a LIMIT on the query, specifying a maximum number of results.
views_plugin_query::set_offset function Set an OFFSET on the query, specifying a number of results to skip
views_plugin_query::render_pager function Render the pager, if necessary.
views_plugin_query::set_where_group function Create a new grouping for the WHERE or HAVING clause.
views_plugin_query::set_group_operator function Control how all WHERE and HAVING groups are put together.
views_plugin::theme_functions function Provide a full list of possible theme templates used by this style.
views_plugin::additional_theme_functions function Provide a list of additional theme functions for the theme information page
views_plugin::validate function Validate that the plugin is correct and can be saved.
views_plugin::plugin_title function Return the human readable name of the display.
views_object::construct function Views handlers use a special construct function so that we can more easily construct them with variable arguments.
views_object::options Deprecated function Set default options on this object. Called by the constructor in a complex chain to deal with backward compatibility.
views_object::set_default_options function Set default options. For backward compatibility, it sends the options array; this is a feature that will likely disappear at some point.
views_object::_set_option_defaults function
views_object::unpack_options function Unpack options over our existing defaults, drilling down into arrays so that defaults don't get totally blown away.
views_object::set_definition function Let the handler know what its full definition is.
views_object::destroy function
views_object::unpack_translatables public function Unpacks each handler to store translatable texts.
views_object::unpack_translatable public function Unpack a single option definition.
views_plugin_query_default::$pure_distinct public property Defines the distinct type.