bartik_field__taxonomy_term_reference in core/themes/bartik/template.php
Overrides theme_field__FIELD_TYPE().
block--layout--hero.tpl.php in core/themes/basis/templates/block--layout--hero.tpl.php
Template for outputting the default block styling within a Layout.
block-dynamic.tpl.php in core/modules/layout/templates/block-dynamic.tpl.php
Template for outputting the dynamic block styling within a Layout.
block.tpl.php in core/modules/layout/templates/block.tpl.php
Template for outputting the default block styling within a Layout.
comment.tpl.php in core/themes/bartik/templates/comment.tpl.php
Bartik's theme implementation for comments.
comment.tpl.php in core/themes/basis/templates/comment.tpl.php
Basis' theme implementation for comments.
comment.tpl.php in core/modules/comment/templates/comment.tpl.php
Default theme implementation for comments.
CommonBackdropAttributesUnitTestCase::testBackdropAttributes in core/modules/simpletest/tests/common.test
Tests that backdrop_html_class() cleans the class name properly.
DashboardNewsBlock::getContent in core/modules/dashboard/includes/
Return the content of a block.
drupal_attributes in core/includes/
Converts an associative array to an XML/HTML tag attribute string.
entity.tpl.php in core/modules/entity/templates/entity.tpl.php
Default theme implementation for entities.
field.tpl.php in core/modules/field/templates/field.tpl.php
field.tpl.php Default template implementation to display the value of a field.
file.tpl.php in core/modules/file/templates/file.tpl.php
Default theme implementation to display a file.
format_xml_elements in core/includes/
Recursively formats nested XML array elements as a string.
form_select_options in core/includes/
Converts an array of options into HTML, for use in select list form elements.
header.tpl.php in core/themes/basis/templates/header.tpl.php
Display generic site information such as logo, site name, etc.
l in core/includes/
Formats an internal or external URL link as an HTML anchor tag.
layout--boxton--front.tpl.php in core/themes/basis/templates/layout--boxton--front.tpl.php
Template for the Boxton layout.
layout--boxton.tpl.php in core/layouts/boxton/layout--boxton.tpl.php
Template for the Boxton layout.
layout--flexible.tpl.php in core/modules/layout/templates/layout--flexible.tpl.php
Template for a flexible template.
layout--geary.tpl.php in core/layouts/geary/layout--geary.tpl.php
Template for the Geary layout.
layout--harris.tpl.php in core/layouts/harris/layout--harris.tpl.php
Template for the Harris layout.
layout--layout-test-layout.tpl.php in core/modules/layout/tests/layout_test/layout_test_layout/layout--layout-test-layout.tpl.php
Template for a test layout, very similar to the normal 2 column layout.
layout--moscone-flipped.tpl.php in core/layouts/moscone_flipped/layout--moscone-flipped.tpl.php
Template for the Moscone Flipped layout.
layout--moscone.tpl.php in core/layouts/moscone/layout--moscone.tpl.php
Template for the Moscone layout.
layout--rolph.tpl.php in core/layouts/rolph/layout--rolph.tpl.php
Template for the Rolph layout.
layout--simmons.tpl.php in core/layouts/simmons/layout--simmons.tpl.php
Template for the Simmons layout.
layout--simmons.tpl.php in core/themes/bartik/templates/layout--simmons.tpl.php
Template for the Simmons layout.
layout--sutro.tpl.php in core/layouts/sutro/layout--sutro.tpl.php
Template for the Sutro layout.
layout--taylor-flipped.tpl.php in core/layouts/taylor_flipped/layout--taylor-flipped.tpl.php
Template for the Taylor Flipped layout.
layout--taylor.tpl.php in core/layouts/taylor/layout--taylor.tpl.php
Template for the Taylor layout.
layout--three-three-four-column.tpl.php in core/layouts/legacy/three_three_four_column/layout--three-three-four-column.tpl.php
Template for a complex 3-3-4 column layout.
layout--two-column-flipped.tpl.php in core/layouts/legacy/two_column_flipped/layout--two-column-flipped.tpl.php
Template for a 2 column flipped layout.
layout--two-column.tpl.php in core/layouts/legacy/two_column/layout--two-column.tpl.php
Template for a 2 column layout.
layout.tpl.php in core/modules/layout/templates/layout.tpl.php
Template for a single column layout.
LayoutRendererEditor::renderBlock in core/modules/layout/plugins/renderers/
Render a block using its designated style.
maintenance-page.tpl.php in core/themes/bartik/templates/maintenance-page.tpl.php
Implementation to display a single Backdrop page while offline.
maintenance-page.tpl.php in core/themes/seven/templates/maintenance-page.tpl.php
maintenance-page.tpl.php in core/modules/system/templates/maintenance-page.tpl.php
Default theme implementation to display a single Backdrop page while offline.
node.tpl.php in core/themes/bartik/templates/node.tpl.php
Bartik's theme implementation to display a node.
node.tpl.php in core/modules/node/templates/node.tpl.php
Default theme implementation to display a node.
node_feed in core/modules/node/node.module
Page callback: Generates and prints an RSS feed.
page-components.tpl.php in core/modules/system/templates/page-components.tpl.php
Template for outputting title component blocks.
page.tpl.php in core/modules/system/templates/page.tpl.php
Default theme implementation to display the basic html structure of a single Backdrop page.
template_preprocess_views_view_rss in core/modules/views/templates/
Preprocess an RSS feed
theme_admin_bar_links in core/modules/admin_bar/
Render a themed list of links.
theme_button in core/includes/
Returns HTML for a button form element.
theme_checkbox in core/includes/
Returns HTML for a checkbox form element.
theme_ckeditor5_settings_toolbar in core/modules/ckeditor5/
Displays the toolbar configuration for CKEditor.
theme_ckeditor_settings_toolbar in core/modules/ckeditor/
Displays the toolbar configuration for CKEditor 4.
theme_color in core/includes/
Returns HTML for a color form element.
theme_container in core/includes/
Returns HTML to wrap child elements in a container.
theme_date in core/includes/
Returns HTML for a date selection form element.
theme_datetime in core/includes/
Returns HTML for a date / time.
theme_date_display_interval in core/modules/date/
Returns HTML for a date element formatted as an interval.
theme_date_display_range in core/modules/date/
Returns HTML for a date element formatted as a range.
theme_date_display_single in core/modules/date/
Returns HTML for a date element formatted as a single date.
theme_date_timezone in core/modules/date/
Returns HTML for a date timezone element.
theme_details in core/includes/
Returns HTML to wrap children in a details element.
theme_email in core/includes/
Returns HTML for an email form element.
theme_field in core/modules/field/
Returns HTML for a field.
theme_fieldset in core/includes/
Returns HTML for a fieldset form element and its children.
theme_file in core/includes/
Returns HTML for a file upload form element.
theme_file_audio in core/modules/file/
Returns HTML for displaying an HTML5 <audio> tag.
theme_file_managed_file in core/modules/file/
Returns HTML for a managed file element.
theme_file_video in core/modules/file/
Returns HTML for displaying an HTML5 <video> tag.
theme_filter_caption in core/modules/filter/
Returns HTML for a captioned item, usually an image.
theme_filter_guidelines in core/modules/filter/
Returns HTML for guidelines for a text format.
theme_form in core/includes/
Returns HTML for a form.
theme_form_element in core/includes/
Returns HTML for a form element.
theme_form_element_label in core/includes/
Returns HTML for a form element label and required marker.
theme_form_example_inline_form_element in modules/examples/form_example/
Formats child form elements as inline elements.
theme_form_required_marker in core/includes/
Returns HTML for a marker for required form elements.
theme_head_tag in core/includes/
Returns HTML for a generic HTML tag with attributes.
theme_hidden in core/includes/
Returns HTML for a hidden form element.
theme_html_date in core/includes/
Returns html5 markup for a date input form element.
theme_html_datetime in core/includes/
Returns html5 markup for a combined date and time form element.
theme_html_time in core/includes/
Returns html5 markup for a time input form element.
theme_image in core/includes/
Returns HTML for an image.
theme_image_button in core/includes/
Returns HTML for an image button form element.
theme_item_list in core/includes/
Returns HTML for a list or nested list of items.
theme_layout_action_links in core/modules/layout/
Output a list of action links for layouts.
theme_layout_region_inner in core/modules/layout/
Output region content wrapped by tag specified in layout UI.
theme_links in core/includes/
Returns HTML for a set of links.
theme_menu_link in core/includes/
Returns HTML for a menu link and submenu.
theme_menu_tree in core/includes/
Returns HTML for a wrapper for a menu tree.
theme_number in core/includes/
Returns HTML for a number form element.
theme_options in core/modules/field/modules/options/
Theme an options element.
theme_pager_link in core/includes/
Returns HTML for a link to a specific query result page.
theme_password in core/includes/
Returns HTML for a password form element.
theme_radio in core/includes/
Returns HTML for a radio button form element.
theme_range in core/includes/
Returns HTML for a range form element.
theme_search in core/includes/
Returns HTML for a search form element.
theme_select in core/includes/
Returns HTML for a select form element.
theme_table in core/includes/
Returns HTML for a table.
theme_tel in core/includes/
Returns HTML for a tel form element.
theme_textarea in core/includes/
Returns HTML for a textarea form element.
theme_textfield in core/includes/
Returns HTML for a textfield form element.
theme_url in core/includes/
Returns HTML for a URL form element.
theme_username in core/modules/user/
Returns HTML for a username, potentially linked to the user's page.
theme_views_container in core/modules/views/templates/
Generic <div> container function.
user-profile.tpl.php in core/modules/user/templates/user-profile.tpl.php
Default theme implementation to present all user profile data.
views-ui-display-tab-bucket.tpl.php in core/modules/views_ui/templates/views-ui-display-tab-bucket.tpl.php
Template for each "box" on the display query configuration screen.
views-ui-display-tab-setting.tpl.php in core/modules/views_ui/templates/views-ui-display-tab-setting.tpl.php
Template for each row inside the "boxes" on the configuration screen.
views-view-grid.tpl.php in core/modules/views/templates/views-view-grid.tpl.php
Default view template to display a rows in a grid.
views-view-table.tpl.php in core/modules/views/templates/views-view-table.tpl.php
Template to display a view as a table.
views_handler_field_file_icon::renderImg in core/modules/file/views/
Render the icon as img tag.
_theme_table_cell in core/includes/
Returns HTML output for a single table cell for theme_table().