1 theme.inc theme_datetime($variables)

Returns HTML for a date / time.


$variables: An associative array containing:

  • timestamp: (optional) A UNIX timestamp for the datetime attribute. If the datetime cannot be represented as a UNIX timestamp, use a valid datetime attribute value in $variables['attributes']['datetime'].
  • text: (optional) The content to display within the <time> element. Set 'html' to TRUE if this value is already sanitized for output in HTML. Defaults to a human-readable representation of the timestamp value or the datetime attribute value using format_date(). When invoked as #theme or #theme_wrappers of a render element, the rendered #children are automatically taken over as 'text', unless #text is explicitly set.
  • attributes: (optional) An associative array of HTML attributes to apply to the <time> element. A datetime attribute in 'attributes' overrides the 'timestamp'. To create a valid datetime attribute value from a UNIX timestamp, use format_date() with one of the predefined 'html_*' formats.
  • html: (optional) Whether 'text' is HTML markup (TRUE) or plain-text (FALSE). Defaults to FALSE. For example, to use a SPAN tag within the TIME element, this must be set to TRUE, or the SPAN tag will be escaped. It is the responsibility of the caller to properly sanitize the value contained in 'text' (or within the SPAN tag in aforementioned example).

See also



Related topics


core/includes/theme.inc, line 1772
The theme system, which controls the output of Backdrop.


function theme_datetime($variables) {
  $output = '<time' . backdrop_attributes($variables['attributes']) . '>';
  $output .= !empty($variables['html']) ? $variables['text'] : check_plain($variables['text']);
  $output .= '</time>';
  return $output;