- <?php
- * @file
- * Class file to control the main Layout editor.
- */
- class LayoutRendererEditor extends LayoutRendererStandard {
- * {@inheritdoc}
- */
- function __construct(Layout $layout, array $renderer_plugin) {
- parent::__construct($layout, $renderer_plugin);
- if (!isset($this->layout_template_info['regions']['title'])) {
- $this->layout_template_info['regions']['title'] = t('Page title');
- }
- $this->admin = TRUE;
- }
- * {@inheritdoc}
- */
- function addMeta() {
- parent::addMeta();
- backdrop_add_library('system', 'ui.sortable');
- backdrop_add_js(backdrop_get_path('module', 'layout') . '/js/layout.admin.js');
- backdrop_add_css(backdrop_get_path('module', 'layout') . '/css/layout.admin.css');
- }
- * {@inheritdoc}
- */
- function render() {
- $this->addMeta();
- $output = '<div id="layout-edit-main">';
- $output .= $this->renderLayout();
- $output .= '</div>';
- return $output;
- }
- * {@inheritdoc}
- */
- function renderRegion($region_id, $blocks) {
- $render_title_region = TRUE;
- $all_layout_blocks = $this->layout->content;
- foreach ($all_layout_blocks as $block) {
- if ($block->module == 'system' && $block->delta == 'page_components' && ($block->childDelta == 'title' || $block->childDelta =='title_combo')) {
- $render_title_region = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- }
- $output = '';
- if ($region_id == 'title') {
- if ($render_title_region) {
- return $this->renderTitleRegion($region_id);
- }
- else {
- $output = '<div id="layout-title-region-empty"></div>';
- }
- }
- else {
- $content = implode('', $blocks);
- $region_buttons = $this->getRegionLinks($region_id);
- $output = '<div class="layout-editor-region" id="layout-editor-region-' . $region_id . '" data-region-name="' . $region_id . '">';
- $output .= '<div class="layout-editor-region-title clearfix">';
- $output .= '<h2 class="label">' . check_plain($this->layout_template_info['regions'][$region_id]) . '</h2>';
- $output .= $region_buttons;
- $output .= '</div>';
- $output .= '<div class="layout-editor-region-content">' . $content . '</div>';
- $output .= '</div>';
- }
- return $output;
- }
- * Render the Page Title region in the Layout Editor.
- */
- function renderTitleRegion($region_id) {
- $region_buttons = $this->getRegionLinks($region_id);
- $description = layout_get_title_description($this->layout);
- $output = '<div class="layout-editor-block" id="layout-editor-title" data-region-name="' . $region_id . '">';
- $output .= ' <div class="layout-editor-block-title clearfix">';
- $output .= ' <span class="text">' . check_plain($this->layout_template_info['regions'][$region_id]) . '</span>';
- $output .= ' <span class="description">' . $description . '</span>';
- $output .= ' <span class="buttons">' . $region_buttons . '</span>';
- $output .= ' </div>';
- $output .= '</div>';
- return $output;
- }
- * {@inheritdoc}
- */
- function renderBlock($block) {
- $aria_label = $this->getAriaLabel($block);
- $buttons = $this->getBlockLinks($block);
- $content = $block->getAdminPreview();
- $attributes = array(
- 'tabindex' => '0',
- 'aria-label' => $aria_label,
- 'class' => array('layout-editor-block clearfix'),
- 'id' => 'layout-editor-block-' . $block->uuid,
- 'data-block-id' => $block->uuid,
- );
- $block_admin_title = $block->getAdminTitle();
- if (!$block->status) {
- $attributes['class'][] = 'layout-editor-block-disabled';
- $block_admin_title = t('!title (Disabled)', array('!title' => $block_admin_title));
- }
- $output = '<div ' . backdrop_attributes($attributes) . '>';
- $output .= '<div class="layout-editor-block-title clearfix">';
- $output .= '<span class="handle"></span><span class="text">' . $block_admin_title . '</span>';
- if ($buttons) {
- $output .= '<span class="buttons">' . $buttons . '</span>';
- }
- $output .= '</div>';
- $output .= '<div tabindex="0" class="layout-editor-block-content">' . render($content) . '</div>';
- $output .= '</div>';
- return $output;
- }
- * {@inheritdoc}
- */
- function renderBlocks() {
- $this->rendered['blocks'] = array();
- foreach ($this->prepared['blocks'] as $uuid => $block) {
- $this->rendered['blocks'][$uuid] = $this->renderBlock($block);
- }
- return $this->rendered['blocks'];
- }
- * Returns an aria label for a block.
- */
- function getAriaLabel($block) {
- return t('Draggable block !title', array('!title' => strip_tags($block->getAdminTitle())));
- }
- * Short-cut to generate a URL path to a particular action.
- *
- * @param string $command
- * The command to which the URL should point, usually "configure-block",
- * "remove-block", or "add-block".
- * @param ...
- * Any additional parameters to be tacked on the end of the URL.
- *
- * @return string
- * A Backdrop menu path.
- */
- function getUrl($command) {
- $args = func_get_args();
- $command = array_shift($args);
- $url = 'admin/structure/layouts/manage/' . $this->layout->name . '/' . $command . '/' . $this->plugin['name'];
- if ($args) {
- $url .= '/' . implode('/', $args);
- }
- return $url;
- }
- * Render the links to display when editing a region.
- */
- protected function getRegionLinks($region_id) {
- $links = array();
- if ($region_id == 'title') {
- $links['title'] = array(
- 'title' => t('Configure'),
- 'href' => $this->getUrl('edit-title', $region_id),
- 'attributes' => array(
- 'class' => array('use-ajax'),
- 'data-dialog' => TRUE,
- 'data-dialog-options' => json_encode(array('dialogClass' => 'layout-dialog')),
- ),
- );
- }
- else {
- $links['add'] = array(
- 'title' => t('Add block'),
- 'href' => $this->getUrl('add-block', $region_id),
- 'attributes' => array(
- 'class' => array('use-ajax'),
- 'data-dialog' => TRUE,
- 'data-dialog-options' => json_encode(array('dialogClass' => 'layout-dialog')),
- ),
- );
- $links['configure'] = array(
- 'title' => t('Configure region'),
- 'href' => $this->getUrl('configure-region', $region_id),
- 'attributes' => array(
- 'class' => array('use-ajax'),
- 'data-dialog' => TRUE,
- 'data-dialog-options' => json_encode(array('dialogClass' => 'layout-dialog')),
- ),
- );
- }
- $dropbutton = array(
- '#type' => 'dropbutton',
- '#links' => $links,
- );
- return backdrop_render($dropbutton);
- }
- * Render the links to display when editing a block.
- */
- protected function getBlockLinks($block) {
- $links = array();
- if (!$block->status) {
- $links['enable'] = array(
- 'title' => t('Enable'),
- 'href' => $this->getUrl('toggle-block-status', $block->uuid),
- 'query' => array('token' => backdrop_get_token('layout-' . $this->layout->name)),
- 'attributes' => array(
- 'class' => array('enable-block', 'use-ajax'),
- ),
- );
- }
- if (!is_a($block, 'BlockBroken')) {
- $links['configure'] = array(
- 'title' => t('Configure'),
- 'href' => $this->getUrl('configure-block', $block->uuid),
- 'attributes' => array(
- 'class' => array('use-ajax'),
- 'data-dialog' => TRUE,
- 'data-dialog-options' => json_encode(array('dialogClass' => 'layout-dialog')),
- ),
- );
- }
- if ($block->module == 'system' && $block->delta == 'page_components' && ($block->childDelta == 'title' || $block->childDelta =='title_combo')) {
- $links['title'] = array(
- 'title' => t('Page title settings'),
- 'href' => $this->getUrl('edit-title', 'title'),
- 'attributes' => array(
- 'class' => array('use-ajax'),
- 'data-dialog' => TRUE,
- 'data-dialog-options' => json_encode(array('dialogClass' => 'layout-dialog')),
- ),
- );
- }
- $links['remove'] = array(
- 'title' => t('Remove'),
- 'href' => $this->getUrl('remove-block', $block->uuid),
- 'query' => array('token' => backdrop_get_token('layout-' . $this->layout->name)),
- 'attributes' => array(
- 'class' => array('remove-block', 'use-ajax'),
- ),
- );
- if ($block->status) {
- $links['disable'] = array(
- 'title' => t('Disable'),
- 'href' => $this->getUrl('toggle-block-status', $block->uuid),
- 'query' => array('token' => backdrop_get_token('layout-' . $this->layout->name)),
- 'attributes' => array(
- 'class' => array('disable-block', 'use-ajax'),
- ),
- );
- }
- $dropbutton = array(
- '#type' => 'dropbutton',
- '#links' => $links,
- );
- return backdrop_render($dropbutton);
- }
- }