Example modules
Creating actions
Using AJAX forms
Using the batch API
Defining blocks
Demonstrate Backdrop caching
Defining contextual links
Using hook_cron() and hook_cron_queue_info()
Database examples
Sending e-mail
Creating and managing a custom entity
Defining fields in the field API
Demonstrates file handling
Defining an input filter
Form API examples, including multistep forms
Demonstrates image handling with styles and effects
JavaScript examples
Menu API examples
Demonstrations showing how a module can change a node
Define custom node access fules using node access hooks
Creating custom node types, with fields
Creating a custom page
Using a table with a pager
Using the Queue API
Implementing RDF in Backdrop
Demonstrates the render API
Writing tests for Backdrop
Use a render array to present a table with automatic sorting
Demonstrates tabledrag forms
Demonstrate how modules shoule use theme functions and provide tpl.php files
Using tokens
Implementing triggers and actions
Using vertical tabs
XML-RPC example