x0a.php |
core/includes/transliteration/x0a.php |
x09.php |
core/includes/transliteration/x09.php |
x07.php |
core/includes/transliteration/x07.php |
x06.php |
core/includes/transliteration/x06.php |
x05.php |
core/includes/transliteration/x05.php |
x04.php |
core/includes/transliteration/x04.php |
x03.php |
core/includes/transliteration/x03.php |
x02.php |
core/includes/transliteration/x02.php |
x01.php |
core/includes/transliteration/x01.php |
x00.php |
core/includes/transliteration/x00.php |
uk.php |
core/includes/transliteration/uk.php |
kg.php |
core/includes/transliteration/kg.php |
es.php |
core/includes/transliteration/es.php |
eo.php |
core/includes/transliteration/eo.php |
dk.php |
core/includes/transliteration/dk.php |
de.php |
core/includes/transliteration/de.php |
da.php |
core/includes/transliteration/da.php |
bg.php |
core/includes/transliteration/bg.php |
transliteration.inc |
core/includes/transliteration.inc |
Transliteration processing functions. |
token.inc |
core/includes/token.inc |
Backdrop placeholder/token replacement system. |
theme.maintenance.inc |
core/includes/theme.maintenance.inc |
Theme the maintenance pages. |
theme.inc |
core/includes/theme.inc |
The theme system, which controls the output of Backdrop. |
tablesort.inc |
core/includes/tablesort.inc |
Functions to aid in the creation of sortable tables. |
tablesort.class.inc |
core/includes/tablesort.class.inc |
Classes for extending table sort queries. |
stream_wrappers.inc |
core/includes/stream_wrappers.inc |
Backdrop stream wrapper interface. |
standard.inc |
core/includes/standard.inc |
Provides a list of countries and languages based on web standards. |
session.inc |
core/includes/session.inc |
User session handling functions. |
path.inc |
core/includes/path.inc |
Functions to handle paths in Backdrop, including URL aliasing. |
password.inc |
core/includes/password.inc |
Secure password hashing functions for user authentication. |
pager.inc |
core/includes/pager.inc |
Functions to aid in presenting database results as a set of pages. |
pager.class.inc |
core/includes/pager.class.inc |
module.inc |
core/includes/module.inc |
API for loading and interacting with Backdrop modules. |
menu.inc |
core/includes/menu.inc |
API for the Backdrop menu system. |
mail.inc |
core/includes/mail.inc |
API functions for processing and sending email. |
lock.inc |
core/includes/lock.inc |
A database-mediated implementation of a locking mechanism. |
locale.inc |
core/includes/locale.inc |
Administration functions for locale.module. |
language.inc |
core/includes/language.inc |
Language Negotiation API. |
install.inc |
core/includes/install.inc |
API functions for installing modules and themes. |
install.core.inc |
core/includes/install.core.inc |
API functions for installing Backdrop. |
image.inc |
core/includes/image.inc |
API for manipulating images. |
icon.inc |
core/includes/icon.inc |
Provides the Backdrop API for placing icons. |
http_system.inc |
core/includes/http_system.inc |
Contains classes and interfaces related to implementing alternative HTTP
request systems. By default, backdrop_http_request() will execute its own
requests, but this can be replaced by an alternative system if desired by
specifying an alternative in… |
graph.inc |
core/includes/graph.inc |
Directed acyclic graph manipulation. |
gettext.inc |
core/includes/gettext.inc |
Gettext parsing and generating API. |
form.inc |
core/includes/form.inc |
Functions for form and batch generation and processing. |
ssh.inc |
core/includes/filetransfer/ssh.inc |
local.inc |
core/includes/filetransfer/local.inc |
ftp.inc |
core/includes/filetransfer/ftp.inc |
filetransfer.inc |
core/includes/filetransfer/filetransfer.inc |
Base FileTransfer class. |
file.mimetypes.inc |
core/includes/file.mimetypes.inc |
Provides mimetype mappings. |