block_admin_list in core/modules/block/
Page callback; Display a list of all custom blocks.
field_ui_field_overview_form in core/modules/field_ui/
Form constructor for the 'Manage fields' form of a bundle.
field_ui_field_overview_form in core/modules/field_ui/
Form constructor for the 'Manage fields' form of a bundle.
file_list_types_page in core/modules/file/
Displays the file type admin overview page.
filter_admin_overview in core/modules/filter/
Page callback: Form constructor for a form to list and reorder text formats.
layout_block_list in core/modules/layout/
Menu callback; Lists all blocks and their modules.
menu_overview_page in core/modules/menu/
Menu callback which shows an overview page of all the custom menus and their descriptions.
node_overview_types in core/modules/node/
Page callback: Displays the content type admin overview page.
system_date_time_formats in core/modules/system/
Displays the date format strings overview page.
taxonomy_overview_vocabularies in core/modules/taxonomy/
Page callback at admin/structure/taxonomy to list all available vocabularies.
theme_field_ui_view_modes in core/modules/field_ui/
Returns HTML for the entity display mode table.
theme_image_style_list in core/modules/image/
Returns HTML for the page containing the list of image styles.
theme_layout_info in core/modules/layout/
Outputs information about a layout. Used in the layout listing page.
theme_layout_template_info in core/modules/layout/
Outputs information about a layout template . Used in the layout template listing page.
theme_user_admin_roles in core/modules/user/
Returns HTML for the role order form.
views_ui_list_page in core/modules/views_ui/
Page callback at admin/build/views to list all available views.