AnonymousUser |
class |
core/includes/ |
Provides a class for managing anonymous users. |
ArchiverInterface |
interface |
core/includes/ |
Defines the common interface for all Archiver classes. |
Backup |
abstract class |
core/includes/backup/ |
Base class for creating backups. |
BackupConfig |
class |
core/includes/backup/ |
Base class for creating backups. |
BackupDatabase |
abstract class |
core/includes/backup/ |
A destination type for saving to a database server. |
BackupFile |
class |
core/includes/backup/ |
Provides a utility object for reading and writing local backup files. |
BackupMySql |
class |
core/includes/backup/ |
Creates and restores backups from a MySQL database source. |
BatchQueue |
class |
core/includes/ |
Defines a batch queue. |
BatchMemoryQueue |
class |
core/includes/ |
Defines a batch queue for non-progressive batches. |
BackdropCacheArray |
abstract class |
core/includes/ |
Provides a caching wrapper to be used in place of large array structures. |
SchemaCache |
class |
core/includes/ |
Extends BackdropCacheArray to allow for dynamic building of the schema cache. |
BackdropFakeCache |
class |
core/includes/ |
Defines a stub cache implementation to be used during installation. |
BackdropCacheInterface |
interface |
core/includes/ |
Defines an interface for cache implementations. |
BackdropNullCache |
class |
core/includes/ |
Defines a stub cache implementation. |
BackdropDatabaseCache |
class |
core/includes/ |
Defines a default cache implementation. |
Color |
class |
core/includes/ |
Performs color conversions. |
ConfigException |
class |
core/includes/ |
A base exception thrown in any configuration system operations. |
ConfigNameException |
class |
core/includes/ |
Exception thrown when a config object name is invalid. |
ConfigValidateException |
class |
core/includes/ |
Exception thrown when a config object has a validation error before saving. |
ConfigStorageException |
class |
core/includes/ |
Exception thrown by classes implementing ConfigStorageInterface. |
ConfigStorageReadException |
class |
core/includes/ |
Exception thrown when attempting to read a config file fails. |
Config |
class |
core/includes/ |
Defines the default configuration object. |
ConfigStorageInterface |
interface |
core/includes/ |
Defines an interface for configuration storage controllers. |
ConfigFileStorage |
class |
core/includes/ |
Defines the file storage controller. |
ConfigDatabaseStorage |
class |
core/includes/ |
Defines the database storage controller. |
DatabaseCharsetConverter |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
Character set converter for database tables. |
DatabaseConnection |
abstract class |
core/includes/database/ |
Base Database API class. |
Database |
abstract class |
core/includes/database/ |
Primary front-controller for the database system. |
DatabaseTransactionNoActiveException |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
Exception for when popTransaction() is called with no active transaction. |
DatabaseTransactionNameNonUniqueException |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
Exception thrown when a savepoint or transaction name occurs twice. |
DatabaseTransactionCommitFailedException |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
Exception thrown when a commit() function fails. |
DatabaseTransactionExplicitCommitNotAllowedException |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
Exception to deny attempts to explicitly manage transactions. |
DatabaseTransactionOutOfOrderException |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
Exception thrown when a rollback causes multiple transaction rollbacks. |
InvalidMergeQueryException |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
Exception thrown for merge queries that do not make semantic sense. |
FieldsOverlapException |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
Exception thrown if an insert query specifies a field twice. |
NoFieldsException |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
Exception thrown if an insert query doesn't specify insert or default fields. |
DatabaseConnectionNotDefinedException |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
Exception thrown if an undefined database connection is requested. |
DatabaseDriverNotSpecifiedException |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
Exception thrown if no driver is specified for a database connection. |
DatabaseTransaction |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
A wrapper class for creating and managing database transactions. |
DatabaseStatementInterface |
interface |
core/includes/database/ |
Represents a prepared statement. |
DatabaseStatementBase |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
Default implementation of DatabaseStatementInterface. |
DatabaseStatementEmpty |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
Empty implementation of a database statement. |
DatabaseNotFoundException |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
Exception thrown when the specified database cannot be found. |
DatabaseLog |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
Database query logger. |
DatabaseConnection_mysql |
class |
core/includes/database/mysql/ |
MySQL database connection driver. |
DatabaseTasks_mysql |
class |
core/includes/database/mysql/ |
Specifies installation tasks for MySQL and equivalent databases. |
InsertQuery_mysql |
class |
core/includes/database/mysql/ |
MySQL-specific class for executing INSERT queries. |
TruncateQuery_mysql |
class |
core/includes/database/mysql/ |
MySQL-specific class for executing TRUNCATE queries. |
DatabaseSchema_mysql |
class |
core/includes/database/mysql/ |
Class to create and manipulate MySQL tables. |
DatabaseStatementPrefetch |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
An implementation of DatabaseStatementInterface that prefetches all data. |