Base class for creating backups.


Expanded class hierarchy of Backup


core/includes/backup/, line 11
Contains the Backup base class.


Contains filters are case sensitive
Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description
Backup::$backupName protected property The name of this backup. This is used as the basename of the backup file.
Backup::$backupTarget protected property Indicates the item key to be backed up.
Backup::$log protected property An array of log entries. The array is unindexed and contains nested, unindexed arrays, each with the following keys:
Backup::$settings protected property The settings array to configure the backup and restore process.
Backup::applies public static function Determine if this backup source should be used for a particular target.
Backup::backup abstract public function Run the full backup process, including generating the backup and saving it.
Backup::backupSettingsForm public function Get the form for the backup settings for this destination.
Backup::clearLog public function Clear the log for this backup instance.
Backup::compress public function Compress a backup file with gzip.
Backup::COMPRESSION_GZIP constant
Backup::COMPRESSION_NONE constant
Backup::decompress public function Decompress a backup file with gzip.
Backup::defaultSettings public function An array of settings for this backup source.
Backup::getLog public function Return the log for this backup instance.
Backup::getName public function Get the name of the backup.
Backup::getTarget public function Get the target of the backup.
Backup::log protected function Log a message that occurs during a backup or migration process.
Backup::LOG_ERROR constant
Backup::LOG_INFO constant
Backup::LOG_SUCCESS constant
Backup::postBackup public function Change a file after a backup is complete.
Backup::postRestore public function Change a file after restoration.
Backup::preBackup public function Prepare a file to receive a backup.
Backup::prepareEnvironment protected function Prepare the PHP environment for performing a backup or restore.
Backup::preRestore public function Prepare a file for restoration.
Backup::restore abstract public function Restore a backup from a file.
Backup::timeoutCheck protected function Determines if time for a page execution has run out.
Backup::typeLabel abstract public function The translated name of the backup type.
Backup::__construct public function Constructor for creating a new backup of any type.