An implementation of DatabaseStatementInterface that prefetches all data.

This class behaves very similar to a PDOStatement but as it always fetches every row it is possible to manipulate those results.


Expanded class hierarchy of DatabaseStatementPrefetch

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core/includes/database/, line 19
Database interface code for engines that need complete control over their result sets.


Contains filters are case sensitive
Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::$columnNames protected property The list of column names in this result set.
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::$currentKey protected property The key of the current row.
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::$currentRow protected property The current row, retrieved in PDO::FETCH_ASSOC format.
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::$data protected property Main data store.
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::$dbh public property Reference to the database connection object for this statement.
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::$defaultFetchOptions protected property Holds supplementary default fetch options.
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::$defaultFetchStyle protected property Holds the default fetch style.
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::$driverOptions protected property Driver-specific options. Can be used by child classes.
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::$fetchOptions protected property Holds supplementary current fetch options (to be used by the next fetch).
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::$fetchStyle protected property Holds the current fetch style (which will be used by the next fetch).
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::$queryString protected property The query string.
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::$resultRowCount protected property The number of rows in this result set.
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::$rowCount protected property The number of rows affected by the last query.
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::current public function
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::execute public function Executes a prepared statement. Overrides DatabaseStatementInterface::execute
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::fetch public function
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::fetchAll public function
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::fetchAllAssoc public function Returns the result set as an associative array keyed by the given field. Overrides DatabaseStatementInterface::fetchAllAssoc
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::fetchAllKeyed public function Returns the entire result set as a single associative array. Overrides DatabaseStatementInterface::fetchAllKeyed
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::fetchAssoc public function Fetches the next row and returns it as an associative array. Overrides DatabaseStatementInterface::fetchAssoc
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::fetchCol public function Returns an entire single column of a result set as an indexed array. Overrides DatabaseStatementInterface::fetchCol
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::fetchColumn public function
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::fetchField public function Returns a single field from the next record of a result set. Overrides DatabaseStatementInterface::fetchField
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::fetchObject public function
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::getQueryString public function Return the object's SQL query string. Overrides DatabaseStatementInterface::getQueryString
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::getStatement protected function Grab a PDOStatement object from a given query and its arguments.
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::key public function
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::next public function
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::rewind public function
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::rowCount public function Returns the number of rows affected by the last SQL statement. Overrides DatabaseStatementInterface::rowCount
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::setFetchMode public function
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::throwPDOException protected function Throw a PDO Exception based on the last PDO error.
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::valid public function
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::__construct public function Creates a prefetch database statement object.