1 system.module | system_get_module_admin_tasks($module, $info) |
Generate a list of tasks offered by a specified module.
$module: Module name.
$info: The module's information, as provided by system_get_info().
Return value
An array of task links.:
- core/
modules/ system/ system.module, line 3709 - Configuration system that lets administrators modify the workings of the site.
function system_get_module_admin_tasks($module, $info) {
$links = &backdrop_static(__FUNCTION__);
if (!isset($links)) {
$links = array();
$query = db_select('menu_links', 'ml', array('fetch' => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC));
$query->join('menu_router', 'm', 'm.path = ml.router_path');
// Weight should be taken from {menu_links}, not {menu_router}.
->fields('m', array_diff(backdrop_schema_fields_sql('menu_router'), array('weight')))
->condition('ml.link_path', 'admin/%', 'LIKE')
->condition('ml.hidden', 0, '>=')
->condition('ml.module', 'system')
->condition('m.number_parts', 1, '>')
->condition('m.page_callback', 'system_admin_menu_block_page', '<>');
foreach ($query->execute() as $link) {
if ($link['access']) {
$links[$link['router_path']] = $link;
$admin_tasks = array();
$titles = array();
if ($menu = module_invoke($module, 'menu')) {
foreach ($menu as $path => $item) {
if (isset($links[$path])) {
$task = $links[$path];
// The link description, either derived from 'description' in
// hook_menu() or customized via menu module is used as title attribute.
if (!empty($task['localized_options']['attributes']['title'])) {
$task['description'] = $task['localized_options']['attributes']['title'];
// Check the admin tasks for duplicate names. If one is found,
// append the parent menu item's title to differentiate.
$duplicate_path = array_search($task['title'], $titles);
if ($duplicate_path !== FALSE) {
if ($parent = menu_link_load($task['plid'])) {
// Append the parent item's title to this task's title.
$task['title'] = t('@original_title (@parent_title)', array('@original_title' => $task['title'], '@parent_title' => $parent['title']));
if ($parent = menu_link_load($admin_tasks[$duplicate_path]['plid'])) {
// Append the parent item's title to the duplicated task's title.
// We use $links[$duplicate_path] in case there are triplicates.
$admin_tasks[$duplicate_path]['title'] = t('@original_title (@parent_title)', array('@original_title' => $links[$duplicate_path]['title'], '@parent_title' => $parent['title']));
else {
$titles[$path] = $task['title'];
$admin_tasks[$path] = $task;
// Append link for permissions.
if (module_hook($module, 'permission')) {
$item = menu_get_item('admin/config/people/permissions');
if (!empty($item['access'])) {
$item['link_path'] = $item['href'];
$item['title'] = t('Configure @module permissions', array('@module' => $info['name']));
$item['localized_options']['fragment'] = 'module-' . $module;
$admin_tasks["admin/config/people/permissions#module-$module"] = $item;
return $admin_tasks;