1 menu.inc _menu_link_translate(&$item, $translate = FALSE)

Provides menu link access control, translation, and argument handling.

This function is similar to _menu_translate(), but it also does link-specific preparation (such as always calling to_arg() functions).


$item: A menu link.

$translate: (optional) Whether to try to translate a link containing dynamic path argument placeholders (%) based on the menu router item of the current path. Defaults to FALSE. Internally used for breadcrumbs.

Return value

Returns the map of path arguments with objects loaded as defined in the: $item['load_functions']. $item['access'] becomes TRUE if the item is accessible, FALSE otherwise. $item['href'] is generated from link_path, possibly by to_arg functions. $item['title'] is generated from link_title, and may be localized. $item['options'] is unserialized; it is also changed within the call here to $item['localized_options'] by _menu_item_localize().

Related topics


core/includes/menu.inc, line 938
API for the Backdrop menu system.


function _menu_link_translate(&$item, $translate = FALSE) {
  if (!is_array($item['options'])) {
    $item['options'] = unserialize($item['options']);
  if ($item['external']) {
    $item['access'] = 1;
    $map = array();
    $item['href'] = $item['link_path'];
    $item['title'] = $item['link_title'];
    $item['localized_options'] = $item['options'];
  else {
    // Complete the path of the menu link with elements from the current path,
    // if it contains dynamic placeholders (%).
    $map = explode('/', $item['link_path']);
    if (strpos($item['link_path'], '%') !== FALSE) {
      // Invoke registered to_arg callbacks.
      if (!empty($item['to_arg_functions'])) {
        _menu_link_map_translate($map, $item['to_arg_functions']);
      // Or try to derive the path argument map from the current router item,
      // if this $item's path is within the router item's path. This means
      // that if we are on the current path 'foo/%/bar/%/baz', then
      // menu_get_item() will have translated the menu router item for the
      // current path, and we can take over the argument map for a link like
      // 'foo/%/bar'. This inheritance is only valid for breadcrumb links.
      // @see _menu_tree_check_access()
      // @see menu_get_active_breadcrumb()
      elseif ($translate && ($current_router_item = menu_get_item())) {
        // If $translate is TRUE, then this link is in the active trail.
        // Only translate paths within the current path.
        if (strpos($current_router_item['path'], $item['link_path']) === 0) {
          $count = count($map);
          $map = array_slice($current_router_item['original_map'], 0, $count);
          $item['original_map'] = $map;
          if (isset($current_router_item['map'])) {
            $item['map'] = array_slice($current_router_item['map'], 0, $count);
          // Reset access to check it (for the first time).
    $item['href'] = implode('/', $map);

    // Skip links containing untranslated arguments.
    if (strpos($item['href'], '%') !== FALSE) {
      $item['access'] = FALSE;
      return FALSE;
    // menu_tree_check_access() may set this ahead of time for links to nodes.
    if (!isset($item['access'])) {
      if (!empty($item['load_functions']) && !_menu_load_objects($item, $map)) {
        // An error occurred loading an object.
        $item['access'] = FALSE;
        return FALSE;
      _menu_check_access($item, $map);
    // For performance, don't localize a link the user can't access.
    if ($item['access']) {
      _menu_item_localize($item, $map, TRUE);

  // Allow other customizations - e.g. adding a page-specific query string to the
  // options array. For performance reasons we only invoke this hook if the link
  // has the 'alter' flag set in the options array.
  if (!empty($item['options']['alter'])) {
    backdrop_alter('translated_menu_link', $item, $map);

  return $map;