- ajax_deliver_dialog in core/
includes/ ajax.inc - Delivers the content of a page as a dialog.
- backdrop_page_create_cache in core/
includes/ common.inc - Create a page cache object for a page request.
- drupal_get_title in core/
includes/ drupal.inc - Gets the title of the current page.
- LayoutRendererStandard::renderBlock in core/
modules/ layout/ plugins/ renderers/ layout_renderer_standard.inc - Render a block using its designated style.
- layout_ajax_form_save_dialog in core/
modules/ layout/ layout.admin.inc - AJAX handler that saves a form in a dialog and updates the underlying form.
- layout_ajax_form_save_title_dialog in core/
modules/ layout/ layout.admin.inc - AJAX handler that updates the title.
- layout_block_configure_ajax_update in core/
modules/ layout/ layout.admin.inc - AJAX callback to update the underlying layout form after updating a block.
- layout_flexible_template_edit_row_ajax in core/
modules/ layout/ layout.flexible.inc - AJAX callback on the submit button for editing a layout row.
- layout_preprocess_layout in core/
modules/ layout/ layout.theme.inc - Prepares variables for layout templates.
- PageTitleFiltering::setUp in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ system.test - Implement setUp().
- PageTitleFiltering::testTitleTags in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ system.test - Tests the handling of HTML by backdrop_set_title() and backdrop_get_title()
- system_breadcrumb_block in core/
modules/ system/ system.module - Output the content for the breadcrumb block.
- system_tokens in core/
modules/ system/ system.tokens.inc - Implements hook_tokens().
- template_preprocess_maintenance_page in core/
includes/ theme.inc - Prepares variables for maintenance-page templates.
- template_preprocess_page in core/
includes/ theme.inc - Preprocess variables for page.tpl.php
- template_preprocess_user_simplified_page in core/
modules/ user/ user.theme.inc - Preprocess variables for user-simplified-page.tpl.php.