ImageFieldTestCase |
class |
core/modules/image/tests/image.test |
This class provides methods specifically for testing Image's field handling. |
ImageFieldDisplayTestCase |
class |
core/modules/image/tests/image.test |
Test class to check that formatters and display settings are working. |
ImageFieldDefaultImagesTestCase |
class |
core/modules/image/tests/image.test |
Tests default image settings. |
ImageExampleTestCase |
class |
modules/examples/image_example/tests/image_example.test |
Functional tests for the Image Example module. |
ImageEffectsUnitTest |
class |
core/modules/image/tests/image.test |
Use the image_test.module's mock toolkit to ensure that the effects are
properly passing parameters to the image toolkit. |
ImageDimensionsUnitTest |
class |
core/modules/image/tests/image.test |
Tests that images have correct dimensions when styled. |
ImageDimensionsScaleTestCase |
class |
core/modules/image/tests/image.test |
Tests image_dimensions_scale(). |
ImageAdminStylesUnitTest |
class |
core/modules/image/tests/image.test |
Tests creation, deletion, and editing of image styles and effects. |
IconTestCase |
class |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/icon.test |
Tests providing and overriding icons from both modules and themes. |
HWLDFWordAccumulator |
class |
core/includes/ |
HttpResponseCodeLayoutAccess |
class |
core/modules/layout/plugins/access/ |
Plugin to provide access control by the server HTTP response code. |
HTMLIdTestCase |
class |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/form.test |
Tests uniqueness of generated HTML IDs. |
HookRequirementsTestCase |
class |
core/modules/system/tests/system.test |
Tests failure of hook_requirements('install'). |
HookBootExitTestCase |
class |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/bootstrap.test |
Test hook_boot() and hook_exit(). |
GraphUnitTest |
class |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/graph.test |
Unit tests for the graph handling features. |
GenericFieldTest |
class |
modules/examples/field_permission_example/tests/field_permission_example.test |
A generic field testing class. |
FrontPageTestCase |
class |
core/modules/system/tests/system.test |
Test home page functionality and administration. |
FrontLayoutAccess |
class |
core/modules/layout/plugins/access/ |
Class for loading, modifying, and saving a layout access rule (condition). |
FormValidationTestCase |
class |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/form.test |
Test form validation handlers. |
FormUrlTestCase |
class |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/form.test |
Tests url element. |
FormTextareaTestCase |
class |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/form.test |
Tests for form textarea. |
FormsTriggeringElementTestCase |
class |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/form.test |
Test that FAPI correctly determines $form_state['triggering_element']. |
FormsTestCase |
class |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/form.test |
FormStateValuesCleanTestCase |
class |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/form.test |
Test $form_state clearance. |
FormStateValuesCleanAdvancedTestCase |
class |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/form.test |
Tests $form_state clearance with form elements having buttons. |
FormsRedirectTestCase |
class |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/form.test |
Tests form redirection. |
FormsRebuildTestCase |
class |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/form.test |
Tests form rebuilding. |
FormsProgrammaticTestCase |
class |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/form.test |
Test the programmatic form submission behavior. |
FormsFormWrapperTestCase |
class |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/form.test |
Test wrapper form callbacks. |
FormsFormStorageTestCase |
class |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/form.test |
Test the form storage on a multistep form. |
FormsFormStoragePageCacheTestCase |
class |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/form.test |
Test the form storage when page caching for anonymous users is turned on. |
FormsFormCacheTestCase |
class |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/form.test |
Test cache_form. |
FormsFileInclusionTestCase |
class |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/form.test |
Tests form API file inclusion. |
FormsElementsVerticalTabsFunctionalTest |
class |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/form.test |
Test the vertical_tabs form element for expected behavior. |
FormsElementsTableSelectFunctionalTest |
class |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/form.test |
Test the tableselect form element for expected behavior. |
FormsElementsLabelsTestCase |
class |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/form.test |
Test form element labels, required markers and associated output. |
FormsElementsDescriptionsTestCase |
class |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/form.test |
Test form element labels, required markers and associated output. |
FormsArbitraryRebuildTestCase |
class |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/form.test |
Tests rebuilding of arbitrary forms by altering them. |
FormResizableTextareaTestCase |
class |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/form.test |
Test transition from old JS-based textarea resize to new CSS approach. |
FormH5datetimeTestCase |
class |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/form.test |
Tests html5 date and time elements. |
FormExampleTestCase |
class |
modules/examples/form_example/tests/form_example.test |
Default test case for the form_example module. |
FormEmailTestCase |
class |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/form.test |
Tests email element. |
FormElementTestCase |
class |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/form.test |
Tests building and processing of core form elements. |
FormCheckboxTestCase |
class |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/form.test |
Tests checkbox element. |
FormAlterTestCase |
class |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/form.test |
Test form alter hooks. |
FloodFunctionalTest |
class |
core/modules/system/tests/system.test |
Functional tests for the flood control mechanism. |
FilterUnitTestCase |
class |
core/modules/filter/tests/filter.test |
Unit tests for core filters. |
FilterSettingsTestCase |
class |
core/modules/filter/tests/filter.test |
Tests filter settings. |
FilterSettingsAttachedTestCase |
class |
core/modules/filter/tests/filter_js_settings.test |
Test functionality specific to Filter module's attach behavior. |
FilterSecurityTestCase |
class |
core/modules/filter/tests/filter.test |
Security tests for missing/vanished text formats or filters. |