Namesort descending Location Description
backdrop_array_merge_deep_array core/includes/ Merges multiple arrays, recursively, and returns the merged array.
backdrop_array_nested_key_exists core/includes/ Determines whether a nested array contains the requested keys.
backdrop_array_set_nested_value core/includes/ Sets a value in a nested array with variable depth.
backdrop_array_unset_nested_value core/includes/ Unsets a value in a nested array with variable depth.
backdrop_attributes core/includes/ Converts an associative array to an XML/HTML tag attribute string.
backdrop_autoload core/includes/ Confirms that a class is available.
backdrop_base64_encode core/includes/ Returns a URL-safe, base64 encoded version of the supplied string.
backdrop_basename core/includes/ Gets the filename from a given path.
backdrop_bootstrap core/includes/ Ensures Backdrop is bootstrapped to the specified phase.
backdrop_bootstrap_is_installed core/includes/ Verify the installation of Backdrop is correct.
backdrop_build_css_cache core/includes/ Aggregates and optimizes CSS files into a cache file in the files directory.
backdrop_build_form core/includes/ Builds and processes a form for a given form ID.
backdrop_build_js_cache core/includes/ Aggregates JavaScript files into a cache file in the files directory.
backdrop_cache_system_paths core/includes/ Cache system paths for a page.
backdrop_check_incompatibility core/includes/ Checks whether a version is compatible with a given dependency.
backdrop_check_memory_limit core/includes/ Compares the memory required for an operation to the available memory.
backdrop_check_module core/includes/ Checks a module's requirements.
backdrop_check_profile core/includes/ Checks an installation profile's requirements.
backdrop_check_trusted_hosts core/includes/ Checks if a host matches the trusted host patterns in settings.php.
backdrop_chmod core/includes/ Sets the permissions on a file or directory.
backdrop_class_list core/includes/ Lists all the classes used by Backdrop core.
backdrop_clean_css_identifier core/includes/ Prepares a string for use as a CSS identifier (element, class, or ID name).
backdrop_clear_css_cache core/includes/ Deletes old cached CSS files.
backdrop_clear_js_cache core/includes/ Deletes old cached JavaScript files and variables.
backdrop_clear_opcode_cache core/includes/ Invalidates a PHP file from any active opcode caches.
backdrop_clear_path_cache core/includes/ Clear the path cache.
backdrop_common_theme core/includes/ Provides theme registration for themes across .inc files.
backdrop_convert_to_utf8 core/includes/ Converts data to UTF-8.
backdrop_cron_run core/includes/ Executes a cron run when called.
backdrop_css_defaults core/includes/ Constructs an array of the defaults that are used for styles items.
backdrop_current_script_url core/includes/ Returns the URL of the current script, with modified query parameters.
backdrop_delete_file_if_stale core/includes/ Deletes files modified more than a set time ago.
backdrop_deliver_html_page core/includes/ Packages and sends the result of a page callback to the browser as HTML.
backdrop_deliver_page core/includes/ Delivers a page callback result to the browser in the appropriate format.
backdrop_depth_first_search core/includes/ Performs a depth-first search and sort on a directed acyclic graph.
backdrop_detect_baseurl core/includes/ Detects the base URL using the PHP $_SERVER variables.
backdrop_dirname core/includes/ Gets the name of the directory from a given path.
backdrop_encode_path core/includes/ Encodes a Backdrop path for use in a URL.
backdrop_environment_initialize core/includes/ Initializes the PHP environment.
backdrop_error_levels core/includes/ Maps PHP error constants to watchdog severity levels.
backdrop_exit core/includes/ Performs end-of-request tasks.
backdrop_explode_tags core/includes/ Explodes a string of tags into an array.
backdrop_find_base_themes core/includes/ Find all the base themes for the specified theme.
backdrop_find_theme_functions core/includes/ Allows themes and/or theme engines to discover overridden theme functions.
backdrop_find_theme_templates core/includes/ Allows themes and/or theme engines to discover overridden templates.
backdrop_flush_all_caches core/includes/ Flushes all cached data on the site.
backdrop_form_submit core/includes/ Retrieves, populates, and processes a form.
backdrop_generate_test_ua core/includes/ Generates a user agent string with a HMAC and timestamp for simpletest.
backdrop_get_bare_domain core/includes/ Take a full URL and return only the bare domain, with sub-domains removed.
backdrop_get_bootstrap_phase core/includes/ Returns the current bootstrap phase for this Backdrop process.
