1 system.theme.inc | theme_system_modules_fieldset($variables) |
Returns HTML for the modules form.
$variables: An associative array containing:
- form: A render element representing the form.
Related topics
- core/
modules/ system/ system.theme.inc, line 161 - Theme functions for the System module.
function theme_system_modules_fieldset($variables) {
$form = $variables['form'];
// Individual table headers.
$rows = array();
// Iterate through all the modules, which are
// children of this fieldset.
foreach (element_children($form) as $key) {
// Stick the key into $module for easier access.
$module = $form[$key];
// Create the row for the table.
$row = array();
$module['#requires'] = array_filter($module['#requires']);
$module['#required_by'] = array_filter($module['#required_by']);
$requires = !empty($module['#requires']);
$required_by = !empty($module['#required_by']);
$requirements = '';
$toggle = '';
// Add the first column: the checkbox.
$row[] = array('class' => array('checkbox'), 'data' => backdrop_render($module['enable']));
// Add the second column: module label and expand/collapse functionality.
$row[] = array('class' => array('module'), 'data' => '<label id="module-' . $key . '" for="' . $module['enable']['#id'] . '" class="module-name table-filter-text-source">' . backdrop_render($module['name']) . '</label>');
// Add the third column: module version number.
$row[] = array('class' => array('version'), 'data' => backdrop_render($module['version']));
$requirements .= '<div class="requirements">';
if ($requires) {
$requirements .= '<div class="admin-requirements">' . t('Requires:') . ' ' . implode(', ', $module['#requires']) . '</div>';
if ($required_by) {
$requirements .= '<div class="admin-requirements">' . t('Required by:') . ' ' . implode(', ', $module['#required_by']) . '</div>';
if (isset($module['#project']) && $module['#project'] != 'backdrop') {
$requirements .= '<div class="admin-requirements project-links">' . t('Links:') . ' ' . l(t("BackdropCMS.org"), 'https://backdropcms.org/project/' . $module['#project']) . ', ' . l(t("GitHub"), 'https://github.com/backdrop-contrib/' . $module['#project']) . '</div>';
$requirements .= '<div class="admin-requirements table-filter-text-source">' . t('Tags:') . ' ' . backdrop_render($module['tags']) . '</div>';
$requirements .= '</div>';
// Build a requirements toggle.
$toggle .= ' <a class="requirements-toggle" href="#">' . t('more') . '<span class="arrow"></span></a>';
// Add the description, along with any modules it requires.
$details = '<div class="text table-filter-text-source"> ' . backdrop_render($module['description']) . $toggle . '</div>' . $requirements;
// Add the fourth column: description, along with any modules it requires.
$row[] = array('class' => array('description'), 'data' => $details);
// Add the fifth column: links (such as configure or permissions) in their own columns.
$row[] = array('data' => backdrop_render($module['links']), 'class' => array('operations'));
// Hide modules that can't be disabled at all.
if (!$module["#required_by_distribution"]) {
$rows[] = $row;
return theme('table', array('header' => $form['#header'], 'rows' => $rows));