1 system.admin.inc | system_get_debug_info() |
Compiles the various information for the debug info page.
@since 1.28.0 function added.
See also
- core/
modules/ system/ system.admin.inc, line 2408 - Admin page callbacks for the System module.
function system_get_debug_info() {
global $language;
// An array that is later passed to sprintf() so that the final output can be
// formatted in two columns of plain text. Each entry is an array with two
// keys, "label" and "value". The number of spaces between the two columns is
// dynamically calculated, based on the length of the string of the first
// column. This ensures that the strings in the second column all start at the
// same point and appear as vertically aligned.
$debug_info_lines = array();
$empty_line = array();
$jquery_library = backdrop_get_library('system', 'jquery');
$jquery_ui_library = backdrop_get_library('system', 'ui');
$core_version = BACKDROP_VERSION;
// Main system info.
$system_info = array(
// Intentionally not translated to match the trademark.
'Backdrop CMS:' => $core_version,
t('Installation profile:') => backdrop_get_profile(),
t('PHP version:') => phpversion(),
t('Drupal 7 compatibility:') => settings_get('backdrop_drupal_compatibility') ? t('on') : t('off'),
t('Database server:') => Database::getConnection()->version(),
t('Web server:') => check_plain($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']),
t('jQuery version:') => $jquery_library['version'],
t('jQuery UI version:') => $jquery_ui_library['version'],
foreach ($system_info as $label => $value) {
$debug_info_lines[] = array(
'label' => $label,
'value' => $value,
// Get the current list of all modules available on the site.
$modules = system_rebuild_module_data();
// Text editors info.
$text_editor_usage = array();
$text_editors = filter_get_editors();
$text_formats = filter_formats(NULL, TRUE);
foreach ($text_formats as $format_info) {
if (!empty($format_info->editor)) {
$editor = $text_editors[$format_info->editor];
$editor_label = $editor['label'];
// Add a suffix with the editor version or the editor library version
// to the editor label.
if (!empty($editor['library_version'])) {
$editor_label .= ' ' . t('version') . ': ' . $editor['library_version'];
elseif (isset($modules[$editor['module']]->info['version'])) {
$editor_label .= ' ' . t('version') . ': ' . $modules[$editor['module']]->info['version'];
$text_editor_usage[$editor_label][] = $format_info->name;
foreach ($text_editor_usage as $editor => $formats) {
$debug_info_lines[] = array(
'label' => $editor,
'value' => t('Used in formats: @formats', array('@formats' => implode(', ', $formats))),
$debug_info_lines[] = $empty_line;
// Theme info, grouped by default theme and admin theme.
$debug_info_lines[] = array(
'label' => t('Themes'),
$debug_info_lines[] = array(
'label' => '======',
$config = config('system.core');
$themes = array(
'default_theme' => $config->get('theme_default'),
'admin_theme' => $config->get('admin_theme'),
// Collect the current list of themes, looping up through base themes.
$all_theme_data = system_rebuild_theme_data();
$content_theme = $config->get('node_admin_theme') ? $themes['admin_theme'] : $themes['default_theme'];
foreach ($themes as $theme_role => $theme) {
$theme_data = (array) $all_theme_data[$theme];
$indent_level = '';
while ($theme_data) {
$theme_version = isset($theme_data['info']['version']) ? $theme_data['info']['version'] : '';
$content_theme_indicator = $content_theme == $theme_data['name'] ? '*' : '';
if ($indent_level === '') {
$theme_debug_label = $theme_role == 'default_theme' ? t('Default theme:') : t('Admin theme:');
$theme_debug_value = $theme_data['info']['name'] . $content_theme_indicator . ' (' . $theme_data['name'] . ') ' . $theme_version;
else {
$base_prefix = $language->direction == LANGUAGE_RTL ? '' : $indent_level . ' ↳ ';
$base_suffix = $language->direction == LANGUAGE_RTL ? ' ↲ ' . $indent_level : '';
$theme_debug_label = $base_prefix . t('base theme:') . $base_suffix;
$theme_debug_value = $base_prefix . $theme_data['info']['name'] . ' (' . $theme_data['name'] . ') ' . $theme_version . $base_suffix;
$debug_info_lines[] = array(
'label' => $theme_debug_label,
'value' => $theme_debug_value,
// Loop up to the next base theme if present.
$base_theme_name = isset($theme_data['info']['base theme']) ? $theme_data['info']['base theme'] : '';
$theme_data = isset($all_theme_data[$base_theme_name]) ? (array) $all_theme_data[$base_theme_name] : '';
$indent_level = ' ' . $indent_level;
$debug_info_lines[] = array(
'value' => t('*used when editing or creating content'),
// Module info, grouped by core, contrib, custom, and other.
$debug_info_lines[] = $empty_line;
$debug_info_lines[] = array(
'label' => t('Enabled modules'),
$debug_info_lines[] = array(
'label' => '===============',
$debug_info_lines[] = $empty_line;
$module_info_lines = array(
'core' => array(),
'contrib' => array(),
'custom' => array(),
'other' => array(),
foreach ($modules as $module_name => $module_data) {
// Only include non-hidden and enabled modules in the output.
if (empty($module_data->info['hidden']) && $module_data->status) {
// Core modules:
if (strstr($module_data->uri, 'core/modules/')) {
$module_info_lines['core'][] = array(
'label' => $module_name,
'value' => $core_version,
else {
// Contrib modules:
$module_version = isset($module_data->info['version']) ? $module_data->info['version'] : '-';
if (strstr($module_data->uri, '/contrib/') || !empty($module_data->info['project'])) {
$module_info_lines['contrib'][] = array(
'label' => $module_name,
'value' => $module_version,
// Custom modules:
elseif (strstr($module_data->uri, '/custom/')) {
$module_info_lines['custom'][] = array(
'label' => $module_name,
'value' => $module_version,
// Anything we can't identify as clearly contrib or custom:
else {
$module_info_lines['other'][] = array(
'label' => $module_name,
'value' => $module_version,
$module_group_titles = array(
'core' => t('Core'),
'contrib' => t('Contrib'),
'custom' => t('Custom'),
'other' => t('Other'),
foreach ($module_info_lines as $module_group => $module_group_lines) {
if (empty($module_group_lines)) {
$group_title = $module_group_titles[$module_group];
$debug_info_lines[] = array(
'label' => $group_title,
// Add an underline for the module group.
$debug_info_lines[] = array(
'label' => str_repeat('-', backdrop_strlen($group_title)),
$debug_info_lines = array_merge($debug_info_lines, $module_group_lines);
$debug_info_lines[] = $empty_line;
return $debug_info_lines;