1 field_ui.admin.inc field_ui_fields_list()

Page callback: Lists all defined fields for quick reference.

See also



core/modules/field_ui/field_ui.admin.inc, line 25
Admin page callbacks for the Field UI module.


function field_ui_fields_list() {
  $instances = field_info_instances();
  $field_types = field_info_field_types();
  $bundles = field_info_bundles();
  $modules = system_rebuild_module_data();

  $header = array(
    array('data' => t('Field name'), 'field' => 'field_name', 'sort' => 'asc'),
    array('data' => t('Field type'), 'field' => 'field_type', 'class' => array(RESPONSIVE_PRIORITY_MEDIUM)),
    array('data' => t('Module'), 'field' => 'module', 'class' => array(RESPONSIVE_PRIORITY_LOW)),
    t('Used as'),
  $rows = array();
  foreach ($instances as $entity_type => $type_bundles) {
    foreach ($type_bundles as $bundle => $bundle_instances) {
      foreach ($bundle_instances as $field_name => $instance) {
        $field = field_info_field($field_name);

        // Initialize the row if we encounter the field for the first time.
        if (!isset($rows[$field_name])) {
          $module_name = $field_types[$field['type']]['module'];
          $rows[$field_name]['class'] = $field['locked'] ? array('menu-disabled') : array('');
          $rows[$field_name]['data']['field_name'] = $field['locked'] ? t('@field_name (Locked)', array('@field_name' => $field_name)) : $field_name;
          $rows[$field_name]['data']['field_type'] = $field_types[$field['type']]['label'];
          $rows[$field_name]['data']['module'] = $modules[$module_name]->info['name'];

        // Add the current instance.
        $admin_path = _field_ui_bundle_admin_path($entity_type, $bundle);
        $field_label = $instances[$entity_type][$bundle][$field_name]['label'];
        $bundle_label = $bundles[$entity_type][$bundle]['label'];
        if ($admin_path) {
          $bundle_manage_fields_link = $admin_path . '/fields';
          $field_configure_link = $bundle_manage_fields_link . '/' . $field_name;
          $rows[$field_name]['data']['used_as'][] = t('<a href="@field_configure_link">%field_label</a> in <a href="@bundle_manage_fields_link">@bundle_label</a>', array('@field_configure_link' => url($field_configure_link), '%field_label' => $field_label, '@bundle_manage_fields_link' => url($bundle_manage_fields_link), '@bundle_label' => $bundle_label));
        else {
          $rows[$field_name]['data']['used_as'][] = t('%field_label in @bundle_label', array('%field_label' => $field_label, '@bundle_label' => $bundle_label));

  foreach ($rows as $field_name => $cell) {
    // A reused field can have different labels across the various bundles it is
    // being used in. So we render the items of the "Used as" column as a list.
    $rows[$field_name]['data']['used_as'] = theme('item_list', array('items' => $rows[$field_name]['data']['used_as']));

  // Sort columns.
  $sort = tablesort_get_sort($header);
  $order = tablesort_get_order($header);
  switch ($order['sql']) {
    case 'field_name':
      uasort($rows, function($a, $b) {
        return strcasecmp($a['data']['field_name'], $b['data']['field_name']);
    case 'field_type':
      uasort($rows, function($a, $b) {
        return strcasecmp($a['data']['field_type'], $b['data']['field_type']);
    case 'module':
      uasort($rows, function($a, $b) {
        return strcasecmp($a['data']['module'], $b['data']['module']);
  if ($sort == 'desc') {
    $rows = array_reverse($rows);

  $output = theme('table', array('header' => $header, 'rows' => $rows, 'empty' => t('No fields have been defined yet.'),));

  return $output;