1 backup.inc backup_batch_prepare(array &$backup_targets, array $options, array &$errors)

Prepare for a batch backup process, ensuring requirements are met.


array $backup_targets: An array of backup settings, keyed by backup name. This value is modified by reference.

array $options: Additional options to control the Backup process. See backup_batch() for the list of available keys.

array $errors: Any errors that were encountered while preparing for the backup. This value is modified by reference.

Return value

boolean: TRUE if the batch is ready to run, FALSE if errors were encountered.


core/includes/backup.inc, line 372
Contains functionality related to creating and restoring site backups.


function backup_batch_prepare(array &$backup_targets, array $options, array &$errors) {
  foreach ($backup_targets as $backup_target_name => $backup) {
    if (!isset($backup_targets[$backup_target_name]['settings'])) {
      $backup_targets[$backup_target_name]['settings'] = array();
    $backup_targets[$backup_target_name]['settings'] += $options;
    if (!empty($options['name'])) {
      $clean_name = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_\-]+/', '_', $options['name']);
      // Ensure the backup name is valid before proceeding.
      if ($clean_name != $options['name']) {
        $errors[] = t('Invalid backup name: "@name", only letters, numbers, underscores and dashes are allowed.', array('@name' => $options['name']));
        return FALSE;
      $backup_targets[$backup_target_name]['settings']['backup_directory'] = backup_get_backup_directory() . '/' . $options['name'];
    if (empty($backup['enabled'])) {
    elseif (!backup_prepare($backup_target_name, $backup['target'], $backup_targets[$backup_target_name]['settings'], $errors)) {
      return FALSE;

  if (empty($backup_targets)) {
    $errors[] = t('No backup targets selected.');
    return FALSE;

  return TRUE;