1 backup.inc backup_prepare($backup_target_name, $backup_target, array &$backup_settings, array &$errors)

Prepare for a single backup process, ensuring requirements are met.


string $backup_target_name: The name of the backup target, used as the base name of the created backup file, such as "db_default" or "config_active".

string $backup_target: The target to be backed up (the source). This is usually an indicator such as "db:default" (for the database) or "config:active" (for config).

array $backup_settings: An array of backup settings. This value is modified by reference.

array $errors: Any errors that were encountered while preparing for the backup. This value is modified by reference.

Return value

boolean: TRUE if the backup is ready to run, FALSE if errors were encountered.


core/includes/backup.inc, line 421
Contains functionality related to creating and restoring site backups.


function backup_prepare($backup_target_name, $backup_target, array &$backup_settings, array &$errors) {
  // Populate the destination directory if not specified.
  $default_directory = backup_get_backup_directory();
  $timestamp = isset($backup_settings['timestamp']) ? $backup_settings['timestamp'] : REQUEST_TIME;
  $date = date('Y-m-d\TH-i-s', $timestamp);

  // Ensure required properties are set and at the top of the settings.
  $backup = array(
    'name' => $backup_target_name,
    'target' => $backup_target,
    // Set to TRUE when the backup is finished.
    'completed' => FALSE,
    'settings' => $backup_settings,

  // Set the backup directory if needed.
  if (!isset($backup_settings['backup_directory'])) {
    // This should never occur as the Backup step is disabled if the
    // $settings['backup_directory'] variable is empty.
    if (empty($default_directory)) {
      $errors[] = t('No backup can be created because the !variable variable is not set in !file.', array(
        '!variable' => '<code>$settings[\'backup_directory\']</code>',
        '!file' => '<code>settings.php</code>',
      return FALSE;
    $backup_settings['backup_directory'] = $default_directory . '/' . $date;
  $backup_directory = $backup_settings['backup_directory'];
  $directory_name = basename($backup_directory);

  // Ensure the destination backup directory exists and is writable.
  $directory_writeable = file_prepare_directory($backup_directory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY | FILE_MODIFY_PERMISSIONS);
  if (!$directory_writeable) {
    $errors[] = t('The destination backup directory %directory is not writable.', array(
      '%directory' => $backup_directory,
    return FALSE;

  // Multiple backups may be placed in the same directory, such as multiple
  // databases or the database + config. Check if this is adding to an existing
  // backup directory.
  $backup_info_file = $backup_directory . '/' . $directory_name . '.backup.json';
  if (file_exists($backup_info_file)) {
    $backup_info = backdrop_json_decode(file_get_contents($backup_info_file));
  else {
    $backup_info = array(
      'timestamp' => $timestamp,
      'name' => $directory_name,
      'label' => isset($backup_settings['label']) ? $backup_settings['label'] : $directory_name,
      'description' => isset($backup_settings['description']) ? $backup_settings['description'] : '',
      'backup_directory' => $backup_directory,
      'targets' => array(),

  // Add information about this specific backup to the directory, excluding the
  // values that are shared.
  $backup['settings'] = array_diff_key($backup['settings'], $backup_info);
  $backup_info['targets'][$backup_target_name] = $backup;

  // Save the backup settings as a JSON file for restore.php to read later.
  // This also guarantees that the destination is writable by attempting to
  // put a file in it before the real backup.
  $json_success = file_put_contents($backup_info_file, backdrop_json_encode($backup_info, TRUE));
  if (!$json_success) {
    $errors[] = t('The backup settings file could not be saved into the %directory backup directory.', array(
      '%directory' => $backup_directory,
    return FALSE;

  return TRUE;