Contains filters are case sensitive
Name Type Namespacesort descending Location Description
views_plugin_style_mapping abstract class core/modules/views/plugins/ Allows fields to be mapped to specific use cases.
Redirect class core/modules/redirect/ Provides a HTTP redirect from one Backdrop internal path to another.
DashboardWelcomeBlock class core/modules/dashboard/includes/ @file Dashboard block providing a welcome message, and links to get people started using Backdrop.
UpdateScriptFunctionalTest class core/modules/system/tests/system.test Tests for the update system functionality.
SimpleTestBrowserTestCase class core/modules/simpletest/tests/simpletest.test Test internal testing framework browser.
LocalePluralFormatTest class core/modules/locale/tests/locale.test Tests plural index computation functionality.
ViewsModuleTest class core/modules/views/tests/views_module.test Tests basic functions from the Views module.
ViewsHandlerSortTest class core/modules/views/tests/handlers/views_handler_sort.test Tests for core views_handler_sort handler.
NodeTranslateBlockFunctionalTest class core/modules/node/tests/node.test Test translation settings on existing content block.
NodeTypeTestCase class core/modules/node/tests/node.test Tests related to node types.
FormsRedirectTestCase class core/modules/simpletest/tests/form.test Tests form redirection.
views_join_subquery class core/modules/views/includes/ Join handler for relationships that join with a subquery as the left field. eg: LEFT JOIN node node_term_data ON ([YOUR SUBQUERY HERE]) = node_term_data.nid
views_handler_field_file_uri class core/modules/file/views/ Field handler to add rendering file paths as file URLs instead of as internal file URIs.
views_plugin_localization_core class core/modules/views/plugins/ Localization plugin to pass translatable strings through t().
ImageExampleTestCase class modules/examples/image_example/tests/image_example.test Functional tests for the Image Example module.
