MenuChangeTestCase |
class |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/menu.test |
Tests menu changes. |
CKEditorRtlTestCase |
class |
core/modules/ckeditor/tests/ckeditor_rtl.test |
CKEditor 4 testing class specific for right-to-left languages. |
MenuLanguageTestCase |
class |
core/modules/menu/tests/menu_language.test |
Functional tests for multilingual menu items. |
DeprecatedRedirectPageCase |
class |
core/modules/system/tests/system.test |
FileFieldAnonymousSubmission |
class |
core/modules/file/tests/file.test |
Confirm that file field submissions work correctly for anonymous visitors. |
NodeLayoutPreviewTestCase |
class |
core/modules/node/tests/node.test |
Tests that the correct layout is used for node previews. |
PagerFunctionalWebTestCase |
class |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/pager.test |
Tests pager functionality. |
ConfigurationSyncTest |
class |
core/modules/config/tests/config.test |
Tests that hook_config_create() is run during config sync. |
DateFieldTokenTestCase |
class |
core/modules/date/tests/date_field.test |
views_handler_field_term_path |
class |
core/modules/taxonomy/views/ |
Field handler to present the path to the term. |
FilterEditorLinkValidateTestCase |
class |
core/modules/filter/tests/filter_dialog.test |
Test for filter dialog link validation. |
CronQueueTestCallbackClass |
class |
core/modules/system/tests/cron_queue_test/cron_queue_test.module |
LayoutRelationship |
abstract class |
core/modules/layout/plugins/relationships/ |
Class that holds information relating to a layout's context relationships. |
LayoutRelationshipAuthorFromNode |
class |
core/modules/layout/plugins/relationships/ |
Provides relationship to relate the Author from a piece of content (node). |
LayoutRelationshipBroken |
class |
core/modules/layout/plugins/relationships/ |
A class to be used for relationships whose handler cannot be found. |
NumberFieldSettingsTestCase |
class |
core/modules/field/modules/number/tests/number_settings.test |
Tests for number field type settings. |
BulkTestEntity |
class |
core/modules/views/tests/views_test_entity/ |
Test class for the test_entity entity type. |
ViewsHandlerFieldBulkFormTest |
class |
core/modules/views/tests/handlers/views_handler_field_bulk_form.test |
TestDisableCache |
class |
core/modules/entity/tests/entity_caching_test/ |
Test class for the test_cacheable entity type. |
TestMultiBundle |
class |
core/modules/entity/tests/entity_caching_test/ |
Test class for the test_multibundle entity type. |
TestCacheable |
class |
core/modules/entity/tests/entity_caching_test/ |
Test class for the test_cacheable entity type. |
EntityReferenceRecursiveRenderingException |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/includes/ |
@class Exception class used to throw error if the entity view renderer goes
into a potentially infinite loop. |
EntityReferenceTaxonomyTestCase |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/tests/entityreference.taxonomy.test |
Test for Entity Reference taxonomy integration. |
EntityReferenceAdminTestCase |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/tests/entityreference.admin.test |
Test for Entity Reference admin UI. |
EntityReferenceFieldTestCase |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/tests/entityreference.field.test |
Tests for the Entity Reference field. |
EntityReferenceHandlersTestCase |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/tests/entityreference.handlers.test |
Test for Entity Reference handlers. |
entityreference_plugin_display |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/views/ |
Handler for entityreference_plugin_display. |
entityreference_plugin_row_fields |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/views/ |
Handler for entityreference_plugin_row_fields. |
entityreference_plugin_style |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/views/ |
Handler for entityreference_plugin_style. |
EntityReferenceBehaviorHandlerViewsFilterSelect |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/plugins/behavior/ |
EntityReferenceBehaviorHandlerTaxonomyIndex |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/plugins/behavior/ |
Extends an entityreference field to maintain its references to taxonomy terms
in the {taxonomy_index} table. |
EntityReferenceBehaviorHandler |
abstract class |
core/modules/entityreference/plugins/behavior/ |
An abstract implementation of EntityReferenceBehaviorHandlerInterface. |
EntityReferenceSelectionHandlerBroken |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/plugins/selection/ |
A null implementation of EntityReferenceSelectionHandler. |
EntityReferenceBehaviorHandlerBroken |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/plugins/behavior/ |
A broken implementation of EntityReferenceBehaviorHandler. |
EntityReferenceSelectionHandlerViews |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/plugins/selection/ |
Entity handler for Views. |
EntityReferenceSelectionHandlerGeneric |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/plugins/selection/ |
Generic Entity handler. |
EntityReferenceSelectionHandlerGeneric_node |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/plugins/selection/ |
Override for the Node type. |
EntityReferenceSelectionHandlerGeneric_user |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/plugins/selection/ |
Override for the User entity type. |
EntityReferenceSelectionHandlerGeneric_comment |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/plugins/selection/ |
Override for the Comment entity type. |
EntityReferenceSelectionHandlerGeneric_file |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/plugins/selection/ |
Override for the File entity type. |
EntityReferenceSelectionHandlerGeneric_taxonomy_term |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/plugins/selection/ |
Override for the Taxonomy term entity type. |
LayoutPathTest |
class |
core/modules/layout/tests/layout.test |
Tests that default layout paths are handled properly. |
TaxonomyTermDepthLayoutAccess |
class |
core/modules/taxonomy/layout/ |
Plugin to provide access control based upon taxonomy term depth. |
views_handler_field_system_info |
class |
core/modules/system/views/ |
A handler to display module and theme properties stored in the database. |
FileAccessFunctionsAlignedTestCase |
class |
core/modules/file/tests/file.test |
Tests that file_access and File::access are in sync with what they return. |
NodeLayoutRevisionTestCase |
class |
core/modules/node/tests/node.test |
Tests that the correct layout is used for node revisions. |
FileTransferTest |
class |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/filetransfer.test |
EntityReferenceFormTestCase |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/tests/entityreference.form.test |
Test for Entity Reference form. |
ViewsLayoutsTest |
class |
core/modules/views/tests/views_layout.test |
Tests the interface for adding, removing, and moving blocks. |
CacheExampleTestCase |
class |
modules/examples/cache_example/tests/cache_example.test |
Functional tests for the Cache Example module. |